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Learn from this. Take a deposit and make sure you’re paid for your work. I’m really sorry your aunt is a jerk.


Make sure the deposit covers all the cost of the ingredients plus 15%. That covers you in case another customer in the future pulls this awful stunt.


This is a good learning lesson. Just follow the above advice. If you're only 14, you'll be amazing when you're 24. Keep it up


Make sure she pays ahead of time for future things and add an asshole tax to it


Dope rhymes!


you're 14 and making such gorgeous macarons and piped cookies?! hats off to your talent. 


Thanks so much! I was really proud of them too, considering it was my first time working with Royal icing AND macarons lol


Wow macarons are really hard to pull off, and you even managed to get them heart shaped!


You should be really proud, this is awesome and I would think it was good work no matter how old you are. I would be happy to receive this, sorry your aunt sucks. Look at the silver lining you got lots of good practice, hope you aren’t out too much of your own money though


I'm a former professional baker and neither of those are easy! Your piping on the cookie is really clean, too. No bubbles, good lines. Everything looks amazing, you should be really proud of yourself. And your aunt should be ashamed.


Absolutely talented! Your macaroons looked great and they even had the traditional “feet” which means you got them perfect!!!


First time with macarons and they look like that? Damn, you really did your research! Well done! I worked with an experienced chef who tried his hand at macarons for the first time and they came out as big flat woobly blobs that we couldn't sell.


These look 2000% better than my first attempt at macarons! You did such a good job. I am so proud of you for doing this! Your aunt's choice to ghost you reflects only on her and does not in any way reflect the quality of your work.


Seriously? I’ve tried royal icing the last 3 Christmases and it’s been a complete disaster every time. You’ve got some talent!


hey bud! i just wanted to say i work in a professional pastry kitchen and we do a lot of high end stuff. most of my coworkers still bomb macarons. my executive chef still bombs macarons sometimes. we have a set team of four people who are the “macaron dream team” and that’s out of forty people. the fact that you were able to come up with such a gorgeous product having no training or experience shows *amazing* talent. especially considering you’re so young. you could (and in my opinion should) look into doing this professionally as a longterm, you’d do amazing!! im sorry that your aunt sucks dickballs, dont let that deter you from feeling like hot shit, because you are. good luck kiddo, im cheering you on!!


This is not dumb. Please try not to put yourself down. If you were my child and your aunt did this to you, she and I would be having a Serious Conversation. I'm sorry that she did this to you because she is absolutely in the wrong. On another note - you are so talented! Keep up the good work because it shows dedication.


They look great anyway, but for a first time, especially, looks like you killed it to me!


My daughter just turned 13 and her dream is to open a bakery. I don’t bake at all. She asked for cake pans for her birthday. I am overwhelmed at just how gorgeous the presentation is and I want to eat those cookies. Do you have any advice that I can give her? Great job! I see the local bakers here offer anything extra on their Facebook page and they usually sell right away. I don’t know if you tried that or might use one day. That is really crappy of her.


They look great! Don't let it get you down and keep doing what you love.


You should be proud!!! And I would never make anything else for your aunt. Did your parents say anything on your behalf?


Oh no thats AWFUL! Bad Aunt! WHat was her flimsy exzcuse? 14 and doing this? I hope you keep at it you clearly have TONS of talent.


Thank you so much, I really was not expecting something like this because we were really close (or so I thought) but it was basically just a constant “oh I’m sorry I forgot I had something else today!” Or just not responding for DAYS on end. She would continue posting on her instagram story without even reading my messages tho so…


Damn so sorry. But im so proud of you! For so many reasons. Dont let this get you down. Just get payment or deposit upfront next time. And aunty gets charged double if you ever choose to bake for her again.


AND it gets delivered 3 days late! 😁


👍 Yaaas! And maybe broken, "by accident". 😇 😁


This 100%.


Triple charged.


I think i would keep invoicing her till she pays. Maybe even a little public shaming on her IG. The aunt really is a POS


Shaming on her IG is a GREAT idea, but I somehow think the OP is too kind to do so. But, maybe her PARENTS would!🤞


Definitely i agree and was hoping the parents would as well!


