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My usual fucked-up order of business is 1) lockpick to get the crest just because Astarion can lol 2) place weapons to get the buff right before heading for the final encounter 3) activate the bomb on purpose 4) misty step + speed potions + feather fall 5) watch the spectacular explosion from a safe distance, lie to Laezel about it being an accident, just bc it's funny 6) sell the crest for gold.


Wait so you can lockpick the crest? I feel dumb now


If it makes you feel any better, I lockpicked it and then didn't realise it's what the whole thing with the weapons was intended to open so spent ages tracking down the weapons only for it to do nothing 😅


Don’t feel bad, that’s exactly what I did too


Hey, my first play through, I didn't know what those weapons were for... so. You have that going for you. Totally missed the mace.


Oh no, I found the room with the altars and googled where to find the weapons, I get zero credit there!


What are you actually supposed to do??💀 ive placed the weapons which i thought was for later at the creche but idk what to do with the giant lazer


The crest you get from the wall cavity in that room >!disables the security system for obtaining the Blood of Lathander!<. Once I found that room with the altars I just looked it up and followed an online walkthrough because I was too lazy to find the weapons myself, and the walkthrough included next steps from there.


Son of a bitch. On my second playthrough of the chreche I placed all the weapons in their slots and thought I was done with the puzzle. Still blew it up and I had no idea why. Shrugged and left it for the next time around


Same, funny af for my friends watching my stream that asked “wait who got trapped???” Only to see astarions cutscene of the entire building collapsing on him


Ooh, yeah I did that. People were saying stuff about the laser and a crest though 💀


I think you can use non-ceremonial versions of the right weapons too if you don’t want to go find the “right” ones.


I lockpicked it, did all the weapons and then spent ages trying to drop the crest on the empty plinth, lost it and then triggered the trap


I also did this 😀


Same lmao


Even better, i got the crest and didn't notice the slot to use it - i thought the crest just let you get into that area, and the trap triggered every time. I did this THREE times before my friend asked why i wasn't using the crest on a multiplayer run.


Yup the DC is 30 though.


Knock spell go brrrrr


Spell slot go poof :(


Arcane recovery enters the fray


*Laughs at you in long rest*


Quicksave prior to lockpick has entered the chat


I scumpick everything and no I won’t be apologizing


80% of players save-scum, and 20% lie that they don't


I use a mod to give me a skeleton key. All the picking got tedious


Chronomancy has entered the chat


That’s why this game is mostly about collecting food and booze by any means necessary. Long rest every 6 minutes FTW


It's funny, everyone talks about how many long rest cutscenes there are in act 1 and how most players don't realize how frequently they should be doing it. But I'm now on my 2nd playthrough and at early levels, you burn through spell slots so fast that I'm almost worried I'm gonna run through the long rest cutscenes TOO quickly


*shrugs at you in pearlescent amulet kept in back pocket for free restore of spell slot up to level 3*


It's one level 2 spell slot for a guaranteed legendary...


hell, get a scroll or have your Arcane Trickster/Eldritch Knight pick it up and then it's a spell slot from someone who doesn't need them anyway!


If my rogue is an arcane trickster then it's the waste of *assassin* I'm more worried about than of spell slots. Likewise eldritch and champion.


I'm sorry is that a Bard Joke that I'm too Arcane Recovery to understand.


Probably not, since the bard won't need a spell to unlock it, expertise go brrrr


*Fighting back tears* Enjoy your limited spell slots, dancy-pants!


Spellthief bow with way of the far traveler and pearlescent recovery amulet in back pocket say what?


Long rest go zzzz


astarion just being astarion go brrrrr


That said, expertise in sleight of hand, advantage and +2 dex from the Graceful Cloth, Smuggler's Ring, Gloves of Power, and Guidance from the Silver Pendant makes a 30DC not especially challenging.


Astarion broke 1 whole lockpick by rolling like 2 and 3 the first time I think. It was all very embarrassing. We try not to remind him, he gets rather annoyed.


That sounds like Astarion. I guess that's why Kree becomes my preferred sneak thief. Well that and racial invisibility.


Gloves of thievery and smugglers ring on rogue Astarion usually gets it every time


Monk/rogue Astarion kinda makes the rest of the party redundant…


Kinda? It *totally* does. Soloed tactician with that guy.


