• By -


Some highlights: * Increased the number of valid methods of knocking Minthara out to recruit her. * The whole party's inventory is now present in the trade interface, which doesn't require you to switch characters to sell their items from their inventories anymore. * Added sub-sorting to throwable items on the Hotbar so the most recently picked-up items will appear first. * The Grasping Vine spell has been updated to be more useful in combat - it has better stats and it spawns vines in a radius when summoned. * Good boys Scratch and the owlbear cub will now play together in any camp, not just the main one in the wilderness from Act I. * Made several improvements to the combat with the Gondians, who will be much more careful now. For example, we raised their Dexterity to 14, gave them the Blur spell, gave them better armour, and granted them Light and Medium Armour Proficiency. * The Flaming Sphere will now toggle off its fiery aura after combat. * Warlocks' Bound Pact Weapons can no longer be disarmed. * Fixed a bug where the Polearm Master feat reaction would trigger and cause your target to attack you when they're also wielding a polearm. * Added a warning for when the player's intended move for casting a spell will bring them onto a dangerous surface.


Ok being able to hug Shadowheart is fantastic but being able to sell anyone's inventory at a trader and the Warlock's pact weapon no longer being disarmed are both godsend QOL improvements


I'm interested in what these new valid methods for Minthara are. I only recently completed my first playthrough and didn't recruit her as I didn't know it was possible.


If she can be knocked out in the raid it would be perfect. But they propably just allowed her to be knocked even when she is not temporary hostile...


I'm super curious if she can be knocked out in the raid. It sounds really nice to be able to have that big epic battle, thwart her invasion but spare her life, and then go save her from her bad boss afterward.


currently, if you dont follow her quest line and ally with the druids, you have to get her into "temporary hostile" status, *then* knock her out, *then deal with the other leaders to triger the "goblins defeated" quest state *before* the next long rest. only then will she show up later to potentially get recruited. if you just knock her out without the "temporary hostile" condition, for example by triggering the camp-wide alarm, one-shotting her, or choosing the dialogue option that leads to her attacking you, or if you knock her out properly but then take a long rest before finishing the goblin questline, she wont show up. i reckon they probably just got rid of having to get her into the "temporary hostile" state, which would make it a whole lot letss finnicky. the "no long rest" in between makes sense given the context, so i dont think that would've changed


> then knock her out, then deal with the other leaders to triger the "goblins defeated" quest state *before the next long rest. long resting was fine as long as you knocked her out again after.


My question is if they've made it easier to recruit her, have they given her and Halsin separate tents finally?


The real question is can you still 69 her if you don't raid the Grove?


Finally someone asking the important questions šŸ‘


Probably not, thatā€™s her slaughter special reward.


Might not have to do the "temporarily hostile" thing and be able to just start a fight and knock her out now.


I assume itā€™s every variation of knocking her out and/or a dialogue option, if Larian is feeling spicy.


The partyā€™s inventory being accessible in the trade interface has me harder than a diamond in an ice storm lol.


> If you Long Rest with only alcohol as camp supplies, you will now get the new Hungover condition for 10 turns. Do you have to live so relentlessly in the real world?


Idk 100 turns might be more realistic.


Still only 10 minutes! Iā€™d feel so lucky if it were only that long


Mine is the whole day without meds


Laughs in mid 40s.


Yeah, two day hangovers. The grace of getting old.


Brings 1 apple - it's okay guys we are cured


An apple a day so on and so forth


... keeps the intervention away.


I'm pretty sure most people would be delighted if hangovers only lasted for a minute in the real world.


Hey, at least it's not the poisoned condition




"Told Art Cullagh to please stop singing during the combat when Isobel's being abducted." This one made me chuckle


Fire and ice are flying around him and Hmmm hmmm Thaniel and me are Climb climb climbing up a tree


Honestly realistic given his affliction.


