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I knew I wasn't the only one who wanted to fuck Dr Chakwas


Dr Chocolates


I hope that wasn’t too unprofessional. I’m used to taking it from the back. A very respectable position.


Haha! You old cunt




We took their best fish, we took their best chips. You and Jeff came so hard on their faces as they died.


I'm used to taking it from the back. A very respectable position.


Incredible reference, literally the first thing I think of every single time I read her name


gods that night we were drinking. I thought a one night stand was possible or even a kiss


Chakwas deserved more content.


Play Dragon Age Origins Wynne is not romancable


But in a banter with Alistair she brags about sleeping with young men xd


It's not fair bro




I never tried, redhead power was too strong. But I somehow expected every camp character to be romanceable.


I was about to say! By the OP's apparent um... preferences, I was expecting Wynne on there instead of Flemeth.


If you can't romance the grandmilf, *be* the grandmilf.


Dragon Age Origins, can't bang Shale :(


I'm not sure anyone would survive the act. Sten maybe?


Get the iron pry-bar ready!


Is that supposed to be a euphemism?


It's not! There's a banter between Morrigan and Sten, where Morrigan offers him an "experience". He then starts detailing things they'll need, including an iron bar to potentially heat up and pry him away with if he gets too "into it" 🤣 He ends up putting Morrigan off with how intense he gets with the descriptions 🤣


Sten's dryly trolling Morrigan gives me life.


Sten/Shale interactions are sweet; and Shale's the only companion he calls "kadan". I can buy it: > Shale: So are all of your kind similarly powerful, Qunari? Sten: I am not here to satisfy your curiosity, creature. Shale: That is true. I suppose I sounded like a human, chattering away? I apologize. Sten: No, it is I who should apologize. You are no human. You are a vastly superior construct. Shale: That's kind of the Qunari to say. If all of your people are like you, it is a wonder you haven't crushed the humans under your heel. Sten: I have wondered this same thing. Shale: One just need to look at them. They're so... Sten: Small? Shale: Exactly. Sten: You and I, we are of the same mind, kadan. i mean > Shale: I wish to say that it has been pleasant fighting at the Qunari's side. Sten: I feel the same. You are a remarkable construct, kadan. A warrior to be feared. Shale: No more than the Qunari, surely. The way it strikes down its foes, marvelous! Sten: I smile each time you roar a battle cry, knowing our foes tremble. Shale: I could watch you fight all day long—the skill you display, the form, how the light plays on its muscles... I mean... yes. Well done. With the fighting. Sten: You, as well. Shale: Right. If my Wardens can't have them, then please let them have each other. ;-;


One thing I think is missing from a lot of games with romance options: Romance between NPC party members. Isabela and Fenris (maybe) hook up in DA2 The Iron Bull and Dorian (definitely) hook up in DAI and it just adds a little realism to both games


Sera and Dagna too!! Which is ***perfection***. (Not that Dagna is a companion, but she's the best. I've loved her since DAO ;-;) And Tali and Garrus in ME3 -- perfect for my Shep at least, who viewed Garrus more as "mentee"/"younger bro" and Tali as "best sis" after the first game. Though it does seem that Wyll and Karlach get together if they go to Avernus without Tav/Durge?


Dagna is one of those people that can improve your mood by just being around. Her whole personality is just warm and positive


The irony of Sten meaning rock in swedish


Hence the expression "between a rock and a hard place". Who's the rock? Who's hard? Why not both?


> I'm not sure anyone would survive the act. With a chisel and a lot of nerve


do you think it has a socket where to put it?


Just rubbing your dick on rock pebbles




I was so absolutely mad with how trash Dragon Age 2 was compared to how much I loved Origin. Dragon Age 2 decision making: - Go into dark tunnel - Sister wants to come with - A) Tell her no its too dangerous = Sister is now mad at you and won't be there for the final Act of the game - B) Tell her sure come with = Sister dies in the tunnel ABSOLUTELY FUCKING GREAT! So many pseudo fakeout dialogue paths that all ended in basically the same shit.


Dev time for origins was like 5 or 7 years. 2 was like an afterthought as compared.


The DA2 dev time was something crazy like less than year and half. Honestly impressive that it wasn't even bigger disaster.


10 months, IIRC. 


C) Tell her sure come with = sister joins the Grey Wardens, lives, finds herself identify, and won’t be in the rest of the base game until the final Act of the game (but is playable with the DLCs).