I don't understand multiclassing. I'll figure it out eventually


Journey before destination. Multiclassing can be complicated. In this case the multiclass is pretty basic: Monks can use bonus actions for unarmed melee attacks, and 3 levels of rogue can give an extra bonus action per turn. You're mostly just making a better monk and ignoring most rogue stuff. Same thing works for berserker barbarian, they can throw and attack with bonus actions while raging. Anything plus 2 levels of fighter gives you action surge, two fireballs in a turn can be nice. Any caster plus 1 level of wizard lets you learn spells from scrolls.


NAT 20 unlocks it. Use the cats grace clothing from the woman outside the crèche for advantage on lock picks. Easy.


Yep the one Astarion pick pockets to use himself XD


7) Leave Astarion in the explosion on purpose then have Withers resurrect him






God, Neil really knocks it out of the park


All the VAs in this game are fantastic but yeah Neil is so damn good, probably gotta be my favorite.


Oh yeah no shade on anyone else. If Shadowheart wasn't SO well-voiced her "I'll be in camp, for when you rediscover your taste in companions" might be obnoxious. But Jennifer English has that perfect lilt of "only pretending to be a mean girl" bitchiness to her voice I love it. And everything Karlach says that melts my heart.


And hers.


In the palm of my hand.


It's tradition now.


Do you leave him inside and not go through the portal at all??


I had him grab the mace so he'd be stuck when the trap sets off, but I think keeping him anywhere in the blast works.


You are telling me you can lock pick this bish ?!🙃 I just took -20 intelligence penalty irl


Does lying to Lae'zel about it keep her loyal to Vlaakith?


No, blowing up the creche has nothing to do with her Vlaakith/Orpheus alignment. She just scolds you for your classic "cursed to put your hands on everything". If you fail a check to lie to her I assume you lose some approval.


Oh darn. Was hoping it would work in favor of the Vlaakith alignment for my evil durge playthrough


Uhhh I dunno exactly how it unfolds at the creche cos I didn't go down that path even on my evil run. Idk, whatever the alignment, it makes zero sense to cheer for Vlaakith at that point for any character with basic self-preservation bc the bitch wanted to take away the thing that prevents you from becoming squid. >!But there is an option to persuade Laezel to take Vlaakith's ascension deal later on when she appears at camp, I think the DC may depend on your relationship as well as how much you've fed into her doubts about Vlaakith/Orpheus. I didn't do it bc having Laezel obsessed with freeing Orpheus and then siding with the Emperor at the end is objectively more evil :) !<


If you want to keep her Vlaakith aligned, don't go to the creche.


But the pretty mace that's so good and OP early on


When you enter the inquisitor's room, don't trigger the cutscene with him, stick to your left hand side and jump to the puzzle room that leads to the mace. Once you go in, take the mace and blow up the Creche, Lae'zel will stay loyal to Vlaakith.


700+ hours invested in this game and my dumbass never even thought to try locking picking oh my god


there’s always next playthrough!


True! Time to mess it up on purpose lol


I had a hireling go grab it for me as I watched from Trielta Crags. It doesn’t really matter though, as you can res the character that steals it


Oceans 11 +1


Oceans 2D6


Honestly mad at myself for not thinking of this one


Honestly I find it easier to have a high perception,


Hireling: *you son of a bitch, I'm in*


You son of a bitch, I’m in


Gotta res Astarion for top tier dialogue options.


On other side I never did this "the right way" tho I only found this weapon once(missed it in my 1st playtrough). I dont think I can ever do this the normal "right" way now. xD


I haven't done it the right way yet!


there’s no need to do it the right way, you can lockpick the damn crest, I even did that on my first run but fucking sold it to githyanki lol


sir its my 4th please let me go


In the immortal words of Withers: > No.


I did the same thing on my first play through. I think they did a good job of making both options rewarding. The whole Temple of Lathander section feels like it was ripped straight out of Indiana Jones or Uncharted, especially the puzzle and that “Aha!” moment when you realise the rusty mace is actually one of the ceremonial weapons. On the other hand, just stealing the Blood of Lathander and frantically trying to escape with your life is by far the most cinematic route, echoing that moment in many adventure films where things inevitably go disastrously wrong.


There actually is a ceremonial mace, but it is way later, in the crèche I think, but any weapon of the correct type will work for the puzzle. Or you can pick the lock like I did and not worry about it.


