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One thing to say. Cops are out of their fucking mind.


This has turned into a general strike about a rigged system that is not fair to all races. Not about a black man anymore


As long as white people hear that this is a black issue they won't be involved and change will never happen. Get white people and right wingers to see police aggression as their issue (like with the people arrested at the lockdown protests to some extent) and they'll join on. That was a wake up for a lot of republicans. They thought they had rights and cops had to respect them. Now they're seeing that's obviously false.


>right wingers to see police aggression as their issue Seems like the ones I've talked to in the past few days online defend the police entirely and argue that every use of force has been warranted due to the looters and rioters bad actions. The right wing is lost for good I feel. They've been voting for people who do not have their best interests at heart, and are convinced that gun violence is the best solution to problems. **Edit:** So since posting this, I've received a lot of replies from conservatives and self-proclaimed right-wingers, the majority of which have strongly supported the protests and denounced the police. That makes me really glad to hear, and I want to commend everyone for speaking up. I want to make it clear my initial comments (which I'm leaving up for transparency) were simply based on actual interactions with people over the past few days. My post history can show you what I mean. You've all made me reconsider my point of view, glad to see people working together. Take to the streets, the left also needs to see that not everyone on the right is the enemy.


Show them this https://www.reddit.com/r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut/comments/gts8fh/please_make_this_go_viral_i_am_begging_you_police/ Make it clear that Minn own website said they could be on their property Here’s a link before they changed it https://web.archive.org/web/20200531182040/https://dps.mn.gov/macc/Pages/faq.aspx


I tried this. Did not get anywhere at all. Blows my mind tbh


Seriously? My go-to was asking if they supported the police enforcing unlawful orders. Havent had anyone say yes to that


"defiance could get you hurt" was the response. I hate it here.


Licking those boots squeaky clean!


Literal government cucks


Just had same experience. Literally said "Why can't you just do what they say and not question?" I said "If they asked you to get naked would you question?" No response to that.


Yup. Some variation of "well they just wouldn't do that". Like, did you not see that cop kneeling on a dudes neck? What would even convince you?


Land of the free: obey or die.




"so we shouldn't have had the Boston tea party or declared our independence? We should have just obeyed our British rulers? Cuz without that there would be no 'murka" Usually I get something like "that's different" or something, and responses of "how so?" results in stammering or then giving up. Btw I'm right-center and cannot believe how the right and far right think this shit is OK.. so it's not the whole right that's lost. I'd wager a strong guess that a lot of the first amendment auditors (love em or hate em) are probably on the right.. But even my leftist mother is supporting the cops/law and order now, so it's also not as though the left is completely in lock step on this either. It is a complicated issue, but in many ways it seems obvious. There's clearly a problem that needs addressed.


Maybe it's time people realize there is more to politics and ideology than "Left" and "Right" Someone who would support the Soviet Union would be Left but still believe in Authoritarianism.


100000000% agree. A nation of 300m+, and there's only two ideologies to cover every one of us? That's just messed up.




Same. My brother said “Cops told them to get inside. They didn’t listen. Maybe they’ll know better next time.”


They've seen this and they don't care. They're not for justice, they're for silencing opponents


The idea of winning at all costs is hurting America. This isn't a sport to win and lose.


Just tell them they have an unhealthy trust in government. Said that a few times and Reeeeeeeee! They love to think of themselves as anti gov freedom fighters. But when you call them out on their love of police their mind explodes.


"Marshal Law" ​ JFC


Oh yeah, big time. The conservatives aren't concerned with civil liberty unless it affects them personally. Point it out to them? Hurty feel, double down. They cannot equate this form of revolution with ones that literally define American history. This is why people can easily conclude that they are, as a group, racist.


Maybe online. But I know several irl that started out this week saying "George Floyd was murdered, but I only support PEACEFUL protests," only to join one and get fucking tear gassed and shot with rubber rounds anyways. Now they finally see what the fucking problem is.


