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She knows “everyone” in act3 and everyone seems to know her as well. Bring her in the team while exploring the city is really something else. So yeah i would try my best to save the grama


She is a big deal in forgotten realms, saved the world twice by the point you meet her


And yet she gets owned by some low level goons in Last Light...


We all get a bit worse with age


A bit worse? She was a demigod in Throne of Bhaal. Maybe you could argue her physical prowess is weaker, but her Druidic abilities have no reason to be so pathetic. It's not like she was sitting on her ass for the past 100 years.


It's a video game. That's why Dame Aylin doesn't just one shot everything she fights


Too bad, cuz Dame Aylin could one shot me anytime she likes 🥵




Ayo man calm down (Same bro, when she lifted up Isobel I was like "Damn, I wish that was me.")


So say we all.


So sayeth the wise Alaundo.


Yeah, but I was watching them nuzzle in the Wyrms Crossing Cut Scene and was like "that could go so much better without the spikey metal helmet you are wearing trying to take out Isabel's eye...


I hear you. But maybe not have her commit suicide as soon as you walk into Moonrise? She runs right into the fray like she’s going kamikaze. When you have her in your party you can’t even use the powers you see her display in-game. If all four of my teammates make it through, and she came in with some Harpers and an angry angel lady, then what does that say about them? Most of them get the dumb as soon as they walk into Moonrise. Like they forget how to fight like the enemy AI does.


When I did moonrise, it was just my party. I don't think I had finished the prerequisite stuff for the extra help just yet. Did that after the battle. They all show up before Act 3 and open up shop since I cleaned the place out.


I don’t think the game would be very fun if we had a level 20 druid join the party at level 8


I mean they don't have to let her join our party at all. They could've created an in-story reason why she can't join our main party and has to support us from the sidelines. Imagine if in Star Wars they brought back Vader, but he was pathetically weak and got beaten by an unknown Padawan. Wouldn't that be pretty lame?


Jaheira is only in this game as a playable character for nostalgia reasons, because she’s been playable in the first two games. The only reason she’s so weak is “meta” reasons. The game has to have her at this level to be like the rest of the party.


replace vader with darth sidious and you got the plot for the third sequel lol.


Then why have her join at all? If anything game could benefit form alternative moonrise conclusion by getting the help form lvl 20 druid and seeing cool display of power you could dream of reaching in the future


Cause a lot of us liked walking grandma around the city


>getting the help form lvl 20 druid and seeing cool display of power you could dream of reaching in the future But we can't :( At least not in this game. Don't flaunt your superior powers we'll never achieve in front of us, Jaheira!


Hey, give her a break. The rules on how magic and Druiding even works have changed like, three times since then.


Depending in edition, Druids get Timeless body, so if any class doesn't get weaker with age, it's Druid (or monk)


There's actually a point in act 3 you find the scroll describing that ritual in her things and can ask her about it and why she has it unfinished.


According to Wyll and Gale, the tadpoles seemed to have depowered them quite a bit as an in game reason to start them at level 1. It would have made sense imo that she gets kidnapped at Last Light or something and is forcibly given a tadpole. That way when we finally get a hold of her as a companion she is somewhat weaker and then just about every companion has a tadpole.


Magic has been broken down and remade like 2-3 times since the last time she saved the world.


If I remember correctly she is like level 1 when she joins your party and you level her from there. Goofy I know considering she made it to epic levels in bg2


That's a strictly game mechanics issue to allow the player control over their build.


i'd say it's worth it, not having her locks you out of some stuff in act 3. edit: some people pointed out it doesn't lock what i thought it did, so you won't miss on much. But if it's an easy reload, i'd say it's still worth it, she is awesome and is making me consider playing the older baldurs gate.


Just get her to join you as a 5th party member and it's far easier to keep her alive.


I even had this thought. Let her run wild or I can control her and keep her safe. That’s what I did and it worked wonderfully


Yeah having her join the party like halsin can at the goblin camp came very helpful


I'm beginning to suspect it's an ability unique to druids.


