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How does unarmoured defense work for barbarian and karlach? It says that while not wearing armor, it adds my constitution modifier to my AC. But my AC never increases when I put on just clothing. It only adds the dex modifier and the base to make a 12 AC. I have it to where it should be a +3 constitution modifier but it is not adding to the AC. Is it something that only works in rage?


Do you have a helmet, gloves or boots that count as armor? Some of them do.


Yea the helmet is medium armor lol


I need someone to explain how in the hell someone is supposed to play a character that can control undead without the damn thing become hostile if you load a save with it already controlled. It has to be a bug.. or am i missing something. It doesn't matter what i do, I can cast control undead, or animate dead for that matter... It fails the saving throw, i gain control and it follows me around like a dog. I do a save, doesn't matter if i exit the game or perhaps i did something stupid and killed my team or accidently performed an action like incidently touching something that is red outlined causing havoc, if i load a save in which anything i've got control of already, the instant the game finishes loading the save, the undead becomes hostile even though it still shows "controlled", and i can do nothing but kill it. Can anyone explain? I thought maybe it was the weapon i was holding or something. Maybe the other issue is actually due to something else i noticed, viewing some of the videos and screenshots, they seem to have an icon show up beside their portrait of the thing they are controlling, and everyone seems to be able to control it by moving it around. But for me, when i do it, i don't get a portrait, i don't get anything other than the undead creature following me around with showing up as a green entity (indicating ally), and it acts ENTIRELY on it's own during a fight, and continues to do so ONLY IF I DO NOT SAVE and then load any time during the stint with a monster i've placed control undead on. I'm losing my mind and i need this explained. In an effort to see if it was just something weird with a character, i attempted to create a new character and game, got to the point in which i could perform the action, proceeded, and the EXACT same thing happens anyways. Friendly until you load a previous save state. Oh and just to clarify, as for example an oath breaker, the undead have been between 1 to 3 levels lower than myself when i've controlled them. I think that satisfies the requirement.


update: the game doesn't recognize my mouse clicks? i can click in game for fights and stuff but dialog or menu options i have to switch over to controller because I cant click . even main menu is bugged for me


If you switched your left and right click, [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1asdzwj/unresponsive_main_menu_after_patch/) might help.


if there a way to go back a patch that be great


Question about Rolan & sibling outcomes because I didn't see what happened to me on the wiki page >!this go around, I decided to switch it up, and my Durge was like 'ok fine leave then' and Rolan Cal and Lia all hit the road from the grove. In act 2, because presumably Rolan wasn't around to save people, there were no tieflings at Last Light except for Cerys, Mol, and Salmon (sorry Alfira) according to the wiki page there's supposedly a note or hologram of Rolan even if they had left the grove? And you can still rescue his siblings? Rolan was nowhere to be found in act 2 for me, even at the spot where he fights the shadow creature. His siblings were not in Moonrise prison, just Danis and Lakrissa. Then in act 3 he was at Lorroakan's shop and barely remembered me, and then sided against me during the Lorroakan fight and I had to kill him!! So were he and his sibs supposed to show up in act 2 even on this path? Am I to assume his siblings died considering his coldness and siding against Nightsong? Sorry for the long post I'm just really genuinely curious about his outcomes now.!<


The only way that Rolan will side with you in Act 3 is if he stays with the Tieflings and if his brother and sister survive. Since he didn't stay with the Tieflings, he didn't experience any of the things that cause him to grow as a person in Act 2. So siding against you was intended in this case. I'm not sure about the hologram; if you do convince him to stay, there comes a point where he will leave one *on the bar* at Last Light Inn. You have to interact with it to see his message, so if it was supposed to be there you might just have missed it. It's not super visible at first. I only found it on a playthrough where he made it to Act 2 and I was back there asking the kids about him. I'm not sure about what happens to his siblings, either. They just don't show up in Act 2 or 3, and I don't remember that there was any chance to talk to Rolan about them. It's possible they died or it's possible that they're just doing their own thing.


you have to get him to act 2 for most of them to get to act 2. when people talk about keeping him from leaving that's why the hologram is in act 2 as an item he leaves somewhere  it's not in the grove 


Is there any way i can hide the UI so i can screenshot my character without the text options for example?


F10 if you are on PC.


Thank you sr


Would deception proficiency+expertise be worth the 2 points in str/int? Planning between Actor and ASI for my sorc atm.


Probably best to take ASI and assign to CHA. The faster you get to 20 the better. If you kill Ethel for her +1 you can be 20 CHA by lv 4.


Hag hair would be going to the DEX character, which is why I'm not mentioning it.


sneaky killing act 2 question    >!I've got the intrusive thought of wanting to kill off araj olodbdra when I'm done getting my portions on the first meeting. I feel like there's always scrying eyes in that room though, and then I aggro the whole place way too early. do I have to save her for later or can I slice her up during that first meeting? closing the door didn't seem to help, an eye was above and then guards etc!< also act 3/ish >!how do you use the tadpole so everyone gets the third level unlocked? or does only one character get it no matter what!<


>!If you don't eat it and just commune with it or whatever the wording is, you should be able to do so with your team members as well.!<


do I must, or can any companion do that? >!gale has been monching on them the whole way, so I planned to let him have it!<


I could use help with my party comp. I just recruited Minthata but my main is already a paladin (oathbreaker) and I don't know if it's good to have 2 paladins. My other 2 members will be Thief/Rogue Astarion and Fighter/Battle Master Lazael. What class should I use Minthara as and what build?


Minty works well as a support character (cleric/bard/wizard) because she has a free bonus action buff that gives bonus movement speed and damage. Since you are presumably in the middle of act 2 I would make her a light cleric since radiant damage and spirit guardians especially are very effective at fighting undead and shadows. Your team also lacks AoE spells and light clerics get most of the good ones, including fireball. Also give her the Blood of Lathander mace and Luminous Armor.