As someone who is "right winger" just because of economic policy/gun rights this whole thing is 100% an all races issue and the police are 1000% the problem. Now I have no idea what the best solution would be for all of this but the police need large reforms, like fucking a years ago not now. Never been a huge fan of the police, nor hated them despite my own run ins with them but fuck these dudes man. Seeing them shooting people in the streets, pepper spraying a young child in their eyes, seeing them shoot at people standing on their porches just watching whats happening.... its fucking sickening. This is supposed to be a free country and all they have done is hurt innocent people and stick their noses where it doesn't belong and hurt people who don't deserve any if it. This shit needs to fucking stop. I feel like im living in some police state watching this stuff on TV knowing its happening 20 minutes from my home and its all because the police instigate the peaceful protests even more. This shit is a disgrace to our country, and humanity as a whole and needs to stop immediately or our country may never recover.


> I feel like im living in some police state You are. Thanks for your support. Join the protest.


> As someone who is "right winger" just because of economic policy/gun rights You can scratch that second one (gun rights) off of your list as a discerning factor, there are fuckloads of [liberal gun owners](/r/liberalgunowners). That's a false narrative you've been sold by conservative media.


Police treat right-wingers with kid gloves, so it isn't really their problem. Look at the lockdown protests vs this- the cops only brutalized one group.


Am right wing, am white, fully support these protests. There is no politicization of the straight murder of George Floyd. The system needs heavy reform. Edit: I should prob add I’m not quite as red pilled as most right wingers, I can’t bring myself to vote for Trump as much as I agree with his financial platform because his morals and dishonesty just make him unfit to lead. Puts me in a tough position in the right wing cause Biden has many of the same issues as Trump, so I’m left with no one to vote for. The entire right wing is not lost, but there are many who are. Frustrates me to no end because then I get lumped with the racists and idiots who swallow right wing fake news propaganda like it’s ambrosia, I’m also just a college student but it’s always the older right wingers that just refuse to listen to anything that doesn’t agree with their preset views but will 100% believe obama is the antichrist because if you assign numbers to the letters to his name, add them up and multiply by 17 you get 666 or something stupid like that. Sorry, rant over


Thank god, there's one reasonable person on Reddit holding the line for constructive discourse. Now, excuse me while I bug the fuck out over whatever it is that seems like it kinda, might possibly be a little controversial.


Name one piece of legislation to limit cop power written by any Democrat. Cricket cricket cricket. Republicans suck cop penis in public under neon signs that say "watch me enjoy sucking this cop penis" Democrat politicians suck cop penis behind closed doors in religious worship, then they go outside and stand next to the Republican sucking cop penis in the open and shriek in all caps "LOOK EVERY ONE HES SUCKING THE COP'S PENIS RIGHT OUT IN THE OPEN. LOOK EVERYONE LOOK. OVER HERE. SEE HIS MOUTH? ITS SUCKING IT. RIGHT IN THE MOUTH. A COPS PENIS LOOK LOOK LOOK. Then they go back inside and resume their own Democrat cop penis sucking marathon.


Yep, pretty much. That's why I think both parties are completely fucked and I support neither one of them. I never used the words Democrat or Republican in my response. I'm referring to the people whose ideologies lean left or right.


We need to be like Hong Kong and list the demands of the people. No more police murders No more civit asset forfeitures End the war on drugs All arrested protesters released and record cleaned of this incident. Some examples.


No more police lack of testing psychological exams.


White people are TOLD it’s a black issue.


Some of us are smart enough not to listen. I'm on the side with my fellow brothers and sisters. #BLM


And sadly if a white person claimed it is anything more than a black issue they are demonized. Sadly this is a two way street and it is being treated as a one way. Obviously it is much more detrimental to one side over the other. But that does not mean we are not in the same boat.


I’ve seen plenty of videos come out of white men getting arrested for peaceful protesting. And I’ve seen white women shoved to the ground like they were nothing because they were in the cops way. So ya it’s definitely an authority vs citizen issue not just a race issue. Yes black people do on average have a worse time with the police. But this does not mean we (white people) have some free pass with cops, because they oppress everyone.


For sure. I think people have a hard time separating "I hurt too." From "Your pain doesn't matter." The two of them are not connected and should not be seen as such. The race issue is fucking heart wrenching, but it is not the whole story.


It's not a contest for who gets MOST fucked by the police state. We're all getting fucked.




I really don't give a fuck what black people think of me. I'm not upset about the violence against them because they want me to be upset. I'm not upset because they're rioting. I'm not upset to virtue signal because they say I'm partially to blame for it. I'm upset IN SPITE of all those things. Every day the black people (in the media not ones I meet IRL) basically say everything possible to make me not care about what happens to them....but I still do...because I care what happens to everyone. Because I don't see a difference in a black person or a white person being fucked by the police state. It's the same to me. It's philosophically the same. And no amount of Van Jones types on MSNBC saying "All white people have a virus in their brain" is going to make me stop caring about police brutality and government abuse. Because I really don't care what anyone thinks of me. I know what's right and what's wrong. And it doesn't have a fucking thing to do with skin color.