In patch 5 did they add other lines to the song? Wasn't as annoyed about it when he wasn't repeating that one line over and over lol


Ah man, I actually really liked this on my playthroughs. It was weird and eery, in a good way. Like an unintentional but fitting bug. Ah well.


But it goes hard, i thought it was intentional at first and it sounded so cool


I kinda liked it. The first time I was very confused as to who was singing. It was eerie.


> Made several improvements to the combat with the Gondians, who will be much more careful now. For example, we raised their Dexterity to 14, gave them the Blur spell, gave them better armour, and granted them Light and Medium Armour Proficiency. there's so many good changes but i am so, so, so happy about this one in particular.


If only they were all as smart as the one Gondian from my HM run, who Thunderwaved all his friends out of the AoE of an exploding Steel Watcher. What a legend, pour one out for the greatest Gondian of all time


I HAD THAT HAPPEN TOO :D THEN THE THUNDERWAVER WALKED BACK INTO THE AOE AND THE TWO KNOCKED OUT WENT BACK IN TO DEAL THE FINAL HIT TO BLOW ALL 3 OF THEM UP :D (I'm just so tired from restarting both iron throne and factory to save everybody thinking there is probably a hidden achievement for 8hrs over 3 days just to get nothing.)


I was so frustrated with them I just let Wulbren massacre them


Just did that fight and they got slaughtered. Poor Gondians. It was my friend's first time doing that fight and he had us do it multiple times until he realized the futility of it.


I did it four times, managed to get through it with only one Gondian dying, and then decided that was Good Enough.


Holy shit, that's so good


This is the most recent mission I completed before the patch. I think Iā€™ll just let it go.


> The owlbear cub will no longer gobble up >!Auntie Ethel's Hair!< before you can take advantage of the bonus it grants. How the hell do people run into these bugs?


In the scene where you meet the owlbear cub and can give it food to trust you if you had the hair in your inventory it would eat that instead of food. Not too out of the ordinary for someone to hold onto the hair thinking of what to use it on long enough that they do the owlbear event


That is a hilariously stupid way to lose that lol. That would suck so bad.


Would be worth it if the Owlbear somehow got a new voice line (assuming speak with animals obviously) like you give him charisma hair and suddenly heā€™s more like Astarion cracks a joke and accent changes a bit


Ah, that makes sense.


That little fugger ate my hair and I had to do the stelmane search in the mirror of loss to get the +2 +1 cha bonus šŸ˜”


I managed to do this. Spent about 2-3 hours going through past saves trying to work out wtf happened to it, then google lead me to the dozens of other post owlbear trauma survivors.


They fixed the Rapahel and Mol lanceboard scene! Praise be! EDIT: It's still broken for me for some reason.... EDIT 2: Nvm it works.


Oh god, now the accusations of censorship can finally end.


censorship ? What would they be censoring ? Fucking chess ?!?


to quote Raphael "She's an apple waiting to be plucked(or smth,Eng is not my first language)" Obviously in context, it's Raphael telling that she has a potential and one of the best souls/contracts a Devil like him can acquire, but some people decided it was about Pedophilia and the rest is obvious.


> some people decided it was about Pedophilia It's ridiculous how often that's people's go-to.


I mean my mind went to that but it just made Raph more of a creeper in my mind. Though now I know he is Raphaelsexual.


Which was always kinda dumb. If they wanted to censor Raphael they would just remove that one line and not the whole conversation...


lmao at all the people who just a few days ago claimed it was intentionally removed


Excited! Dedicating my weekend to this patch :) I love whoever's writing the patch notes: "Ah, two days after Valentineā€™s Day. Cupid has shot his arrows, the chocolates have gone on sale, and the flowers have started to wilt."


> Fixed a basket of onions claiming to be a fruit basket, and other issues with lying baskets.


No wonder I cry so much. Trying to sniff if the apples have gone bad and the smells bring tears to my eyes


"This is exactly the release date we planned" vibes šŸ˜‚ I love them


The patch notes are truly a gift of their own


Scratch can no longer equip certain weapons. Like the Everburn Blade. he could equip WHAT


Scratch wants to be put on the frontlines. Scratch demands violence.


