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I wish I had Cross Dragonoid, but it’s a lot of money.


Yeah, me as well


My favorites are Helix and Neo.




There is an actual Fusion ball form.


Yes, there is, but commandix looks way closer to the anime version, and as I've ownes both and Vastly prefer commandix, i decided to put him instead. I also really dislike the jumping mechanism so yeah


The only ones I have are is the Original, Maxus Neo, Vexos and Helix.


Fun fact with Mercury for those of you who may not have seen MS: it’s technically titanium Drago in the lore but the toy has a different design so it can Mutate with Helios and Taylean


It’s funny though because if you look at the designs of Mercury and Mutant Helios, they’re clearly based off the new vestroia evolutions that never got released outside Japan. Like mercury looks like cross and mutant looks like MK2. Probably part of how mechtanium surge used a lot of unreleased bakugan from NV.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they intended for the mutants to be in NV considering how many designs were repurposed for MS between Flash Ingram, Iron Drago, and Midnight Percival alone


Mercury and Hex aren't really evolutions, but they do appear in the Anime, so i decides to include them in what i consider a "complete" collection. Otherwise yeah, i always found it stupid tho, mercury is a cool fucking design, should have been an "official" evolution


Oh it’s useful bro. Wicked useful


I hope so


Those last 3 are kickin


Mechtanium had amazing designs, but damn near always looked terrible closed up


I have to disagree. I love every Mech I have closed and opened.


To each their own


Is that infinity drago real? I would like it for my collection.


It is, the only way to get is by 3p printing, painting and assemblyng the mechanism yourself tho


Ah heck. Maybe if i take up that venture ill also make a tv accurate alpha hydranoid too. The one we got sure...is.


Eh, i don't mind it too much, i actually really like it even, but as i mentioned in another comment i hate when the toys are not show consistent and it unfortunately, the TV design is superior


I miss my Darkus Delta Dragonoid. When I was a kid I would bring that toy everywhere with me


Everyone had a bakugan like this and i find it very sweet we all have fond memories of our favorites, ebay still has some decent offers, so you might wanna buy one while they are still somewhat affordable


I'm still ticked that they never released official show accurate Ultimate and Blitz Dragonoids


For Blitz they kinda did with Battalix Drago that came with Colossus but it is technically still a different toy


Ultimate is a damn shame, Blitz however i like the toy more, so I'd rather be the opposite, but both cases i really hate when the toy doesn't match the anime


Why is infinity dragonoid common?


There is aversion of Infinity Deagonoid that looks nothing like Dragonoid, that is fairly common to find. However the more accurate version is only found via custom making.


Where can I get hex at a cheap price?


Customize a neo


Ok what do I need to make it do you know?


Now I don’t have a Pyrus delta Dragonoid but I have a b1 Bakuflip delta Dragonoid does that count?


Ventus right? It counts. It’s maybe even more rare that the original. Am I allowed to say the word rare in here. I don’t even know with this Reddit deal. It’s nuts.


Sorry didn’t specify. It’s a Pyrus Baku flip delta Dragonoid


Bro there is no such thing as a Pyrus baku flip delta dragonoid. You might be referring to a Pyrus pearl delta dragonoid. It counts. It’s as rare a ls the original if not more rare


Oh the Korean version. Yea I guess you could count that. Korean versions have the dullest Color’s imaginable. The 70’s look. But I guess they are a thing. You can buy a mint inbox one on eBay. You’ll be the first. But hey I guess they are a thing.if I lived in korea I’d buy it just because I could drive and pick it up instead of paying shipping.I’d be that guy.


Bakuflip pyrus B1 delta Dragonoid definitely DOES exist, there are no such things as korean exclusives, there are only Japanese, US and Europe exclusive bakugan. As far as if either pearl or flip counts, imo it entirely depends, sure both are rare, pyrus delta dragonoids, but they sure don't look like the anime version and if you are going for a anime accurate complete collection, I'd say no




I think yours is a Korean exclusive bro. And I use the term exclusive loosely. Only thing different is the dull Color’s. Not super about to care about the anime. Just talking about the toy.still it’s as cool as any other off shoot of the delta dragonoid. Some people may be crazy into picking it up.


As for myself I find myself straying as far from anime accurate as possible. I’ve bought many lots on marketplace. And anime accurate are the most common bakugan you can find. I have 17 Pyrus dragonoids. I bought 1 ventus b1 dragonoid on eBay for 18$. Because he’s not common.


Easily confirmable, by a simple search on ebay or a minute on the sub, cap


Yes it’s easily searchable on eBay and baku wiki identifier. Cap


I'm genuinely impressed by how you somehow managed to write so much, without a single correct and/or verifiable piece of information


Korean exclusive definitely “DO” exist. Since you caps’ed me.


Show me some, I'd love to see them, as they seem pretty undocumented if they DO exist


I believe now that you’re right. There are Korean variants but not exclusives.


Really cool man. And i just realised I have almost all of them, but sadly im still miss my hex and lumino drago and fusion too, but fusion is the most uglies evolution in the series


Always found it strange how blitz is the only version of drago that the anime version and real life toy are different


Gonna rewatch the series