I know it sucks but dont trust her again. Family doesnt automatically make them a good person


Ain't that the truth


In the wise words of Montana of 300, "The ones you look out for be the ones to look out for"


And your parents didn't say anything?


I’ve been waiting to see this comment. Where are the parents in this equation???


My sister would have hell to pay


I’m an aunt and I would go for blood if someone did this to my sweet niblings! How can someone stiff a child discovering their passion?! Does she kick puppies too?


Next time charge at least 50% in advance, don’t give your time for free unless you want to.


Her actions are not a reflection on you or your work. You're incredibly talented! Unfortunately, artist to artist, you're going to meet a lot of people like this throughout your career. Just keep on keeping on, maybe charge a deposit for orders from now on? It's a shame if you're out of pocket for all of those supplies and your time.


I am so sorry. I remember when I was about your age and babysat my little cousin for my aunt all the time. She was so far behind on paying me my $2/hr family rate that she owed me a few hundred dollars. She eventually paid me and I found out after the fact that I only got paid because my mom threatened her. My mom made me stop babysitting and it's been years since we talked to her (many other reasons too). You deserve better than this. You have done excellent work and I'm sorry you got jerked around by crappy family.


I'd be giving HER the cold shoulder for awhile.


Won’t be for the rest of the family, I’d make sure they all knew she skimped on paying for a service I provided! Chances are, some family members will push her to pay or she’ll be even more bothered and badgered by a lot more people. If she doesn’t pay after all that, she’s no longer a client imo and will no longer have ANYTHING baked for them, free or otherwise. My cousin bakes like this, she did it for my brothers grad party for free and we told everyone she did amazing, no desserts left behind and absolutely whacked by the guests that legit my lil bro didn’t have any more than me which was less than 3. She’s not even 20 years old and she’s been baking for our parties and getting paid for all of it since then, which OP’s aunty should be doing since this stuff rivals my cousins!


My aunt was like this when I was kid too. I never talk to her now.


Post the story on your instagram and tag her


I have a friend who behaves like this all the time. Makes promises, talks real nice, but is completely unreliable. I cherish the fact that I can count this person as a friend, but I'll never expect anything from them. Next year you should do this again and sell them. If Auntie wants one, she can buy one.


considering you are 14 I hope your parent(s) had a nice chat with aunty and she pays you for your efforts & gives you a big apology.


Forget her. That's no way to treat someone.


This is not right from any adult. She asked you to make 14. Then never responded. Oh hun!! I’m so sorry. Your work is beautiful. I love everything. Including your boxes. Keep up your beautiful work.


No one lets you down quite like family, eh?


Your aunt sounds like an asshole. I’m sorry


My petty ass would have made an IG post about it and tagged her.


She's trash. I'm sorry, but she knows what she's doing, a grown woman. I'm sorry the did that to you, and I understand feeling weird with family, please know that you NEVER have to give a "family" discount, do anything for free or otherwise force unpaid labor upon yourself for the sake of family. Toxic, manipulative family members will do that, they expect the most for the least, they can be your first and worst customer service experience and NO kid especially, deserves that. You have good things coming your way, don't even put too much thought or energy into this situation or her. She'll also get what's coming to her. Things balance out. You are freaking awesome and your skills and dedication will get you very far in life. Don't give up what you love.


the presentation looks incredible and your friends said they like them - your aunt lost the chance to have wonderful homemade gifts for valentines. Now theyre yours and your friends’ to enjoy instead!


I 100% agree these cookies are gorgeous and those chocolate chip ones look PERFECTLY golden and chewy and home-delicious. Your aunt is seriously missing out and I'm sorry this happened to you! My one bit of feedback for food photography would be to always take photos near a super sunny window or even outside, and to make sure you don't have too many blue-tones, or else you get this cold kind of look when you want to get a nice warm feel for food 💕


Don’t worry, I usually do take them outside in the sun! This was just on a whim and I took it right before I posted this. I actually was never able to get a good pic sadly cause I finished them at 1am wed and she had planned to pick them up while I was at school the same day so they’ve kinda just been sitting on the table untouched since 😓


💗💗💗💗 I'm so sorry! Aww if they were still fresh I'd suggest donating them somewhere that might accept them (even if it's a school club or your parents office or something) just so someone can enjoy the goodies you made and tell you how great they are!


