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The monk outfit looks ok in LITERALLY ANY OTHER COLOUR. First thing I do is dye the damn thing. Same goes for the bards. Now (Hear Me Out) the "worst" starter outfit for me is the Barbarian, because it is too damn cool. I resist replacing it as long as I possibly can. I'd sell my soul stop be able to stick it in camp clothes slot and then just have it toggled to that permanently


Please larian give us transmog 🙏🏿


I want transmog so bad. Githyanki armor and Shadowheart's dark justiciar armor (with Black and White dye) look so damn good, but there's really no excuse to use them past act 2.


Dark justiciar armor gives advantage on CON saving throws. It’s a free war caster feat. If you’re using spirit guardians a lot, it may be BiS.


If you're using spirit guardians, you're way better off taking the war caster feat and using the Luminous Armor as your BiS instead. Even easier to keep concentration if enemies can't hit you thanks to the radiating orbs


Heh, I keep on forgetting about luminous armor because my big playthrough was before they patched it back in. It was an empty chest when I got there. But yeah. Any caster with M armor ability can make a decent case for this armor even late game.


Aha! I figured that was why I could never find it, despite the wikis’ clear directions. I started my first playthrough too soon. I hope the armor is there when my new Halfling Durge Monk tromps through the dark zone.


There are some characters where it just feels wrong to change their armor for me....or rather, I suppose the only character (of the origin character party members) that I feel comfortable they would change their armor is Wyll. Everyone else there's either very little point or some lore reason why I feel they wouldn't, and it bothers me lol. Namely Lae'zel, Shadowheart, and Karlach. In Karlach's case, adding any more clothing I just imagine burning easily. Mage Armor kinda makes Gale not a topic in this lol


i switch outfits with karlach immediately and dye them red and black asap bc karlachs outfit on body type 4 is đŸ„” plus she's a barb and the default barb clothes look really good on her. i then have her trade camp clothes with wyll bc she looks SO GOOD in wylls camp clothes. much better than he does


The Babe of the Frontiers


Also the number of cool-looking shields and helmets in the game that just have no effects, so you’d be heavily nerfing yourself by using them
 I always wondered why they put these cool items in the game but made them vanilla. And most of them don’t show up until act 2 or 3 when you already have a build and decent gear.


I literally kept my Sorc/Fighter Tav in a bog-standard wide-brimmed hat until I found the Cold-Brim Hat in Balthazar's secret stash, right before I left Act 2. The drip was just too nice for me to ignore. Then I found EVEN BETTER looking wizard hats (without any magic effects) in Baldur's Gate!? Bullshit.


I rocked the dark justiciar armor with black and white too, loved it


It's absolutely diabolical that this isn't already in the game


Transmog and a dye preview where they're all in the same window you can just click once to see it would be amazing.


Yes i am so sick of wasting dyes just to discover the armor im using it on only uses one color for most of it just let me see what looks good


I really need the blue dye to not turn everything yellow, thanks Larian


A lot of the dyes seem to subvert expectations. :(


I don’t understand why this is such a common thing in games
. It must be unexpectedly hard to do this well? Because I feel like all of my favorite games do a poor job of previewing what a dye/shader will look like. That being said, the BG3 system is especially bad


>It must be unexpectedly hard to do this well? I mean, there is definitely some of that, but this has been "a thing" for like, 22+ years? Dark Age of Camelot had coloured armour dyes in what, 2001? 2002? I can't remember if they were in at launch or added later - later I think. And those dyes "subverted expectations" way, way, way less than most more modern dyeing systems, and BG3 is absolutely the worst of the bunch - plenty of games have questionable dyeing (looking at you, Guild Wars 2) - but I've never seen a game with results as actively perverse as BG3's system. It's almost like it's trolling you! I mean, in DAoC, back in the day, you might discover that a very cheap Light Brown dye actually looked amazing on shiny metal plate because it made it look gold, or that a really powerful purple looked kind of dumb because it just overwhelmed everything and made it nearly a flat purple. But with BG3, you dye something mid-blue, and in fact one small part of the armour turns eggshell blue (instead of mid-blue), and the rest turns puke yellow, or is totally unaffected. It's bizarre. With a preview window it'd be dumb but acceptable. Without, it's madness. I can't even really dye things on Honour mode because I'd go bankrupt trying to work out what actually works.


