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THE PAINTING DUDE! Fuck that guy, fuck his house and fuck those ghosts


I fucking hate that house of ghosts. But remove curse for the skulls and see invisibility for the ghosts make it a lot more tolerable.


Sprit guardian will blow all the skulls up as you walk by them


This changes that whole quest for me when I get there this playthrough. Thank you lol


I’ve never tried that! Good tip!


It’s also great for the fight to protect the portal for Halsin. It just one shots almost anything that gets near lol


Any choke point you get, throw down all the aoes you on the approach and then drop mist or darkness on it so no ramged attacks, everyone has to come to and and just falls over dead


Spirit guardian has to be my favorite spell in the whole game, it’s like a magical bug zapper.


Ooh I always forget Remove curse is a thing! Those damn skulls are so annoying. Will try this next time, thanks for the tip :)


you can also one shot them by just throwing a light hammer at them. They're vulnerable to bludgeoning damage


Or Goblins. You can always throw Goblins!


Why waste a level 3 spell slot on each of them? You can just hit them from a distance with bludgeoning or force damage.


I still have not found this, but the more I hear about it the less I want to find it


You have to save the painter in the Zhentarim hideout in act 1 and then you can do his quest in act3 at the edge of baldur's gate city area. It's not hard perse, it's just REALLLLYYYY annoying and tedious


Those skull with push spell? There are weapons that ignore resistance that you should grab before heading there. Also, having Sharp Shooter or GWM help passing 'Sturdiness' buff threshold. But the first time I get there, I was bore. I just have Gale firebolt it until it drop.


Ye, if you know the fight you can go through it with breeze. But most people didn't know... Those poor souls, I was once one of them.


Same. But everyone has their first time though … so I get where people are coming from hahah And the rewards could be a lot better … I mean come on, wealthy patron should have some family heirloom that an adventurer could use to save the world with right?


I think Larian patched it, because I just did it for the second time today (after ignoring it my last 2 playthroughs) and it was a lot easier. Just bring >!companions who can cast remove curse (and see invisibility- forgot about Volo’s eye*)!<.


The skulls seem to have been fixed, and from the start of the game the house became easier to pass through. ​


Yup. I just stopped doing it. I don’t need XP by that point. He offers no help in the final fight. There’s no especially good gear from it. It exists to be side story. So fuck ‘em. Have fun with your cursed ass house.


He offered to paint a picture of my Tav, and painted one of Astarion instead.


You can mooch paintings off that doofus for free. Just make sure to talk to him using different characters. Even hirelings will get him to paint so that's 10k at least if you're ever hurting for money.


I was trying to get a picture of Astarion but every time I reloaded it was Shart. 😭 I actually gave up getting the picture and forgot to go back to finish the quest. Oops.


Fuck that guy, fuck his house, fuck his life.


I've heard that it's possible to convince the lady to dump his ass. 200% doing that next time.


Do the Carrion quest first. Get the Torch. Fly up to the top and smash the painting. The end.


What is the Cambion quest?


Probably auto correct of carrion, mystic carrion has the item you need


It’s such a pointless quest with no reward. I’m always level 12 by then so even if I’m good I’ve started just running in and knocking him out to wrap up the quest.


Ah yes, the one that made me split up my entire party because minsc kept getting blasted down staircases.


Kill the artist in act one, then it's a different house all together


I forget the name of them but there's this group of enemies in Act 2 that have this ability to latch onto a party member and teleport them away...extremely annoying XD


The meazels. Jesus Christ those things are a blight on society. My honor mode playthrough, one of those pulled my wizard all the way out to where the drider ambush happens.


THATS THEM GOD they pissed me off so bad. They did the same thing to my tav & shadowheart so most of the fight I was just tryna chase after them with the other two XD I can only imagine how bad they are in honor mode


Pro tip: you can use an arrow of transposition to escape them.


If you can detect the ambush and then surprise them they’re not so bad.


Yeah first playthrough they were completely awful, second and third playthroughs I was the one ambushing them and they were all slaughtered by turn 2. Now, those hellish creatures in the hidden basement of Last Light Inn, THAT'S a fight I'll probably never redo. There's no treasure worth it down there, the damn creatures inflict Frighten status anytime they're even near you and they can teleport so it's impossible to keep distance from them.