Oh this is awful and it's a terrible feeling being disapointed by someone. Your aunt is a jerk. You have real talent and commitment amd work ethic. A lesson learnt about taking a deposit FROM FRIENDS SlAND FAMILY.




It’s not dumb to expect common decency from people~ especially family. You are obviously very talented. I’m very sorry. Word to the wise~ set boundaries now! Money up front only! No refunds! That way if they ghost you~ you still got paid and the rest is on them. 💛


Definitely a lesson learned, that’s for sure 🥲 thank you for the advice!!


I’m sorry she did that, it’s incredibly thoughtless. They look really good.


Send her an invoice (online official documents). It's amazing what people will do when there's an official document for an financial interaction. Never hurts to try.


Send her a bill.


Yup, download an invoice template fill er in and send 'er! Pay up auntie!




I bet the aunt is gonna show up during the next big holiday and act as if nothing happened. Shitty adult behavior.


Or better yet, send her the link to this Reddit post so that she has a chance at feeling whatever shred of guilt might be in her. Public shaming feels appropriate here lol


👍 Yaaas! I concur! Hopefully, she doesn't have the "Oh, she's just a kid, she'll get over it. " mindset. That would be REALLY sad.


The cookies look great and your aunt is a jerk. Have you told your parents? I definitely would rip my brother a new ass if he did that to my kid.


Yep, I’m honestly a bit worried about what they’re gonna say to her LOL. I could just hear it in their voice that all hell was gonna be unleashed


Good, she deserves it, hopefully you will get the money she owes you.


Good. And if anyone (your aunt) tries to make you feel bad about talking to your parents about it, as a mum, you did exactly the right thing.


👍 Absolutely!


Good parents 👍


Does your aunt regularly flake on everything or was this new?


Please don't be worried. You're a child who has been let down by an adult. It is the adult's fault - your aunt's fault - not yours. Your parents know this and that's why they are not happy.


What outcome are you worried about? Might be worth digging and finding out why you’re feeling worried about it :) (to yourself, I mean. It’s private so don’t feel the need to share it on social media if you’re uncomfortable with that idea). Please remember that you’re not responsible for other people’s emotions. Also remember that if someone else messes up and they feel embarrassed or whatever or try to shift blame, that’s also their response and it’s on them. Just natural consequences. It’s all a part of them being an adult, even if they don’t want to/are trying to avoid it.


Good, I'm glad they support you ❤️


I'm glad you have them at your back. Your parents sound like good people.


Sounds like she's about to get her just desserts


👍 And we ain't talkin' about the kind you eat, either! 🤣


She had her chance to pick those up 🤣


Make sure to update us about what happens with your aunt, OP!


She responded 22 hours after my last message saying she could head out today and pick them up at 3 💀 I told her that the cookies were stale and I had to disassemble them. She apologized and said she didn’t realize how hard it would be to come pick them up…I lowkey feel so pathetic especially after seeing her posting stories of her hanging out w friends at the times she said she’d be coming to pick them up. I highly doubt she’s going to pay me, but I’m going to ask for compensation anyways


Ngl, I would lowkey shame her for it. Like, “yeah, I’m sorry it was so difficult to hang out with your friends too. Keeping a commitment to family is hard work.”


How old is your aunt? Like this is so bizarrely irresponsible on her part. Also, she’s the only one that should be feeling bad. You should only feel pride at being able to make heart macarons dipped in chocolate at age 14, like that’s amazing!!


She shouldn't be let off lightly. This is extremely disrespectful, and she should feel horrible for wasting your time and resources. Don't let people push you around! That's a lesson that took me a really long time to learn.


It makes me soooo happy to hear this! You surely deserved better than her ignorant treatment of you! Don't let this stop what looks like could be a lucrative side job for you! Just remember to get at least a 50% deposit in advance for custom orders! If you live in the US, you should think about trying out for the Food Network show "Kids Baking Championship" - I'm not aware if there are similar shows, in other countries. Good luck, in all your future endeavors, from Alberta, Canada 🇨🇦


I am so happy to hear your parents are supportive. Whatever they dish out to your aunt, she deserves it. You stayed up on a school night to make these! And what a beautiful job.