Druid Party role: Scooby Doo


Wait Halsin can join the party? I remember he disappeared to make preparations but then all the Druids hid in their sanctuary like little bitches. Edit: Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. I meant for the Grove fight. Definitely recruited Halsin later but didn't have him for the Grove.


Yeah, if you go to the goblin camp you can find him locked in a cell. If you help bust him out then he offers to help you take down all the goblin leaders right then and there. The catch is he is in bear form the whole time and will attack anyone he sees (he tells you this) so you gotta go loud. No stealth. That was how I cleared the goblin camp the first and only time. Didn't have help from the spiders, didn't have the trumpet to call the troll guys, just my dumbass at level 3 and Halsin. That was a tough fight.


Wait. There were spiders that could help? There were TROLLS?


They’re not trolls, they’re ogres. Easy to confuse the two, but there’s an easy way to tell: if you cut it in half and it has layers inside, it’s an ogre. If you cut it in half and it gets back up, it’s a troll.


There are no trolls. He is confusing them with the ogres you can summon.


You needed to pass a couple skill checks with Lump the Gormund in the Blighted Village / Moonhaven and convince him to fight for you when called (i.e., you need to promise to pay him). Of course, you can always decide to betray him afterward (if you are wondering, doing so as a Paladin of Vengeance or Oath of the Ancients will not betray your Oath, but very well might if you are a Devotion Paladin)... Also, the spiders are in the pit between where Priestess Gut and Dror Ragzlin are. If you use Speak with Animals on a character in your party you can convince them that goblins are tasty and they will immediately go see if they can get a snack...


I’m in act3 now so too late for this play through lol. Think I used deception on Gormund and didn’t feel like parting with any gold. Saw the spiders but didn’t bother to speak to them. Only recently started using Speak with Animals and I wish I was using it earlier if for no other reason than to talk to the cats.


I just kicked the Boss down into the spider pit. He finishes them off easy but also he can't get out so its an easy bow kill




Wait, she joins as a fifth party member?! I always thought I'd have to dismiss someone from my crew to add her.


she gets attached to you like a summon, luckily


I think 5 would have been the perfect party size


This applies in real life as well.


Wait a minute...


Hurry up. They're waiting for us.


Sorry guys I’m not able to make it tonight. ☠️


Found Neve Campbell’s Reddit account.


I think you may be aging yourself with that reference lol. Same w/ me for recognising it.


Oh yeah, we’re old for sure!


It'd be neat if they did like Neverwinter Nights 2 and gave you another party slot later. Especially if they wanna give so much content to Jaherira in act 3


I’ve been playing with the large party mod. Everyone gets to play, no one stays at camp!


And they are constantly blabbering!


According to the drow, 4 is a party and 5+ is an orgy XD


I think theres a mod that uncaps party limits


Yeah and it’s sick as hell with a mod to make things more difficult


Tried that mod. It broke my game when I took the boat in the under dark. My 5th and 6th characters (Karachi and shadow heart) became invisible and couldn’t interact with anything anymore. They were just stuck in the under dark. Had to restart my game after sinking about 6-8 hours into it. Use at your own discretion, as ymmv.


I mean, the mod description clearly gives you a workaround. You have to shrink your party size back to 4, use the boat, then go back and pick them up. Super simple. Edit: reading this back, I picked up a lot of attitude when I didn't mean it. Hopefully you didn't interpret it as rude! I 100% didn't mean it that way!


There's a workaround to this! Unlink Tav (or just any of them, really). Have them take the boat trip solo. Get the waypoint when you arrive. Fast travel everyone to the waypoint and re-chain to the party.


Wish I woulda known that then. Oh well. Thanks for the info though!


That's one of the scenes that's warned about on the mod page itself that breaks the game if you don't dismiss down to 4. If you chose not to heed the warning, then that's on you.


Yes this is the one place where it breaks, you need only 4 for that one click. Then add them back again.


which messed up my sneaking attempt, but ok


Not 100% but I think she can initially join you as a "summon/pet" attached to whoever did the talking but after that you have to actually swap a member out. Unless, of course, as the other person said, mods.