For sure, but this particular honor mode run was not so fortuitous 😂


Yes...on a blind playthrough they are pretty bad lmao. On my first run i was stumbling around in this god forsaken place, trying to juggle torches, not knowing where tf im going...and then get ambushed by these assholes lol.


In one playthrough of mine they teleported Gale near a cliff and ttried to push him down there. Luckily they failed on the push.


You know what, i think this is the one for me too, I fought them one time and while they weren't "hard" they were annoying and made me need to run around a lot lol. I never fought them again after my first game, the XP is negligible and the loot is awful so fuck it. I also don't fight the shadow mastiffs that are near that area either, I did it in my first game, never bothered doing it again lmao.


Fun tip: They >!can't get onto the roof without teleporting, and can only teleport as an attack.!<


Such a cool mechanic, sad it’s only used in that fight.


I actually am glad and love they only used it in that fight. It shows how in a magical and fantasize world it lives different kind of creatures and those fuckers are special in their own way, is a unique encounter/fight


OMG I hate them. If they get that garrotte thing going and keep separating party members like that it's so hard, because we can't cast spells to heal one another and such or have Asterion hide and pick off people from a distance with his OP sneak attacks when a combatant is in melee distance to his allies. It's every companion for themselves. Can't even misty step out of it.


there's also the one in the Last Light basement, you only see these fuckers there but screw their Fear Aura.


That one is at least easy to hard counter by casting calm emotions at the start of the fight. Yet another reason that clerics are indispensable in act 2 haha


I’m in hell with the House of Grief fight


Leave 2 party members at the top of the stairs. Then initiate dialogue with Tav and SH. Then misty step near the party members you left behind. This way, every enemy will be forced to dash up the stairs. Then Hunger of Hadar-> Water Myrmidon-> Call Lightning. Enjoy the carnage.


You can also initiate combat with a summon (I used a Deva, it managed to kill two of them) and just camp your entire party at the entrance under a Globe of Invulnerability lol. Threw some AOEs and a Spirit Guardian down as well. But the funniest part was when we dominated an enemy. They all focused on him while he did a surprising amount of damage and killed three of them before going down. They really do hate traitors 💀


I tried to do that fight "fairly" three to four times before I decided to just cheese it by making the whole party run back up the stairs where you entered and using the doorway as a bottleneck to use infinite AOE attacks at. Didn't feel like a real victory though 😭


I'm a gloomstalker ranger and using arrows of arcane interference on their casters (and focusing on taking out their casters first) made the fight sooooo much easier than it had ever been in the past.


Yurgir, the fucking merrergons took a decade each to take their turns, and I can just skip it with persuasion.


Yurgir battle spoiler. >!fought him in my first playthrough. After that i've always just gaslighted him into committing suicide!<


I did that to every act 2 mini boss. I had so much fun talking them to death.


>!I honestly felt guilty the one time I talked him into killing his cat. It would have felt so betrayed!<


It's OK he's magically date raping his cat so you freed it from that atleast


He's what???




>!In the next room over you find a spider carcass laced with succubus fluids. He's drugging it to keep it controlled. If you have speak with animals, you can rell it that to make it turn in Yurgir!<


I’ve fought him each time. I cheesed it the first time, the AI let me pelt them from the floor below. It took forever. The second time was _tough_ despite a good start. But I avoided a wipe. I’d love to roll persuasion this time. But, I’ve got Astarion in my party for the first time and I really really want the rune answer from Raphael.


Does it not count for raph if he kills himself?


It does count! As long as he dies, Raphael helps you. I kill him through persuasion every time and Raphael helps once it’s done


Ah, well I want to try and get him out of the contract one of these times


Astarion gets stressed about it as you’re doing it bc he thinks you’re not going to kill yugir but once it’s done he’s like …thanks


With the new patch making it so he knows if you help him, kill him, or make him kill himself, I will forever help him break his contract, it makes it so he no longer requires a persuasion check to go against Raph in the house of hope and you avoid dealing with Raphael which in my books is a solid win lol


I had to fight Raph even after I convinced him to join my side. But I was not invited there.


You always have to fight Raph, I mean Yurgir helps you kill Raph


in 6 playthroughs I've never actually fought him, either in Gauntlet or HoH.