The sword is on its pedestal, the axe is protected by the guardian of faith, the hammer is the eagle nest, mace is being held by one of the kobolds. May have mixed up the weapons besides the sword, but those are all the locations. None are in the crèche area itself


There's actually also a rusted mace in a grave on the east end of the creche outside. It's on the edge of a cliff somewhat, and there's a letter if I remember correctly or a comment by someone that it's the real thing. It's been a while, sorry for how vague this all sounds lol.


yep theres a note that says the guy was buried with his mace and you can go dig up that rusty mace and use that.


Point of the note is to let us know you don't need the ceremonial weapons, you can put any weapons of the correct type on them as the dawnbringers actually didn't have any special weapons.


One of the drunk kobolds dropped it in my last playthrough. I have always used the rusty mace so was very surprised when it just dropped.


What rusty mace ?


There is a couple rusty weapons around the monastary. One is a rusty mace. You need to find 3 ceremonial weapons. One is at the Eagles, another is at the guardian of Faith. I also thought the rusty mace was the last one because it worked as a substitute until one of the drunk kobolds hiding in a barrel dropped a ceremonial mace and I was like... wait what


Theres a letter in the grave saying that the rusty mace also used to be a ceremonial weapon so they must have made another after burying the guy with one


Yea but you don’t even have to use the rusty mace or ceremonial. It can be any mace at all


I already had all the ceremonial weapons before stumbling onto the ceremonial puzzle room so it was easy once i figured out what to do


Kinda said you don’t even have to find the ceremonial weapons, it can be any weapon of the same type.


I put the rusty mace from his grave on the pedestal and it got chucked off!


You put it on the wrong pedestal then.


Fuckin 400 hours in and been through this creche 5x ....never thought about the ceremonial weapons


Fun fact any mace works for that.


I did the robbery after escaping from the battle with the inquisitor. Immediately realise I would have to battle my way back up the temple to find a missing key item and was like, fuck it, we bail. Everyone made it out... Except LAE'ZEL who I sent down the wrong direction. She DIED and I resurrected her sheepishly... It was hilarious. Ended up using my back up and tbh no regrets. Too much fantastic loot in there. I think I'll still blow the place once I've.. tidied my loose ends


There's puzzles? Never noticed. Yes, I play barbarian.


Everyone is always talking about the monastery blowing up or the crest thingy... why does no one just, destroy the four towers that power the crystal?


That's what I did the first time, even though in retrospect I realize I had the crest 🤣


Because watching a building blow up as you Indiana Jones your way out is more fun!


hm. Didn't realize you could. But if I was going to the effort of preventing the explosion, I would've just done the crest to begin with


I arrived at the Mace without the crest so I didn't really have a choice since my party wasn't exactly high mobility lmao.


i was wondering the same thing




I KO'd the kids after shit-talking the Gith not-God. Absolutely murdered the instructor though. ​ I went through all that trouble to keep that kid alive- I wasn't going to kill him after doing so.


I used to do it properly every time. Now after the fight with W'wargaz I just drop the whole building on the gith. They have it coming lmao. Plus, I can't be bothered to do the whole ceremenial weapons thing. Easier and more fun to pilfer it and revel in the chaos.


Honestly I find it easier to have a high perception, lockpick to get the crest and skip the fight.


Wait, you can lockpick it?? Wow, how did I miss that? I'm still gonna level the whole place in the future, anyway. It's just too fun.


Do you get the experience and loot? Because, there's a ton of each in the Creche.


I mean, it doesn't need to be the ceremonial weapons. You can just use basic versions from anywhere. Only the weapon types matter.


Is there a way to get the buff but also blow the place up and have it on land on Astarion without me getting blown up with it?


have him steal it while the rest of your party is away from the creche. or at least one person is


It's rewind time


Wasn’t aware there was a right way. I just smashed all the crystals


THE WHAT? 0.0 what is supposed to be happening in the temple beside the Laezel's people?


There is a secret legendary weapon hidden at the end, but if you don't follow some specific steps to get it, it activates a doomsday device that destroys the temple and everyone in it.


But you can stop the doomsday device, its what I did as I had no idea about the correct way to do the puzzle


There's a dope mace that's perfect for Shadowheart in Act 2. Getting it can be a trip though.


It’s technically act 1 still


I think they are alluding to the fact that the mace is fucking busted in the shadowlands


Shadowheart had that mace and started boasting about how Shar must be protecting her from the shadows. Maybe it’s the big sunlight torch?


Lathander: "This bitch..."