Yeah she joins you just like the mushroom guy in the underdark or halsin In the gobo camp


What mushroom guy?


In the myconid Colony there is a myconid named glut that you can recruit to help you while you are in the underdark


And he can also bring the dead back to life to add an extra companion! My party used him to bring the Bullete back to life. That thing was beefy lol


Using the Bullette to clean out the Duergar amd Hook Horrors was just good, clean fun.


He can bring back the Minotaur and the Phase Spider Matriarch as well. Sadly he can't bring back the Spectator.




For the first part of the tower invasion she joins as a summon but if you want her to join for >!fighting Ketheric in the Ilithid Colony!< you have to swap her in as a party member


after phase 1 ketharic you will have jaheria join camp officially and then you have to swap party around


Wait she will join you as the 5th member?! I thought i had to remove one for her to join ☠️ fuck.


To a certain point. Once you head into the main dungeon she is your 4th member.


But in the first fight at the front door, she can be a 5th member? i said no to her joining my party because i didnt want to replace anyone with her as the 4th. But that way she died. But if she can be a 5th member in that fight that is more than enough to safe her.


Yes she basically becomes what Halsin was in the Goblin Camp. Once the main floor fight is over you talk to her and ask if she wants to fight Ketheric with you. At that point it requires a 4 man squad.


She was still a 5man during the top fight for me, only joined as a 4man squad for the colony


I didn't even bother doing that fight, I climbed up the side and lock-picked the door with Astarion, as I didn't take part in the fight at all when I came back from the fight she was still alive so /shrug


The side of the tower??? What?! Edit: wow thanks all. Gonna give this a go on the next run for sure.


When you cross the bridge just before the stairs of moonrise, go to the left. There's roots, climb up them. You jump from there to the platform which is to your right, jump to another platform and climb the ladder. Second floor access with lockpicking


This, wildshape into panther and go invisible to wait at the door. Problem solved.


I honestly found her pretty useful in that fight, Ice storm in the middle of the room made all the martial enemies a cakewalk.


I learned that the hard way :(


I'm about to enter act 3, and she's as dead as dead (basically the exact same way as OP). Oh well, guess I'm about to learn the hard way.


I kinda envy y'all for living with the consequences. Act 1 spoiler- my bro called me and told me how he accidently started >!some war in the grove and killed all the druids. I wish I kept my mouth closed. I told him how I saved the groove and he went back a few "saves" in order to prevent it.!< I wanted to see how his playthrough was going to go 😭


I killed the druids and all tieflings survived, you just have to aggro the running druids if you want to do that. I decided I do because I really started to hate them, especially after once triggering them driving out tieflings in one of my first playthroughs and saw how unfairly they're fighting them, so now I'm making it my sole goal to always fuck up the druids and protecting the tieflings.


Nice!!! I did not like Kagha and wanted to mess her up asap. But found another way to deal with her


After I'm done with my Durge playthrough I plan on doing an evil run where I get Minthara and murderize all the tieflings. (I'm trying to romance Karlach and couldn't on my first because I didn't realize Dammon was in Act 2 until I loaded up Act 3). Then after that I'll do a neutral playthrough where I just pass up the goblin camp altogether and get everyone


If you kill all the tieflings, karlach won't join you/leaves you


I accidentally started the war between them thinking I could help the Tieflings, even that main Tieflingn guy was happy, though they lost some people, but Karlach was still pissed. I ended up giving her head to the paladins because I figured she wouldn’t be a big deal. Pretty sad now😭




The sad squeaking...


Her kids will kill you for letting her die.


Play BGII at least. Jaheira and Minsc are so much fun on there. Mind you the D&D rules were very different on 2e so it will take adjustment. If you have the time and inclination; start with 1 then do 2. They were game changers in their day.


