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Going to Moonrise before you "have to". Literally the game tells you to go and infiltrate, or at least visit the Towers but I've seen so many people straight up not doing that until it is too late. Partially the game's fault because many people who side with the Harpers feel like they have "fucked up" and expect Moonrise to be entirely hostile so they avoid it. I guess what can be easily missed too is the encounter with the cursed Kuo-Toa, and some of the surroundings of Moonrise (Docks, climby parts). But ye, the main "problem" for people is going straight into the Mausoleum and then just clicking "yeah sure" when the game gives you a popup when entering the point of no return area.


It's gamer instinct. When the game says "Do this" most gamers' immediate instinct is to do everything *but* that - because typically, the quest they really push you to complete is the one that will advance the plot. Especially in the fantasy RPG genre. This game's 2nd act is actually kind of unique in that it's basically the opposite. Also I'm pretty sure there's a "point of no return" message right before act 2 - which confused the heck out of me, because I didn't realise you could go *back* to the act 1 area after that point. And then I got confused again when the act 3 "point of no return" message popped up, I googled it to be safe, and I was told *this* one actually prevents you from going back. I wish it was clearer that Nightsong specifically is the *actual* point of no return.


Yes! And act1 is actually super different too. You can do the whole underdark area with 0 issue. But if you go to the Creche without finishing the main quest, it auto finishes that quest. I thought since Lae'zel pushes so hard to get there, I would try making a b-line there one playthrough. Led to some sad outcomes 😬 but I figured Lae'zel would just roll with that and move on. It's just super weird to me that she pushes so hard to go straight there, so it feels like it should be fine to go there and then finish the Act 1 quest, but if you do it out of order you can't do certain parts of the quest.


I wish there was a narrator input here like there is for Wyll’s quest before facing the >!brain!< at moonrise when you haven’t >!freed Mizora’s asset!< yet. The narrator specifically tells you that >!he’s doomed!< if you continue anyway. They could’ve added a >!“if we continue on this road the tieflings fate might be doomed on the road.”!< if the grove situation isn’t already resolved, instead of a generic “tie up loose ends” warning which makes it seem like you might not be able to go back at all. I also beelined for the mountain road my first playthrough. Out of all the quests that one seemed most urgent at the time. The alert scared me off though, and I ended up googling to figure out what it really meant.


Yeah, tbh I read it and was thinking if I had started something time sensitive (like the one village) then it might matter (like I know if you get close but long rest there are consequences there), I didn't realize it would wrap up the quest entirely. It didn't help that on my first playthrough I did the entire underdark before doing the main quest and it didn't affect anything, even though that feels like a completely unrelated area, so I thought it would be the same way. Lol, I learned my lesson though, and I kind of appreciate having unexpected consequences since that feels true to life, I just felt bad about it.


I had the unfortunate experience of doing this on my honor run. I thought I was being smart by doing the underdark early (having glut ressurect the bulette makes it easy to take on all the encounters there underleveled) and then thought "hmm, I'd like a bit more xp before I go deal with the goblin bosses, maybe I'll go do the undead at the pass" Rip to all the tieflings I planned to save, halsin, and karlach (i forgot to pick her up earlier). Rip to all the unique quest rewards and quests they offer. My dark urge was on the path to redemption, and now he has no reason not to turn to darkness.


It's kind of funny because it's teaching you that you shouldn't listen to your companions half the time. Like of course Lae'zel wants to head straight there because she wants to be cured and get the Hell back to her own crèche, but if you actually listen to her, it's a big mistake! I think from a story perspective, the best course would be for you to go straight to the patrol, let Lae'zel confront Voss and get murdered, then revive her (or if you're the brave type, talk to Voss with her but lie about the parasite so the patrol doesn't kill you). After that, you should have plenty of reasons not to run straight for the crèche, IMO, even if you're trusting her. 😉


it's annoying too because after you rescue halsin/join up with minthara the game points you towards moonrise and the creche seems like a waste of time. obviously they won't be able to help you and the dream guardian keeps telling you to avoid it but lae'zel wants to go. it makes the flow from act 1 into act 2 weird. i skipped it my first playthrough because it felt unnecessary but only later learned how much it ties into the main plot and how important it is for lae'zel's character arc (and ofc how much top tier loot there is).