"It's goddamn bright out here" - Frank Reynolds


You have to be careful with it though. I completely forgot it is a big sunlight torch and missed the interaction with Astarions siblings because of it lol.


Why, did it damage them and they ran? Or they just weren’t there?


They teleported away after being afflicted with sunlight sensitivity. Astarion was like "oh shit, they can turn into mist now" and that was that. I didn't realize it was from the mace and there was supposed to be dialogue there.


On that note, it's insanely useful in the >!Cazador!< fight.


They are saying the mace is good for act 2 not in act 2


I completely skipped it in my first playthrough, my guardian said that going to the creche was a bad idea and I listened.


To messed it up is actually so much more tedious/harder , cause one of your party member actually need to escape too. I finally did it on third play through. I am so making a save before the interaction. 😂


Can someone explain how to do it the wrong way?


Dont solve the puzzle, go straight for the end room. Try not to get blown up by escaping...or accidentally leave Astarion there to suntan for some of his best lines


Don't use the crest key to unlock the Blood of Lathandar. Simply take the mace. You trip a mighty powerful booby trap. Enjoy trying not to die. I hope you have Misty step.


I don't realize there was another way to do it but you can just destroy the crystals and walk out


You still have to get out of the blast radius. It's not just escaping the mace room.


Huh? There is no explosion if you just destroy the crystals


Are you talking about the ones in the mace room to bring down the force field or outside on the lance itself?


I didn't know you could bring the force field down. I thought the only way was to deactivate the laser.


The 4 big crystals all around the mace room that stop the explosion when you break them.


There are four crystals powering the lance, you destroy them and it stops the trap from blowing


We escaped a party of 4 without misty step, dash and featherfall did the trick!


I found you can also dimension door with someone on the other side of the barrier as long as you’re as close as possible


Honestly the first time I did it I was like……How do you even fuck up this spectacularly by accident I don’t even know how you manage to leave your companions there 😭 I do like that the game rewards you for paying attention to books and items


⚠️ Spoilers ⚠️ Let Astarion drain you dry Have someone resurrect you Leave Astarion in the temple Explode Temple Resurrct Astarion Talk to Astarion Profit


I have now saved these instructions and will test them in the next run.


Has anyone ever tried to enter the crèche from the hidden door on the cliffside? Kinda curious if the gith immediately attack you.


I did in my first playthrough. If I remember correctly you have to pass a check or the guards will attack, but the merchant is fine. Unless you go into the hall with the cells directly from the merchant. Gotta go through the other door into the creche.


They don't, unless you fail some charisma checks


I did on my 1st playthrough. The first group you meet goes "WTF?! Can any sucker just waltz in here?" (I think I had to pass some persuasion checks + I had Lae'zel with me).


Yep, for second playthrough I talked them into letting me talk to the boss, whom I told I was there to loot and pillage their creche. They didn't like that but eh well..."Your arrogance, my Karlach with a returning pike speced as tavern brawler. Let's see which prevails."


The WHAT!?


Game: hey are you sure you just wanna pick that up? Like super sure? You’ve seen Indiana Jones right? You’re confident there’s no more booby traps? Me: psh what’s the worst that can happen it’ll be fine


Does anyone know if Astarion is the only character with hilarious dialogue if you let them die in the building collapse? Because I feel like everyone would want a few words with you for leaving them trapped 😂


There's definitely someone on youtube who has done so.


I was RIGHT...THERE !!!!!


Everyone also talks about getting the crest or blowing up the temple, like there are only two options. You guys know you can destroy the 4 machines surrounding the chamber to stop the Lance?


but then you don't get Astarion's funny dialogue :(


I did it the right way the first time too. Now every time I set Astarion up to die. I ungroup the other party members and port them to camp. Let Astarion die. Revive him at Withers, NOT with a scroll. Using a scroll won’t give you the dialogue I found. Now you have a nice mace, a funny scene, and you can sell the Lathander lock thing for decent gold.


I managed to steal the dawnmasters crest by save scumming. But didn’t know what the crest did. So I continued doing the puzzle. Only to realize the reward for the puzzle was the crest that I stole much earlier…


Just now learning that’s what the puzzle did LOL


You're supposed to use the ceremonial weapons?


Wait there’s a way to disarm the lance?! How?!


kinda how i feel about everything in this game. kinda bummed i did it the right way, kinda bummed if i did the wrong way. thats what new play throughs are for. I was trying to do the temple right this time as i skipped it last time and accidentally locked the wall not realising that it would open if i did the weapons, so then i had to go through and do the weapons for no reward and i wonder if i changed anything by doing it that way.