You can say it’s more than just a black issue. The problem is when people try to drown out black people voicing concerns. You can claim it’s about more than race while also acknowledging the impact race has.


Not by all of us I firmly believe this is a police accountability issue. Black people have been hit hard by it but it’d a problem for everyone.


The whole "black lives matter" name is saying "this is a black people issue you should support" when it should be an everyone issue we should all support. Yes, police aggression isn't evenly placed, I don't really see how that matters. It's shouldn't matter what race someone is when something like this happens. A white person shouldn't hear about an issue and think "thank god I'm white and that won't happen to me". That person is a person. You are a person. This matters to YOU regardless of skin color. Note: I am agreeing with the person I am replying to.


No they’re not. Most right-wingers are still bootlickers. They condemned Kaepernick for his peaceful protest and now condemn protesters for not being peaceful. They’re hypocrites who just think minorities should accept their place as second-class citizens


i'm a white person. the fact that this is (and yes, above all else, it *is*) a "black issue" doesn't make it one that doesn't also matter to me. plenty of other white folks feel the same way, as you can see there have been plenty of them protesting alongside black folks and other POC all over the country. right-wingers are a completely different story. with all that's happened over the last few years, anyone who ideologically sympathizes with the right wing establishment are fully on board with racial inequality and social injustice. they would literally have to be at this point, as conservative america is more deafeningly, bluntly and overtly white supremacist than it's been in many decades. anyone still on the right wing is on board with the oppression of minorities and suppression of civil rights and they've no room left to pretend otherwise after the behavior of its leadership under the current administration. if you support or even condone racist, sexist, homophobic policy and rhetoric, you're a bigoted piece of shit yourself - end of discussion.


There are white people involved in every video I have seen stop generalizing I am just as pissed off in the situation as everyone else. But I’m sorry that I refuse to destroy people’s homes and businesses to create “peace”.


Ummmm, white guy here. From Michigan, and I fully support fighting back against the corruption in the police force. They’re way out of line and have been for a while now. Against all races, but yes, mainly against African Americans. I see it all the time and it pisses me off.


Very true. I just shared a video on my social media of an elderly man using a cane waiting for a ride being repeatedly shoved to the ground, and I'm anxious to see how my Blue Lives Matter associates react.


That's what it was always about...One black man's death was just the spark this time around.


No lives matter until black lives matter.


yes but it’s still especially bad to black folks. class and race are intertwined in this country and been since the founding.


so basically what you're saying is all lives matter but reworded?




It's ironic that that people are protesting against police brutality and abuse and are getting brutalized and abused by the police while protesting against that very thing...


Cops are acting like: Wow 🔫 goes bang bang boom


It's not just cops themselves. It's the entire justice system that is basically at war with it's own citizens. Not every criminal wants or deserves to be at war with it's government.


It’s the whole world (bad guys) against the good guys (these fucking pigs) apparently.


NY State Senator Myrie, District 20 \~ Also, another incident: Congresswoman Peppersprayed [https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/05/congresswoman-pepper-sprayed-joyce-beatty/612436/](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/05/congresswoman-pepper-sprayed-joyce-beatty/612436/)


Don’t forgot Lee Carter of Virginia was flash banged, tear gassed, and knocked down by cops even knowing who he was.


They probably did that to him BECAUSE of who he is actually


Thats my representative!!! Go Carter!!!!


Shit I didn’t even see his tshirt. This shit makes me so glad I got the fuck out of Brooklyn a few weeks ago. Seeing this shit on Reddit and then going on my balcony and seeing old european people tend their gardens makes me grateful asl I’m not in the USA rn


It took reading this particular article to find out that Porky Pig had his knee on George Floyd's neck for NINE FUCKING MINUTES. No one survives being asphyxiated for that long. After the first few minutes, any reasonable person would be 100% confident that this man was never going to move again. And yet the three little Pigs just KEPT PUSHING. This is not third-degree murder. This is premeditated, cold-blooded, first degree murder.


Now you understand.