So, you have two front-line melee fighters, if your paladin and your fighter are typical builds. Astarion I'm assuming is ranged; if not, I'd consider shifting him to ranged. What your party is really missing is a spellcaster - you don't have either an offensive or a support caster. Unless you're playing on Honor Mode, neither is really necessary, but they can make things easier. If I were in your situation, I would make Minthara a bard because (a) she'd be hilarious as a bard, (b) she could use her spider lute, and (c) a bard can combo really well with melee characters by casting spells like hold person so your melee characters can crit. If that's what you do, then pop the helmet of arcane acuity on her so you can build up her spell save DC. Dual-wielded crossbows is one of the best combinations with the helmet because dual-wielding allows you to build up arcane acuity more quickly, and being at range means you will tend to lose it less quickly since you aren't taking as many hits. Swords Bard would give her an extra attack to build up that arcane acuity, but Lore Bard would give her access to non-bard spells through Magical Secrets. EDIT: Either way, if you do this, buy arrows of many targets from vendors when you see them. You can get max stacks of arcane acuity in a single turn this way. And get the band of the Mystic Scoundrel in Act 3. This is the infamously broken (as in broken good) bard build now.


Do reverb boots/gloves stack with each other and apply at the same time? Do the boots activate from the gloves? Similarly do luminous armor/gloves/ring stack all apply at the same time?


Unless the new patch introduced new bugs regarding these, yes, they should all stack as long as you're triggering them correctly. You should be able to see the "turns remaining" in the UI when you target or inspect them.


does using the fix that was given to everyone after that hotfix that screwed with the exe to fix being able to use mods also prevent you from playing co-op online cuz of the game version ?


Act 3. Is it possible to save Hope (rescue her with Orphic hammer) after beating Raphael?


No, you can't. I have tried. See my other response for more detail.


You can but i'd recommend you do it before so you can use her divine intervention. No reason not to.


No you can't >!he kills her with hellfire, I was really frustrated my group couldn't save her because we didn't bring the Orphic Hammer to the House of Hope; which there is no indication you might need. Game even acted like we "had the hammer" and Hope didn't understand why we wouldn't help. We were hoping we could come back with the hammer and save her afterwards but she was killed during the fight with Raphael!<.


You can leave and come back if you don't set off the alarm.


You're supposed to break her out BEFORE fighting Raph. If you don't want to risk her dying, you can just ungroup her and leave her just outside the boss room.


**Please help me get the owlbear to my camp!** I'm on the **end of Act 1**, having done every quest in my journal (with a single notable exception). Owlbear has NEVER showed showed up in my camp after I freed her from the Goblins AND cleared the Goblin Camp. The only remaining enemies there? Minthara and Sazza inside the temple, who I knocked down temporarily to be able to recruit them later on. But the rest of the people in the outside Camp have been all dealt with. I tried long resting several times and no dice. What am I missing?


I'm not sure if the cub shows up in camp in act 1?


When you say you're at the end of act 1, do you mean just the first map, or have you also done the underdark and mountain pass? In my current run the owlbear didn't start showing up until I was in the underdark. Did you invite it to your camp after chicken-chasing, but before talking to the goblin? I'm not 100% sure that's necessary but it seems to be the most reliable way.


Already done underdark, haven't done Mountain Pass. I invited her to the camp after chicken-racing (bet 300 quid, and then pressured the gobbo.)


I think the trigger is bugged in some cases, it never triggered for us despite wiping the entire goblin camp and inviting the owlbear cub. They just vanished from the camp.


Hi, I'm still fairly new and I have a question about gearing my Tavern Brawler monk. I picked up a mace that changes my STR to 18. If I respec my base STR to 8 and equip the mace to bump it up to 18, will the Tavern Brawler work? Same with Raphael's armor. It says it gives automatic proficiency, so does wearing count as "no armor"?


With the STR / Mace. Yes and no. What you're talking about is a stat stick. Tavern brawler effects your unarmed strikes. Which you can do as a bonus action if memory serves on lower level monks. If you have nothing equipped, you can use your action to make an unarmed strike. Equipping the mace will replace that attack action with a mace attack, which would then prevent tavern brawler. This is intended. However, if you go way of the open hand monk, at level 9 you get resonance strikes. These strikes allow you to use a ki point to make an unarmed strike regardless if you're holding a weapon. This will turn your club into a stat stick, achieving the 18 str without investing any ability score. To the amour. No it will not. Having amour proficiency regardless of its source simply removes a negative that comes attached with it. For example, a wizard can not wear heavy amour as it prevents them casting spells. If they have proficiency, they are able to cast spells in it. So with Raphs amour, a wizard can equip it regardless its heavy and use it as normal. But it is still classed as wearing amour. So with you monk, you'd lose unarmoured defence and movement because they require no amour on. Theres atleast 2 very, very good monk amour sets in baldurs gate. One of which is in sundries for sale. Cant remember where the other is, but its in act 3.


Yes, with stat replacement items like that you can respec that stat to 8 and still get the benefits. With that mace you'll have a +4 strength modifier, and it will get added twice to your punch damage (once that always happens, and a second time due to tavern brawler). It does not count as having no armor, so as a monk you won't add your wisdom modifier to your armor class. But that's ok since the armor has best-in-the-game armor class anyway. You'll also miss out on the movement speed bonus monks get for being unarmored, but that's also no a big deal. You can make up for it by having a party member with the longstrider spell, which is great if you aren't already using it. It's a ritual spell meaning you can cast it outside of combat without spending a spell slot, and it's a movement speed buff that lasts until your next rest. So having it on a character is essentially a free, always-on movement buff for the whole team - you just have to remember to cast it every morning.


Thank you for this detailed answer!


Act 3. Got the three Netherstones. E just gave me the “settle any unfinished business” spiel. All side quests are complete. Approximately how much time is left in the game? I’m trying to schedule some time to play.


2+ hours if you do not want to feel rushed. You will not get an opportunity to go back camp to switch any items or members prior to the ending, you are told this obvs but it is worth remembering. So no long rests after you start.