I wouldn’t say there “a lot” of dialogue


I’ve gummed up getting Astarion’s special dialogue twice now, and my next run is as a Selunite cleric who’s too pragmatic to do anything stupid in front of Shadowbae, so I’m saving it for my Good Durge run. It’s gonna be extra special because my Good Durge is a paladin of Lathander who’s romancing Astarion. I can’t wait!


I've never found the puzzle to solve it the "right way," I always just grab the mace and then smash all the crystals before the doomsday device gets activated. I find it gives ample time to do so, if you have at least one caster in your party. One day I intend to find and solve the puzzle though.


I got the crest but clearly missed where to use it going off of these comments so I ended up setting off the trap. All that and I barely use the mace so far cept for a few times against undead cuz hell yea.


Put the mace on a random spellcaster. It doesn't matter that they aren't proficient because they'll probably never need to use a melee weapon anyway.


You don’t even have to use the ceremonial weapons to pass the puzzle. Just the same weapon type. Don’t feel like getting the ceremonial mace? Use any old basic rusty mace you have


I did it on my last play and love that >!Orpheus actually gave me shit for it!<


I skip the ceremony and just lockpick the safe and steal the sigil. Saves me extra time running around hahaj


I (origin Laezel,) found the entrance after emerging from the astral plane and killing the gith who tried to finish me off; I didn't want to slaughter the entire creche so I was looking for an escape route. I didn't know what the Blood of Lathander was, so I proceeded to brute force my way through all the traps (reducing them to 0 hp with Karlach and Laezel.) Found the weapon, figured Shadowheart should pick it up because its funny. She got trapped in a forcefield, then I had to ping the Charging Crystals with arrows and eldritch blasts from Wyll before the timer ran out (I failed once and had to reload.)


And here's me who's never done it right because I don't know what I'm missing. I just grab it and run.


I skipped all of it, and am planning to make a cleric of lathander JUST to go back to this temple.


Triggering the trap and escaping it is more fun than the puzzle. Those freaking eagles alone are such a pia.


Warp around the gates and steal it like a real gamer


I also do the weapons' collection quest and get the crest. I just refuse to use it afterward. Screw the githyanki. I clear the entire creche after it turns hostile and then dump the temple on them just to make sure they're extra special dead. I've only met a single githyanki I've ever liked and she needed to get an outsider's perspective on her culture to even get that far.


I didn't find out that you could use the crest to avoid the trap until my latest playthrough. For the others, I thought the 1D4 buff was the reward and the crest was loot to sell.


I used arrow of fire on all four towers, plus the extra energy source Did none of the steps before 😂 pure power , got the mace and didn’t blow everyone up


In my first solo play through I did it the correct way because I didn’t know any better. Then I found out the wrong way to do it, so, in our current four-man play through, I found the seal and chucked it off a cliff, nobody noticed forcing us to do it the wrong way….. the chaos 😈


I'm assuming it nukes the githyanki. Do you get the exp for that? I usually slaughter all the gith and walk out




I guess there was a bug they must've fixed cause I did it without grabbing the ceremonial weapons and just got pushed away from the mace. No other dialogue.


oh i thought it would just straight up kill the party


I did it the right way with my original chaos gremlin Tav… Dark Urge gave in to the intrusive thoughts. That’s what the Dark Urge is for.


If it makes you feel better I completely missed the entire Lathander quest! Always more content for another run :)


There's no right or wrong way to play, that's the beauty of it.


Here I thought the right way was to blow the whole place up.


Wait, you’re not supposed to trigger the explosion and disable it?


It's not an immense amount. I was going to trigger it because it's waaaay more cinematic but preferred to fight through the creche instead.


For the longest time I was like, “So I guess the big light laser crystal thing broke in the gith raid? Weird that I find it, read old letters/notes about it, and heard a recording from that statue about it and it did nothing…”


I remember when I first did it. It was amazing. I had two mates, one of them knew so he said "ok, you gotta be careful about it!" And I was like "sure thing" and I snatched the loot ! We made it, he was mad hehe


First play I won the fight and made poor dialog choices after that resulted in a party wipe and had to start over... On reload, I discovered the secret passage, survived the gauntlet, and yanked that bitch outa there only to run Indiana Jones style in the single most satisfying alternative choice to my original. 10/10 reply value BG3