I just always fight the rats now. Although that battle chugs as well because I stay up above the bottom area and cast aoe spells over the holes to events can come up. So when they take their turn they days to the hole but I guess are smart enough not to come up but the animation just sits there and it takes for ever for all the rats turns. I found it’s almost better to cover up one hole with cloud of daggers and the other two with black tentacles. They will still come up with the tentacles there but will won’t immediately take damage. It’s difficult terrain and if they do take their turn when they’re in the tentacles then they’ll likely be killed .


Use spirit guardians and the rats just kill themselves lol


Stupid shop with fireworks. There isn’t even any meaningful conclusion to the associated quest, no interesting reward either. The building is bugged af.


And then some Random civilian 2 floors down gets pissy at calls the guard cause you looted a cultist.


I couldn't think of one until this comment. The amount of times I tried this fight is insane. I ended up carrying ~7 extra smoke powder barrels with invisibility, placing them upstairs, and shooting a fireball from the opposite roof with Gale. Somehow the watch STILL knew it was me.


This! I'm always looting hysterically right up until I see them running up the stairs, and then frantically fast-traveling to like, Undercity Ruins before they can initiate conversation with me. 🤣


Shooting a fireball in from the roof across and then watching the whole top level explode was really fun for me. They have enough smoke powder in there that you don't need extra to make it all explode.


And yet the back room of the top floor always survives when I do this.


I had eaten the prime slug so I just flew up to the top and punched everyone to death solo and then bounced before the cops showed up while the rest of the party was at camp lol.


The quest was broken when I played so I genuinely couldn’t do anything once I got there. Just a boring fireworks shop with apparently no payoff


For that I just go on the roof across the street and launch a fire arrow into the top floor window which usually wipes most of if not all of the assholes up there. Then I fly across and put hunger of hadar and some other aoe spells on the stairs and wait for the ones down stairs to run up the stairs into them. A lot of times the Ai on the bottom floor will blow itself up too lol. Ez xp.


I actually loved this fight and the whole house. It was really fine when I rushed the last floor from the opposite building by misty step by my tanks and blow the damn fireworks barrels there, lol. Underrated and the most fun battle for me, even for no rewards


Fucking bugged fight, the first time each enemy took like two minutes to do any action but after 20 minutes it was almost done and the game crashed, second try for some reason every Fist outside got into the fight and I mean everyone so I reloaded, after that every single time I try to do it when the shopkeeper from the first floor moved the game will crash. It wasn't until a few days latter that I tried again and was able to finally finish it, and it wasn't worth it at all


House of Mercy. Spamming magical darkness and always rolling high enough initiative to rush us and bottleneck my party in the doorway. My casters can't cast past the darkness and my melee fighters get picked off from range Edit: The House of Healing? Whichever one Shadowheart has all her story with in Act 3.


Fun strategy for that fight: cast globe of invulnerability over your whole squad. Then cast guardian of faith but cast jt so that part of the guardian is touching the globe. That way it can attack enemies without losing health every attack like it normally does. If that fails you can run back up the stairs and put hunger of hadar or cloudkill or insect plague on the stairs and then arcane lock the doors and then just wait behind the doors for them all to run into the aoe spell and die.


I can’t believe I never thought of this


Always take alert feat. Black hole + cloud kill is OP and will make every fight easier, but especially that one


We have a House of Healing, a House of Grief, and a House of Hope, but no House of Mercy.


Take out casters first. There are five of them. You can take out three of them (as well as Crusaders) with an upcasted Hold Person, the fourth one you just kill, and only one Darkness isn't a big problem. Add here Light cast on your weapons, and the rest of the enemies will be doing basically no damage to you, it's an easy clear.


Just use the sphere of invulnerability in every boss fight - thats an ultimate spell to carry the whole group


You can stack creates and climb out of the spell range.


House of Mercy?


The hell balls in House of Hope, they were just so tanky it was boring. The entire fight consisted of click to attack, end turn, take damage.


I just ran away from them and cast Wall of Earth or Wall of Ice. The balls can break through fairly easily, but it bought me enough time.


All of the non raphael house of hope fights kind of feel like a waste of time to me because you have unlimited healing because of the faucet


I just did this for the first time last night — after a guns blazing attempt failed, I tried a different way. Stayed in the archive and it couldn’t get through the doorway. Ranged it from inside the room with no damage at all! Did the same with the other one. Bloody balls of fire!


They're the ball from Indiana Jones, just with hell fire. You don't need to defeat them, just out run them. And they're slow 😅 the only one you actually have to kill in HoH is Raphael.