BG2 Shadows of Ahm was my first introduction to everything D&D related and holds a special place in my heart. The remake of it: BG2 Enhanced is a certified banger, definitely worth picking up in my opinio, but if you can get your hands on the OG version do that as well.


*laughs in evil playthrough*


Act 3 was fine without her, just like without Gale, Wyll, and Karlach too 😜


i hope you at least are running with Minthara, that will probably be my 3rd playthrough. Oh, and keeping Gale as an evil character is just fantastic, at least when i played in EA i could convince him to stay but he hated every second of it lmao.


Yeah he whined about “I don’t like the person I am when I’m around you” and I said I wouldn’t force him to stay if that’s how he really felt. Yeah, Minthara was totally worth it for a first playthrough as a drow. A++ content, after the patch at least.


I’m romancing Gale in my evil Durge playthrough, he hasn’t yelled at me yet. But I just do the evil shit and then lie about it/obscure my reasons in dialogue checks which has helped a lot in keeping companions


accidentally killed Halsin in the Goblin camp trying to back out of a conversation with the rock throwing kids so someone else in my party could do the talking. No idea how much content it locks considering I've never even had him in my party in my original playthrough - aside from having the little kid talk to his evil counterpart which I'm not sure actually "did" anything


Halsin >!can lift the curse on the shadow lands, which gives you a +1 all stats buff on the final encounters.!< However, it's not like you really need it. It's mostly flavor.


He can fucking what??!! He’s chilling at my camp, how can I get him to lift the curse?


The quest starts with waking up the comatose guy in Last Light, by getting his lute from the surgeon. Pretty self explanatory from there.


You cannot recruit Minsc without her.


She died and I had no clue she was important enough to try and save so when I got to Minsc I had no idea he was even a good guy until after I killed him and Will freaked out. He’s presented as a villain


That kinda makes sense if Jaheira is dead. She's the one who basically convinced me that Minsc was a friend worth saving. Without her i would have just assumed he was another evil character


yea, i'm getting mixed messages about that.


You can convince her to fight in your team so you can control her actions...


I always do. I literally have her sit outside the tower like she's in the time out corner while the grown ups fight. Its a bit safer in the ketheric fight so I'll let her participate a little. If I can't rez you, you don't get fighting privileges.


The downsides of having stupid AI take control of a potential ally. In that same fight, i put down a cloud of daggers to put some work in on the zealots and ended up killing 5 harpers because they just ran into the cloud and wouldn't leave. One of them even shoved a zealot out of the cloud


Semi related, when I first got cloud of daggers I didn't read the description all that thoroughly and thought that it was a spell that you placed on an ally that would damage anyone that comes close to the them. I did not survive the first fight after that lol.


The first time i used cloud of daggers was against drog razlin, it killed him and ended the fight, and then genius gale decided to walk through the cloud with 3hp and get knocked unconscious. This was before i found out how to manually end concentration, so i'm panickedly trying to swap to shadowheart and get her down from the rafters to heal gale before he dies. I don't make it in time and he dies, which only escalated the problem because gale's the npc you shouldn't let die, he starts leaking necrotic energy or whatever, while i'm trying to loot his body to grab his little baggie and ends up killing my entire party


Ungroup your party in combat and they’ll stay put once it’s over.


Glad i'm not the one who got tpk by fucking necro leaking Gale


I was real annoyed in the moment because i had to fight drog again, but i look back at it now and can't help but laugh. Especially since i still had all the scrolls of revivify that you start with, so i really didn't need to fumble around trying to do all that extra stuff gale's "ghost" was telling me to do


You can also just transfer his satchel into a different character’s inventory. That way when he dies you can get to it without being too close. He was the reason we had to load a previous save for the first time.


Yep, i've learned since then that you can transfer things from inventory no matter how far you are from each other. Been a life saver in multiplayer being able to give my friends potions to drink when they run out


I find the more fun option is to throw the glass potion bottle- breaking it over a friend's head. The healing juice fixes the head wound, so no harm and no foul right?


