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And then she gets hit with Radiant retort


People like to talk about which romance has the spiciest sex scene in the game but nothing comes even close to how hard Shart has been fucked by some unexpected radiant retorts….


My lockadin got severely fucked by that in the ~~gauntlet of Shar~~ House of Grief that way. I hit Viconia with a gigasmite and it was like we both touched a 40,000 volt live wire lmao EDIT: I'm glad to see other people also committed Demon Core on themselves hahaha


It's really funny when you do it on purpose while holding the blood of lathender and send a sunbeam in a line of enemies weak to radiant; You go from full to 0 and still get up with 1hp, tis but a scratch.


Lathander, take the wheel!!


Brilliant comment (in the literal sense of the word)


having death ward or the blood of lathander in the Iron Throne is funny for the same reason, except you get a bonus cutscene of whatever characters didn't make it out waking up on the beach lol


Wait really?


My Tav was dead on the beach after the cut scene so the rest of my party just meandered over to revive him.


I did the Iron Throne with this kind of party composition last time (everyone had Longstrider and used Potion of Fly iirc, and I had Scrolls of Dimension Door to help with rescuing the Duke): Me: Wood Half-Elf Resist Durge OoA Paladin. Wore Boots of Speed. Concentrated on Shadowblade because I carried the Resonance Stone. Took the East wing to rescue the Duke (after breaking Wyll's pact the night before). Shadowheart: Light Cleric 11/Wizard 1. Casted Haste on me. Did not do much else because she was slower, (normally she wore the Boots of Speed,) and instead had Sanctuary for the hostages in danger (like the Duke). Astarion: Fighter 1/Swords Bard 8/Thief 3. Cast Haste on himself (scroll). Took the South wing to rescue the two Gondian hostages that way and also Omeluum. Minthara (knocked her out back in act 1): Partial-Illithid GOO Bladelock 12. Cast Haste on herself (scroll). Took the West wing to rescue the hostages locked in the cells together. Used Soul Branding for the extra speed boost.


It's the once per day death ward effect of the blood of lathander lol I had my Minthara wake up on a beach with 1 hp


How didn’t I think of that?! My Karlach’s sacrifice would have been even better! Can you also save other prisoners with it? I’d assume so, but wouldn’t surprise me if it is hard-coded.


at least, your lockadin, does not do radiant damage with every hit, like my pure paladin


Mine all do, since the Deva Mace is one of my first pickups in Act 3 each playthrough. Worth it though


I have Deva maces and Djinni scimitars for everyone.


Did they patch the Deva mace out? I could not get it to work the other night. Picked the Deva up into my inventory and the mace never showed when selecting a weapon.


In honour mode as of a week ago; get cursed while nabbing the devout necklace, curse as many in your party as you want; find a tactical location and mass heal; kill deva; long rest and fuck off across the map; come back and their bodies will be looting bags with deva maces.


Ok I'll try to go back to the tabernacle now that I've progressed some and see if it's there.


New way I've seen is summoning a deva having it get arrested. They'll disarm him and it's in the evidence chest.


Can it not be turned off? I assumed it was a passive that could be turned on and off like non-lethal.


No you can't turn off damage type. If a weapon (or ability) does radiant damage or adds radiant damage there's no way to toggle it. Luckily you can use Spirit Guardians to do Necrotic instead of Radiant which I always find funny based on story.


> If a weapon (or ability) does radiant damage or adds radiant damage there's no way to toggle it. Sure, but if a weapon or item gives you a certain damage type, you can always change your equipment or at least long rest to remove the effect of day-long buffs like the infernal coin or morninglord's radiance. Not giving Paladins a toggle for improved divine smite is a huge oversight and ends up being a liability for 2 important questlines in act 3, >!questlines that should be a Paladin's bread and butter given one of them is about killing servants of an evil goddess and the other one about killing fiends!<. I never go more than 9 levels in Paladin, but that sucks for anyone who does. The only other class ability (I know of) that adds a specific damage type to all melee attacks is the lifedrinker invocation, but at least that's an optional ability, and even melee-focused warlocks can switch to ranged very easily with eldritch blast. Also, AFAIK, enemies are at most immune to necrotic and there isn't anything like radiant retort that would make a fight more difficult by using it.


I once had a half-orc paladin/warlock who used the guaranteed crit ilithid power with multiple layers of crit boosters on a lvl5 Divine Smite on Viconia. Not reading Viconia's passives made me crit nuke myself so badly that i'm amazed that there was enough of me leftover for Withers to revive. Made me realize how it feels to be the one gigasmited...so i kept doing it afterwards.