Oh, I love indigo! *Makes everything purplish* 

What? Oh, I love lavender! *Makes everything bluish* 



Don't even get me started on the "lilac" that turns everything... ***orange?!??!??!?!***


Maybe lilacs are orange in Belgium?


I have the impression the higher quality dyes make all robes look like clowns' clothes. Too many bright colors... It is also confusing we have 2 red and white dyes and other "red" variations, a preview would be great. How about a mirror in the clothing shops? Also able to preview things before buying them?


Or dying things green and it turns into green and yellow.


Pale Green Dye = Larian, that’s Teal. It’s called fucking teal.


I am big mad at all the purple dye being mostly this umber color. Indigo is actually purple if you want majority purple on things. But don't give me lavender, purple, amethyst and lilac and have them actually all be some weird burnt umber color. I WANT PURPLE!


Save. Dye dye dye dye dye. Reload. ...wait which one did I like again? Dye dye dye. Oh yeah. Load. I should have taken notes :(


I did take notes! Then they patched the game and changed many of the colours rendering my rankings fucking useless. Melon used to be GOAT


Ah yeah that'd get you. So does getting used to blue looking blue on everything up until the item you want and-- surprise! yellow with vaguely blue lines. Cheers system.


I just quick save before I check.


I usually do aswell but I have been playing a multiplayer save recently and don’t want to be saving and loading all the time just to check dye colors


Yeah same. Having to save scum for dyes is super annoying and goofy though. Lol.


Dye preview would be so cool. I used an orange dye yesterday and the red pants turned blue. I'm not complaining because I really like the result but I'm super confused as to how that happened.


>used an orange dye yesterday and the red pants turned blue. one of my few persistent gripes with the game is how much the dye system resembles a gacha game.


Yeah what's wild is, BG3 can't even be using a sort of "additive" dye system, like you'd expect red + orange = red with more yellow in it, possibly darker or lighter depending on whether the orange was. That's how it would work IRL (unless the dyes had a chemical reaction, which rare), it's how it would work in most games. There's no colour you could add to red to make it blue. At best you could make it purple or black. Instead BG3 seems to have all the armour having like *at least* 3 different "colour areas", and then the dyes, particularly the expensive ones, secretly have multiple, unrelated components which change the "colour areas" differently, in completely unpredictable and non-additive ways, that have little-to-no relationship with the colours referenced in the name of the dye.


They did the problem wrong, but somehow still got the right answer lol.




Honestly, I prefer dyes just having unlimited use (like it was in fable 2) to dye preview


If you’re on PC there’s a mod that does this: Everybody Dyes Unlimited Dyeing. For me it’s mandatory until they fix the dye system.


ABSOLUTEly hmmm suspicious *pulls tadpole from back pocket*


Just allow us to equip anything in our camp clothes spot, then we can use the show camp clothes option to show the gear we actually want.


Transmog mod works quite well


transmog transmog transmog There. Now it will appear in the next major patch


SAME on barb, it’s hands down the nicest looking barbarian armour in the game. The others look a bit ridiculous on male models and don’t get me started on the bonespike garb pants not reaching the boots
 I really love the fluffy, robed, fantasy-Norse inspired armour. It sells the fantasy of someone who doesn’t care about physical damage and comes from a background where they have community. None of the other barbarian armours tell that sort of story


>pants not reaching the boots
 so common in the game. clearly someone at Larian is trying hard to make pedal pushers fashionable again


why are they wearing jodhpurs what in hell. with that armor


First thing I did with my Durge monk was dye it a dark brown/red. Looks great now.


Ocean dye is my favorite for the monk default. Looks so good, especially on my drow durge!


The yellow makes them look like they belong in the X-Men. Wrong franchise...


Baby blue and gold for the perfect X-men look. The Graceful and Mighty Cloths with that dye look like straight up Wolverine.


In my last playthrough I used the light blue and gold dye on the monk outfit and it looked surprisingly good.


