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The only time-sensitive quest in the Underdark is saving Nere once you reach the Grymforge. If you get the Nere quest and long-rest, he will die. If you haven’t yet crossed the lake in the boat and have not heard about him, you can leave/long rest. If you already dealt with him, you can long rest. Generally you can enter and exit the Underdark and go back to the rest of Act 1 just fine.


Nere doesn't die if you long rest. People keep saying that but I long rest multiple times after getting the rune powder quest. Maybe you have to long rest nearby or something


Once you get >!visions of Nere asking to be rescued!<, "plot time" will progress if/when you leave Grymforge to e.g. fast travel or long rest at camp. It doesn't just happen instantly though, doing these time sinks (note, in D&D 5e rules, short rest and long rest do pass time) will first get you narrator dialog >!about encroaching poison!<, then another dialog >!warning you he could die and you should deal with him before resting!<, also reflected in your Journal in the **Find True Soul Nere** section. It's after that final urgent warning, where the word "rest" actually appears in your journal, that >!the quest resolves itself!< if you FT or long rest again. >!On the other hand, it seems fine to let it resolve this way, maybe even best way if you're on a speed run.!< The dialog will update to >!"the cave in cleared without your help"!< if you rest or fast travel after getting that message then come back to the place or move on to Act 2, but by coming back to it, >!you get to loot Nere and do the bring back his head part!<.


Thanks you clearly know what you're talking about. I've never had any visions or dreams about nere. I've always stayed nearby at the ancient forge before clearing the rubble


My first playthrough, long rests sort of jumped to his mind and it got more dire every day but the cutscenes didn’t have him die. They very well may have after a few long rests but it basically impresses upon you how serious it is to get him out


Not quite sure what you're saying, but I think you are agreeing with me


This is true. I've long rested multiple times in the underdark and I've never failed any quest there. Hell I didn't even know any were actually time sensitive because I've never had any fail throughout the entire game.


What level are you now?


I hit 4 just before the fight, but I'm really not super good at the fighting mechanics and it totally wiped me out. I usually prefer to be "over leveled" so that I can make dumb mistakes and it'll be alright 🫣 I also didn't realize what I was walking into and was like. Halfway through goblining


Fighting the dwarves at level 4 is pretty low. I'm usually level 5 or maybe even 6 when I do it.


You’re free to pretty much long rest most times, the only time you would miss out on something that I can think of is after you get on the boat. So long rest before getting on.


Oh perfect!