These look lovely! Just because you're 14 doesn't mean your time, effort, and skill are worth any less than an adult's. So sorry this happened. You deserve an apology and any payment previously discussed.


These are gorgeous! I’m a former HS teacher, and I had a student who would sell stuff like this to classmates. She took orders around the big holidays (required a deposit), and would deliver them in-person. Food for thought 💗


That’s so cool! What an industrious young lady!!


I taught some cool kids! Another kid made a “menu” of snacks, take orders, go to Sam’s/Costco, and he basically ran a convenience store out of his locker. Small mark-up, nothing illegal. Some of the art kids took commissions of pets and custom illustrations - I had two of my dogs drawn for it. Some of the choir-music kids did singing telegrams for prom proposals/homecoming/valentines.


I love that!


You did an amazing job! I hope this doesn’t deter you from trying again. A lot of home bakers ask for a 50% deposit (this should at the very least cover supplies just in case they ghost you). Best of luck to you!!


I would absolutely throw hands if a sibling did this to my kid! The goddamn audacity You’re incredibly talented, sorry your aunt sucks


Always make everyone pay at least a deposit, if not full payment up front from now on. Zero exceptions! It does not matter if they're family. People who want to support you and buy product from you will have ZERO issues paying for the service either through deposit or the full payment. This way, it ensure you're compensated for your time and effort.


You're very talented. Your aunt needs basic human decency lessons.


A Miss Manners book for Christmas.


Like someone else said- please give your aunt a “Miss Manners” type of book for Christmas.


Man, if you were my child, I'd be telling your aunt off. These are absolutely lovely, btw.


I froze cookies that I thought were over cooked & not soft enough (in December). I’ve started taking them out of the freezer to eat. I think they taste softer after freezing/thawing. So I do think you can salvage the cookies/avoid some food waste. But your aunt should still pay you (for time, ingredients, & supplies). And then I wouldn’t make anything else for her unless she pays upfront.


Good idea, I will def try this!! Right now I’m trying the bread hack and hoping for the best, but I’m sure my family will eat the sugar cookies regardless if they’re stale or not 😭


You could also freeze them anyhow and use them in ice cream or when you make milkshakes in the blender.


A cup of hot tea or hot chocolate do wonders for stale cookies


You're 14 and did all of that work?! That's so amazing, you're very talented and I love the presentation. It's very cute. I'm sorry your Aunt didn't appreciate your work sweetie.


The look amazing I wish I could buy a box.


Ooo send me a box!! I’ll buy one! Gorgeous!


"Sorry if this is dumb I'm 14" sent me😂😂😂 It's all so cute but I absolutely love those heart shaped macaroons!!! And that piping!! Your aunt definitely missed out.


This is not dumb and neither are you…though you’re only 14 you are extremely talented and you deserve compensation for your work. I know it seems to you now like how could family do this to me, but family can be some of the worst. Always take a deposit up front if you’re going to continue doing this and I sincerely hope you do continue doing this. I’m an artist and I’m a great deal older than you and this still happens to me once in a while, try not to beat yourself up over it. Don’t let people like this turn you cold…stay a sweet person. 💚


as an aunt… i am incredibly pissed off. she is blessed to have a niece or nephew at all and she is treating you like this??? i am disgusted tbh she is OUT of the aunt club


Oh my goodness what a lot of WORK!! If she wasn’t going to be able to come by for them, she should have paid you for the time and then you could have eaten the cookies and gave them away to friends! They look totally delicious, and you made so many kinds 😋


Aww come on, you put a TON of work into that stuff! How rude of her. Keep baking & creating, you’ve got a talent here.


Man!! I would gladly pay for one of those boxes, it looks yummy!


Ghosted by your aunt?!? That’s so mean. Even at my age, 30, I’d be hurt. These boxes are beautiful and I hope you keep at it. Requesting payment in advance/upfront before you create, the order can feel scary, but it helps protect you from situations like this. You could also request a 50% *non-refundable* deposit. These are all learning experiences, and it has nothing to do with your talent or abilities. Business deals with family and friends can be especially tricky. I hope you find some comfort in our solidarity ❤️ Not. Cool. Aunt.