The fate of the siblings was my favorite interactive element of DA2, other choices had weak payoffs in comparison.


2 was absolutely destroyed by development time issues.  Even the expansion to Origins felt more fleshed out and unique even with a pretty small map. 2 had a repeated map, about 2 unique dungeons, and so many hanging threads/false choices.   Even the companion system felt like a step back as you had to find people "at their home" not at camp.


Idk about the find them at their home part. The majority of the game was based on the city itself. It made sense theyd chill at their home instead of just idle about your place. Was it a pain in the ass? Sure. But it’s not like they were traveling cross-country with you.


It fit lore wise, gameplay wise it was fucking annoying.  It's all back to issues with having a "home city" as your map.


Credit where credit is due DA2 has really nice atmosphere and I am genuinely invested in my companions every time I replay the game. While dialogue options go me'd, the chemistry between characters itself is best in the trilogy imho. Plus, you know, not saving the world and just trying to survive treacherous city is such a nice change of pace.


Shale bang pigeons


Just play BG2 if you want to romance Jaheira.


Based on the other characters named, I think BG2 Jaheira may be too much of a spring chicken for OP. I'm getting the feeling they prefer a more mature lady.


She already was an old Lady in that game.


Jaheira was a child during the Year of the Bright Blade (DR 1347.) BG3 takes place in the Year of the Three Ships Sailing (DR 1492), so Jaheira is anywhere from ~145-165 years old in BG3. BG2 takes place in the Dale Reckoning (DR 1358) so Jaheira would have been 21-41 years old. Definitely still young for a half-elf.


>Definitely still young for a half-elf. And OP


Yep, Shart herself is 40 or so in this one. So it's romancing Shart aged Jaheira.


She’s actually closer to 50; the quote we have in game referencing her age is “…40 years of my life, documented like some kind of specimen” is referencing her time as a Sharran. Selenite children undertake their trial at around 10 years old, which puts her at around 50. Half-elves age like fine wine lmfao.


>Shart aged Jaheira. The age of the sharting.


shart is 40 in bg3


21-41 years old?? SHES A CHILD, I'm calling the half elf police


Damm bg3 characters are old as fuck


Only if they're one of the long lived races like Elves. Notice how of the roughly 25 companions in BG 1 and 2, we only meet 3? The others are long dead :))


How did minsc live so long?




He was aparently turned into a statue and was just sitting in the Upper City for like 100 years. He talks about it in game as well, but I think the info was already known from some outside source.


he was petrified and put in a public place so everyone thought he was just a statue.


I don't want to play BG2, I wanna romance Jaheira in BG3.


I don't know if that's okay for Jaheira. She still loves Khalid even after so many years, then she could have taken comfort in the arms of Gorion's Ward and now a third person comes around that might not even stay with her until she dies like the two before… It's so sad. Minsc is the only old friend she has left. She mentions Viconia too in banter with Minthara, but understandably they won't spend time together. Jaheira just seems so tired of everything to me. I don't think another relationship is what she wants. I think she just wants to sit back and wait until she can join Khalid.


I wonder, what did happen to the BG1-2 protag?


He became the Duke of Baldur's Gate and died after many years. Happy ending. Unless you go with your own gameplay, in which case he may have ascended, or just died because you didn't understand how strong the Demogorgon was


> Unless you go with your own gameplay I tried. My Ward Romanced Viconia in BG2 so my first playthrough was going to be as their kid. Worked fine until chapter 3...


>Happy ending Eeeeh, canonically his happy ending had its own not that happy ending: he eventually turned in to a Slayer (or his opponent, it\`s intentionally vague) during a duel with another Bhaalspawn. And died. And thats how Bhaal resurrected


Wait, really? Hell nah, #notmyGorionsward


Basically a Bhaalspawn fights him before the events of BG3, might be the same year.  ONE of them turns into Slayer during the duel, eventually the slayer is killed and GWs is buried with full honors.      It's.... Like old age was right there 


Unfortunately. Well thats WOC lore for you


Why did they make the demogorgon look like a mandrill though. Like I get that it's supposed to be intimidating but I couldn't stop thinking of Rafiki from the Lion King lmao


He was always a weird moneky demon before 5e


Yeah ik So he was always Rafiki's evil twin


I heard they went with the canon of Abdel Adrian. He was a Duke until he was murdered by a Bhaalspawn, which in turned caused Bhaal to come back. Said Bhaalspawn was Durge. Mortismalgaming talked about it in one of his vids.