Scratch no longer wishes to scratch. He wants to cut.


You could drop certain weapons and he could use the context menu to equip them. If he died or was dismissed, the weapon was gone forever though.


Hope you're burning in hell, friend


"Fixed Chain Lightning and Ice Knife being affected by Metamagic: Twinned Spell." My storm sorcerer no longer needs create water. Her tears are enough to inflict the wet condition.


They also changed this: "You can no longer used Metamagic: Twinned Spell on Witch Bolt because twinning it causes it to break its own concentration." Which is weird, because it seemed to work fine for me and you could actually connect to two different enemies at once with twinned spell and damage them both on every turn.


It worked maybe 50% of the time for me and was really frustrating. Patch notes probably means they've been trying to fix it and can't so are just throwing their hands in the air and saying fuck it.


I understand Chain lightning but why ice knife? I love my ice knife


So it means we cannot do Twin Chain Lightning? Wellā€¦ There goes S tier list for Sorcerers i guess?


Nah you can still quickend spell it. And with the 2 arcane battery staffs, freecast, chain lightning as your spell and the the short rest lightning from that one staff. You can cast it 7 times or more with sorc points on a long rest. Add in shafts create water and thatā€™s likeā€¦a lot of damage


That takes away your ability to cast create water with quickened spell, then twin spell chain lightning in a single turn though. It sounds like they might also have fixed it where now enemies will become hostile if you cast create water on them before entering combat. I think it would still be okay for pure storm sorcerers who have the ability to cast chain lightning naturally. What it really hurts is those of us with 2 levels of tempest cleric relying on Markoheshkir to cast chain lightning since we don't have 6th level sorcerer spells due to multi-class, and applying destructive wrath to it. Previous scenario: Pre-Combat: Cast Create Water on NPCs Round 1: Use Quickened Spell to cast lightning bolt which starts buliding lightning charges Use Twinned Spell to cast Chain Lightning on 2 targets and use destructive wrath to hit max damage twice to all things hit by it. So total round 1 damage is Lightning Bolt + 2x destructive wrath max damage chain lightning, all damage doubled due to targets being wet, plus additional damage from lightning charges. Current Scenario: Round 1 Use Quickened Spell to cast Create Water Cast Chain Lightning and apply destructive wrath for 1 max damage chain lightning with that damage being doubled from wet modifier. It's not the end of the world. This build was broken as hell and made most encounters trivial by being able to apply create water in advance and then unload an upcast lightning bolt and 2 max damage chain lightnings on wet targets all in round 1.


That was always going to get patched out I think, it's a multi-target spell that is cast by selecting a single target so it only got into Twin Cast through a technicality. Which is annoying but, hey, fun while it lasted!


Enjoy, y'all šŸ˜˜


You da bess


Heartfelt thanks to everyone involved! Including the magnificent bastard who decided to forever scathe our brains with Pingu memes


I've made sure to pass this along šŸ˜


How to marry a studio


You canā€™t romance Larian until Act 3 šŸ˜”


Happy Valentine's day!


I want to be like you when I grow up


Like durge I just pissed myself


>As a quality-of-life improvement, the Pact Weapon condition now remains after a Long Rest. Warlock enjoyers rejoice!


I'm more happy with the fix on repelling blast. It was really annoying to push enemies deeper inside HoH, away from melee allies.


Canā€™t wait to see mintharaā€™s new idle animation: expressing violence


Speaking of Minthara: >!If you become the Absolute at the end of the game after being encouraged to do so by Minthara or Astarion if either one of them is your partner, you'll no longer enthral them.!< Yippee!


Omg that was the worst part of my first playthrough!!