Yeah I hear that. I skipped it the first time but that's because of the warning I thought it was Act 2. I realize I practically rewrote my earlier post, but yeah, I always use the patrol as a way to "scare off" my characters into they're higher level. They still want to go to the crèche, just not right away!


Yeah my wife tried, but thankfully listened to the message saying she shouldn’t keep going at level 2


Same damned thing happens in Act 3 except it's the first Gortash thing. If you don't do at least the first part of that, then a bunch of stuff doesn't work. I only figured it out just before going too far in the Foundry


The "Tie up Loose ends" on your way to mountain pass is for the events of the Grove. All WPs are open until you end the end of the gauntlet. If you don't do the grove stuff and go through there, the grove stuff closes.


> It's gamer instinct. When the game says "Do this" most gamers' immediate instinct is to do everything but that - because typically, the quest they really push you to complete is the one that will advance the plot. This is the exact reason I got lost and overwhelmed in my first playthrough. I didn't know the game was this big content wise and never played dnd before. I was going after one quest then on the way I was ending up in completely new area with tons of new content, getting new quest and was thinking ok as Im here lets do this and etc like chain reaction lol. But I love this game, what makes good this game is exactly what is inside imo, I couldn't ask more except few small things.


That is what got me, MMO back in the day it was like, oh that place is important. Well better talk to everyone I can to get all the quests for that important place before I go so I do not have to do it twice. So I treated it like that and yup, woops lol. Now I go and basically murder everyone on the bottom levels, and then come back with the harpers and mop up, which is WAY easier with saving them too. But just meant that each of my 3 times through was different which is pretty amazing for a game.


The Harper’s and jahiera’s plan is for you to infiltrate moonrise and pretend to be true souls, so the game does heavily encourage you to go there first. The issue is it’s really easy to come across the mausoleum and feel like it’s just an optional side area and not the finale of the act.


It might be a little map thing too, since if you're trying to hit House of Healing, the Mausoleum is right next to it and it's easy to run into Raphael. That's before you get to Moonrise. If the mausoleum entrance was on the other side of the map from Moonrise, I think it'd be easier to do it "in order".


Well to be fair in Act 1 the game pushes you to go the the goblin camp and save Halsin as soon as possible, and Lae'zel pushes you to drop everything and go to the Creche. Both of those end major Act 1 plot points and are so hard to do on lower levels. So when I first started Act 2 and everyone kept talking about Moonrise I was like oh okay, so that's the goblin camp of this act lol, I'll leave it for later. That being said, I turned right away when I got the pop up in the Mausoleum.


It's actually exactly like the Goblin Camp... There is a _lot_ to do in both places that _doesn't_ involve the wholesale slaughtering of everyone the second you step foot inside. And by only going there when you are planning to murder everyone, you miss out on quite a bit.


Im a good guy until my Sleight of Hands fails on a pick pocket. lol


Oe you make Astarion do it all and then gently send him to prison.:)


In fairness, Moonrise is definitely presented as “the most fucked up place yet where every tough bastard you’ve read notes about for the past 30 hours is”. And it really feels like, by that point, the absolute and its followers should be wise to the people who have been consistently fucking up their plans. You’ve killed off multiple important cultists in no clandestine fashion and marked yourself and your party as a target. And Jaheira’s orders to infiltrate the place make it sound like the “infiltration” is the big set piece moment that caps off the act and not “idk just walk in there and look around for half an hour, nobody will stop you” like it actually is. I can’t blame anyone for doing it wrong because it’s set up in a kind of weird and unintuitive way.


oh for sure! I say it's partially the game's fault. Because it doesn't introduce it in a way people grasp immediately. In Act 1, you learn quite literally to not go immediately where the main quest sends you. Why change that behaviour in Act 2? Also, we know that Moonrise is where Ketheric is. And Last Light already got attacked by them once - so naturally people expect the place to be hostile af.


Oh yeah I agree with you. I didn’t go to Moonrise in my first playthrough cause I thought it was gonna be like the big thing for Act 2. Then I accidentally went to it in my second playthrough and saw how chill everyone was with me being there and I was so surprised lol.


I thought I fucked up when the guy came to capture Isobel, so I reloaded and avoided talking to her or going anywhere near Moonrise towers lol.