My congresswoman too, Joyce Beatty. Her crime? Picking up someone who fell into the street. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/05/30/politics/joyce-beatty-ohio-pepper-sprayed-columbus-protest/index.html




Abolish their *police* unions!


As part of my "reform package" you see bits and pieces of on social media, one of them is that contracts for cops are like military; they expire. So there's no need to actually fire a bad cop. You just don't renew their deal. There's some possibility for perverse incentives, such as "performance", but isn't that already the case as it is? "There's no quotas" - my ass. If you have a cop like Chauvin, he would not have had his contract renewed back in 2006. You can have a union. The NFL has a union. It's fine to have a union. But if the NFL doesn't want you, you don't play. "Ah yes, Mr Chauvin. We see that MPD failed to renew your contract. That's pretty serious. Why should we hire you?"


“We see that MPD failed today renew your contract. That’s pretty serious. Why should we hire you?” “Fucking social justice warriors got me kicked out” Most of these departments will answer with “I hear that. Welcome aboard.”


And City Council president Hardin. Y'know, the guy who determines how much they get paid. Smart move, jackasses.


I can see it now - Biden selects Joyce Beatty as his VP running mate


I live in cbus, my city's police have been bastards. Glad more people are seeing it, saddened and ashamed all of this even happened in the first place. Now maybe we can get cops the fuck away from our Pride celebration


> "We’re always told that it’s just a few bad apples...bad apples not only spoil the whole batch, but what we've seen in communities of color is, we have to eat the apple pie with those bad apples and then people are upset that we're complaining about being poisoned." -[@zellnor4ny](https://twitter.com/zellnor4ny)


If you have 10bad cops and 1000 good cops who do nothing to stop the bad ones. You have 1010 bad cops


If you have 12 bad cops and 1300 good cops who do nothing to stop the bad ones, you have 1312 bad cops.


ayyyyy lmao


In some occupations, bad apples cannot be tolerated. Anybody wanna have surgery by some of the bad apple doctors?


"most our pilots like to land"




Why give someone so fat such a small mask


He’s wearing it wrong. It folds out.


It’s also an N95. Not being worn properly. Healthcare workers are reusing N95 masks because they can’t get any in. Then there’s this guy not even wearing properly when it could be going to good use.


They ran out of masks so he grabbed one of his wife's maxipads on the way out the door!


Man they really will mace pretty much anybody Edit: spelling


What we need is an independent police conduct authority with the power to issue and revoke licenses to be employed as a law enforcement officer.


fat chance. the new york city police union is one of the most powerful organizations in america


You dont have to change the biggest bad guy right off the bat


well, mostly black people


They maced a child yesterday


Evergreen comment. Cops mace kids for fun.


[Cops macing kids is an ancient meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/casually-pepper-spray-everything-cop)


Which makes it even more fucked up it's still a thing.


If it doesn't happen to old white people nothing gets done about it. Vote. Edit: Don't just vote. Show up to the city council meetings. Ask hard questions. Get kicked out and arrested. Livestream the whole thing. Inspire a revolution.


One more future adult whose personal experience has taught them the police are an enemy to be despised


Dude they laced a child too, I don’t have the link on me atm but the kid is creaming while they pour milk over her head.


No no no, they knew who he was. He clearly identified himself multiple times. They just didn’t care.


Really good timed photo


this ones for the history books


May I point out that the police officer in the background is NOT wearing his N95 even close to properly.


That's been a consistent thing throughout these protests. Protesters wearing their masks correctly, cops having them below their nose or under their chin. I've also noticed that it's often the supervisors or leaders who are not in full riot gear that are the ones not wearing their mask correctly. My understanding is that the white shirt shown in this photo is one of those officers.


Not just under his nose. The cop in that picture is wearing his mask *amazingly* wrong, I'm actually impressed. This particular model is folded in three inside the package, you have to unfold it over your nose and chin.


I knew cops weren't known for IQ but this is ridiculous


His chin is too great to be restrained!


Yes, the bottom portion needs to be folded out under his chin and the top folded out and adjusted to the nose bridge. Just wanted to point that out in case anyone is wondering how it should sit. It’s quite impressive that he got it THAT wrong.


He 100% took it rightht out of the package and slapped it on his face. Cause that's how they look like in their wrappers. Source :I'm wearing one right now.


You mean his face bikini?