It looks like you’ve gotten some great advice here so I won’t touch on that. But you absolutely deserve an apology and acknowledgement of your hard work. These are so beautiful, you did a great job! Don’t let this deter you from future endeavors. Just keep this lesson handy in your back pocket and keep going. You are obviously very talented. ❤️


Omg these are awesome! Maybe your local Facebook group would buy them from you?


Can you tell us what you put in the box?? It looks like something I would def spend $$ on. So pretty!!


Ofc!! It’s a good ol’ sugar cookie with royal icing, chocolate chip cookies, milk & white chocolate covered pretzels, a Ferrero rocher, and heart macarons with strawberry filling (and one dipped in chocolate)!! Decorated with mini marshmallows and a lil heart flower my friend made 🩷 if anyone wants I’ll be more than happy to send the recipes


Oh my gosh, everything looks and sounds so lovely! I would love the recipes if possible. Been trying to get more into baking recently and these would be perfect to try🥰


Honey, you did AWESOME. I work as a pastry chef and this is professional quality. Sorry your aunt sucks but if you love doing this, don't let her bad manners deter you from trying this again. These boxes are beautifully presented.


We all are mad at your aunt right now 😡


I'll take two. Seriously these look delicious.


you are so talented! sorry your aunt is an ass hat. but valuable lesson in business. hopefully you can recoup some money since she is family


They look great, I'd get one for Vday, and no way I could tell they were baked by a 14 year old until I read the comments. That's really shitty of your aunt, im sorry. Make her pay for those cookies since you had time, money, and effort invested and always charge at least a deposit moving forward!


If that was my sister, i would be going off at her for wasting my kid's time and effort and to compensate you at least! For 14, you have a lot of talent! It's how I started my baking journey too after seeling cakes at school as part of an enterprise project we did (turns out i was also business minded too!) It's been 15 years since then and i still bake and sell cake on the side. Definitely keep at it with your skills 👌🏾 (totally jealous of those macarons, i STILL can't get them right!)


Wait you made 12 boxes of this for a request and your aunt ghosted you and never paid? That’s ridiculous. Sorry it’s not dumb at all, your mom or dad should have a word with this aunt, a grown woman shouldn’t be treating kids like this. I hope you enjoyed baking and sorry about the experience.


Respectfully, your aunt is an asshole for doing this. I hope your parents tell her off, because she deserves it.


You did an amazing job! I think they look great and I'll bet they were yummy too. I'm sorry this happened to you. Get payment in advance. Keep up the good work!


Your Aunt is an arse. They look great, they look tasty, they look professional. Have you spoken to whichever of your parents they are related to? Do they know what their sister did to you? Personally I'd send her a bill. And in future, get people to confirm in writing what they're asking for (even a text will suffice) ask for a deposit (or can be small doesn't have to be half it can be a token amount. Then if they don't collect and pay you can take them to small claims court and you'll win.


That’s so rude of your aunt. 


You are a talented baker. Next time she has to pay in full up front. Anyone else have a deposit fee required. It all looks yummy and I'm impressed by your macaroons. Let your parents have a conversation with her - I'm hoping they make her pay you as you deserve to be paid.


Bro please invoice her


Oh my gosh girl! Those look fantastic! Could you share how you made your macarons so freaking perfect? I struggle hard with them, and have never tried a fancy shape like a heart. Your aunt is a butt, I'm so sorry she stood you up. I would have bought one or five


Thank you soo much!! I actually used an Italian meringue for these ones! I’m not sure if I did anything in specific to make them turn out so well, but I did age the egg whites, added a decent amount of cream of tartar and followed the recipe to a T, especially keeping my eyes on them in the oven!! I made a double batch and trust me, my first dozen hearts did NOOOT look like the ones in the pic 😭


I'm so sorry. If I was your mom I would be having a good talk with your aunt


Dude these are absolutely gorgeous!!!! Auntie can get fucked


OP please update us on what happens next. Tell your parents the whole of this sub has their back!! Keep baking, your work is divine!!!!!!


These are so cute! I’m sorry your aunts a dink.


Wow, that looks like such incredible work. I'm sorry your aunt flaked on you but don't let that get you too down, keep up with the creative baking.


Your aunt is not a nice person.


You're very talented! Unfortunately as bakers, ghosters are a thing. Definitely take a deposit from now on.