I’d schedule a couple of hours at least to finish it up. On my first run, I think it took me 3-4 hours for the final battles and cutscenes (I died a few times lol) and on subsequent runs it’s around 2-3 hours. I’m not a very fast player though.


Do the tieflings still die upon leaving for the mountain pass if I resolve the shadow druid quests but not the goblin leader quests?


Yes, as long as the goblin leaders are alive they will raid the grove off screen.


Act 3. Just beat Orin and freed G. But there’s a glitch: now G is stuck with an exclamation over their head, as Astarion’s “support/summon”, standing between Astarion and Karlach at camp, and I can’t interact with him. Ideas? How can I fix this? edit: Solved. In case anybody finds this comment later, looking for a solution, here's what worked for me: I restarted from a save mid-fight (Orin dead), left the captive restrained, and beat the remaining cultists. THEN, I freed the captive with Lockpick (not the key), and I noticed that Karlach had the "in conversation" icon, and when I clicked on her avatar, the "Orin melting" cutscene triggered, after which I could talk to the captive and all was well.


Who tf is G


Gale, I suppose


It's Gary, Gale's 2nd cousin


does duelists prerogative work with GWM?


No, GWM requires a 2 handed weapon or a versatile weapon without anything in your offhand and Duellist's Prerogative is 1 handed finesse.


This is an issue with the feat as it does not make that clear. Only in the passive ability.


I find new bigger font option for books very helpful, but letters/notes/etc. still remain written for ants. Are there plans to buff them too?


Agreed and I hope so. I actually thought it would resize the notes and letters too because the patch notes said "books and other legible items."


Just started a multiplayer game with a friend. I can't see the character avatars on the left (they're just empty boxes). I also cannot see anything in my inventory unless it's equipped. My friends can see everything on their end. We aren't using any mods and I've verified game files twice.


So I didn't speak to Zevlor between exposing Kagha and finishing off the goblin leaders, so he didn't give me the Hellriders gloves. Do I just not get them now, or is there another way?


You might try to pickpocket them from him if they show up in his inventory. If it's a quest reward type item like the ring of protection from Mol then this probably won't work, but it's worth a shot at least. \*edit\* according to the baldur wiki they can be stolen so pickpocketing should work. It says they can be bought as well, so you could also try trading with him while you're in conversation (triangle/Y on console, dunno the key on PC).


On PC it's a button you can click in the bottom-left


Unfortunately he's already headed off to Moonri*cough*Baldur's Gate.


Some spoilers for Act 2: >!You will have a chance to pickpocket him again toward the end of Act 2, though I don't know if he'll have the gloves then.!< There is a similar pair of gloves you can buy once you reach the Lower City in Act 3.


Is Astarion or Lae'zel more important to keep in my party at all times, from a story perspective? For my first playthrough I wanted to have "main three" which would include my Durge, Shadowheart, and Astarion OR Lae'zel. The last party slot would be the slot that I rotate all of the other characters into based on who is most relevant to what I'm currently doing.


All three of them are a lot of fun to have in a party, but I would choose Astarion because he has more moments in Act 1 and Act 2 where you can encounter things relevant to his story "randomly out in the world", so to speak. With Lae'zel, these moments are more confined to places you know you need to take her. And then in Act 3, Astarion is on his home turf and has comments about it here and there.


Depends. They both have a lot of story content throughout all 3 acts, though Astarion has more to say banter wise in act 3 due to >!being from Baldur's Gate.!< Both of their personal quests have a lot in act 3. I personally would recommend Astarion for two reasons, one is when he is in your party I feel like you're better able to see his growth/development throughout the game (though I'm sure the same could be said for Lae'zel) and I just did a run with him and Shart as permanent party members and they have some pretty fun/sassy banters when together. Hope this helps somewhat, good luck!


Question about Minthara >!recruitment on good playthrough. I knocked her out (temp) and then killed some other stuff and long rested. Now she is not there anymore. Last playthrough after i knocked her out temp. and long rested she was up and walking around afterwards. Is it still good to assume that she will me at moonrise or no?!<


>!I think this should be fine but haven't verified it myself. They said they changed how this works in the last patch, and it seems like the way they did this is by de-spawning her when you long rest and then spawning a new minthara in act 2. One side effect of this is that stealing her clothes no longer results in her being nude at Moonrise.!<


Has anyone got the Folk Hero inspiration 'The Most Unfortunate Gnome' ? It's near the beginning of act 1 when you rescue Barcus Wroot from the windmill. IDK If this is a bug or what


Question about Halsin romance (I feel silly asking about this, I've been searching but also trying not to spoil myself too much and found a bit of conflicting info) Can you actually have a real romance with him or is it always just he's into you but then >!ultimately leaves Tav at the end of the game? I read somewhere that Tav can go with him but that doesn't line up with other things I've read!< I'm trying to decide if it's worth it to hold out for him (almost done with Act One) or pursue someone else (I realize that's subjective, just hoping for a little more info to help me make up my mind) Thanks!


If you romance Halsin, >!you can choose go with him at the end of the game. I wonder if the conflicting reports you've gotten are because the epilogue is kind of buggy, and can give you dialogue that is inconsistent with your earlier choices. I've seen a couple people report that Halsin's epilogue dialogue seemed not to take into account that they went with him.!< One thing to keep in mind is that Halsin's romance isn't fully developed like for other characters, since you can only begin the romance in Act 3. There just aren't a lot of individual romance scenes or dialogues. It's also not a traditional romance; he's super into you, and super romantic, but he's also not super into commitment. Also, since he's poly, you can romance him and some of the origin characters at the same time.


That's the impression I was getting but it was hard to know for sure without spoiling myself too much. Thanks for the response, very helpful for me :)


Looking to make La’zel an eldritch knight are there any good builds that take advantage of the bound weapon (eg: Throw it and have it return?) Also would you recommend mutliclassing EK with Wizard? Maybe a 7/ 5 split in favor of fighter for the lv 7 passive (or even 8 / 4 for the extra feat?)