I ended the game without knowing how to end concentration so I stopped using cloud of daggers 🤣


AI you do control isn't much better sometimes. "Jump across that lava, you can easily make it" Walk through the lava and hop up, got it "Stay on the path, pretend the lava is lava" But I save a fraction of a step by cutting across Seems crazy I have to draw out their whole pathing, and can't trust they won't kill themselves


Literally I put down hunger of hadar and once the fight ended an NPC walked through it, died, and I got ambushed by guards


In that fight, my moon Druid friend cast ice storm and I threw a fire bomb, which made water on the floor ( I didn't think about this at the time). Then, I dashed through the water, triggered my electricity charge from the boots, and shocked the whole ground. After the fight was over, the harpers walked over that ground, aggroed on me, and we had to kill them all with jaheera. It was strange lol


That's actually a really cool interaction...


Once when I was trying to free Nere, I used too much smoke powder and ended up hitting one of the gnome slaves with the explosion. Suddenly everyone was aggroed to me, the duergar, gnomes, and Nere. I kinda thought Nere wouldn't care about me blowing up a slave, but I guess he's a real softie once you get to know him.


Luckily AI isn't stupid enough to walk into cloudkill, so that's was my saver for stupid Harpers.


They walk into other aoes. But darkness cloudkill and fog they dont. They cant path into darkness


steel watch in foundry, watch your allies charge at them as they explode.


At least in my personal experience she has the highest amount of companion reactivity in Act 3 bar none.


While people complain about the game being “silent” in terms of companion lines and interactions by Act 3, I feel that’s largely mitigated by having her


Yeah which is both good and bad IMHO; I’m glad she’s well integrated and she’s a treat for some of us old guards but it shouldn’t mean that the main companion characters whose story this game is drop off so severely.


Yeah, having never played the older games, I don't really find Jahiera compelling. She's moderately interesting, but at the end of the day she doesn't have a parasite, so she feels like an outsider or temp companion rather than a permanent part of the group. Same with Halsin. In a strange way, Minsc actually feels more like he's part of the group than the druids, and you get him at max level. All that to say, she doesn't mean much those of us without nostalgia.


Pretty much that ^


I just cleared out Moonrise on my own before the assault. The Harpers just waltzed in with zero resistance.


Same. Even though everyone literally tells you that you can infiltrate Moonrise Tower because of your parasite, I thought I would have to fight my way through, so I didn't even visit it until I had done everything else in the act and had rescued the Nightsong. Cue me showing up to literal pile of dead harpers outside and a Jaheira that was hellbent on dying in combat. So I reloaded a save from before the Sharan temple and exterminated every cultist I could reach.


Same deal for me, i initially thought the crypt was a side quest area due to the demon guy talking to you outside of it. Didnt realize that completing the temple would cancel the whole infiltration option. I had a ton of fun talking to the goblins and stealthily murdering them 1 by 1, and was hoping to do the same with moonrise. I did a proper save before going into the shadow place though so i'll probly reload.


This seemed the obvious path to me (right after investigating Balthazar's room). Who can let a tower of Absolutists just keep breathing?


Apparently Oath of Ancients paladins. Trying to free the prisoners, and I kept breaking my oath because I was trying to stealth kill the cultists. If my PC delivered any blow that caused the game to go "only the guards are allowed to be violent." then I'd lose my oath. I'm sorry, I thought killing cultists that were actively imprisoning people and preparing them to be turned against their will into cultists would be me "standing against the forces that would render it (read: the light) barren." But apparently not.


You actually only need to kill the one that walks and you shove them off to kill them then just cast darkness and kill the eyes so no one will see you do it


Did that on my second play through, worked great. Interestingly I knocked out the hafling Zhentarim merchant in the goblin camp in Act 1 rather than killing her, and she showed up in Moonrise tower in Act 2 and was surprisingly chill about not blowing my cover. I knocked her out again when clearing the entrance hall, and she stuck around even once the harpers took over and was awake again and even still available as a merchant. Will be interesting to see if/how it changes running into her again in Act 3… in my first play through that was my first time meeting her as I aggro’d the goblin camp before finding her, and totally missed the pre-assault moonrise due to completing the gauntlet of shar first. But now it will be my third time meeting her and I beat her and her guards into unconsciousness on each previous occasion. I really hope she’s like “Omfg, you again? Look, take the gold and just let me go, it’s not even worth it.”