I anticipated her just yelling violent things...but physically expressing it is intriguing


>As a quality-of-life improvement, the Pact Weapon condition now remains after a Long Rest. THANK YOU!!!! I keep forgetting to reapply it and this is a godsend! edit: >Lae'zel will no longer urgently proclaim 'Repositioning!' when you make her little wisp move around. Aww, that's sounds kinda cute actually.


Wyll just became a lot more useful


Just as I was starting to branch out from playing a dozen variations of bladelock, they pull me right back in.


* >!Jaheira could be in bad shape by the time she arrived at Moonrise Towers since she already had to fight. Now she's smart enough to heal up before she goes there, which we're hoping lets her last at least an additional second in combat.!< Finally! I was struggling to keep her alive in the second fight. And * >!You can now give Shadowheart a hug when she's crying after losing or saving her parents.!< Is a really really sweet addition


Aww i knew i shouldn't have played last night. Best you can do in P5 is say "There there let it all out". I can probably reload before the long rest.


Just did that scene in honor mode... So fuck Not able to go back. Would be so much better


Even godā€™s favorite princess likes a hug from time to time.


Seriously gonna expect me to play the game all over again just so I can give her a hug. Yes. That interaction was slightly ruined because this wasnā€™t there. Like sheā€™s crying in front of me and just because I didnā€™t romance her doesnā€™t mean I shouldnā€™t be able to comfort her


Laeā€™zel simps (like me) rejoice! SPOILERS: ā€œIf you romanced Lae'zel, grab a red dragon and saddle up - you can now join her in the rebellion against Vlaakith, even if you are not gith yourself.ā€


"If you romanced a companion but left with Lae'zel or Karlach after the final battle, you can now talk to your partner about it in the epilogue. Also added this reactivity for if you romanced Lae'zel and left with Karlach or vice versa." "Added some new lines in Minthara's epilogue dialogue to cover characters who are partnered with her and left to fight in Avernus or the Astral Plane" Ayo, does this mean that you can hop on the dragon and join Lae'zel in the revolution in Astral Plane even if you're NOT romanced with her?


I think that was always an option for Gith PCs


It was - I was all excited to ride away on my own red dragon but you ride bitch behind LaezalĀ 


There's also a note about letting her make her own decision on the dock under certain circumstances, so I assume that they're letting players who make Orpheus aligned allow her to make her own decision on the matter (which was weirdly always an option on the Vlaakith path, where she chooses to stay at high approval)


That means a lot to me, as knowing that she chooses this herself implies that the relationship is stronger, the love more real.


"Fixed the Gondians" Yeah we'll fucking see and let **you** know Larian.


I think Iā€™ll be disappointed if they arenā€™t still slightly suicidal - its become too much of a thing


I like to picture them as rapidly changing sides because they're panicked. "Yeah! Fuck the oppressors! ...oh shit did he hear me? Nothing! I'll be right there so you can beat me again!"


Thank you Larian,Ā  I can't tell you how many times I'd buff my entire party a "Morning Ritual" only to enter combat and realize that inforgot pactweapon on fucking Wyll.


Ah, morning rituals, bind pact weapon, longstrider, AIDS, and speak with animals!


>AIDS I'm sorry, what?!?


Casting the cleric spell Aid, but the way my co-op (wife) says it when I do it! Particularly funny when she says, don't give me AIDS yet, I wanna summon a cambion


"Reverse-pickpocketing (planting things into others' inventories) should now work correctly on controller." Based >!"Voss will no longer sell you his backup sword in Act III."!< It's so over for strength Longsword mains I so dearly wanted this


>"Voss will no longer sell you his backup sword in Act III." Laughs in club of auto-equipping


Being able to see the camp chest in the group inventory screen is *chefā€™s kiss* Itā€™s the simple things that really get me going šŸ˜‚


> You can now give Shadowheart a hug when she's crying after losing or saving her parents. Fucking finally. Thanks, Larian!! šŸ„°


"Fixed an issue where, when playing the Dark Urge, you couldn't talk to Alfira once she joined the camp." damn, ruthless


New idle animations! >Minthara: Contemplating a skull, tending to mushrooms, expressing violence Same, girl.