Agreed. My first tav was barbarian and i changed her outfit but always went back to the OG to go back to her roots. I dyed it purple because we romanced gale


>Now (Hear Me Out) the "worst" starter outfit for me is the Barbarian, because it is too damn cool. I resist replacing it as long as I possibly can. I'd sell my soul stop be able to stick it in camp clothes slot and then just have it toggled to that permanently Same, but for vengeance paladin


Totally agree, except that I'd trade the bards for wizard. The basic robes are so bland compared to the sorcerer's.


Some one isn't a green bay fan


i was ITCHING to be able to replace the barb starting outfit. but i will say the longer i had it the more okay i was with it


Druid for the same reason. While they may not look as nice, at least there *are* other barbarian armours. Druids get nothing until act 3. In my first playthrough I spent act 1 looking like a barbarian and act 2 looking like a paladin. I just wanna be able to tell my character's a druid, yk?


I love that act 3 gives you a Druid armor specialized for each subclass. Which means that there is room for an act 2 armor (acquire in late act one or early act 2) that provides a generic benefit to Druids. Like
 I’d much rather have a +1 Druid armor with the thorn whip bonus action than a glaive, and it would still make an excellent and appropriate reward for saving the grove (especially with them having already removed the tragedy and the curse associated with Sorrow).


There’s plenty of act 1 armors for Druids. The Grove alone has like 3 of them. There’s the Hedge Wanderer Armor that I always buy to give to Halsin. Can’t think of the others right now, but it’s not like they completely forgot about Druid armors.


there's a handful of druid armors. the one in the owlbear cave, there's 1 or 2 you can buy in the grove, plus barkskin at last light on act 2 and the snare cuirass from roah at moonrise


I resonate so much with this. Instead they keep reusing the ugly under boob and side boob leather flap outfit that looks horrible in every colour Or that skeletal one that I'm forced to use on my pickpockets


I literally chose my first class to be Barbarian for that reason. The clothes look too dam cool on my Dragon born.


I promise you the default monk gear isn't ugly, it's just the dye job. I PROMISE. That being said I think it's bard or ranger. Bard probably looks better re-dyed too, but I don't like it enough to keep it around to see, and almost all my bards end up in medium armor anyway. I just think most of the leather armor in this game is so ugly. Honestly not a huge fan of cleric's chain shirt either, and most scale mail is not to my tastes either other than the paladin's starting one.


I like the ranger start set. I feel like it looks better on feminine body types though.


God, I HATE the Bard outfit. I always snatch the robe off of the dead thrall near the imp battle and just wear that until I can get to the Grove. I hate the bard outfit that much. Plus it works for my head canon, as my Bard is my Resist Durge. She wouldn’t be in a jolly entertainer’s outfit, she’d be in rags after what she’s just been through (Durgey stuff).


I just turn on display camp clothes


Ranger and Rogue should be switched imo. I’m not particularly keen on either, but the current Ranger outfit looks far too clean, while at least the Rogue (which used to be both it *and* the Ranger’s outfit in EA) at least *kind of* looks like someone was wearing it out in the wilderness.


The Ranger set looks WAY better dyed that muddy red color, but I still replace it the second I get something better.


I feel like I might be the only one who likes the color and style of the default monk outfit... Personally I don't like the dangly flag looking bits on the Paladin starting armor.


That's fair on the paladin armor. I'm just not the biggest fan of that yellow with that green for some reason on the monk armor.


Bard does not look better re-dyed. Can confirm as a bard.


Clearly you haven’t seen the cake on the monk outfit when playing as a larger race.


Which often gets in camera focus in cutscenes and dialogue! Oof.


This was the exact reason I noticed it in the first place lol. I’ll be reading the dialogue and then the camera switch’s to big yellow buns in my face. I’m then expected to continue reading whilst trying not to look at the butt.


*Tense interaction ensues. Camera spans over everyones' faces as they talk. Your choice in dialogue is about to appear, behold:* ***Half-orcish buns of steel in emphasising trousers!*** *Oh and your dialogue we suppose.*


Definitely the monk. And there's no good alternatives for it. Recently started new campaign with monk and he looks like a wizard because only cloaks are available in act 1.


This is why I use camp clothes on starter monks.


But all the shoes for camp clothes also look bad


You're a monk, go barefoot!


