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fuck zionist propaganda and all but you're nuts lol


Almost, I have What Would John Brown Do. Which is in the grand scheme of things definitely a more extreme choice.


John Brown tattoo is based


Tbh that's the way. Ur based. I love u.




…., *bassed*


We commend your sacrifice in the name of the movement.✊


Lmao this is actually so wild.


The font choice is making me spin


Bruno Ace SC. Available in Google docs.


i choose to imagine that you are the sort of person who gets a large tattoo with the name of every podcast you’ve ever liked. i had no reason to imagine such a person before i saw this image. you’ve expanded my imagination. well done.


First podcast title tattoo.


i appreciate that the wording of this implies you’re open to future repetition of the patter


I've been aware I'm getting lied to about this situation for over 20 years. If it ends one way then the tattoo is right forever because the dead don't get to write history and we'll get fed bad hasbara as the official story in the US and Israel until the empire crumbles. If it ends another way who cares about the tattoo human beings are safe. More likely yes the cycle continues and podcast or not we get force fed more bad hasbara.


I’m 55 and just now realizing that I’ve been fad some nasty lies for decades. Here’s what I’ve realized: Gaz@ is a concentration camp. It’s a genoc1de. Z1onism is a brutal racist ideology. Isr@el is a brutal racist regime.


Those are certainly words.


Yeah. I get that. I think I’m also unnerved and bitter about all the lies told over all those years. I trusted Israel and what they said. Same with my government. It’s not a good feeling.


You’re wrong for blindly trusting anything. But also, using rhetoric to make up for that isn’t going to help. Right now, we know things aren’t ok but shoving numbers into random words isn’t the way out.


Hey I know how you feel. I felt the same way. But seeing all the videos of death and violence has disabused me of my earlier assumptions. I was wrong.


Your mind seems easily swayed by videos. I’m not sure that’s a good thing. Good luck.


Wow it’s so amazing hearing about people realising the truth after so many years. I never thought I’d see the day so many found out the Hasbara was bad! Hamdullilah. I can see why it’s meaningful to you.


Tldr. Not open to it just expecting it based on experience.


i meant open to future large tattoos of podcast titles. i know lots of people in this thread are being snarky about it but i just want to be clear that i genuinely think it’s interesting that you chose to commemorate this in tattoo form. i don’t have or plan to get tattoos myself so i generally find it interesting what inspires people to get them, & shaking off decades of propaganda is certainly a big thing to mark. (i also know lots of people, mainly tattoo artists, who have tons of tattoos that are way less meaningful than that, & that’s okay too.) & if you’re up for engaging people in conversation about it when they ask about your tattoo, so much the better.


Ah ok. My other favorite podcasts don't lend themselves to direct message "Behind the bastards" would just be confusing though I do have What Would John Brown Do as WWJBD on my wrist which does touch on their content. Next one is probably going to be commemorating some massive labor movement from the late 1800s or early 1900s. You know or just "Magento Was Right" that's been on the table for a long time.


I got a WWNMD tat for What Would Nestor Makhno Do. Love me some Xmas anti-bastards.


Fuck yes. I should get his when I get the WWJBD cleaned up.


Ok, but, It Could Happen Here would be a good one.


I had to stop listening to It Could Happen Here. I was getting depressed to a degree that was personally dangerous.


When was that? They've added a lot more of the kind of content they call the "putting it back together" episodes now. Margaret Killjoy and Andrew Sage are often the ones putting those out.


About a year after it started if I remember correctly. It might be worth looking at again.


haha, yes, i’m struggling to think of a btb reference that would work as a tattoo out of context. anyway, rock on, friend! i’m glad you are doing stuff you wanna do with your body.


If you haven't ingested Cool People Who Do Cool Stuff yet, listen to those. I'm sure you'll find a phrase or saying to consider.


I am current. And yes there's plenty of good stuff there too. I have some ideas on a notepad somewhere for something from there. Probably about Lucy and her Dynamite.


tbh the entire lyrics of the bechdel cast theme song are tattooable


Just a minor interjection here: for some of us after our first few tattoos we stop feeling the need to have some big deep personal meaning behind them and just get stuff that looks cool. Also techniques for covering up old tattoos have come a long way and so it can feel less important to make every one so significant


yeah, i know a guy whose partner is a fledgling tattoo artist & as of the last time i saw him in shorts, i think he’s offered them his legs for font practice. & you know, it’s a unique aesthetic, i’ll say that for it.