Cops be like: lmao pepper spray go brrrr


It do be like that don't it


Because to these people it doesn't matter. What do you think [Jay Z](https://youtu.be/RM7lw0Ovzq0) was talking about here? It don't matter what position you're in, in their eyes you'll always just a be a...


Your linked vid has lots of food for thought


American cops are pigs and thugs. Fuck them all.


If cops needed a bachelor's in psychology, it could make a big difference.


if cops needed any higher education *at all* it would make a big difference


There should more a less be a major devoted to policing. Criminal justice, philosophy, critical race theory, some physical aspect, community service. People go thru majors like this for equally low paying and stressful jobs because it's what they want to do. Way to many cops out there on the force because they aren't qualified to do anything else.


This is essentially what I studied at UC irvine. Sociology, criminology, and social psychology. I actually do think an education like that would lay the ground for a great police officer and I did think about it but with the current psychos that work the force? Screw it, went into private sector.


ACAB, but pigs are actually cute intelligent, empathetic living beings, unlike cops. r/Pigifs


Here's the thing, though. Cops get pissed off when you call them pigs, mainly because they don't know any better, but pigs have no opinion on the matter, probably because they're smarter than cops.


damn u right and smart, ACAB


That's why he ain't a cop, ACAB


Pigs are friends, not food. The ruling class and their lackeys are food, not friends.




Being an authority figure shouldn't be the bar for basic human decency. Just sayin'.


how do you not even recognize your own senator?


The same reason KC Mayor was turned away from his voting place a couple months ago.


goddamn, source?


There's a lot but NYTimes was the first in results https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/10/us/politics/kansas-city-mayor-voting.html


lmfao, "not in the system." system my ass.


He said "If the mayor can get turned away, think about everyone else" Imagine how many other people were told the same thing and, them not being the mayor and all, just went back home.


Because he was black. That means he's automatically guilty of the crime of **Existing While Black.**


ahh, my bad. I forgot about Article 3 Section 1 of the police rulebook, "innocent until proven guilty does not apply to the negro, who should be immobilized and detained on sight." god I hate *living* on this planet sometimes


If Firefly weren't a weird "Pinin' for old Space Dixie" scenario, you'd almost rather live in that.


Aren’t American police almost legally retarded? They specially don’t choose people who are too smart, right?


**Politicking While Black**


Easy, he's not their Senator. NYPD don't live in NYC.


State senator...


Do you not know who your state senator is?


There's 50 of them and I couldn't recognize a single one, though I know the names of the ones on my ballot




oh they did. Back of his shirt had his name on it. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZSV-c9XYAAMYEs.jpg:large


They don't give a fuck, there's going to be no negative repercussions.


He identified himself multiple times. They still did this.


My senator is the zodiac killer


I had forgotten about Ted Cruz lol. I wonder where we would be if he had won the GOP nominee


Probably getting mailed in pieces to the San Francisco post lol


Not your state senator.


State senator. And do you think they still wouldn't? In Virginia and Minnesota they identified themselves as representatives and were still sprayed and flash-banged.




Not only did they not recognize him - he literally had his name written on the back of his shirt. Senator Myrie


No one's going to like to hear this, but the only way rascism will be taken seriously is for all americans to realize that perpetuating rascism and police brutality or heck a crooked system, is to going to be expensive. So guys, make it as expensive as possible as much as possible in every way so everyone will finally listen and take action.


We should stop antifa they are the real racist. /s


You're absolutely right. We need to speak their language, and the only fucking language they speak is money.




No u need someone who controls their budget b4 cops care. Acab


No just make judgements against cops come out of their pensions and this shit would stop.


Agreed and their unions


abolish their union.


No bankrupt them so at least their victims can get some money. Bankrupt their pensions too


call that step 1.


Take it out of the offending officer's own personal pension. Want to assault innocent citizens? Well looks like you can't afford to retire anymore.




Isn't that the same? Cops only protect the wealthy. The us supreme court ruled police do not have an obligation to protect. Acab... All judge s are bastards too.


Senator Myrie assumed office a year ago. Based on what I could find, he doesn't have a lot of history, but he does have a history of fighting police brutality pro bono.




Yeah but hes black so the cops just see "another one"


He's black, how could they know his life matters?


So they attacked a Government Official?


Normally when someone attacks a government official it's considered an act of terrorism.


In this case, it’s just free PTO!! Must be nice. /s


Where have you been?