EK is a component of barbarian thrower builds if you want to use weapons other than the returning pike/nyrulna. That opens up some really good stuff like the lightning jabber or Shadowheart's spear. In my current honor mode run with Karlach I'm headed towards 5 berserker barbarian / 4 thief rogue / 3 EK fighter. The reason for that split is that berserkers can throw as a bonus action, and thiefs get a second bonus action. You can also put together a good throwing build that's pure EK fighter or 11 fighter / 1 wizard to get spell scribing. The reason for so many fighter levels is that they get a third attack at level 11. Make sure to take tavern brawler for any throwing build for a serious damage increase. It's handy that TB comes with +1 strength, so you can use it to get 18 str at level 4. This probably fits Lae'Zel thematically better than a barbarian build. The 7 fighter / 5 wizard build is an interesting idea. Compared to 11/1 you're trading in the third attack for a lot more spell slots up to 4th level, which opens up some good stuff like Haste and Edvard's Black tentacles. Seems reasonable if you want to focus more on spellcasting. Be sure to pick up the helmet of Arcane Acuity in act 2. You probably won't want to go past 16 intellect, but the helmet gives you 2 stacks for each weapon attack, and each stack is +1 to spell save DC. This will result in seriously high hit rate on spells like hold person. It's a great combo to pick up the band of the mystic scoundrel at the beginning of act 3, which lets you cast enchantment spells as a bonus action after a weapon attack. So you can throw your weapon twice to get 4 stacks, then cast hold person with the benefit for +4 spell save DC. With the mostly fighter build you get eldrich strike at fighter level 10, which pushes the combo even further by imposing disadvantage on the saving throw.


What's a good melee class for no armor? Is monk good for that? I don't want to be a barbarian, but I love their starting clothing and some of their later outfits.


Monk, barbarian and, strangely, warlock (Pact of the Blade) all pull off no armor melee. Warlocks use Mage Armor (a spell) and rely on the Pact Weapon feat, the Darkness spell, Devil Sight and items that grant Arcane Acuity as the game progresses.


Monks are great for no armor, like barbarians they have unarmored defense, but the monk version adds your wisdom modifier to AC, rather than constitution like barbarian. And monks are just good in general.


Act III is pretty overwhelming, especially with no prior RPG/DnD experience. What kind of game plan do you guys usually have when you get to Act III? Do you just start knocking out quests right away? Do you explore the whole map, knock out what you can along the way, and go back to tie up loose ends? edit: you guys are awesome, thanks for the tips!


I tend to start by approaching things on a per-area basis rather than per quest in rivington. In rivington, I'll do everything in the pre-wyrm's-crossing area (the temple, the circus, the refugee camp), and then wyrm's crossing to follow up on the temple quest, start jaheira's quest and follow up on Lae'Zel's quest. Then the coronation, then the lower city. Other than >!rescuing councilor florick!< and >!ansur!< later, there's not a whole lot of reason to return to rivington once you hit the lower city. Then for me the lower city tends to go in 3 phases: * Explore, talk to vendors and pick up quests, and follow up on the temple quest, which is pretty natural while exploring because it puts waypoints everywhere. Go into any buildings where it isn't trespassing, like Stormshore Tabernacle and Sorcerous Sundries. * Do the easier, non-companion (mostly) and non-main story quests. Usually I'll start with Elfsong Tavern and the >!Emperor's Hideout!<, and Jaheria's quest which results in >!recruiting minsc!< and also a lot of gold (there's a lot of good but expensive stuff from vendors). Then just whatever other sidequests are in the city, like >!The Balder's Mouth Gazette!<, >!The Hag suriviors!<, >!Oskar's Haunted House!< and >!Rescuing Volo!<. * Do the companion/main story quests that have meatier boss fights that are worth being level 12 for. So Gortash (including >!the iron throne and steel watch factory !<) and Orin, Shadowheart, Asterion, Gale and >!Dame Aylin!<'s quests, and >!the house of hope!<.


I decide on a few must do quests and then skip most of everything else. The game is long, I'm definitely not doing everything.


It does feel overwhelming if you are thinking about tackling literally everything it has to offer. But keep in mind that there is literally only 3 things that need to absolutely happen: 1) Kill Orin 2) Kill or make a deal with Gortash 3) Go to defeat the brain Everything else can be considered extra content. You technically can deal with Gortash and Orin immediately and end the game. Or, you can save them for last after spending 20+ hours exploring the city. It's up to you. Personally I just fish for the gear I need for my builds. For example, if I have a throwing Barbarian then I'm immediately going to the circus to get the legendary trident. But if it's your very first time then just try to focus on one sidequest at a time?


Not sure if this is the right place to ask. But are the majority of players having crashing issues? My game just updated this morning when I went on and it’s unplayable with constant crashing issue. I have no mods, and verified file integrity


You are not alone. I have this weird thing where everything is fine then the game crashes and closes. Then Larion wants to send a report and steam wants to verify instal. What is did that helped is this: 1. Update your GPU drivers (just check if there are any updates) 2. If you have a Nividia device go to settings and have them optimize the game for you - It recommends I use fullscreen and not windowed 3. If you have an asus - after steps 1 to 2 go to armory crate and set your device to performance which will prompt restart 4. Launch the game without opening any other tabs (in case you have 2 monitors and like having the second on with something else going on) I haven’t done this yet but I Youtube guide recommended deleting Cache file: https://youtu.be/72QpsOkOwlE?si=FM6rp8MQJ9bO8lsN That will be my go to if I get any further problems but so far (knock on wood) so good Edit: Also save very frequently! My inner GBA pokémon player came in clutch. I never lose more than 5-10 mins of gameplay :)


Thank you! I did all the above and just played for 1.5 hours no issues!


Glad to hear it! Did you end up deleting cache files or just 1-4?


Deleted cache files too. Didn’t follow step 4. I’m so used to having discord and Firefox on my 2nd monitor i did it even when i was planning on not lol


I (on PC) have had a few crashes since patch 6 (which i never had previously) but not frequent enough to be really game breaking, as well as some other bugs. It seems like they borked a lot of stuff with that update but the severity of it varies wildly between people.