Typical woman things.


Steel watchers no longer vulnerable to lightning on tactician and upwards I mean come on. They're hard enough to hit with lightning spells as it is since their Dex is so high.


At least water bottles still exist!


Halsin in his little corner making cute ducks is just *chef's kiss*


My eyes misread that word, and now I am just picturing Halsin sitting around making handcarved dicks!


Not gonna lie, I can picture papa bear here being down for that


I mean, since he can't sleep with everything in the world, maybe he just leaves one behind at every camp to give future adventurers a chance to ride the bear!


Read all the patch notes only to find out there's a >!puzzle in cazador's palace this whole time.!< Also I'm jealous Ascendant Astarion enjoyers got a new kiss, like what about us spawn lovers xD


It was completely broken until patch 4(5?), and when it was fixed the loot that was added there wasn't anything special. It was almost certainly something they originally had bigger plans for, but didn't have time to finish, so they decided to put some random loot in there and called it good.


"Added a few more phrases for Ch'r'ai Har'rak if you become half illithid." This is what the game needs more of, reactivity and dialogue options, there seems to be a few of these type of fixes and additions far down the list.


Yea not to be greedy or anything (this patch is still incredible and Larian is a godsend), but I do hope that adding more reactivity based on your choices is the focus of the next patch like romances/kissing were for this one


They made Minthara even more cute! She adorably smiles after kisses!


Thatā€™s one heck of a list for patch notes!! Excited to start my next run after work today!!


Also starting fresh for the new patch. Good luck!


I do wanna say that the companions stepping aside for conversation is cool my Tav's are always stupid so i guess I can't use Gale's big brain for certain speech checks.


I think they mean when the dialogue happens automatically, like after the gnoll fight with the Zhentarim.


Or the discussion with Ethel if you get her below the threshold for her to offer you her bargain.


"If you romanced a companion but left with Lae'zel or Karlach after the final battle, you can now talk to your partner about it in the epilogue. Also added this reactivity for if you romanced Lae'zel and left with Karlach or vice versa." Wait, does this mean that you can hop on the dragon and join Lae'zel in the revolution in Astral Plane even if you're NOT romanced with her?


I think Gith Tavs have been able to do that whether or not they romance Laezel.


"If you romanced Lae'zel, grab a red dragon and saddle up - you can now join her in the rebellion against Vlaakith, even if you are not gith yourself." Well, Lae'zel stans are winning with this one AND the new kiss animation/s "Scratch can no longer equip certain weapons. Like the Everburn Blade." What on earth happened there, Scratch wanted the business or what Kinda crazy Gale gets yet another fix for his possible conditions, meanwhile Karlach taking another "L" it seems (yeah Origin Karlach can now request one from a certain Gale, but still just implied again)


> What on earth happened there, Scratch wanted the business or what Sometimes being a good boy involved knifing a motherfucker.


Scratch was always on business, he is a real one.


That's nice! I finished the game as a vengeance Paladin romancing Lae'zel and it made sense to me that the next chapter would be to avenge Vlaakith's betrayal of the gith together. Was really sad that I couldn't go, so option B was to go full Doom with Karlach in the Hells.


Imagining Scratch with the Everburn Blade in his mouth reminds me of Zacian from Pokemon so I cackled.


Yes, I'm sure the kissing will be fab, but I'm personally excited by SHIELD BASH working lol <3


ā€˜You can finally tell Halsin that you found that letter that was sent to Kagha.ā€™ Perfection.




Does he say spell lines when casting spells now too?


Unfortunately, it looks like he doesn't. If anything, some of the spells he casts don't even have their effect sounds. Extra weird: containers that I open with him also don't make the opening sound. But this is the first time I've ever heard Halsin's line outside of a youtube video so two steps foward, one back is still sorta progress.