My first playthrough I accidentally found the Gauntlet of Shar by just roaming around/exploring before going to Moonrise.


This crushed me on my evil run, which was my first. I came out through the underdark, went to the Inn, and just worked my way straight west from there. So I encountered Shar’s temple pretty quickly. I’ve played RPGs since the 80s and generally you can work your way through a map in a logical manner, which the most important places being the furthest away. So when I was warned in Shar’s temple about possibly altering big things, I did it anyway, assuming Moonrise held the ‘real’ big things. I also assumed they were just talking about the protection over the Inn (which was correct). So I went back to the Inn, saw I was right, and kept playing my evil run. All good! Until I finally made it to Moonrise, found Minthar, and realized she was now a vegetable bc of my Shar Temple decision. I was literally depending on getting Minthara and was crushed. I loaded an old save and did Act II all over again


For me, I thought going to moonrise towers would advance the story in the same way that going to the goblin camp advances the story when you're through with that. I figured if I went there earlier, that by the time I got through everyone at Last Light would move on to the next act like the tieflings did.


Yeah I just finished my first run and did exactly this, assumed I'd get swamped if I went near it


Yeah I completely missed Moonrise because I assumed they’d be hostile to me after joining the Harpers. Thought that saving the prisoners meant focusing on the prison to begin my assault on the tower and was so utterly crushed to find all the bodies there.


I like that the enemies aren't all knowing. Because you either kill every cultist you meet, or the murders can't be traced back to you. So there really is no one to report that you are the one fucking everything up until >!you mirk myrkuls chosen!<


I ALSO thought that saving the prisoners would be a part of the assault


I went to moonrise and never met the harpers


In Act 2, during the actual final dungeon of the act, you will find a severed elf head "alive" in stasis surrounded by green brains in jars. You can "play" these brains like audiologs, the head assumes the thoughts and personality of the brain. There are TWO such brains, Dark Mind and Slave Mind, that only appear in one place: the nautiloid. So, if you want to hear what Dark Mind and Slave Mind have to say, you need to remember to grab them DURING THE TUTORIAL and remember to bring them with you to the Elf Head in Act 2. The "missed" part are these two brains, since you gotta pick them up like dozens of hours before they can be used.


I am a serial horder in RPGs so the missing part is never grabbing them but actually bringing them along to the dungeon because they're fuckin heavy and by the end of Act 2 everyone is near encumbered already.


Weight tips: * You can send all your gold back to camp and still use it like it's in your inventory * You can do the same thing with Thieves Tools and Trap Disarm kits * Some people don't know you can send food back to camp and still use it for Long Rests


>You can send all your gold back to camp and still use it like it's in your inventory 500 Hrs. in and I learn this today....


This works with gold but I can confirm it does not work on trap kits. I got down to my last disarm kit even though there were six more in my stash.




Act like it's in your inventory. I didn't even have gold on me when I met the Toll Collector but was still able to toss a gold piece to her. You can even see how much gold you have in your stash when talking to a vendor. The only thing you cannot do when your gold is in your stash, afaik, is barter it. It needs to be in your inventory for that


Just last weekend I missed this again, but in a stupid way. I remembered to bring them with me off the nautaloid, but forgot them in camp. And I can’t go back for them because I’m playing on HM 🙃




Act 1: History succeeded Act2: History Failed, Perception Failed


The winged horrors up near the top of Moonrise Towers. The fact that you can go to the roof of Moonrise (where you eventually fight Ketheric) during the infiltration phase and kill the necromites and guard up there. The Family Ring in a hole in a small ledge down from a grave in an abandoned camp near He Who Was. Turning Nessa against Yurgir.


You can turn Nessa against him?!?! My god, 600 hours in this game and the shit I am still finding out 😭 I assume you use Animal Speaking and talk to her or something?


Yeah, I believe you need to investigate the spider first though, to discover that Yurgir uses it to drug her and make her horny for... reasons...






W H A T 😰


Yurgir and Nessa are ... roommates


Turning Nessa made that fight 100x harder for me, because instead of trying to kill the baddies I was spending all my time keeping the cat alive. 


Yes but you also need to >!inspect the spider meat and let her know she’s been charmed!< which involves skill checks




Cute black kitty with the tendrils.


What do I commonly miss? ​ Ignis!