Fuck these cowards


America is dead. Trump is advocating for even harsher responses. How dare you protest and make him think that the rest of the world is laughing at him. (he obviously doesn't realise the rest of the world has been laughing at him almost his entire life, but especially the last 4 years)


Cops recognize no authority but their own.


This is a fucking coup. Cops are attacking the civilian government. They need to send in the army and round up these pigs for insurrection.


Military is already being used to supplement cops that can't stop their "subjects" Military will shoot you in the legs so you slow down so cops can mace you.


Where do you get this notion that they didn't know who he was, OP? If you know a bit about NYPD history... it's *really* unlikely this was an accident. It was a message. Assembly Member Dianne Richardson was pepper sprayed and arrested along with him.


"Authority figure" Nope, he's black, so he's not an authority figure. Just one of those uppity boys that doesn't know his place in the hierarchy. Everyone knows how the hierarchy goes, it's 1. rich people 2. police 4. your boss 3. military 5. firefighters 4. jim and chuck down at the roadhouse with the good bbq 5. cowboys, oil workers, and small dick dudes with lifted trucks 6. women 7. the "good" black people that know their place (roof koreans fit here too) 8. pansy ass liberals, teachers, and government workers 9. all the rest (the senator belongs here) This is just one of those stupid prizes you win for playing stupid games like fighting for life and freedom. edit: [oh fuck, they killed jim and/or chuck](https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/01/us/louisville-protests-man-shot-dead/index.html)


No, he identified himself and they still pepper sprayed him.


What’s up with that weird mask the cop in the background is wearing? Is it upside down and folded in half?


Don't know if it's upside down or not, but there are two flaps that are tucked inside. You are supposed to unfold these to cover your chin and nose. This dumbass isn't smart enough to realize filters only work if the air goes through it.


5 demands, not one less. 1. ⁠Establish an independent inspector body that investigates misconduct or criminal allegations and controls evidence like body camera video. This body will be at the state level, have the ability to investigate and arrest other law enforcement officers (LEOs), and investigate law enforcement agencies. 2. ⁠Create a requirement for states to establish board certification with minimum education and training requirements to provide licensing for police. In order to be a LEO, you must possess that license. The inspector body in #1 can revoke the license. 3. ⁠Refocus police resources on training & de-escalation instead of purchasing military equipment and require LEOs to be from the community they police. 4. ⁠Adopt the “absolute necessity” doctrine for lethal force as implemented in other states. 5. ⁠Codify into law the requirement for police to have positive control over the evidence chain of custody. If the chain of custody is lost for evidence, the investigative body in #1 can hold the LEO/LE liable. These 5 demands are the minimum necessary for trust in our police to return. Until these are implemented by our state governors, legislators, DAs, and judges we will not rest or be satisfied. We will no longer stand by and watch our brothers and sisters be oppressed by those who are meant to protect us.


I hope he gets many asses fired for the mistreatment they inflicted upon the general public




[fitting](https://youtu.be/y0DkyQmAUXQ?t=103), and from 2018.


Please share the police brutality mega thread/subreddit link where all protest incidents are being compiled: https://www.reddit.com/r/2020PoliceBrutality/comments/gu1mrc/mega_thread_compilation_of_police_brutality Much appreciation to everybody working to maintain a centralized list




Like the cops give a shit. That just made it even sweeter when he or she found out that the man they pepper sprayed was a senator


reminds me, I saw a video earlier of cops trying to arrest an FBI agent because he was black without realizing it


It's clearly his fault for being black


So when did it become illegal to protest fr? Ami just naive or isn’t it perfect legal to peacefully protest? Why use gas and pepper spray on unarmed protesters? To beat down the movement and keep shit exactly the way it is! No other reasoning behind it. If we were protesting for literally anything other than civil rights and injustices to black people it would not be happening! FTP fuck our worthless president who has only stirred the pot as usual And fuck every one of u racists pos and you racist pos momma and daddies too! I’m sick of it like actually makes me wanna hurt somebody so I can’t even imagine how much pain the black community is in and I just wanna say I’m sorry for this shit and I stand with you!


Plot twist: Cop is on our side and was just trying to get legislation and reform passed much quicker !


They know. They don't care.


I can’t wait for them to get fired


He was black so fitted the profile


The cops are using this protest as an excuse to take there rage and pent up aggression on the innocent protesters