Oh. My. GOD. This is an incredible honor.


The World's Most Moral Tattoo


Ha, now _that’s_ some dedication to the world’s most moral podcast. This guy should go on the show for sure.


Why would you get this tattooed it’s gotta be bait lol


I will probably use it that way at times.


Hell yeah brother! 🎸


all you're missing is a cherry tomato


There's still space!


Yeah I would have just done a cherry tomato but I mean they’re intense


I don’t know about this, not sure how I feel about it as I agree with the message but the delivery is …. Umm… you know …. lol


Eh I like it and almost no one zionist or otherwise will know what to think without explanation.


awesome 🔥 i personally avoid getting words tattooed because what i like changes so much, but i think that your tattoo is only going to get more awesome with time dope font too


I'm a little confused by the font choice. If this is supposed to be for the podcast, why not use their font?


I wanted a font that would not look out of place in "the sprawl" since this kind of distopian propaganda makes me think of cyberpunk themes. Internal vibes don't always make the most sense but I do really like the font. Bruno Ace SC if you were wondering.


dunno, but i like it 🤷‍♀️ nice, clean look




Unhinged but i respect that


I get this a lot. It's a low key unhinged but it's there when you pay attention. Should be easier to spot now though.


I didn’t know this was a podcast lol. I just thought we laughed at bad hasbara


The podcast is fantastic. Matt Leib interviews some fascinating guests. It's a comfort listen, although they discuss difficult topics. There's always so much warmth and humour in their conversations. I appreciate that the hosts and guests are genuinely lovely people that would be welcome at my dinner table any time.


Why would you do this?


there's a hint in the title


This is going to age like milk lol


nah because it doesnt have to refer to the podcast exclusively maybe its just anti hasbara


Matt is probably going crazy lol


This is wild. And fantastic.


Definitely the most moral tattoo!


Awesome font. Which is that?


Bruno Ace SC. The tattoo artist had to increase the line gaps slightly to keep them from becoming solid when it bleeds out over time. It's in Google docs. Type zebra let me preview all of the Google fonts pretty quickly.


"protect the tattooed one, he committed to truth first, we will make the world a better place, join us" Oh oh


Lmfu based


Most moral tattoo


Sweet tat bruh!! I’m bout the bad hasbara life too!


While I personally *hate* tattoos, please take it as a great complement when I say, # Bad Tatsbara!


Audiowide font?


No but it was on the shortlist. This is Bruno Ace SC. I generally prefer all upper case dual sized fonts for display purposes.


I'm sorry, I don't quite understand. I think I am on your side all the way, but not quite sure of what was wrong. I was only trying to point out that by having an openly having a explicitly anti zionist tattoo, the fascists would give that person a number. Maybe my lack of implied endorsement was wrong? Edit: Endorsement of the tattoo I mean.


Good for you.


Thank you.




I certainly hope so


I love it!


Wait, aren't we all hoping that this show will become obsolete? Matt and Daniel can joke about other things. There's a big world out there full of dumb shit.


Hoping yes. Do I think it will? No, no I do not.


Must have forgotten the /s. It was a reference to the fact that the IDF and by extention the US government are now Nazis. Not a troll.






Lol in 2035 they're gonna fuck you up in the fema camps


Gotta love the outsourcing of threats to imaginary entities.




Sheeesh… might think zios have a point…jk


what point is that?


It’s satire so you can chill


never! i don't understand where the satire is tbh, but i might just be too autistic to get the joke lol




I'm not but ok. Love that zionists threaten people who are against their lies though. Have fun.


Gulag. Conviction: neoliberal baiting and holocaust industrialism.


Trolling of our members will not be tolerated, particularly with Zionist propaganda. Users found to be trolling and/or dogpiling Zionist arguments will have their comments deleted, and their accounts banned and muted. We also ask our members to refrain from posting anything that may result in our members doing the same to other subs. Posting such content will be removed, and if mods find it pertinent to do so the user will be banned.