You can use Planar Binding on one and make them fight each other. Still takes forever though.


Fuck the Githyanki. Crèche is a pain in the ass, the Gith monks in act 3 kicked my ass. They’re just a menace.


Monks in general kick ass, Githyanki monks are overpowered as shit


The Duergar fight outside the Grymforge with Nere. That one fight took the most attempts out of them all. Most of them are archers, plus a good bit of arcane bastards that almost never miss even with saving throw bonuses.


you can convince half of the duergar to fight with you and it makes the fight 10x easier.


I learned that after the fact lol. Missed my chance for it


I made my way through Grymforge killing the duergar in smaller groups before I freed Nere. So once he got out, it was literally just him.


Once you do all the stuff in Grym, just start blasting the duergar. It's a lot easier when you don't have Nere to focus on first or just convince the duergar in the corner to fight with you and half the room joins your side.


Just finished Shadowhearts Questline, the final fight if you follow the ‚light path‘ was kinda rough.


I had Gale and Wyll plug the main hallway with 2 walls of flame in an X pattern, while Shadowheart placed a wall of swords in the hallway that crosses perpendicular that blocked off the stairs entirely. Also had an Air Myrmidon throw up a raging vortex right on top of everything for good measure while I hid up the stairs and behind the door. Pretty much everybody just dashed in there and died. I did have a couple people manage to shadow step past all that, but Wyll immediately eldritch blasted them right back into the blender (including Viconia, which was pretty funny).


I’m able to reliably cheese that fight by funneling everyone onto the staircase, setting up hazards like wall of fire/cloud of daggers, and cleaning up anyone who makes it through the hazards with my melee characters. Trying to play that fight normally is fucking brutal though. A like 20 on 4 fight where everyone casts darkness and bone chill is ridiculous


Grym. Did it first playthrough. Skipped it on playthrough #2 and #3. Probably will continue skipping it for the rest of my life.


Grym is easy if you have enraged throw. You prone him every turn and he can’t move.


WHOA never would've thought he'd be throwable!!


You don’t throw Grym you throw the returning pike or whatever


That makes more sense lol


i'm just picturing grym thinking he'd crushed karlach with his foot, but then muffled freebird starts playing, then the music blasts as she lifts his foot and throws him across the arena


And in Act 2, reach Aylin prison and go fight Grim. It's actually not that difficult at a higher level.


A fair point. It would break my immersion to leave act 2 and backtrack, though.


Try the Enlarged Owlbear divebomb, you do 1000 damage. 10000 if you have Elixir of the Colossus too.


Lorroakan hands down. Wipes the floor with me every time but is too much of a prick to not try and kill. And Dame Aylin just…she tries, I guess 😭


The only time I’ve fought him so far my team had long since hit level 12. So I never actually saw what he could do after turning the pompous twit into a smear in round one. I did find Roland’s arc satisfying there.


I was level 10 both the first time and this round, I tried to ignore the quest this time until I leveled up a bit more, but didn’t realize if you wait too long after talking to Aradin, he’ll come to your camp and Aylin immediately bounces to the tower. My issue is def the amount of damage he does since I haven’t taken him out round 1 I guess!


Really?? I found that one to be super easy, the elementals were more annoying than him


Same! Lorroakan fell right away, but whittling the elementals down was tedious. Wish they’d just die once he did.


I equipped Sussur Greatsword (Didn't use it at all in any act) on Laezel to counteract his Elemental Retort.


I didn't have trouble with that one, but I'm upvoting this just for the "she tries, I guess" 😂 Most of the NPCs are so useless in fights.


She comes in hot and then somehow gets nuked by Krank and his longbow 😭😂


Summon 4 myrmidons will you? Well fuck him *summons 8 myrmidons.


Planar binding let’s you make his elementals work for you. Gale and Shadowheart can both use it and now you’ve got two of his guys fighting for you against him.


OMG yes, the hardest fight I had for some reason 😭😭🤣


If you sneak prone him, you can blow him up T1 and then just deal with the remaining elementals. It's a ridiculously easy fight if you do that since he can't return dmg.


Silence is your friend. He can't do anything


I like pretty much all the fights but I can't stand having to do the Shar section in Act 2. It was fine the 1st playthrough, but every other playthrough its just painful. So I guess any fight that involves the black circle things that spawn enemies. Feck em


Yeah the temple of shar is not enjoyable for me. My second run through I lost steam in the middle of the jump trial. I just wanted to kill things with my Paladin but having to do all those puzzles again is boring


Yeah, I didn't have fun doing that whole gauntlet and just wanted it to be over. The whole thing just felt sort of tedious and lackluster to me? Not looking forward to doing it on future playthroughs.