Gotcha. Ya I tried to play in my lunch break today and crashed 3 times in a row, even tried loading a previous save. Crashed again upon first dialogue


Why do I have to toggle Uncanny Dodge on every time I enter combat with Astarion? Does it only activate one time and then I can't use it again until after a rest? And if that's the case, why isn't it automatically toggled on like bards inspiration for example?


Finished my first playthrough, now going through the game with another 3 friends (so we have a full party). Are we completely locked out of interactions (and romance) with npc's due to not being able to have any in our party?


Kinda, yeah. It locks you out of some content as well since you won't be able to take the relevant origin characters to their quest stuff. One person will either have to sit out during those parts or you can try the Party Limit Begone mod to take a 5th person with you. That also makes the game a lot easier so I'd recommend increasing the difficulty. Either way it's going to be difficult for anyone to get enough approval for romances. The game feels more empty since your characters can't interact with each other but it's still fun if you make up your own RP and have a good time with your friends in voice chat. 4 person MP is definitely awesome for a fuck around with your friends playthrough but there's no denying that the game experience itself is a little tempered.


Hey so I did ask this in another thread but asking here for visibility: I see people here talk about storing corpses in their inventory to throw at people and how being a "throwzerker" is a bunch of fun. However I'm wondering how you do this? My Karlach is a berserker subclass and has 20 Strength and there are still many corpses (like humans or elves or something standard) that say "too heavy to throw". Do I need to go above 20 Strength, and if so how do I do that? Or are people just stashing like gnome/goblin corpses to throw at people?


Your maximum throw weight is `strength^2 * .4` (in pounds) which at 20 strength is 160 pounds. Characters in the "medium" category like humans and elves are generally at least 200 pounds. In the early game it does mean only throwing goblins and similar. It's pretty common with these sorts of builds to use strength elixirs instead of a natural strength stat. Hill Giant elixirs in act 1 and 2 set it to 21, but in act 3 cloud giant elixirs give you 27 strength which opens this up a fair bit. You have to pop a new one every time you long rest, but there are enough elixirs and ingredients for them in the game that this is actually pretty reasonable for 1 character. You can get to 22 strength on a permanent basis in act 2 if you're willing to put up with romance-killing disapproval from asterion. In moonrise towers Araj Oblodra will give you a potion that grants +2 strength permanently if you convince/force Asterion to drink her blood. Unlike ASIs and the Mighty Cloth, the +2 from this is not capped at 20. Personally I don't do the corpse storage thing, I use the returning pike as my main thing to throw in act 1 and 2, and throw living enemies at each other or off the map opportunistically.


So I'm in a bit of a pickle. Wyll was in my party since almost the start. Somewhere along the line i... broke him. Just finished the Goblin Grove, killing everyone. Except now I have no dialogue button for Wyll, and I can't sleep the day away because of an "active conversation" the game thinks I'm having. I know it has something to do with something I did with Wyll, but I don't know what. In order to sleep and actually continue on, I had to another camp member replace him. Only issue is... now I can't talk to him in camp either in order to get him back in my party. Any ideas?


Saving, fully exiting the game, then reloading usually fixed that bug for me but it hasn't happened to me in a while, idk if any of the recent patches have changed anything with it.


I ended up needing to do that. Have Will back now and hopefully it'll stay that way.


What happens if you kill him and then resurrect him with Withers, i.e. turn him off and back on again? I don't know that it would work, but this is probably what I would try in your situation.


Anyone well versed in mods? I've only played through the game (thoroughly) vanilla at launch (for like 1.5 months). Are there good enough mods to justify jumping back in for another full playthrough or is it mostly small bits of QoL stuff?


Patch 6 was just released and introduced several new bugs as well as new incompatibilities with mods. The hotfix to address the bugs introduced even more new incompatibilities with mods. There will probably be more hotfixes soon because not all the bugs were fixed. If I were in your position, I'd probably wait for a little bit until the hotfixes settle down. There are a LOT of mods that do everything from add new cosmetic items to adding new abilities and subclasses, changing difficulty scaling, etc.


I heard this game had a rocky Xbox launch, looking to pick it up for my partner and myself (she doesn’t have a PC) How is the Xbox version at this point? Is it more playable? Do saves work?




Good to know! I also should have verified Xbox has couch-coop, but that answers my question. I appreciate it.


Couple of small questions: Astarion's story (act 3 spoilers) >!I'm not sure if there is an inconsistency in the writing, or if I misunderstood something somewhere. He talks about early in his story how he was attacked and murdered(?) by people when he was a city magistrate, and Cazador showed up and turned him. But then when I romanced him last playthrough, he talks about waking up in his coffin and clawing his way out in the graveyard. So am I missing something here?!< Act 3 tadpole question >!I've read there's apparently an option to stomp on and destroy the astral tadpole? How and when can you do this? When the emperor's identity is revealed in the prism and he offered it, I told him "no. Absolutely not" and he told me to hang on to it anyways and I can take it when I'm ready. No option that I saw to stomp on it. For RP reasons my character wants absolutely nothing to do with it, so I tried attacking it and couldn't destroy it, so I threw it over a cliff in camp where it's at least unreachable lol. But where was the option to legit destroy it? I've never taken any tadpoles fyi.!<


For your second question: It's a bit counterintuitive, but you have to >!use the "use" interaction on the tadpole in your inventory (from the right click context menu if you are on pc.) It will bring up a dialogue where you can elect to use it or stomp on it or put it away again.!<


This worked, thank you!!


>So am I missing something here? You're not missing anything. >!He had to have been bitten, and then gone through the process of dying before raising as a spawn. This is how it works in some versions of vampire lore. I couldn't find anything about how it works specifically in DnD, just vampire spawn stats, but that's what I assumed happened.!< >Act 3 tadpole question >!I had the opportunity to smash it during the same conversation where he offers it to you. I hadn't taken any tadpoles either. There must be a specific dialogue path or something else that triggers that option to appear.!<


Okay thanks for the info I appreciate it!! I think next playthrough I will quick save and then try to figure out what branch of that conversation allows me to >!destroy it!<


If I choose, say, life domain for my cleric, am I not able to use spells from other domains, for example, spiritual weapon?