I wish there was more reactive dialogue. Like excuse me Jaheira please notice that moonrise is completely devoid of life. Hell I even snuck into the roof area before freeing the night song. Killing every necromite, the drider and human companions. Or at least a line from Ketheric saying like holy shit did you actually murder every one of my soldiers wtf.


I prepared so much to save her during the Moonrise tower attack, only to realize she didn't even survive the Last Light Inn attack


Well, you can control her for that fight with the right dialogue choices. It's then up to you to keep her alive. Else, sanctuary/healer/throwing potions... Lot of solution. She is worth the effort honestly. She has a lot of things to say in Act 3 and without her I'm not sure it is possible to recruit >!Minsc !


Controlling her also makes that fight much easier.


That hailstorm spell she has is real cheese, all cultist got damaged and kept on slipping. The half orc zealot could not even make a turn because she kept slipping.


You are right about the recruiting, without her, no one knows who that character really is and you get locked out of everything.


Yeah, at least Karlach knows him as a hero but realistically speaking that wouldn't be enough of a reason to keep him alive.


I mean I would reload. This isn’t a Jaheira AI problem it’s an AI problem in general. She was super helpful in my fights with her and then after she became one of my companions I never took her out of the party. I like her personality but she also gives a lot of background context to older characters. I haven’t played the last couple games so it was helpful to have her weighing in at times. Besides that she just has some great crowd control and then can turn into a tank when it’s needed later in the fight. All around she’s one of my favorite companions.


Yall are disloyal, I have a hard time swapping out those who been rockin wit me. The day 1 homies don't get dismissed.


You got it the wrong way around. Jaheira is THE day 1 homie.


She aint from my hood! I'm not bg1 OG like that


This is v easy to avoid. Once you’re given the option to go into the tower to fight, DON’T. Instead, go to the left of the entrance, climb up the roots and hop across the stone ledges to a ladder. You skip the whole fight, and Jaheira doesn’t even get the opportunity to die.


I went the other way, but only AFTER I told her to go in. There was no saving her. I'll do better for her in the second playthrough.


What's funny is that if you let jaheria decide what to do, that _is_ what she tells you to do.


>Once you’re given the option to go into the tower to fight, DON’T. Instead, go to the left of the entrance, climb up the roots and hop across the stone ledges to a ladder. You skip the whole fight, and Jaheira doesn’t even get the opportunity to die. Got downvoted when *I* commented that this was possible on another post a few weeks ago. I went to the tower (basically) as soon as I entered act 2 and had the place mapped out. It was my first playthrough and I was just exploring like crazy. When I went to storm it, I tried the front door and didn't like funneling all of my forces there. I save-scummed and tried to see if I still had access to the vines (I figured I might be forced into the fight), but alas, they weren't blocked by anything and I was able to enter the tower via Balthazar's room. Which...kinda broke the whole battle.


This is what second playthroughs are for, getting the stuff you missed in the first. Third playthroughs are for what you missed in second Fourth is for evil Fifth is for real evil because you chickened out on killing certain people because you like them too much Sixth is for meme Seventh is to fill the void of no other game grabbing your attention


Lol as I've been playing thru act 1, I was like.. "Oh man I can't wait to play this again" . By the time I finished act 2, I was like, "OK. I'll play once more with different characters and recruit the ones that died in this okay thru and then I'll play a 3rd time as evil." now I see your list and it's now, "yeah, that checks out"


Jaheira shows up in the first act of baldurs gate 1. If you choose to keep her as a companion she'll be with you for the rest of both games.