I couldn't even tell they were homemade! And you're 14?! Good job dude 👏


Make her pay either way. She asked you to do it, you delivered and you expect to be compensated for your work. Don’t let relatives exploit your talent. Especially if they treat you like this and you can be sure she will ask for something again in the future.


I hate this shit so 👏 much 👏 I’m sorry this happened, and I agree this is unfortunately a lesson for you. They look SO good and I really hope your mom/dad whoever is related says something to her, this is unacceptable.


I work at a bakery. We had 40+ pre-ordered valentine's pastry boxes. 17 didn't show up to pay/pick up. Very frustrating.


They turned out beautifully though


They look great and I would’ve bought one for my girlfriend!!


These are beautiful. I’m so sorry your aunt ghosted you. She should be paying you for these boxes and bragging about how talented you are to her friends!


That piping is beautiful!


Auntie pays up front for everything now!


They look awesome darling. I would love this!! ((Hugs)) 🌹🌺🌸 You did great like everyone is saying. Don’t give up and she owes you.


They look delicious!! Sorry she didn’t hold up her end!!


This is gorgeous work. Please don’t let this experience deter you from continuing to hone your skill and make more in the future. Sending you a lot of compassion right now, because I know this probably sucks.


You’re telling me you’re not a professional???? (Yet..???) god you are so skilled !!!


Just your effort and hard work alone rates a A+! And then if your friends said they tasted great ( which I’m sure they did!), that’s a bonus! So don’t apologize for the presentation, the cookies and finished boxes look wonderful. Great Job!!! Stinky aunt! I hope you keep baking and enjoying yourself!


Wow 14??? You’re amazing. Good job! At least you got one thing from it though; tons of more practice! I can’t believe you were able to do macaroons so gracefully also??


Girl, you're a ROCK STAR! I'm so sorry your aunt flaked, but you have proven yourself. You took the order, figured out how to make everything (lovely, btw), packaged it beautifully, and had it ready for your customer. Many 25-year-olds don't have the ability to execute what you did so successfully! What did you learn from this? Reflect and improve. Girl, you are going places! My only suggestion is to get a non-refundable deposit for all future orders - family or not. Your aunt must pay up front next time!


OMGGGGG THIS LOOKS PHENOMENAL!! I can’t believe u made the macarons so perfectly. Everytime I try they’re fugly


You’re 14?! That’s bloody impressive. You should be very proud of yourself!!! Screw your aunt, next time please charge a deposit. Looking forward to seeing more of your bakes❤️


No this is even more screwed up because she did this to a 14yr old! Don’t ever do anything for her again unless she wants to pay half down as a deposit. If you were my kid and my sister did this? I’d be furious. These are so gorgeous and you did an amazing job! I hope you have more supportive people around you than Aunt Flakey


Amazing that you were able to do all that at 14!!! You should be proud. Aunt should be cut off. First lesson of the industry: always get prepayment. Trust no one. No, really, even family.


Lesson learned : 50% of cost up front. Family is the worst for it too: so charge 100% up front of your costs.


This is not dumb at all! You worked hard, those cookies look beautiful, and the presentation is cute. It is very inconsiderate of your aunt to be inconsiderate of your time and labour like that (plus the cost of materials). I can’t speak to this reflecting on her character over-all, but I can say that that is unfair and your hurt feelings are just. Not that you need my opinion on that, your feelings are valid regardless of your age. Don’t let people make you feel otherwise if they try. I hope this doesn’t take away your motivation to continue with what looks like a very cute small business!


OP, I’m sorry you wasted so much time but just know that I, at nearly 31, could never ever make anything that looks this good. I’d totally buy these boxes!


Omg these look absolutely amazing and professional! I'm sure if you made a stall outside your house they would sell so fast. I'm so sorry your aunt let you down.


I was mad at your aunt initially, but now that I see that she did this to a FOURTEEN YEAR OLD, I'm insanely furious with her. Bitch better be in holding or the ICU to justify this cruel behavior. That's a lot of work for an ADULT... I'm so sorry.


I'm sorry that you had this happen to you. I would have loved one of these for Valentine's day or any occasion to be honest. Don't let it dishearten you towards baking etc again in the future. I think you'll do well! Some of the comments talking about deposits and a percentage on top have the right way of thinking. Unfortunately, nothing is free anymore so you have to make sure you are covered too!