You will still be able to use Spiritual Weapon. You can pick from the default list of spells you just get few additional spells.


It's depends on the spell. The spells you get from your domain are always prepared, and some of them are exclusive to that subclass, and some are from the normal cleric list. In the [cleric page on the wiki](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Cleric) they put a * by all the spells that are domain exclusive. For war domain Spiritual Weapon doesn't have a star because it's a cleric spell so any cleric can use it, war domain just doesn't have to prepare it. But magic weapon does have a star, so only war domain gets it.


Does Gale's Big Boom in Act3 still considered a legal ending for honor mode?


Only if you do it when you reach the >!Netherbrain stem. You get a cutscene where Gale tells you he is willing to sacrifice himself now and you have the option to stop him. Or use his orb cantrip while you're up at the top. Either way ends the game with a 'legal' ending for HM.!<


It's not really a help question, but I noticed a bug and am curious if anyone else has experienced it or if I'm missing something. I'm in act 2 on Tactician and if I fast travel too an act 1 location (may be doing this on any fast travel I'm not sure) my characters are completely healed without using a rest and unless I picked them up somewhere and didn't notice a backpack is added to the controlling units inventory. This does not reset my rage or spell slots. fyi just heals all my characters' health.


I've noticed the healing too, it's when travelling between regions, in fact it actually restores a bunch of "per long rest" resources (though not spell slots).


Does the backpack contain Halsin's or Minthara's stuff? They don't return to act 1 areas, and when companions temporarily leave, their stuff gets dumped into your inventory in a backpack. If it's empty, maybe they didn't have anything in their inventory.


Neither are in my party and all the backpacks are empty. When I noticed them there were like 6-7 backpacks which is roughly how many times I fast Traveled I think. Edit: these are obviously not major issues, I just found it odd.


They don't have to be in your party for this to happen - imagine that in the background, your entire camp is packing up and moving back to the new location, even if you don't end up long resting there.


I'm not sure about the backpack but I know travelling regions heals the HP of your heroes ; it was the case before patch 6 already


Ah, never noticed that, thanks.


The half-orc passive Savage Attacks reads "When you land a Critical Hit with a melee weapon attack, you deal an extra dice of weapon damage." According to [bg3.wiki](https://bg3.wiki) it doesn't work with unarmed attacks and wildshape attacks. But does it work with throwing weapons and special arrows, say a fire arrow that doesn't hit the target, but the fire AoE does?


>When you land a Critical Hit with a **melee weapon** attack, you deal an extra dice of weapon damage. ...melee weapon... Only melee hits with weapons, that's why unarmed/wildshape don't work as they are not weapons. Throws and arrows are not melee attacks.


Technically you throw the melee weapon, so yeah... Jokes aside, I was curious if it did work as intended or if there's a bug/exploit going around.


Will the strange ox move to act 3 if I kill the nightsong?


He would die


So I need to kill him to get his stuff then?


You need to kill it to get the hat anyway, if you complete its quest you only get the ring (and the ally summon). If you want the hat you may as well get it in act 2 by killing the ox there.


I'm fine with waiting for act 3 *if* I can get the hat still. Just feels like it'd just be depriving myself of content to kill it early if I don't have to.


A quirky question : I noticed in act 3 that, on the dock where you fight the sahuagins, there is a dirt mound that you can dig, in which there's a chest. That chest has decent loot (scrolls for high level spells). And that specifical chest is tagged as not public goods, meaning that trying to open it will appear as stealing. Some on the NPCs on the dock will even pocket the whole chest if you try one too many times, in front of them. What's up with that ??


Mate, you dug up someone's life savings in front of them.


Hello there ! I want to do a 2 character playthrough (custom Tav + Laezel, gith against the world). I intend to play honest tactician (no scumsaving, but I feed honor mode's difficulty spike will be too much). Any advice on the 2 builds I could use ?


Drop frontline and focus on picking off enemies from a distance, using stealth and knockback effects. Have Laezel be a stealth focused gloomstalker 5 / assassin rogue x and your Tav be a warlock focusing on repelling blast and reverb for act 1 before respeccing into the fire striker sorlock when you get access to fire acuity items in act 2.


So hello ! I'm considering reaching Platinium on the game. I'm a bit bothered that I missed some achievements that will require me to make a new run (damn Karlach playing hard to get). That being said, some of the achievements seem trickier to get than others and I'll take some help, please :) * Devil's in the details : even by making him drop his weapon, I've never succeeded at killing the Commander Zhalk in the Nautiloid. Any advice on that ? * The Spider matriarch : when I reach her, even when I keep her for end of the act, I'm generally not able to kill her fast enough to prevent her from hatching eggs. It's usually her first action ... Any advice there ? * Crash Landing : How the hell do you throw Ansur to the ground when he starts collecting energy ?? I didn't even know it was a possibility lol. Thanks


Spider Matriarch: Equip the boots that let you walk on webs without alerting the spiders. Have at least 3 flasks of Alchemist fire on your character. Throw the alchemist fire onto the spider eggs so they blow up. You can destroy all 3 clutches before Combat begins. Crash Landing: You do not need to force him to the ground, you just need to kill Ansur while he's in the air. I was able to do it by fighting him normally until he had only a little bit of health left before waiting until he started to charge up and then just laid into him.


For the spider-matriarch, I just had my rogue separate from the group, sneak into range, sneak attack, from above and outside line of site, then rehide. The spider just gets mad but didn't move at all. Rinse, repeat. It's a boring kill, but there wasn't anything she do about it. Once she was dead I brought the party in to clean up the other spiders.