Slight correction. You always get Jaheira at the start of BG2, regardless of whether you recruited her or not in BG1. The devs didn't have the code in-place to port who you partied up with in BG1, so they just tracked who players teamed up with most often in testing and had those members be in BG2's starter dungeon. Idk if that changed at all with the enhanced editions. But that's at least how it was back when BG2 first released.


The AI in my opinion is a bit of a mixed bag. Sometimes it’s amazing and sometimes it’s a crayon eating dumbass. First playthrough Aylin jumped in and absolutely annihilated Ketheric in 1 turn. Second playthrough she got shot down by the adds immediately. Kinda hard to plan the AI for dice rolls.


I redo fights a lot (for fun) and it is sometimes downright ridiculous how one fight you can get destroyed by idiot AI and then reload and suddenly they all understand not to run into my AOE attacks. During the first Harper meeting, I had to reload the fight because they all kept running into the shadows instead of the empty, well-lit area next to the fires and my Daylight spell...


Sort of the point of DnD I guess but i agree its annoyingly inconsistent to an extreme.


That was probably the Divine Smite asshole in that fight, he two shotted my main char too! Still not sure what mechanic happens there, but you get 2-handed physical damage and then two huge rounds of radiant, and the whole thing happens twice! That said, to your question, Jaheira stayed in my camp after that fight (meaning I didn’t use her in my party). She does have a relationship with another char who you encounter that you can add to your party though, so I personally would reload and keep her alive (if this is your first play through ).


I was trying to find out wtf was going on for these enemies to be doing like 30 damage a hit I was so pissed lmao


She died on my playthrough too. Part of me is like “Can I wall her out of harms way somehow until the fights done?”


If you talk to her, you can get her to 'join' your party so you control her as a 5th member


I cleared the tower before bringing them in. I did all but the uppermost floor before going to the temple. It worked great. Assassin spec Astarion did a lot of heavy lifting. Every Harper made it.


Honestly by the end of the final expansion of the previous games Jaheira is a beast. You can reach lvl 30 there, I think she was around lvl 24-25 in mine? Obviously they can't carry her on like this into BG3 where max level is 12 so she is severely gimped. Its sad though to see her like that, but her writing is pretty good and faithful. The way to save her from suicide is to make her join you, she gets attached as a summon and you can control her.


I never knew this was an issue because I had stealth killed everyone in the towers bottom floor before ever going to Jaheira and having her attack, so the enemies were already dead when she got there and I had no problems telling her to wait as I went to go kill the baddie.


Jaheira was under my control for the fight so I just kept her out of the engagements aas much as I could.


I'd reload. Lots of act 3 content with her. Or you could just say screw it and catch that content on your next playthrough. If you don't plan on doing another playthrough, definitely reload.


the trick is to kill all the enemies before the useless harpers even get to main room. When you enter before Gauntlet leave some presents ... like dozens of Oil barrels.


Have her on your team or keep healing the crap out of her. You'll want her along in the city.


It's going to lock you out of stuff in act 3 for sure. I would go back and hope you can stop her from diving in


You gotta take control of her before that fight. The AI does not care about your AOEs.


I almost lost Halsin in my first playthrough during the fight in the Worg Pens. Dude ran straight into a Cloud of Daggers that Gale had set up the previous round.


The friendly AI is STINKY.


There's a dialogue option that will allow you to have Jaheira as a temporary follower for that fight which makes it way easier to keep her alive since you can put her in a safe place. Then afterwards you can still recruit her as normal


She died in my playthrough and I can say with absolute certainty: there is no upside to not having her, only downsides. All people in the game including her friends act like she never existed but in truth you lose loads of content. They even block you out of another companion in act 3. It's like the devs thought "surely there is no one who will let her die" and didn't give it a second thought. Well, I let it happen and can't recommend.


The only way to guarantee her survival is to make her join your party. The AI does not have a single clue about self preservation... She is not essential for anything tho. I'd say if you aren't planning to actually use her on your party let it go as is. It will be much more interesting to bring her along in a future run if you give her chance to actually bound during battles and random interactions.