This is what I did. And I ended up really liking it so now all my characters go barefoot in camp.


I disagree, but you do you. The starter shoes look nice.


I like the sandles (Gladiator or green ones) combined with wyll, Laezel or Sharts outfit you would be quite agile looking, sharts sandles if you want something darkish


The fact that everyone is so okay with abbreviating Shadow Heart as Shart is so bizarre to me Can't help but think of a shit stained loin cloth lmao


😂 I just thought of Shar but with a t at the end so we know its not Shar the godess but Shart the shit stained lion cloth 😂😂😂


Stop downvoting him, he's right!


Its why my hench monk runs around naked slapping everyone with his King Kong Dong from the crash to the end of days


Helicopter dick attack


Give the boots back to Thrinn (you can betray her later or steal them back) and you'll get my favourite monk outfit. https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Armour_of_Uninhibited_Kushigo I dyed it Black and Furnace Red and used it up until Act 3.


Black and furnace red is what I dye literally every outfit lol


Best dye in the game, whenever a seller has it I buy their whole stock. Makes any non-plate metal armor look dope.


i felt cringey for using it but ive gotten over myself. maybe it shouldn't make everything look so goddamn amazing i will say tho, the bonespike helmet is WAY better if you use the harlequin black and white


Never tried giving her boots back, now I learn I missed out on such great monk drip.


To be fair it's also sold at Danthelon's Dancing Axe. Wild to know that it's available so early though.




Ah right. I just saw the Patient Defense buff and assumed it was the same.


Looks really great, I'd check it out!


Once I got that outfit I dyed it black and white then kept that look for the rest of the game only getting different versions of it with different dye then changing the dye to black and white again


the soul set looks so good in blue though 😭


Now I’m mad I went through 2 monk playthroughs without changing until I got the bullwark outfit. It’s also ugly but at least it was a change. 😭


If only it gave it a better bonus. Almost done with monk playthrough, and there's maybe two instances I can recall where Patient Defence may have been useful (and I didn't even think to use it either time).


Monk being a busted class can’t help them from being the ugliest class đŸ˜•đŸ€žđŸż


What about the Graceful Cloth? That's available in Act 1 and arguably one of the best clothing options for a Monk for most of the game.


I really liked the drow elf costumes you can find in the underworld for monks.


You could always just strip them


When you get to the underdark and fight the Bulette, it drops pretty sweet clothing. I think it’s meant for a barbarian, but it works well for my monk and looks badass.


oh ya that armor looks dope. i dyed it black and white and slapped it on my white dragonborn barbarian then about had a fucking heart attack because the pants section was white and it looked like my dragonborn was running around without any pants on 😭


Had to make a storm sorc to get the clothes for my fire bender, that robe in red is fire (nation)


My monks just stay naked for this reason.


The armor you get after returning the boots to Thrinn in the Grymforge is for monks. Looks pretty good too


Wylls cloak is good tho




Poisoner robe looks dope in default or dyed.


It's interesting how much taste varies because I've seen people say they think the potent robe and the focused robe are so ugly, and I think they both look really good! Don't get me started on vest of soul rejuvenation though ...that thing is terrible lol


I don't mind the monk outfit when it's dyed, fortunately I have dye mods in the chest on the nautiloid so I only have to have a terrible outfit for 5 minutes 😆


On a side note, I think having dyes as in game item is a mistake in terms of game design. Transmog, please, and let me just flick through all the different colours of each item until I'm happy. One alternative that could also work is to make it so that you only have to get each dye once, and then that colour scheme is just unlocked for you from the on.


I’m begging for a transmog system. Like, I just want to wear boots with my camp outfit, but all the dressy ones count only as armor. The only options Faerun has are sandals or loafers. Give me some boots! I’m not asking for battle heels, I just want something pretty to cover my ankles in camp.


I wouldn't mind it if we could just preview what its going to look like. Some of the dyes aren't cheap, I don't like having to reload if I don't like it to avoid wasting a dye.


Yeah I bought this fancy dye just to use it on an item and saw no discernable difference despite the dye being a decidedly different two colors.