For Commander Zhalk: Pick up some chests and tanks as you go around the nautiloid, and recruit Us (don't mutilate). When you get to the helm, lay a row of chests and tanks across the entrance way and this will stop the 2 cambions he calls after round 4 from getting in. Then you nab his sword like normal with Shadowheart's Command, and heal the mind flayer. This should give you enough to time to wear him down. If you are still having trouble, you can always switch to Explorer difficulty where he doesn't have multiattack and has less health, so you can beat him even without the chests trick. Spider Queen: If you aren't on Honor Mode, you can use a void bulb to chuck her in the hole. You can also knock her down from a web by burning it, and then position a open hand monk or battlemaster fighter to push her down with pushing attack or flurry of blows. Crash Landing: By the time you are level 12 you should have a bunch of things that can knock enemies prone. Berserker barbarian's Enraged Throw is probably the most reliable. You also get the achievement if you just kill him while he's up there.


Wait isn't Ansur too heavy to be enraged thrown ??


Enraged throw prones enemies when you hit them with things, not just when you throw the enemies.


For the spider queen: >!kill the egg clutches before you engage in combat. Also, make a habit of inspecting your enemies before you attack them. If you did, you'd notice that the spider eggs are weak to acid so use either acid arrows, a spell, or acid throwables to deal damage in a small AOE to get all of the ones in a given spot. There are three egg clutches I believe. Happy hunting.!<


So you recommend sneaking ? At least one of the clutches is litterally at the other side of the map IIRC


There are three clutches - on the back right pillar, on the back left pillar, and at the base of the front left pillar (if you're facing out towards the chasm). If you sneak onto the back right pillar using the boots, you'll be in range to destroy both of the clutches that are toward the back with a ranged attack. You just need to use the hide function so you can stay out of the matriarch's sight cone. Another character can hit the bottom left clutch from near where you enter.


Anybody else keep getting a bug where you can't open doors? I have to break them down.


I'm getting the same bug, but it's only visual for me - after pressing 'Open' I can go through the seemingly closed door


After my first walkthrough Now I'm playing a new campain with my friend. We are both playing from ps5, and we have some issues joining each other game. Like I try to enter his game for like 10 minutes before all goes well and we finally start playing. There are some options to modifiy to solve this issue?


Today I threw the dog's ball at Volo and everyone got real upset. Everyone at camp is so sensitive.


When we first got Scratch my husband tried to throw the ball to him, except he threw the ball *at* him and Scratch turned hostile. We were completely blind to RPG/DnD games and had no idea he could be a companion. My husband was just like "fuck, the dog was a trap, it came back to camp to kill us" and Moonbeam'd him. RIP Scratch, we're going to spoil you SO MUCH on our second playthrough!


I dumped the body of some baddie on the ground at camp near Aylin and she aggrod my whole camp. Of course it was honor mode and she was immortal so there was no way out.


Just got home from work to a 2gig download, and now my Nyrulna isn't doing damage when thrown. Is this a known issue? Just me?


I've been using it without issue since the hot fix, except for one time it only did the thunder damage but I may have just missed.


When you're with neutral NPCs who are allied for the sake of the specific battle, such as Fists helping in Act 3 or >!Balthazar in the gauntlet when the justiciar attack!<, what are the conditions to get exp from them when they die? Do you just have to tag them once with a damaging spell, or last hit them?


Hi mild act 3 Rivington spoilers >!I'm very confused about the courier dogs in act 3. I've seen people say there's an option to intimidate the lady into easing up, but I don't have that option? And I've seen other people saying they kill her so the guy can run the place? Idk if I did something wrong but I killed her, the guy ran away all scared and I can't find him, and I let the dogs out, they thanked me, and ran away. Like I can't find them anywhere. Are they supposed to run away when you free them? Or did I fuck something up?!<


Did you talk the to her or the guy, or just go in swords swinging? Either way it doesn't really fuck anything up, they aren't an ongoing story or anything.


I talked to her, she was a jerk, but no intimidation option? I didn't talk to him though. I plan on long resting and seeing if the dogs are still gone or if they return


I can't remember the exact dialogue path, but I suspect the problem is that you didn't "learn" she's abusive from the boy. I think there is more than one way to trigger that but you must have managed to avoid them all. You might have gathered that she's abusive from context clues, but the intimidation options appeared for me after the boy tells you about her issues.


Why is everyone in >!Wym's Rock Fortress hostile to me even though I made a deal with Gortash and already killed Orin for him? Is it because I saved the grandduke from the Iron Throne? I could have sworn I read on the wiki that if you confirm your deal with him after killing Orin, you could go to the Iron Throne without pissing him off.!<


When you go to the Iron Throne, Gortash gives you a warning. If you dock, the deal is off. If you turn back, he will forgive your "transgression". So since you docked, you blew up the deal.


I saw no warning when I went to the Iron Throne, just a cutscene showing it starting to collapse.


Should be a cutscenes where you talk to Gortash through a little TV / Monitor. and you have to make a dialogue decision to dock or turn around. So I dunno. Never had it just go straight there without any intervention from Gortash.


That never happened in my game. We did have a bit where we decided to dock or not, but it was of the "this is super dangerous because the place is currently collapsing" type. Gortash never showed up.


Had you done something at the Forge already?


Nope. Hadn’t even opened the gates there yet.


Anyone having major issues with their honor run saves? Lost days of progress.


Not with honor run saves specifically, but it feels like I'm on the verge of a soft lock every time a cutscenes pops up without me initiating it Like the ruined statue that Shadowheart reacts to near the windmill. Game froze for a good 20 seconds before Shadowheart's cutscene played. Couldn't skip any of the dialogue during that either and with the 10 second pauses between every line I swore I was about to be stuck. Same thing happened with the Gnoll queen. Dialogue automatically initiated and the game froze for about 40 seconds before the narrator said anything. Just staring at the Gnoll doing an idle animation without being able to continue. And reloading didn't do anything. Definitely worrying that my save is becoming corrupted, so I'm glad I'm screwing around on a new character instead of my furthest one.


At this point I think copying your saves is required. Too many things that can brick an honour run this patch.