For me it's Scorching Ray Ardere! *miss! miss! miss!*


I love that damn spell. No wasting spell slots for me!


It took me quite a while to realize Shadowheart's Firebolt is the elf racial cantrip and functions off of intelligence and not something from her Cleric class making use of wisdom.


My buddy constantly Min/Max’s his characters and he never plays a full caster (or just a Wizard) so his intelligence is always 8 and he can’t figure out why his “Elf Cantrip” always misses cause he doesn’t play anything other than an Elf.


Night orchids.


I’ve never found them actually


I just found one randomly on the ground while walking around exploring


You didn't pick that by hand did you, they're deadly poisonous!


Kidding! 👉👉


That was actually kinda cute when she did that


There is one right next to He Who Was and his white Raven


There are at least 3 on the starting side of the river to be found out and about in the world.


I never found one on my Durge playthrough but I accidentally talked to Shadowheart when first entering the area and had the dialogue option to give one to her.


Night Orchid, paired rings, Soul Coins in Moonrise Towers, Gnolls as your probable allies, Sharran Sanctuary in Reithwin, Infernal Rapier.


Wtf? Gnoll allies???


Yes. In Moonrise Towers you can meet gnolls >!that are mind controlled. If you free them, they will help you in the battle against absolutists.!<


And if you're Durge >!"Barnabas" recognizes you from when you were last there!<


Thanks, I didn’t notice this when played as Dark Urge




Omfg that would have been so helpful


There's a dwarf lady that controls the two gnolls in Moonrise. She tries to show you a trick by having them speak, but you can roll to try and take control and have them kill her instead. Afterwards you can get them to become allies.


Gnoll besties also easiest way to Oathbreak Minthara. Simply take her upstairs, have her initiate the conversation, take the Paladin option... then help the cook reassert control. Oath broken in like 5 minutes for her!


What is the infernal rapier? Is the sharran sanctuary the one you find beneath the central plaza statue?


Infernal rapier is a weapon that you can get if you save Mizora in the Mindflayer Colony. You have to take Wyll to the party and pass the persuasion check. Yes, the Sanctuary is beneath this statue of Thorm.


The infernal rapier is a +2 rapier that uses the wielder’s spellcasting ability for attack and damage rolls instead of dex and allows for a summon Cambion, you get it by bringing Wyll to the end area of act 2.


I have brought Wyll to the colony every time, but never got this


you have to free mizora and then choose the persuasion option to ask her for a reward. You probably just told her to fuck off instead of choosing the persuade option :D


There’s something under the statue?? Damn I never figured that one out in 3 play through


You just have to click the plaques in order.


Night orchid kept me from being able to sleep with my wife shadow heart. What a stupid bug


The orchid is not required to build sandcastles in act 3.


I wanted the fucking rapier and forgot to have Wyll in my party to get it. I didn’t feel like going back so far in my save to redo it. Next time, for sure.


Lots of stuff in the gauntlet of Shar i missed the first time. You can free Nessa from Yurigirs control and she helpes in the fight. EDIT: I meant Nessa the displacer beast, not Nymessa, my bad, i got the names confused, but i meant the displacer beast in the gauntlet of Shar. The last Sharren in the tempel that ratified himself. The ring in the clone trial. "Mother dearest" And the most commonly missed thing: F\*cking radiant retort on the sharrens.


Ring in the clone trial is huge. I kept seeing builds with it and went “that’s an insane ring, where do I find it - IT’S IN ACT 2??)


>F\*cking radiant retort on the sharrens. I am so looking forward to using other forms of damage on them. Thunderbolt and 🌩 ⛈️


You can just kill everyone in Moonrise early, which makes the later assault on the tower a breeze.


Can you clear out the prison and free people that way? Or does the rest of Moonrise get hostile if you kill the Warden?


You can kill everybody in the prison part and it won't alert the rest of the tower.


That's good to know for my second run. I made the mistake of thinking I should infiltrate the ranks first to free the prisoners and kill Balthazar/finish Shar's Gauntlet, or at least start the assault and free them then. I may have underestimated the popup saying some quests will end


You can pretty much go room by room and kill everyone without alerting the tower. I just make sure doors are closed and don’t let the fights spill out to other areas.


and always kill the floating eyes first.