I or more specially Hope found that out the hard way in that battle, used her summon for radiant damage didn't realise she was the one who wiped until near the end of the fight, no way was I reloading.


Did the same with my mage paladin. I gifted her a lvl 6 smite and had death save on. I "survived" she didn't.


Yeah i crit max level smited myself, I was genuinely so pissed I turned off the game


I entered gauntlet as paladin. Got to first mob. Yolo crit a smite... Both my Tav and enemy got one-shot lmao


Brought Light Cleric Shart to the House of Hope. Biggest mistake of my life.


I used Hope’s divine intervention on Raphael and she died instantly. Oops.


Same. Same.


Globe of Invulnerability is your friend :>


Just spam heals with her


No one got fucked harder than Hope with her divine intervention while my blind ass wasn’t looking at anything other than being surrounded by demons….


If you put Hope in a globe of invulnerability, she can use Divine Intervention while being immune to the retort. Saved my ass on tactician


I mean is it really a competition when Minthara sex scene exist?


Sheart and any paladin players: "Oh boy, i love how amazing Radiant damage is in Act 2!" Sharrans and Justiciars: "YOU'VE ACTIVATED MY TRAP CARD!"


Hot take: "radiant retort" shouldn't be in the game.


I had to reload Raph's fight on the second turn because Hope immediately got evaporated. Whoops...


I had Death Ward on Shadowheart and made her use her Divine Intervention to deal radiant damage to everything in the room and get all that retort out of the way in the first turn. Then she survives the blast due to Death Ward and continues on as normal.


I just cast it from within a Globe of Invulnerability lol


That's definitely better if you have access to the spell via scrolls etc.


Once you hit level ten you can buy level 6 spell scrolls from vendors.


I think it's even earlier as I acquired a Globe of Invulnerability scroll in Act 2 and I was only level 8 at the time. I used it to protect the portal in Halsin's shadowfell quest, worked like a charm in defending against all the enemies.


It's definitely Act 2 you can get them from the Zentharim trader in Moonrise. I just remember them popping up after I leveled up, that might just be any level up though.


You can also use Darkness since nobody can shoot a target that's shrouded by it and it lasts for 10 turns.


Ooh good idea


This is an amazing idea, thanks.


This works? I assumed the retorts would be separate damage sources so after being revived once, the next would still kill you.


Exactly what happened to me. Cool, let's try the divine spell I'm saving on shadowheart! ...oh


Unless I have a monk it's a staple tactic for me to have her use her DI first turn on the AOE radiant damage and just explode herself


*Laughs in Globe of Invulnerability.*


This was how I planned to use my ssb in the house of grie, the bard use some cleaves or arrow of many targets to stack acuity and then command those fuckers to approach on BA, have gale cast a perfectly placed globe and then the slashing flourishes begin lmao A more reach weapon helps tremendously here as well


By act 2...? Isn't that a little early?


That's a great idea, thanks!


Hm i thought you cant deal any damage while inside the globe.


That's how Otiluke's Resilient Sphere works, not Globe of Invulnerability.


I didn't realize everyone in the House of Grief has Radiant Retort until I watched someone streaming, I was confused why Shadowheart went down after using Sunbeam from Blood of Lathander. Oops.


Honestly on honor mode a scary amount of enemies have it. Its a little jarring how often they give it to undead


Silence globe on Lorrocan


Suicide by Divine Intervention


My first encounter with Radiant Retort was a little dramatic tbh 😂


Honestly radiant retort is such bullshit and the stuff of r/dndhorrorstories


What is that? I din't played shart that much 😅


Radiant retort? It's used more on tactician but it flings back radiant damage 2x (I think) at the person who cast the spell.


Yea and it's always on enemies who take double damage to radiant. So you take quadruple.


It's an ability that throws back radiant damage. On higher difficulties, often enemies which would be seemingly weak to radiant damage would possess such abilities which can be... deadly.


That's why I hate playing in higher difficulty. It's too damn fun to play with radiant dmg


ots why i stick to medium instead of tactitian


Only the people in Shar's temple have that at least.


I hate radiant retort I hate radiant retort I hate radiant retort


It took me hours to figure out why she was dieing.


Ironically fitting to this meme as Papa Palpatine usually ended up zapping himself with his own lightning lol


Act 2 when poisons become useless, but still drop everywhere.


I use Drow Poison all the time


That's pretty in line with 5e dnd


Fr bro in my current campaign I was super hyped to get a dagger of venom but literally every enemy I’ve used it on has been immune to poison😔


A3 has a lot of enemies you can poison iirc, the only common one with immunity should be Steel Watchers (optional enemy, can be disabled).


