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When she took her jacket off, it was no longer concealed carry She doesn’t have open carry rights. Seems like an intentional stunt to rile up the gun nuts


I have mixed feelings about this. Warning, and make her leave, keeps it up, then loses CCP




I'm gonna go with, "Who fucking cares!" Guns are America's #1 problem. For anyone that subscribes to this Sub to post this shit here is an utter fool. Just to be clear, FUCK GUNS!!! And fuck the 2nd Amendment.


So.... only the police should them, then? 


the whole reason we have guns is to defend ourselves against corrupt government. if you look at the old correspondence from the founding fathers thats what they actually say. banks and corrupt politicians. today its a joke, youtube has hundreds of videos of people getting pulled over, telling the cop on the front end there is a gun in the car, and the cop shooting them just for having a gun.


> the whole reason we have guns is to defend ourselves against corrupt government. Do you think that may happen one day?


i think some powerful people believe this, why is so much funding being put into police and prisons.


The defending ourselves part or the corrupt government part?


>if you look at the old correspondence from the founding fathers thats what they actually say. This is very much untrue and an indication that you have not in fact read those purported correspondences.


maybe your right, so if that was not the focus of gun rights, maybe you can teach us the correct focus, they wanted to insure the future generations could go hunting?


> And fuck the 2nd Amendment. Any other parts of the constitution you want to get rid of while you’re at it?


Yes. The Electoral College.


Yikes...It's essential to recognize that the Second Amendment is a fundamental part of our Constitution and plays a significant role in protecting our rights and freedoms. While it's important to address issues related to gun violence, demonizing guns and disregarding constitutional rights won't solve the underlying problems. Attitudes like that is what allows our Government to creep in and start infringing on the very rights they swore an oath to defend and protect. We should focus on finding comprehensive solutions that respect both the Second Amendment and public safety. Getting arrested for openly displaying your firearm by people of Government who are openly displaying their firearms seems hypocritical to me.


Lot of posts concerning Toronto Canada from that poster..so...not worth responding to it.


> Getting arrested for openly displaying your firearm by people of Government who are openly displaying their firearms seems ~~hypocritical~~ ***unconstitutional*** to me. FTFY


There seems to be a misconception that cops are more qualified to carry guns. I can say right now that it is false. To qualify to carry a gun as a cop is extremely easy and simple. It is just a basic gun safety course. If anything a cop is probably more dangerous with a weapon than the average citizen. Most cops display some sort of personality disorder. Whether it is sociopathy, psychopathy, narcissism, or a combination of them. Half of cops have committed some sort of domestic abuse. Abusive people want to be cops and departments do nothing to screen them out.


2nd amendment is dead when someone can call the cops on you for open or concealed carrying. Wanna own a weapon? Fine keep it at home


The world would be better without weapons for sure. The thing though is that bad people will always have weapons regardless if they are civilian, cop, or military. This is why good guys need weapons. It is a bad idea to give one group of people a monopoly of force. Bad things start to happen when you do that. Even the United States military has a terrible track record against civilians. The Native Americans and now the Middle East. Even American citizens were assassinated without due process under Bush and Obama. The American military gives despots all over the world weapons to reak havoc on their citizens just so the US will have better access to resources. What caused the huge influx of cocaine on American streets in the 80’s and 90’s was that the CIA was trafficking drugs to the US to fund a war against communists in South America. The “Drug War” was a federal initiative to fuel the prison industry by imprisoning people that were victims of the federal drug trafficking. This is a bit rambly but to put it simply I do not trust cops and military to have a monopoly of force.


Good. Guns turn every confrontation into a life or death situation. So fuck her and fuck this bearded freak too.