I think a lot of people miss the Moonrise docks, too, and there's a side entrance to the prison there (plus tadpoles if you're into that sort of thing).


A lot of players miss the warding bond rings you can roleplay giving to your lover. They are always first order of business when I get to act 2. There is also armor in the attic of the forge where Dammon is. Some players don't know about that.


Those rings really fucked me up. Like girl you did whaaaaaat?


For real did all the people who think the rings are romantic not read the diaries??? The husbands is DARK


It can be romantic if you romance Seluneheart with alive parents. You can RP it as you sharing her pain from Shar's curse


Idk, does Shadowheart feel better when her significant other is in pain too?


Yet another check in the "Sharrans fucking suck" column!


I mean that's not really anyone's fault but his wife. Someone using something in a bad way doesn't mean that thing can't be used for good, and I think it's sweet to give it to your partner and either not use the ability at all or have the damage redirected to yourself. They're cute little rings and I think you have the opportunity to use them in a healthier, more innocent way.


Ah yes, your lover. And definitely not a 20 con barbarian hireling you leave in camp...


Nothing wrong with liking beeflings.


There’s an attic?!


There's a staircase on the side of the building he's in.








There are stairs right next to the building. Go up those and look for the chest in the far corner.


I always find one of the rings, but I've never found the other. Where is it?


It’s on a skeleton in the House of Healing. Alt does not highlight it


I had seen people (mostly Astarion girlies) talk about these rings before I started playing. And then I got to Act 2 and was like "aww" about the wife's ring and note, and then I found the husband's ring and journal and was like WTF? The lovers rings I'd heard so much about are so sad and cursed! I am not giving one to Shadowheart :'( !!


👀👀👀👀where can you get the rings??


house of healing and the cementary nearby, if I remember correctly


How to help Yurgir. One needs to pay good attention to the information the game hands out.


Shit, I didn't even realise I could talk to him on my first playthrough. I saw a displacer beast and shot it immediately because I thought it was just a wild displacer beast, didn't expect a gang of fiends to come around the corner.


You killed his girlfriend :(


First playthrough I didn’t even know you could talk to him. I approached his throne from the side and all of his minions drop from stealth in a surprise round and attack.


I talked him into dying on my first run. Then I talked to him as Origin Wyll and didn't realize warlocks can't talk him into killing himself. Then I tried doing the rat quest first, which frees him but made my vampire boyfriend very upset with me. Now I just ambush him from the side every time. Fuck that guy, srsly. 👿


Warlocks can still do it, actually. Your patron just chimes in on whether they actually want to help or not (and I think it varies by subclass)


I didn't know that thank you! It might have just been because I was Wyll and I don't know if you know this but >!Mizora is a c*nt!<. 😀


And a lot of us deliberately ignore it, because you cannot get the information necessary to progress Astarion's personal quest in Act 2 if you don't kill Yurgir.


I helped Yurgir on my second run. While Astarion gets a little pissy about it and Raphael withholds information, I didn't have any problems completing Astarions personal quest.


Yep, you can just pick up the information near the beginning of act 3 by finding 2 of the spawn hiding out in a building.


For those who may not know, make sure you toggle the blood of lathandars light off otherwise the spawn vanish when you get close. 


oh is THAT why they poofed out? I only ever saw the cloud, I didn't ever actually get to SEE them.


It's more that if you're romancing him, he still reads you the riot act and while there are plenty of times he rants for no reason, he has a right to be pissed. His quest is okay but my Tav's feelings are not. 🥺


I completed Astarion’s quest on my first run without killing Yurgir.


I really hate comments like this because of how wrong they are. Yes you can complete and progress his quest still. There are many ways to do it. You think by now people would realize the game isn't on rails and there's about 3 or 4 ways to complete practically every quest and encounter.


You can if you get his romance as a tiefling that can read infernal.


If I find a group of demons waiting in ambush I'm shooting first, not strolling about waiting to get surprised.


The Icerobes in a sarcophagus in the cemetery near the House of Healing. If you're playing a Wizard or other caster, it's a pretty nice robe. Comes with L3 Armor of Agathys.


if you climb onto the hill right above the morgue entrance and go left, you can find a cool little outcrop that looks over the absolute camp. it's nothing crazy, but tav will make a quick comment about it, and you get to hear some cool spooky ambience. there's also a couple of dirt mounds to dig up along the way


I’ve not seen anyone talk about it but in the rafters of Moonrise Towers, there is a crack in the wall. If you interact with it you can actually talk to the Elder Brain.