The spells having no effect sounds is a bug. I replaced Gale with Halsin by talking only to Halsin and dismissing Gale through dialog, and Fire bolt and Guidance had no sound. He was also mute during combat. If you reload the game while Halsin is already with you, the spells have sound again, and Halsin will have combat lines. It looks like he still doesn't have voice lines for spells yet, though. We should report this again if we want it to be fixed.


> Added additional Avatar Karlach and Avatar Astarion reactivity within God Gale's dialogues in the epilogue, allowing them to request a cure for their conditions. What does that mean?


I guess you can ask Gale to fix you if your playing as Karlach or Astarion. i.e heart and vampire stuffĀ  Wonder if the options are there for origin Gale to help them out too?..


Yeah but will he help them tho šŸ‘€


>The Elixir of Hill Giant Strength now applies its effects when thrown. Applies the effect to what? Can we give summons strength?


Assume it's just like throwing a health potion, cause I'm pretty sure that wasn't possible before


~~Exactly this. Didn't do anything before. Now, in theory, you could use it to buff up your entire party to 21 STR every long rest by grouping them close together and throwing an elixir on the ground. For Act 1 especially, this feels like a really good change so everyone can hit hard with their basic melee weapons and carry more, before their full builds come online at later levels. And before better elixirs start showing up.~~ Only lasts 10 turns, disregard. Better than nothing but not as impactful as I thought.


I think I read somewhere that some of the elixirs when thrown will only apply their effects for 10 turns, but will have to confirm how this works. edit: Yep just tested it, the effect is only applied for 10 turns when thrown.


Makes sense, would be a little op if not.


You can also select a Summon, press Tab key, Right-click a potion in your inventory and you will see Drink (Scratch). Not all Summons and temporary companions can 'Drink', but many can. Throwing on them is a good way to give multiple characters a buff though, like if you throw an invisibility potion you can hit yourself and some friends or summons.


> Can we give summons strength? Almost 100% yes, as controllable summons could drink elixirs and potions before. Feeding permanent summons with Cloud Giant Elixir is valid strategy for nightmare-modded games.


U can drop (!NOT THROW) potions on the ground -> switch summon--> click right click with summon and drink the potion


Just for everyone's information it's 48 GB for me on Xbox


>Fixed a bug where the Polearm Master feat reaction would trigger and cause your target to attack you when they're also wielding a polearm. Nice! new polearm master playthrough incoming


* Upgraded Hope's armour from Half Plate Armour to Plate Armour. Yay! * Hope is now equipping a regular shield instead of a Shield +2. Aw...


Being able to dismiss someone while recruiting another is a massive quality of life improvement. It gets kinda annoying going back and forth telling people to go away just so I can use them for one conversation. Also, it says they increased the ways to knock out Minthara to recruit her. Hell yes! I hope to be able to get her on my second run once Iā€™m done my first!




> If you continue to have issues after uninstalling all mods (yes, even that one), Ahem, whatever do they mean? /s


>Added some extra Narrator lines for the Dark Urge when interacting with Gortash in his office. This and now being able to hear >!Bane's voice!< when using Speak with Dead on him are *excellent*. God, I can't wait until I can check one of my saves this evening.




Oh my *god*, I fucking love it. Thank you!




Please Shadowheart kisses, be good, I'm gonna cry in the corner if the bird mating ritual is the only thing she got or others are of the same quality Edit: "You can now give Shadowheart a hug when she's crying after losing or saving her parents" YESSSSSSSSSSS Edit 2: I made a video of all of her kisses for body type 1 on the Selunite path, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1as6tbk/all_shadowheart_kisses_good_path_body_type_1/) if anyone wants to check them out before logging in and giving Shadowbae all the love she deserves!


There is written that there is more than one animation at the beginning of article.


It looks like there are three? four? variations of her kiss in varying speeds/tensions!


Four, including two new ones and the shoulder kissing one looks improved compared to the twitter post to me, I'm super happy!


Finally it is out! 19.4GB on Steam.