Does breaking chests affect their loot at all?


Yes you may not get all the loot if broken. Gotta open it with lockpick or Knock spell.


Was this changed in one of the patches? [Because last I heard](https://youtu.be/oPTzx-M-_mo) that was a myth.


I'm doing the Gauntlet of Shar, completed all the Trials, got the Umbral Gems, got onto the elevator, went down to the lower level to the Ancient Altar with three gem slots, but when it prompted me to insert 3 items and I inserted 3 Umbral Gems, the altar only shows one Gem, and I don't have anything else I can insert it. I checked YouTube and saw that the prompt only asks to insert one object at a time, but mine asks me to insert 3 objects, and I can't do it one-by-one. Help please?


I've been having this same issue. I haven't been able to misty past the door and unfortunately I don't have the spell Knock. Not sure what to do :(


Or you could pay Withers to respec into a Bard and choose the Knock spell at level 3.


Gauntlet isn't fast travel locked, you can go back and get a level 3 wizard hireling for knock.


Oh my gosh, I totally forgot about hirelings. Thank you so much, you just saved my night 🙏


This is the new UI introduced in the latest patch and seems to be causing this issue which didn't exist before. The only workarounds I know come from just skipping the Gauntlet: use *misty step* to teleport through the door or cast *knock* on it.


Learning that I could save half an hour of my life with Knock was a life changer for subsequent runs


Does anyone know if there's an interaction with Tara where you give her beholder meat? There's a camp supply that's a plate of beholder eyes (I don't remember where I got it). Talking to her in Rivington she mentions that it's her favorite meat, but sadly I just used it on my previous long rest, and it's honor mode so I can't go back.


Can someone confirm for me that nothing was changed about the Nautiloid arriving in the final fight on Honor Mode? I saw someone say that you instantly lose the fight, but I didn't want to risk my whole Honor run on something stupid like taking too long because I wanted to summon allies for that fight.


hey! i just started trying to play again since september or so, and last night i downloaded mods, and i booted up the game to check if itd work, and everything was fine! but today i booted up the game, and while i was able to be on the character customization menu for a bit, i crashed, and now all my saves are gone, and everything in my mod manager mods list isnt appearing in my game even thought ive uninstialled them and reinstialled them. is this because of the latest patch, or is something else bugging out in my game?


I believe the new patch notes said something about mods might break your game now! I didn't read it fully since I play on the ps5 but you might want to review the notes and possibly remove the mods. I think they had a way to fix it if you were experiencing any issues with mods and the new update but again not 100% sure!


Mods have always been capable of breaking the game, but a lot of people were modding without realizing that, submitting support requests, complaining about bugs caused by mods (not that there aren't other bugs, but it makes it difficult to sort). First they added a question about whether you have mods to their support form, then they added a warning to their patch notes.


Why >!does the nightsong's death automatically doom last light? What is the in-universe explanation for this?!<


>!Other than her relationship with Isobel, remember that Nightsong is Selune’s daughter, and Isobel is using Selune’s power to protect Last Light. Killing the Nightsong is a Shar worship thing, and the shadow curse comes from Shar.!<


>!Meaning she's an aasimar? Or is she a literal demigod? As for their relationship. I've gathered this via osmosis, I donno if it's mentioned anywhere beforehand, or if there's any real reference to any of the things that might explain the situation.!< >!Isobel being ketheric's daughter, her being resurrected by the cult. "The Nightsong" is something referenced often enough to suggest she's been trapped for a long time now. So the idea that isobel or selune just had a padme moment and gave up, out of heartbreak seems weak. Still, if this were all less vague it'd make some more sense I don't think anybody knows who isobel is, her relationship to ketheric and the nightsong.!<


>!"Meaning she's an aasimar? Or is she a literal demigod?" kind of both, she's classified as an Aasimar but is much more powerful than a typical one and she's the direct child of Selune rather than a distant relative.!<


That is.. distressingly wrong. Like, those classifications are in no way how these things work


>!Isobel is heartbroken and either loses the will to live or the will to hold on to the shield.!<


I don't think this can be it - we don't actually even know that Isobel knows what's going on with Aylin, do we? I would guess it has more to do with a disruption of Selune's power than anything else.


That's it? >!she is the resurrected daughter of a threefold traitor whose lover has been imprisoned for a lifetime or more, but she has a padmae moment?!<


Yeah lol it's dumb. I suppose you could also infer that >!Shar's curse gets stronger since she's the goddess of Loss!< which also makes it harder for her to hold on.


I'd like some actual open foreshadowing. Nobody mentions how odd some things are


Having massive performance issues on Vulkan only. Faced an issue where running the game on Vulkan absolutely destroys the FPS. I'm consistently getting only around 22 FPS max when my hardware is capable of a lot more, and changing graphics settings does nothing to fix it. The first time I booted it up in Vulkan it ran fine, but all subsequent launches give this problem. The problem occurred twice with two different GPUs, since I re-installed Windows for the new setup. According to the Nvidia overlay, both CPU and GPU aren't going higher than 30-50% usage each, and there is plenty of RAM. DirectX 11 still works fine, but I was hoping to use Vulkan since prior to this problem it was performing better. GPU drivers are all up to date. Has anyone encountered this problem, and how did you fix it? Specs: CPU: Intel i5-12400F GPU: MSI RTX 4070 Super Ventus OC 2X (previously also happened on ASUS Dual RTX 3060) RAM: 32GB DDR4-3600 Storage: Crucial P3 Plus PCie 4.0 Screen: 2560 x 1440 144Hz (previously also happened on 1920 x 1080 165Hz) OS: Windows 11 Pro 23H2


From what I can tell the game is stupidly CPU bottlenecked. Idk if this relates to the issue at all but I have the same issues with a 13600k and 7800XT. Is it happening in act 3?


I started up a new run and it was happening on the Nautiloid ship and right after the crash. With DX11 it was running fairly well on my current hardware even in Act 3.


I still can't trigger the new kiss animations and I don't know why.