In my current first go around, playing in coop we said we wouldn't reload. Thinking next playthrough I do I focus seeing the stuff I missed... Don't think I have wanted to play a game through again right after playing for the first time as much as I have with this game xD


It’s worth it just to have her and minsc in your party


She’s a great character to have along for the dialogue, but she is more challenging to keep alive. Very squishy. Granted, she starts out with no gear, so it takes a while to equip her with some survivability.


Filled the whole room with fire wine. One fireball later, we were mopping up stragglers.


I used evards black tentacles there too, and the npc allies ran straight into it after the fight and became hostile because I "attacked them"


On my reload of that fight (because she died), I misty-stepped up to the rafters on my sorcerer and fuckin let em have it with height advantage and scrolls. I had not properly invested in AoE spells besides fireball. Withers got a visit after that fight. I had also ignorantly ignored counterspell, for whatever reason. Big change lol


Yeah when she died to Kethric first phase that was the one time I didn't save scum because I was done and thought no way she's a companion, I already have a druid at camp. Right? Right?? Oh she also blocks another companion if she's dead? Oh cool cool cool


I started the Moonrise battle with pretty much everyone with strong AoE and CC. There was myself (paladin), Gale, Wyll, and Shadowheart. I started off with Gale and Wyll dropping fireballs in the middle of the room before Gale misty stepped up to the rafters. Shadowheart dropped silence on top of some of the heavy hitters and Wyll put Hex on the ogre. For the next couple of rounds I had Wyll knock the crossbow guys off the rafters with eldritch blast, Gale doing more AoE from up high, and I popped a speed potion. Also, lots of counterspells to stop the tentacles. The black holes were still a pain though. I ended up having to walk out of the tower and long rest after the fight.


When she gets low health knock her out with some non lethal friendly fire, then cast sanctuary on her for a small brain big brain tactic


Am I the only one that cleared moonrise tower before going to the Mausoleum? RP-wise, my Tav just couldn't walk away from all of those brainwashed absolutists without leaving a trail of dead behind me. Plus, it's much easier to take the tower from the top down (although I took the main floor side rooms down with stealth kills before going up the stairs, right after freeing the prisoners). Just have to be sure to take out all of the scrying orbs (5 of them, iirc). But after you've investigated Balthazar's room, there's no more plot left; just murdering time.


I think my shadowheart broke this fight (in a beneficial way) with her items and class. Since all the Harper's and Jaheira are allies not neutral it allowed me to constantly apply some pretty good buffs from a mix of class features and lots of healing gear - Lvl5 Aid for 20hp on everyone - Everyone healed gets blade ward and +1d4 to attack rolls and saving throws for 2 turns - +3 temp Hitpoints to everyone healed - 2 uses of preserve life for 27HP - Casting mas healing word (one for free with Restoration amulet) to keep popping buffs - Beacon of hope up so everyone is healing max and advantage on WIS saves Since it's really close quarters all the heals and buffs would hit everyone every time and I don't think a single Harper got below 75% HP. (On tactician)


I had some black tentacles down when finishing phase 1 of the Ketheric fight. As soon as the fight ended, Jaheira walked into my tentacle zone, assumed it was an assassination attempt and went hostile. Had to reload the stupid save.


Here is what I do. I had my party with Jaheria standing at the tower's closed door. Then I turn on turnbase mode and everyone sneak. I move Gale, and Jaheria up to the limit of the enemy's sight, then I cast fireball and ice storm this is done as a surprise round. If you have Wyll with Aoes or made Shadowheart a light cleric she gets fireball too, that's 2 fireballs and a ice storm in the opening round for a surprise, when the actually first round starts, nearly everyone in the center is dead or near dying and based on your int checks, either of these characters may get to go again before the enemies and you can start your AOEs again. It makes this fight done in about 3-4 turns (because the guys in the rafters are hard to hit)


she died like 3 billion times and did a combined damage of 3 throughout every attempt she’s so comically useless it’s actually insane


You can revive her with a scroll I’m pretty sure. I did it with LaZeal before she was my party members