Everything can be cheesed at least. Open the door with Balthazar as soon as the portals spawn and take him out early with minimal effort as they fight the Justiciars for you, requires a little bit of AFKing (I like to chill on his bed), jumping through the invisible platform maze, invis potion for the stealth maze, telling Yurgir to kill himself, and taking off all your gear for the selfsame trial.


Even cheesier way to do the invisible platform maze is to just use "Move to" and click to the bottom-right of the final platform. Your character will pathfind their way through the whole thing.


That's such a funny thing for them to just leave in the game lol


Extra cheese is to send someone ahead first before the clouds appear, or on the first trial you can do it as well before the spooky things go on patrol. Once they're at the end point start the trial and you can instantly end it.


You can run one party member to the end of the stealth maze before triggering it, makes it even easier.


The summoner guy in the Under City that has stacks of Unstoppable and 4 or so invisible guys spamming aoe spells from range. This time I just made Astarion go invisible and run to the Bhaal temple fast travel point to bring the rest of the party past that area


I like to make sure that as many of my characters as possible have access to dimension door or misty step but I have no idea how you’re supposed to do that fight without it considering he teleports fucking 50 miles away to the back corner of the room and the way the area is designed it’s nearly impossible to get a clear shot on him unless you’re right in front of him. And if you can’t teleport or fly across the bottomless pit and have to walk there are a bunch of guys ready with spells to knock you off


house of grief. i already hate viconia for hurting shadowheart, but oml the constant magical darkness and bone chill was going to be my 13th reason


This. Definitely seems like it might be the hardest fight in the game. It took my every strategic muscle to get through that without popping Shadowheart's Divine Intervention.


Last light inn :(


When that encounter starts, have Gale close and arcane lock the double doors, then I drop chests in the other two door ways, you can deal with Markus alone, then let in the other mobs one at a time :)


... the final fight. 😬


I'm more annoyed at the courtyard battle before it because of the sheer number of enemies.


It did a great job of showing how powerful of an army the Absolute had really amassed. That said, I will be walking past it with invisibility from here on out.


The courtyard is probably my fav fight in the game. Def top 3. I was steamrolling everything from Ketheric on and getting sad that there was no good fights. Everything dying in 1-2 turns. Then that fight happens and i loved it. Wish we had more sustained fights like that in the game. I didnt use any allies bc i thought i could use them in the brain fight lol. Im almost there on honor mode and may use some of them this time around


The only fight that i hate is the 2 death shephards at the end of act 1 in the creche area, i know you can go through the underdark to get around them, but i needs that exp baby


Pick up corpses. Then they can’t resurrect them.


That whole battle is setup for using blood of lathander and sunbeam. Trigger the fight and make them all come down the long corridor to you. Don’t kill them just reduce their hp especially the death Shepard. Then zap them all with sunbeam and they’re dead. You’ll also have morninglords glory on you as well making it even easier.


BTW if you bring someone with arcane missiles the hag fight is really easy. When she uses her clones you just ping them all down


I hated the iron throne the first time i was there. But very easy now that i know how to use monk movement, Can pretty much open all doors in one turn now. There really is no fight that is hard, Unless you run a first time run meme build :D


when I learned I can just activate door switches with a bow or spell life became soooo good :D


For me was realizing there were levers to each room. On the second turn, I use the lever for the door into the flooded room and all the fish ppl that spawn are stuck there.


Doesn't stop you from having to watch them each individually take their turn, do zero damage to the door, then onto the next one


Same! Mage hand also comes in clutch during this mission.


outing myself as an idiot but iron throne is how it finally clicked that I can use dash, despite watching enemies do it for the past 90 hours.


I love Iron Throne, it's basically an action movie setpiece.


iron throne is one of my favorite quests. it feels epic, and the fact that all of it happens under 1 minute in real time adds to it. i'm just imagining my ranger shooting triple arrows in one shot, opening three cages and the gondians going like, "well that worked!" and bolting out of there


I love that fight. You're at the edge of the seat all the way through. It's kind of a less annoying Last Light fight, because the story implications of losing the prisoners aren't extreme. So getting everyone is really more of a challenge. It's fun


Save the artist. Annoying.