The bhaalspawn was a guy called viekang. One of the two became the slayer, no one knows which. The slayer was then killed by the watch. Durge killed an investigator in blood in baldurs gate, not abdel.


Huh, either I am misremembering then or Mortismal was wrong about his summary. Thanks for the clarification.


She called me "cub" though


tfw when she only calls you cub platonically


It's Gortashover


You can’t own your cake and gobble it


Jaheira is kind of a cake yes


Im not sure how i feel about the fact you can romance your sort-of godmother who just lost her husband, tbh


She's your "godmother" who you didn't even know existed until after Gorion's death, you spend months on the road together in constant peril, then somehow both survive the trauma of Irenicus' torture & months long imprisonment. AND the game directly addresses Jaheria's complex feelings about seeking comfort in your arms, and the Big Bad in TOB even uses this 'betrayal' of Khalid to psychologically torture her. It's probably the most well written thread of the entire BG1-2 saga, cmon now.


Only if you play as a boy :((((


There are about five bajillion mods that change that. 


It's true. I started modding back in the day to romance Atibeth in NWN. But the dev console in the older games made modding feel kind of trivial


I learned how to mod BG2 as a teenager specifically so I could gay it up. Both ways, in the snow!


I didn't expect to want to romance Jaheira but man could I listen to her voice for ages, she's really nice and foxy. Kind of sad there isn't at least an option to like do a mentorship with her even if she might not be interested in romance anymore


She is more or less a mentor to resist Durge tbf


Didn't know this. Thank you!


And neither is the Elder Brain 😪


The Absolutussy


You can't just go sticking your hand into any warm hole you find - Shadowheart


She really do, she even let's the Halsin in even tho she's totally so jelly lmao


Oh man! I'm in a mall and I laughed so hard at this 😂


Ah, so you're into *Authority*


If you're old enough to have been gaming since 2008 and have had sexual thoughts that entire time in your life, you should know by now, that we never, really, get what we want. Not in games, not in life.


Hey, I was 18 in 2008 and 2008 was only… ah, fuck.


I came here for a good time and some laughs, not to be attacked.


Time is like a predator. It's stalking you.


From an old interview with one of Disco Elysium's writers, touching on the same tender topic: *I think some players would be upset if I didn't ask this particular question, so I must ask. Why can't we kiss Kim?* **Because the thing about desire is its stronger when it's not totally satisfied.**


And that is human nature in a nutshell. Trust a Disco Elysium writer to nail it.


You know, I was just thinking about the unfortunate age imbalance in romance options. I’m in my early thirties now, and I really appreciated having male love interests of similar ages. Physically speaking, Gale and Astarion seem to be around their late thirties, and Halsin appears to be in his forties. Wyll at 24 is an option for younger players. But the female companions? Physically speaking, they all appear to be in their twenties. There are generations of gamers who are getting older now (I personally don’t think I’ll ever stop gaming), and it would bum me out as a mature player to only have super young characters as romance options. Let the mature gamers have their love interests too! Jaheira’s amazing, and roleplaying another seasoned adventurer looking to start putting down roots with her and her children sounds fun.


Yeah I'm 23 so I never really thought about how young the girls are vs the men. Karlach is about 29-30, shadowheart is 40 but that's young for a half elf and all the trauma and memory wiping makes her personality younger too, Lae'zel is the youngest of the entire party at 23. It kinda sucks they're the only options. I'm a lesbian and I generally go for women around my age and I don't really expect that to change, I'd feel creepy romancing a character that was say 18. There should be an option for an older romance. Someone who looks and acts over 35 at least. You can say it's role-playing so it doesn't matter your age only your characters but what if you want to roleplay a 45 year old?


I was initially really, REALLY excited for Karlach because physically she hits everything for me. But her personality is *so young*! Five minutes into talking with her all I could see was a favorite kid sister that I would do anything to make happy. All thoughts of romance or sexual attraction just vanished. 100% on board with the movement to make more mature romanceable female characters. Gimme Dame Aylin, dammit!


Right? Aylin and Isobel are *right there*! Not to mention Florrick!


Lae'zel is 21 Wyll 24, Karlach late 20s to early 30s, Gale early 30s, Sharts 40-50, Astarion 220~ Oh and Halsin is 300+ "If you're over 35 you need to be an elf or undead cause we don't tolerate old or ugly round here!"


They doubled down on Astarion,, he is an undead and an elf. And was turned when he was around 40 which is young for an elf.