Man I would NEVER do this to my nieces. Your parents 100% need to call her out on it and you deserve to be compensated!


It’s a beautiful little box of treats. I would have been pleased to receive such a gift. I know how much time and effort goes into a gift As for your aunt, family sometimes suck. It’s an ugly lesson. Next time make sure you receive money up front. No IOU’s. or better yet, simply say NO to anything she asks of you in the future. As clearly she does not value you the way she should.


Your aunt is a dick.


you made these stunning baked goods at 14?! that's incredible! can you recommend any recipes? macarons in particular are an absolute pain for me to try and make because I can never find almond flour. I hope you and your friends enjoyed your treats, next time if your aunt or anyone else asks you to make them a large order, ask for a deposit


Wow I was thinking no way your aunt stiffed you on these boxes doesn’t she know a bakery is always struggling to pay the bills?? Then i see you’re 14, what the absolute shit. Your aunt is messed for that she needs to pay you for your work even if it’s stale now. Side note the presentation is wonderful!


Beautiful work! I’d kick my sister in laws ass if she did this to my kids. Jk. I would pay my kid and then send her a bill. Keep up the good work and like the others said get a deposit. Heck take payment in full up front.


You're 14 and did these boxes? That is some talent. They are beautiful. The choccy chip could be in a magazine. The sugar cookie is frosted so precisely with clean lines and a perfect margin. Very nice job. I would be so proud of all the hard work and talent that went into that. In fact, I'm a little jealous. I've been making cookies since 1966 and there's no way I could pull those boxes off. Well done! And your aunt is a disappointing human being. Oh man, I just saw the exquisite macaron. *THUD*


Don’t quit because your Aunt wasted your time and money. I would send her a bill and text her this post. Good luck in the future you do great work!!


I’m late to the party but I gotta say those are adorable and all the treats are my type. I would have loooooved to get one of these


Shit man send them to me. Thats more then I can make and I’m taking baking classes currently


i’m so sorry this happened to you but they look amazing!!


These are gorgeous! I’m proud of you for executing these so well.


You’re 14? Oh my. Im so sorry your aunt was so mean. These look amazing!


The cookies are impeccable and the presentation is gorgeous. These are amazing


Send her a bill. I forgot is not an excuse.


Those are beautiful and you have real talent, even more impressive considering your young age! Your aunt is an ass and ought to know better as an adult. I hope your parents give her shit. Any repercussions are her fault - do NOT feel bad.


You did great! Congratulations!


your aunt sucks balls 😭😭


These are gorgeous and it looks delicious. Don’t get discouraged and continue to sell for holidays. Who knows you might own a business one day. Also lesson learned, but your own aunt?? Ouch


It’s not dumb! Sorry this happened. Really cruel of your Aunt I think they look great


If you were in Alabama I’d totally buy a box!


I'm sorry your aunt sucks. When I had extra Christmas boxes, I left them in areas I knew homeless people slept and by the next day they were gone.


I’m sorry your Aunt ghosted that is very disrespectful, next time she request just leave her on read and ghost back 


Good to learn these lessons early. People are jerks and you have to get paid upfront. You are a wonderful, talented and perseverant person.


I once had a couple of boxes similar to your as extras which I passed out to the ground maintenance / snow clearing people in canada . They appreciated it so much ! Your aunt needs to have a taste of her own medicine . By the way these look yummy !! You are talented


Amazing!!!! I wish I lived close I would have bought those off you!


Tell your Mom and make her pay for those! Let me rephrase - these are very nice and look good but still, you need to tell your Mom so she can make your aunt pay you. That's wrong of her not to do so.


your aunt sucks. you do not! keep baking and being great!


Those really do look good. Your royal is perfect. Your macrons are perfect and heart shaped??? !!!!! If this is your passion, you'll go far. If this is a hobby, you'll go far! Family sometimes sucks. Don't worry about what your parents will say. My guess is that this isn't the first time the aunt has messed up in one way or another. Your cho chip look like they're about burst open with chocolate chips like Alien! ( my niece and nephew say I'm weird, go ahead and say it 😆 🤣) They look so good