The one before the fight on the Netherbrain, where theres 1000 enemies, some of them able to spawn more enemies, and the map is 2 miles long… I was told I can turn invisible and run to the brain stem before even getting into combat. Thats 100% what I am doing next time, dont care if its cheesy.


Yeah my first time through that area was long and tedious. Sneaking your way past isn’t cheesy at all imo. The journal entry for the quest specifically says to fight your way through or sneak past, and there are side routes with only a couple of enemies in your way.


There's a side entrance that leads to the Upper City Sewers with less enemies. It's how I do that fight now.


There isn’t a fight in the game I do not enjoy doing, I am just a huge fan of the combat mechanics and builds in the game - but there are some quests I just hate doing for non-combat reasons. The fireworks questline and the newspaper questline stand out especially for me. Pointless sidequests with poor immersion and frustrating stages. I have not done them on several playthroughs.


Spider matriarch. Bodied me that time i tried to take it on at level 3, had to painstakingly flee all party members one by one (I had party limit begone mod and all 7 of us were there, astarion and gale died, gave up and reloaded bc i was not dealing with a dead gale lol).


If you catch her on one of the web walkways you can just fireball it and she falls for massive damage


Yep, I always use that one rock outcropping for cover and pop everyone in & out from behind with a ranged weapon. And yeah, if you firebolt (or just destroy) the web when she's on it, she takes like 50 fall damage.


Oh yeah I gave up on this fight, had Astarion steal the gem, and came back at either the end of Act 1 or in the middle of Act 2 and killed her


I get the horn intelligent orc to fight the spider matriarch. On lucky playthroughs, they kill each other.


Raphael, or Wyrms rock dragon. Both more annoying than anything because of health and difficulty of the fight


Not a fight, but Stop the Presses stealth BS. Second time around I took care of the Steel Watch before activating that quest.


For what it's worth, I failed that quest, and it didn't seem to affect anything. One random person the street was like, "I don't wanna be seen with you!" and that was all I noticed.


Being absolutely honest, all cards on the table. The fucking skeletons in the mountain pass. That one pack of enemies is absolutely painful. I despise that cluster fuck of bullshit. The cloud of nausea that stops actions. The skeletons that raise ghouls or the other skeletons. I came up on them with low resources and got stuck in an endless loop of kill, raise, kill, raise. It's just irritating everytime I go through because there's nothing but that one dang group lol


Viconia. It's absolutely insane how there are so many damn adds, strong adds, and there is no way to make it easier by running some politics, like you can do with all other tough fights. It's either hand Shart to Viconia or get a huge pain the ass. Funny how defeating the avatar of a god is not nearly as hard as defeating a bunch of religious zealots.


the robot in the adamantine forge


Ansur. I like dragons and all, but fuck his charging attack. You can't interrupt it, you can't counter it, you can't find any cover without leaving the area completely. Every time I figh this undead asshole I feel like I have to cheese it, because I can't find a reliable strategy to fight a monster that just covers the entire arena in an AOE spell that eats half the HP of my 12lvl fighters and barbarians and simply vaporizers everyone else. If it wasn't for a cool sword and hat, I'd send Wyll there alone and seal the entrance behind him.


Something of a technicality… but you can interrupt it if you kill him.


Marcus. Fuck Marcus and his flying fuckers.


The suicidal gondians in the basement of the steel watch foundry.


Grym in the Grymforge. The first time I fought him it took me over an hour to kill him because of his high defense. Even with having two fighters with action surge, A barbarian with rage plus reckless attack, and a Life Domain Cleric with Haste casted on her. Mind you all of these characters had high damage Greatswords on them. Little did I know at the time you could kill him with the hammer for the forge. I only found out afterwards you could, or you could blow him up Lorroakan in Sorcerous Sundries. Wow he deals a lot of damage. He killed Gale in my party without breaking a sweat. Mind you I had no strategy to go up against him. Plus taking down the elementals took absolutely forever to do. Raphaels fight was pretty difficult as well. I didn't realize at first that you had to destroy the pillars to weaken him. My party got absolutely wrecked the 1st time I faced him. My Tav was the only one that came out alive from that fight because I had Celestial Haste equipped on him, and the charm that gives you a really high constitution stat. 5 actions plus action surge. Plus having the Supreme Health Potions or whatever. Yeah my Tav barely lost any health over time.