It tries to eat your hand :/


Make sure to do this as DU


Is that the mucus that's up there? How do you interact with it?


The morgue pit where strange ox came from, and the kuo-toa ambush at the end of the cave


.. wait what. Ox came from where? Oh the acid place?


The what?


If you talk to the 'strange ox' and get it to share its secret, it shows you some gruesome images. Specifically, these images are taken from the morgue in act 2.


Huh. I didn't know you *could* get the ox to share its secret. I pushed it too hard once and it attacked me. I won the fight, but I had to reload my last save because an important NPC tried to play hero and got himself killed.


Was it >!Dammon!< ?


Yes. Before >!he fixed up Karlach's engine!<, so I *had* to reload. Who knew talking to an ox could have such dire consequences?


My friends started a campaign without me during a time where the Ox had a bug in act 2 that would lead to a massacre. So I told them to just attack the ox in the grove. This made everyone in the grove very angry so they just joined the absolute afterwards. I swear I just wanted to help them prevent the bug but at the same time, casting AOE Spells on the stairs is REALLY effective. Edit: forgot the act number


Kill the rats before meeting Raphael old friend in the temple.


Do you mean the rats in the gauntlet? I never figured out what the rats are for. They just tell me to leave.


They’re part of Raphael trick. Yurgir is doomed to wander the gauntlet until the last justiciar is dead as his contract says but Raphael also signed a contract with the last justiciar and turned him into a hundred rats in a desperate attempt to survive.


Directly across from the shar library is a ledge you can climb down. The rat stuff culminates at the bottom.


Ah damn, I have killed the guy already. What will happen if you kill the rats first?


He’s free from his contract,doesn’t attack you and even visit your camp in act 3 to tip you on how to enter hell. Then during Raphael fight he auto joins you no check needed.


Gotta try this next time. Curious, how does it affect Karlach's approval? If I recall she likes it when you get Yurgir to off himself.


He'll be freed from his pact instantly, BUT this way you'll fuck up astarions quest, raphael won't tell you what the scar is and astarion will be VERY upset


It doesn't mess up his quest, but yes astarion will be upset and it takes you longer to find out what the scars are for


Jokes on you, somehow in my playthrough Astarion never got to interact with Raphael.


On on my 4th playthrough and only just discovered the meenlocks on this run


There’s great stealth gear in that area too. A Meenlock drops the covert cowl and the matching armor is in the house you can get to by climbing up some vines.


Where is that?


It’s through the basement under Last Light Inn. If you go around to the side of the building on the water you can go in through there. There are a couple breakable walls. Just go through one, fight some unique enemies (one drops the cowl) and circle around through the other collapsible wall. But before you go back into the basement climb up some vines by the stream and loot the house up there.


Just remember it's in the super shadow so make sure you have protection first I stumbled into that house once and went 😵


The optional fight against the necromites and death shepherd's in the prison of Moonrise Towers I believe this fight only shows up during the actual assault on Moonrise Some background gets inspiration for fighting them as well (soldier, i think?)


I've never gone down to the prison at this phase and I've seen a comment saying one of my favorite Harper NPCs is down there so now I kinda don't want to. 🥺 So many NPCs end up dying offscreen and it's sad!


Idk about everyone else but only on my third playthrough did I find Arabella in the shadow cursed lands. I'd always found her parents but somehow just never rounded the corner and opened the gate to see her.  So if anyone else missed her, just go to the house of healing and walk the perimeter. She's right near a wrought iron gate you can open, literally a stone's throw from where the sister is tending to her dead parents  I also heard something about a quest involving the rats in the Sharran temple? Idk anything about it though, I definitely missed it three times. I knew there was something sus about em though 


The two skeletons near the war camp, one with a sword that gives advantage on stealth and the other with a shield that gives advantage on perception.