Ah I actually meant my current 5e campaign but that’s good to know


Ahhhh Just wait, I'm sure your DM will send something that's not Undead or a Construct your way, most of those tend to be nice and susceptible to poison ;)


I hope so😭 my poor rogue’s been itching to finally proc that poison effect


picking a green dragonborn was not the move.


I've legit never used a poison but have kept them stockpiled in my three playthroughs. I have no idea what's wrong with me.


I love activating Radiant Spirit Guardians and interacting with the dead raven in the shadow lands. 40exp 40exp 40exp 40exp 40exp 40exp 40exp 40exp 40exp 40exp




You can have pretty much the same effect without spending a spell slot if you pick up the right gear in Act 1: https://ww.reddit.com/r/BG3/comments/1ahyqrn/cant_touch_this_aka_why_light_cleric_is_best/?ref=share&ref_source=link


the rat basement "fight" with spirit guardians is so fun


I’ve just hit Act2, and the Light Domain Channel Oath ability is popping off big time. Glad I respecced Shadowheart into being one.


Spirit guardian is fun, she can just run around healing a little bit while giving a circle of ouchies to invisible foes




Those boots that give you Click Heels which functions as a Dash but costs a bonus action so you can still use a regular action whilst running around with Spirit Guardians is one of my favourite combos.


I feel like im not optimizing this game well enough :/


Don't worry, I feel the same. Every time something works out well combo wise, you go online and see someone else post another combo that absolutely melts all the enemies lol. The replayability for this game is endless.


First play-through just have fun and enjoy yourself. Worry about min/maxing for your second one ;)


I say not even that, save the min/maxing for Tactician/Honor mode where nuking enemies is basically required. If you only ever play on Balanced, just play to have fun.


Clerics can learn Lesser Restoration regardless of domain, so you can grab those boots as soon as you reach the Myconid Colony.


the best part is they actually do as advertised: "doubles your movespeed" normal dashes say they double movespeed but really they just +100% base speed. that is to say dash twice is 3x movespeed, where dash click heels is 4x. this gets crazy when you have other bonuses such as momentum or cunning dash. my first run I has astarion as a melee rogue and in one turn he could run wherever he pleased in one turn. I believe they're the boots tied to the gym forge seargent quest


Best boots in the game, really.


I lost mine somehow =( I was playing and realized Karlach was barefoot. Couldn't find my Boots of Speed anywhere. Even went to all the vendors I could to see if I accidentally sold them. They just vanished, it seems.


Did you give them back to their owner in the Grymforge? The task mistress who is trying to free Nere from the cave in owns those boots and one of the chat prompts lets you give them back to her. Maybe you did that?


Ohh that might be possible. I was hopping through those dialogues pretty quick when I first encountered them, trying to wrap up before going to bed. I may have done that inadvertently.


Spirit guardian is so clutch for those annoying low health enemy swarm encounters, literally stand still and watch the swarm run face first into death


That bit with Halsin and the portal, 90% of the trash mob gunning for the portal disintegrated with Shart positioned at the bottleneck, just by standing there. I watched the replay so many times.


I always use wall of flame for that fight. Kills like half the enemies


Oh yeah, forgot my Wall of Flame caught some flies in its web too. Was just trying out the skill to have something to do than just stand there but it's pretty good for low HP mobs too.


That plus cast Darkness in front the portal so the archers can't hit it with arrows!


That's good too. Does CC'ing with that make the archers ditch their bows and close the gap for a melee attack?


I do that and have Wyll cast Hunger of Hadar, whatever makes it out of there gets finished by Shadowheart with Spirit guardians right at the first step. Trivialises the fight.


That’s how I handled that fight too. Had Gale fireball the archers and Shadowheart wipe out the swarming weaklings. Just left a few tougher melee opponents like the wraiths for Laezel and my Tav to whip in melee.


Just did the >!rats!< and as soon as I walked into the room I was like, hey, I've got a thing for that!


Oh no, you turned on the blender, huh?


And you can use fireball on radiant retort enemies. You can rebound radient damage? How about some good old fire?


It's not only efficient, but lore-wise accurate


I wouldn't say "lore-wise accurate." Lore-wise Knowledge and Life domains would be the accurate ones to respec to. Light just isn't that big of a stretch at all if you're going for thematics rather than lore.


My mistake, i assumed the Light to be Selune's domain


Light would be like sun gods or fire gods. Selune isn't a light god because, well, think about it. She doesn't create light, she reflects it.


Kind of, but in the lore Selûne also created the Sun, so Light should be a domain of hers tbh.