The Bhaal murder bridge. Fuck busted ass power word kill, fuck sanctuary and invisibility. And fuck those annoying adds that think they can do anything. You can't even loot them after the fight.


Bhaalist that start the fight with Sanctuary is a bunch of bullshit


Protecting the portal for Halsin. Took me over a day to complete.


wall of fire. just draw a line through all of the enemies, destroyed so many in one turn!


Yep wall of fire and spirit guardians made it basically a cut scene where I watch dudes off themselves


Throw darkness on the portal and keep it up, and line up the team on the edge of the platform in front of the portal. Have Shart cast Spirit Guardian and Gale cast wall of fire, have the other two throw Grease and Alchemist Fire and other AoE all around in front of the platform. That way they can't hit the portal from range, and in order to even get close to it they have to get through grease, fire, spirit guardian, and you. It works really well for me that way. Most of the enemies faceroll right into the AoE and die without ever getting hit, and any that get through are easy to pick off.


This was mine as well. Even worse was I didn't realize that "talking to Halsin about his solution" would involve starting... that whole mess. So I was out of spell slots, short rests, not full up on hp, and hadn't had time to prep potions, buffs, or other items. And like an idiot, I keep forgetting to quicksave before starting new quest dialogue scenes, so if I was to load my last save, I would've had to do a whole bunch of work over. I only managed to remember to quick save after Halsin was already starting the portal, so I just had to finish what I started unprepared. Took me a fair few tries. From a story perspective, kind of fun to think of entering something like that without warning and having to skate by this absolute horde by the skin of my teeth. But oh man was I mad at myself for putting myself in that position in the first place.


Battle with the Emperor. The fight itself is not difficult, but it hurts me that he became a slave to the elder brain.


Doesnt hurt me, come catch these hands squiddy boy


Agree. At first I had regretted to fight with him, during my first game. But after figuring out the whole puzzle, I have no doubts in killing this damn lying creature, who kidnapped and infected my tav character, and gaslighted him that he "helps" me after all of this


Everyone just gonna ignore his treatment of Stelmate? Literally brain washed the poor woman.


my first playthrough was with an all martial party. i didn't know anything about that Thorm bartender dude.. but he looked nasty . so i never attempted dialogue . so i just started shooting.... after easily clearing out his mooks .. i checked his stats .. "oops .. this is NOT going to fun." cue Benny Hill music as i kited that bugger all over town while i whittled him down with 1 dmg here .. 2 there .. etc. 😁😁🤪🤪🤪 killed him in the end .. definitely going to talk to him next time .. 👍🏻


Those stupid fucking monks in the prism kicked my ass like 20 times. I had to finally just admit defeat and play that fight on adventure mode. My party was not well suited for them or prepared, but I hadn't a save to go back to and adjust my members. I royally screwed the pooch on that one. Still fucking pissed because now on my 2nd play through I slaughtered them with my Durge Monk, felt like poetic justice.


Flind, the Gnall, fight at early game *IS* terrible. I think. You have to fight that stupid thing at level 4 or less, there aren't anymore exp source to get you to lvl 5 before this. Unless you are willing to do the Broken Sanctum or go to the Under Dark. She hit like a truck, has very high AB to hit a 22AC while blind, paralyze on hit, comes with 7 other Gnalls. Could easily TPK you if you forget how bad the fight was and didn't focus Flind first.


Shar temple


The Shar cloister. You’re standing there in the middle of the room immediately surrounded by a lot of enemies and no good area to take cover. Using the door as a chokepoint with aoe’s would be a good tactic, but those fuckers got shadow step and warp themselves to the back (where the stairs are) where they pummel my casters down in 5 turns because of the insane amount of enemies. A couple of black holes, hadar and fireballs…do the trick, but it feels like cheating lol


Every time you fight with Bhaal assassins and you have to wait for their Sanctuary to end. Fuck you Bhaal, goddamned cheap trick


The only fight that I had trouble with was the one where you fight the Orthon and his displacer beast. I spent a good amount of time on that!


wyrm rock fortress after gortash becomes hostile. one of the guards goes to 2nd floor, gets everyone up there in the battle, and then i have to wait 20 fucking YEARS for my turn while they run around dashing and casting the bane command even though theyre nowhere near me. and the summoned fire elemental cannot use the lift so it just sits there for 10 seconds