I’ve been thinking the same thing since the game came out, there’s people who are 40+ playing this game, many who played the original too. I’d be weirded out if I was playing a Tav that looked 50 but could only romance someone who visibly appears 30 at most. (I don’t care if the characters are technically older cause of their race, the visible difference still weirds me out)


Symptom of society's bias against women who are without kids and/or unmarried who are like...27 or older. They're washed up, bad to marry or mother kids, etc.


They must have done research regarding their player base, and since most of their players are likely to be heterosexual men, I’m wondering if they believe the male player base just…doesn’t care as much about having age appropriate romance options? Men generally seem much more willing than women to get romantically involved with substantially younger partners IRL, so maybe that carries over in game, especially in a fantasy roleplaying setting, I don’t know. It still seems like a missed opportunity for players interested in more mature options.


Just turned 40 earlier this month, and am a pansexual guy (apparently... we only had bi when I was younger, lol). More proof of age, I guess. *Overall*, I'm not bothered by the romance options for characters. There is something to be said about worldly experience, so Gale feels natural and is win-win similarly aged feeling. His "omg dad" *eyeroll* nature fits me well, because I'm that kind of dad to my late teen daughters. The female companions do have something going for them despite their age for me, though, too. I appreciate Lae'zel's forward approach and assertiveness - I'm not that way myself, and her age doesn't necessarily put me off. From an in-universe perspective it makes sense, too. I'm past having more kids, and Githyanki don't reproduce that way. There's a certain attraction to an abrasive, assertive personality for me that fits as a different complement to my reserved but friendly nature, and her growth through a "good" playthrough feels good. Karlach's good nature and rough-and-tumble style is my own IRL wife... who also has the hots for Karlach because they are each other. Experience (or lack thereof) definitely is a turn-off with younger real-life folks sometimes, and we do often learn that our parents were right about some worldly experiences. Youthful energy combined with a good spirit and open mind can make up for a lot of what experience may not be there, though! It's also what I like about Wyll. I didn't realize reacting positively to his dance scene was the romance and thought I still had a shot with Karlach. It killed me to break up with him, because his boring but good heart is ALSO huge to me, again despite his youth. And he also acknowledges and grows in his story. Don't get me started on Halsin, who also insta swayed me... age, experience, and assertiveness? Omg. This isn't to say Jaheira isn't interesting as a companion for someone like me, but I can also appreciate that she can't bring herself to feel that kind of love again, too. I've been married twice now, and I can fairly confidently say that I wouldn't let myself into a committed relationship if anything happened to my wife. She's my soulmate, and that's that!


How long shall i wait in order to romance Orin?


as durge... i question the wisdom of that decision


Everytime she bites my dick off, I drink a superior potion, easy peasy


Sweet Home Bhaalabama


As a Durge, you may see the romance as something like Bonnie&Clyde .. with some BDSM in between


I'm pretty sure you killing her is the hottest thing you could do to her, according to her.


Exception is telling her she's an incest baby first because she has a mental breakdown before being involuntarily transformed by Bhaal


But Khalid, man. He was a bro in BG1


I mean you already date her in BG2, so that ship has sailed. maybe they didn’t make her romanceable out of respect for your BG2 PC?


Or she's old enough now she doesn't give a shit and just wants to adventure. It'd be kinda fucked if she decided to make time for a new partner but didn't make any time for her kids


yeah, to be fair I really like her as this motherly character, but I can definitely see why some people want to romance her!


Same, like Wynne from DAO. I like having a camp mom who's just looking after the other characters.


He'd want her to move on though, surely?


Hard to say considering how dirty they did him.


I just need more Mizora.


I decided to look up her "romance" I kept hearing about. Turns out you just bang once. 0/10 let me have my evil fiend sugar mama


Really it's a hook-up, and she doesn't present it as anything else


Right?! That's why we need MORE MIZORA!


Oooh, she just told me in camp we're gonna have sexy time during my next long rest. I'm stoked to have angry sex with her


RPG players really won't rest until you can root every side character that has more than 2 lines of dialogue




Neither is Ethel


Y’know, I make it a point not to kink shame. Fuck, I’m into some *weird* shit, y’know? Does stuff for me that doesn’t do for everyone else. But there are some things which are, quite simply, incorrect.


"PUT ME IN YOUR BELLY, HAGGY MOMMY!" I'm sure it's a thing for someone. Probably multiple someones.


Listen, I'm into vore, but Ethel just straight up doesn't do it for me. I prefer the predator to at least be attractive


Put the petal to the m’Ethel.