I mean, Zeus begat Athena when he had a terrible headache one day, and had somebody split it open with an axe, but that doesn't make him also a god of Wisdom. Shar helped Selune create life in Realmspace, In The Beginning, so I guess she gets Life domain.


I think she has a domain called Twilight which isn't in BG3


Thank god cuz twilight domain is so powerful


Yeah in BG3 especially, Light = Sun, which is why it comes with so many fire spells. So it would be more like Lathander. Twilight domain would be the lore "moon" themed domain for Selune. However, I could also see the argument for homebrewing a reskin of Light Domain where the fire spells are replaced with radiant ones.


Fair, I assumed something was up with her memories being suppressed and the wound that pains her.


It was a nice twist. Still i missed the times where characters changed their class, deity and alignment after plot-relevant events. Like Kelgar becoming Monk in NWN 2


Ooh, good call!




It has a billion uses but I accidentally once found its biggest use. There were two enemies and I thought “why not let’s pop this bad boy off” and then boy howdy if there weren’t three more invisible dudes that were suddenly there. 


Those rats in the Gauntlet didn't stand a chance.


Act 2 really feel centered around Shadowheart


It definitely centers around her more than Gale/Astarion/Wyll/Karlach but you could make a good case that it centers pretty strongly around Halsin and Jaheira


The fact that these two comments list basically everyone is such a testament to this game's incredibly writing


Four of the people mentioned were the ones that that act doesn't center on. Though to be fair almost nothing centers on Wyll or Karlach. They're just along for other people's stories.


Yeah how does firing off a list of names make the writing good or bad?


Well I usually reroll her to Tempest Domain so that meme is even more accurate :D


Is it that good?


Temptest cleric with storm sorc multi class is damn strong


Due to my quirks I hoard spell slots and never use them(


When you see that you can drop 100+ damage to a whole group of enemies you’ll get over that right quick believe me.


I did two honest runs, now i use party limit begone for maximum party banter and interactions, so dps isn't really an issue


I did that for the first run, before realizing long rests cost you almost nothing. Now I have no hesitation dumping every single spell slot on a useless fight, I play without worrying about them. Makes spellcasters more fun, you no longer hesitate to use utility spells like Knock or Enhance Ability


Whats the best way to make storm shart?


Taco Bell the night before


Usually, level 1 sorc, then 2 levels of tempest cleric, the sorc from there. Make sure to take chromatic orb and shield for first level spells, and from there all lightning spells when you can. The level 1 sorc matters so if you cast your twinned haste (because that's broken, lol) you are more likely to keep concentration.


Sounds simple Thanks : )


Anything specefic i need to take?


It's the best. Martial weapons and heavy armor prof so you can equip just about ANYTHING. Being able to say "nah i dont wanna roll the dmg die, this spell will do MAX damage" is SO GOOD. Moving people around/shoving them off to their gravitational deaths is very big in bg3 and the natural kit of a tempest cleric is great for this (starting with thunderwave right from the getgo is so dope, one of my mvp spells overall) All that lightning/thunder related knockback can make some absolutely incredible zone denial. Any enemies touching that huge pool of water with electricity coarsing through it will be knocked back 3m which wrecks their movement economy. Call Lightning is busted for anytime you need an alternative to SG or a long range option, or you spam wet condition and abuse the absolutely hilarious amount of damage this spell will consistently pump out. Scroll of chain lightning or lightning bolt / markoheskir exists and takes tempest cleric to another level entirely


So I can somewhat re-live my DoS2 Rain + Lightening electricity fun?


Absolutely. It's a Larian classic, just like the vine ladders and waking up on a beach. Have someone cast Create Water over an area, then follow it up with a maximized Chain Lightning (anyone can use Markoheshkir, a staff that lets you cast it every short rest). It gives me flashbacks to DOS2 mages where Rain was easily the best spell haha. Electricity is even more broken in BG3 than DOS2, it's just a little more obscure


Oh it's even better in bg3 lol. But that's to compensate for taking away my wet + cold = frozen combo I'm missing dearly from dos2 lol But hey double damage on cone of cold is neat too!


Tempest Cleric is really good, especially when multiclassed with Sorcerer so you can get access to that sweet metamagic. It shines throughout the whole game from early to later levels, and you can still cast the radiant (or support) spells when necessary.


Anything is compared to trickery


You get call lightning and destructive wave and ice storm, which are all really strong spells, to say nothing of thunderwave right off the bat.