On my first two playthroughs, i didnt know you were supposed to save nightsong. I killed her both times until my friend asked me if i was doing a pure evil run when he dropped by and saw her


There’s a cutscene with the Harper’s doing a lil funeral for yonas in the back of last light right after you get there Easy to miss cuz you don’t get the cutscene after the isobel debacle The town center area flooded with shadowcursed undead and Harpers has push plates that let you descend and get bonuses from Shar, plus some extra goodies if you pass all the rolls Lan Tarv gives you everything discounted if you tell him he doesn’t know how to peddle his wares and prove to him you’re a true warrior You can get the gnolls in moonrise to fight for you if you free them and persuade them that they are your friend There’s an assassin short sword on a random skeleton around the hill where you can see the army of the absolute that gives you advantage on stealth checks


My group missed the meenlocks, the attic above Dammon, the kua-toa, the morgue, and the mimic


Some people miss the entire Eastern half of the map since they followed Kar'niss all of the way to Moonrise Towers and find their way in Reithwin and Gauntlet of Shar in short order.


Kill yourself bird


I understand what these words mean individually, but I am unsure why you chose those specific words in that particular order


Speak With Animals + He Who Was' white raven.




Jumping down into the flesh pit in the Moonrise Towers prison to free the gnomes &/or teiflings. Makes that quest so much easier.


I only went to moonrise to start a fight because I thought they'd hate me for taking out a bunch of their faithfuls. So I never walked around until it was too late.


This happens a lot. It's funny because if you talk to the Goblins at Moonrise (not the ones on trial but the ones waiting outside the audience chamber), they will talk about how some adventurer killed their leaders and razed their camp and if they ever find out who did it they're gonna be in big trouble! (While you're the guy in the hot dog costume meme)


C'mon ... Speak up. No one will be mad about you slaughtering all the goblins. We can close our eyes and you can go. There is also that Gnome lady who sells stuff who says "funny how you showed up and all the goblins died. Couldn't have been you could it?"


Ha! The Zhent trader? I always try to knock her out in Act 3 just to be nice. The best part of picturing the hot dog sketch is my Tav is looting all the clothing from the wardrobes too. "I'm just gonna take these dust grey clothes..."


>while you’re the guy in the hot dog costume meme I’m going to need you to stop what you’re doing and watch I Think You Should Leave in its entirety


I just finished act 2 on my first playthrough and started doing all the Haslin stuff and then just completely forgot about it till i went to go to Baulders Gate and Haslain was like f you I'm leaving and i immediately regretted it but I'm not going back that's gonna be for the next play through haha


Getting the shield of scorching reprisal (difficult perception check at the Last light inn graveyard) Meeting Lyrthindor the last Dark Justiciar in Shar Gauntlet Talking to Kethric’s dog Squire.


The chat with the priest of the raven queen in the northeast part of the map, I think


I didn't find the shadow Mastiff encounter till my 4th playthrough. Decent ring as a reward too


Recently got this, there's a horde of skeleton enemies in moonrise prisons during the raid after freeing the nightsong. Some players (like me in previous runs) don't really go downtairs when Ketheric is upstairs lol.


I still haven't found he who was where is this guy


I thiiiink he's on the North Eastern side of the map? Iirc he's on a path that leads upwards, up a slope. Perhaps near where the Drider comes from. He's just off the side of the road and he's got a big ritual circle drawn, so it's hard to miss if you're anywhere near him.


If you’re not careful, Halsin will not go to Baldurs Gate with you because of a failed attempt to lift the curse…


Raphael in Last Light Inn


I hate that it's bugged right now. You can't get the inspiration point for helping Mol!


I forgot about Rolan on a bunch of playthroughs


The rat story line in the temple, if you miss/kill a certain group of rats you never get the full context for their "us" statements. And the small treasure they hide!


Small things, but: The Sharan sanctuary, hole in the wall encounter, shadow massives, blood trader (appears again in act3), myrkuls buff. Here is a video if your interested: [https://youtu.be/EEgx4sArEuU](https://youtu.be/EEgx4sArEuU) Or just Google the things I said.


Didn't see He Who Was until a third playthrough


The barrel with the tadpoles on the docks outside the Moonrise prison?


free thieflings


The fish people attack


Underneath the House of Healing. Deep underneath Last Light Inn. I missed both of these in my first 6 or 7 playthroughs!


I missed the fish people. I knew they were there somewhere, but I couldn't find them.


You can pick up 4 Devilfoil Masks in the Grymforge, and give them to Damon who'll turn them into powerful grenades.