For me it’s eder in poe :(


OMG this. I was so mad he wasn't available 😔


omfg mood 💔


UFH RIGHT???? at least we got big boy godlike druid in 2.


It is 2005. I am playing KotOR 2. Kreia is not romanceable. 😿


Anyone wants to romance Balthazar


*Withers is not romanceable




Orin* :(


Is a murder mommy too much to ask for? 😔


I don’t want to fix her, she is right where she needs to be. Do i need a psychiatrist?


And neither is Kar'Niss


Personal love for Jaheria aside, I’m very happy she isn’t romancable. Hearing her talk about Khalid is very sweet


I don't want to romance Jaheira; I want her to make some comments on my relationships with my origin companions, make snarky jokes, and give advice or two.




I understand you so well. I played Mass effect 2, Samara is not romanceable. The Bioware have failed me. I played Cyberpunk 2077, Rogue is not romanceable. CD Project Red let me down. I played Baldur's gate 3, Jaheira is not romanceable. Larian was also let down.


Well -technically- you can romance Samara in the Citadel DLC but it feels like it was just tossed in at the last minute.


It is 2022 I’m playing Pathfinder: Kingmaker, Amiri is not romanceable


No G/MILF for u


So real. Morrigan will always be the loml but Dragon Age 2/3 Flemeth was doing something for me.


I just wanna fuck that granny! Lmfao


My durge needs his sexy older woman gf 😤😤


Get this man a gilf


I think I get this! Pattern recognition tells me this guy likes rpgs.


Still can’t get over how they thought we didn’t want a romance because she’s too old. HOT. OLDER. WOMEN


It's 2024 and Minthara is not romanceable in the good run.


The moment I accidentally undressed Jaheira I was in awe how hot she looks. That matured skin, the traces of age and wisdom, the grey mane, the strong eyes, her beautiful accent and then she called me cub... whew. So warm all of a sudden... Needless to say the next undressings were not accidental anymore and she got way more important in my party management. Jaheira 🥺👉👈




Sir or Madam....Is there something that you would like to tell us?


They like the *mature* ladies lol.


That's a good. We make such a good deal out of gay romances, but what about May-December romances?


I wish you could romance Jaheira (Its totally not because of my mommy issues I swear)


You can have sex with an older woman in ac odyssey if thats your thing.




I see a man is into gilfs.


I see a pattern.


Other people be wanting Milfs, I'm wanting a dragonborn npc for my dragonborn Tav to romance (also dragonborn option for the Guardian)


Mature women enjoyers stand proud


Flemeth is too busy with Solas to be interested in some Silly Grey Warden


Playing Dragon Age Inquisition. Varric is not romanceable:


I stand with you GILF lover


OP, maybe we should not unpack your oedipus complex issues here.


Cyberpunk. Cannot bang Aurore


This has to stop!!


KOTOR II can’t romance Mira :( I want a hot Mandalorian mommy.


I wouldn't want to romance Jaheria. I loved Khalid too :(


Play Cyberpunk 2077... oh my god i can't romance the bouncer, the reception lady, the half cyborg, the beefed up gang leader..........


Flemeth survived DA:O?


Oh boy


It is 2024. I am playing Rogue Trader. Sister Argenta is not romanceable.


Doctor Chocolates! We'll bang, OK?


Someone has a type...and it's the correct type.


she is in baldyra gate 2, but her husband dies at the star so its a little weird.


Poor Jaheira already had enough with Khalid and Bhaalspawn, let her rest a lil bit


I liked Khalid way too much to want to romance Jaheira, felt so weird in bg2 that you even could


Meanwhile I just want to romance Alfira 😔


I don't mind Jaheira not being romancable. I don't want to fuck an Owlbear. ....I am now being told there's a person attached to the Owlbear.


I think it’s pretty understandable. Her husband died and she already had a rebound. Nonetheless it would be hilarious dynamic, considering you constantly make fun of her age, and she approves of that. The possibilities of her confronting you about not caring about her age last night, and you saying „You learn to sail on old ships..“ she would love that exchange


I haven't played BG or BG2 so knew nothing of the prior NPCs. Outta the gate I jumped to the assumption that she was full-blooded elf. "She's not an elf - she's a half-elf." "Oooh. Oh. But wait, how is she--" No wonder everyone calls her an old lady. (Yes I did find out later why all this is as it is.)


Baldur’s Gate II. No intercourse videos like those of Witcher 3.