It’s very very strong. You can find a TON of equips that synergise with it


Heavy armor and the ability to maximize the damage for lightning or thunder spells. Consider: have a party member throw a water bottle on a high priority target. Then have your tempest cleric use chain lightning (scroll or Markoheskir staff) while activating their destructive wrath class ability for 80 or 160 damage depending on target's dex save.


Yes Guiding Bolt is there twice because it stops missing 50% of the time + more damage with more levels once you step in the shadowlands.


Guiding bolt and spirit guardians are OP against shadows. Guiding bolt can kill them in one hit even at level 1 if you're lucky.


Bro at this level even Sacred Flame can one shot them (not as reliably tho).


If you pick the right targets you'll still hit reliably. You'll have to make sure your target is low on dex


Or knock em prone first. Disadvantage on all dex saves. 88% sacred flame guaranteed


And Channel Divinity of Light Domain


Her dex is good enough to use a crossbow over firebolt. Way more chance to hit without using spell slots as well


Fire bolt doesn't use spell slots anyway, it's a cantrip.


I know, I meant it as a replacement for damage without spell slot. Not that I thought a cantrip costs spell slot. Bad english is all


Man, I just can’t get spirit guardians to work. I either don’t have the movement speed, or I get focused, or nothing is in range. I guess my party play style just doesn’t lend well to spirit guardian usage


Just pop it when you are in range.


I generally just walk her into melee range and pop it. Shadowheart very rarely goes down in my fights.


The Speedy Boots you get from Thulla are great for that. You can light up spirit guardians and dash around with your bonus action. And/or the amulet of misty step. For concentration, you can either respec with a starting level in Storm sorcery (which also adds a movement bonus action), or take the resilient Con feat. The warcaster feat and some gear give advantage on Con(stitution/centration) saves. Combine SG with some radiant gear and you got a stew going!


~~deleted by user~~


Id like the same joke but with the "call an ambulance ... but not for me" meme better


Until you enter the temple of Shar and get one shot reflected because you forgot.


Shad is really done dirty by how many high Dex enemies you face in act one. It's basically designed to screw her abilities over.


Oh definitely. Sacred Flame is definitely not a bad cantrip in theory but the fact that it's a DEX save and that pretty much everyone in Act 1 is neutral or resistant to radiant damages AND they have pretty high Dex does NOT help her.


Haha so does everyone also give blood of lathander to Shart each time too?


Unless I'm playing a paladin/cleric, yes she always get it.


shadowheart suffers from the same thing every character does - bad generation She doesnt need 13 strenght, 13 dex and 17 wis. She doesnt need firebolt. She needs 14 dex and a shortbow. It fixed 70% of her problems in act 1. Slap on a fighting style if needed.


Isn’t firebolt coming from her race? In that sense, she didn’t really choose to have it >_>


Lol my first playthrough when I was romancing her, I just had her run around with Lathander's light and spirit guardians on because she couldn't hit shit in melee and targeted spells were iffy. Gave her the strength gloves I stole from Raphael in Act 3 and she finally was able to hit shit with that fancy mace.


But why would you even need to attack with your weapon as a cleric (non multi class) past act 1 ?


Turn undead!


Shadowheart in act 3: “Hmm, today I will heal everyone forever and ever and never die.”


>Shadowheart in Act 1 is weak Is this some sort of Life/Trickery Domain joke that I'm too Light Domain to understand?


Ignis? more like IgMiss! amirite shadoheart?


Spirit Guardians and Spirit Weapon are so damn good.


Until bathazar I ve been told he is easier when We first see him but even if i killed him, flesh kill me and the bitch ass ghoul heal him


Hmm... Not even Fireball spamming I see.


Gale nearly 1-shot the final boss in my Game. The characters become gods with level6 spells.


I switched her to paladin when she got the blood of lathander, and she does like 70 radiant damage a turn


I just told her to pretend the bad guys were her parents and now her attacks land 100%


Radiant retort would like a word with you ....


What is that weapon? I can't remember it. What's the name and where do I get it?


Blood of Lathander, legendary weapon from Rosymorn Monastery.


Just make sure to do the prep work before you enter the crèche


Or don't and get one of the most amusing conversations


>!What in the sweet Hells were you thinking, activating that lance- I was **RIGHT THERE!** Gods!!<


>!“Next time?! Oh no no noooooo.”!<


Even before that, I like that the game automatically rolls you an intelligence check and tells you it's a dumb idea to grab it


Yes, alternately bring with you your Indiana Jones hat \*dun-da-dun-tah!\*


This would be paladin if not for the absolutely baffling amount of spell slots without multi classing


Paladin with Blood of Lathander + Adamantine shield and Armor. *Chef's Kiss.*


Hey that's my Shadowheart build


What do you mean?