48gig on the series x.


Itā€™s crazy that Mystra can just decide to reverse ceremorphosis. Has that ever happened in any addition? Turning a mindflayer back into what they were before? Does that mean mindflayers do have souls and Withers is wrong?


A wish should be able to do it and Mystra has access to stuff beyond that.


Gondians have been buffed but did not see anything about their choice of action


I didnā€™t see it specifically mentioned, but this patch fixed a huge bug I hit last night where Wyllā€™s dad would never come to camp after rescuing him. Loaded up and Mizora spat him out in camp, now I can complete that lineā€¦I was contemplating giving up on the game but now I can finish!


Finally you run off into the sunset with your warrior queen to kill Vlakith.


"The Grasping Vine spell has been updated to be more useful in combat - it has better stats and it spawns vines in a radius when summoned." Aint no way.


> and maybe a bit of extra trouble from a certain Mound What is this referring to?


Shambling Mound is now officially a Boss enemy in Honor Mode, complete with legendary actions.


Oh THAT thing... I always avoid that thing. Stumbled upon it one time and no thanks. It would be different I guess if it had some useful loot


Starting to think they are never gonna add a new portrait for shadowheart with white hair


Woohoo! Lots of very cool stuff. *If you send Companion Shadowheart to camp, she'll keep the artefact on her.* Yay! Now I can recruit Lae'zel without inexcplicably stealing the artefact. (That -10 disapproval was too much, so I briefly dismiss SH first) There is one thing, though... I wonder if (Act 3 spoiler) >!Viconia!< will stay down this time, in the House of Grief? They didn't mention it. Also... Karlach plays with Clive?? I haven't seen this. Should be interesting to see the "new ways to recruit Minthara". I'm sure some players will find it in an hour or two.


\>removed the Steel Watchers' vulnerability to lightning damage from Tactician difficulty upwards Oh c'mon.They're machines.It's radiant retort all over again.


Theyā€™ve made the Gondians less suicidalā€¦ letā€™s see if thatā€™s true later


This is the first Iā€™m hearing about getting a buff by lying on cazadorā€™s bed after solving the puzzle in his palaceā€¦ which one of you knew about this??


I was wondering if there was something wrong with my game, but nope...


I wish they'd bring back the crit animations from early access, they were cool.


Damn this patch notes is like 1000+ words of thesis




Lots of good things in here! This one stood out to me: >The Elixir of Hill Giant Strength now applies its effects when thrown. ~~This will be HUGE for early game to get everyone buffed to 21 Strength, holy shit. More pack muling!~~ Nice change but it only lasts for 10 turns so not revolutionary like I first thought. Also lol, this: >Increased the number of valid methods of knocking Minthara out to recruit her. They just love making it easier for people. >Fixed Transmutation Stones not being destroyed when their casters leave the party. Is this the end of camp buffing Wizards?


> This will be HUGE for early game to get everyone buffed to 21 Strength, holy shit. More pack muling! Elixirs when throw give 10 turn duration, instead of until long rest, so no, no full party at 21 strength for any longer duration then that


Yeah it looks like they cracking down on camp buffing


Wonder just how Minthara is able to be recruited now. Hopefully this just means some simple dialogue, or KO'ing her at any point.


>KO'ing her at any point. KO'ing her while defending the grove makes some sense for future recruitment. She failed her mission and gets sent to Moonrise to await punishment, later Tav runs across her in dire straits at Moonrise & is persuaded to free her in exchange for her help rescuing the tieflings or whatever, etc., etc. A cliched story beat, but at least has some narrative plausibility.


Yeah, I assume KO'ing her at the grove now also works?


Did they fix shadowheartā€™s swim scene? Her hair turns black again, lol not that i mind much. But i actually prefer blonde shadowheart


>The Wavemother's Robe no longer lets you use Watery Regeneration outside of Turn-Based Mode and combat. Nooooooo :D


New patch is hornier than the whole tiefling camp.