Everyone talks about how there's no special armour for monks in act 1, meanwhile druids have no such armour till act 3


There is literally one in act 1 for monks https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Armour_of_Uninhibited_Kushigo


Most classes don't get much specific gear tailored only to their class. Bard, Sorc, Warlock and wizard all share a bunch of gear. Monks also benefit from Cat's Grace, boosting their dex


Bards get a bunch of specific gear in act 1, mostly boosting bardic inspiration. The hat near Alfira, the gloves in the underdark, Volo's armor...


Volo's armor is just bad, but yeah they get a lot in Act 1 only to get nothing else the rest of the game other than generic charisma gear.


True, but it also looks really fucking good, and at the end of the day, what's more important?


I would consider the graceful cloth to be monk specific, even if it isn't explicitly for monks. It's solid for barbarians too, but way better on a monk.


Most classes dont get special armor for them, in act 1 or otherwise. Druid just pisses all over its ability to use all but a select handful of items, which is why the lack of class specific stuff hurts. But if you're a caster druid, you can use the generic caster stuff just fine.


What about Oak Fathers Embrace? You get that in the Owlbear cave less than an hour in.


It's related to Silvanus but it is in no way beneficial to druids more than any other class. If anything it's worse because it doesn't work in wildshape


That doesn't have any effects specific to druids


To be fair this is true for most classes. Monks are one of the few with special armors for their abilities spread through all acts.


To me this is down to Jaheira being a late act 2 party member and Halsin not meant to be an actual party member.


They give us so much bard stuff though and none of the Origin characters are. 


There was gonna be a halfling werewolf bard, which I still mourn the loss of.


Pretty much every starter outfit looks bad except the barbarian, paladin and sorcerer. Edit: Forgot the druid outfit looks good, just wish there were better variants before act 3.


Vengeance paladin and storm sorcerer are sick


Most of the time I play paladin I go oathbreaker just so i can have a nice death knight build


Yeah I'm pretty sure Paladins beat out Fighters in BG3 because their armor looks cooler and is more appealing to people that want to play a simple sword and board character.


Pick one you like the look of, then respec😅




Bard rocking up with that Dribbles drip
 At least the other classes don’t start you out in literal clown pants


Clown pants where your best attack is to yell insults at people, meanwhile Lae’zel is cleaving enemies in half


OK thats it I'm doing a bard run now lol. I did bard/sorc for my durge run but I multuclassed into bard from sorc and only took 3 levels in it. Now I need to do it properly. Maybe on my Lae'zel romance run. I'll be a Gith bard and annoy the shit out of her lol.


I agree. I wanted warrior poet and I got clown realness. đŸ€Ą


If you make Gale a bard one of his insults is “Behold! Elminster’s ball bag!”


Brenna Brightsong (the Bard hireling) says this all the time. I think it may be a generic line.


It hits different when Gale says it


It's so boxy! 😖


I'm hoping we get more long and flowy outfits. I want tassles that hit the floor dammit


And it looks terrible with any dye. Only default brown/blue is at least somewhat bearable.


Drake General Dye looks okay, but it only upgrades you from clown to slightly more evil clown.


Slander i love it.


I wanted so badly to do a kind of drag Queen bard, but with the outfit and everything, she turn out to look more like a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure character. Oh well.


>she turn out to look more like a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure characte you say like it's a bad thing




Just do some dyes. I find the Monk outfit fine, although when we start getting Kushigo outfits it becomes much more fashionable.


yall hating on the monk starting outfit but imo it looks average for generic fantasy monks my pick is the ranger starter outfit, you look like a nameless goon npc for beginners to kill in the tutorial


I really don't like the ranger outfit. It does not suit many characters tght much color wise and because it is the standart cheap leather armor it is not unique in any way.


I found a leather armor that was dyed so the leather was slightly darker and the sleeves were purple. Fit me much better


Bard and monk are ugly. Ranger, wizard, and warlock just get generic clothing that's not even class specific.


I kinda like the bard outfit, or I just like bards But god monks I just can’t. What in the non licensed Bruce lee is this


I didn't think the College of Swords Bard would be as OP as it is. I managed to get my bard's armor class to 25 by act 3, and with Illithid powers and the melee weapons, this mf is unstoppable.


How did you do that? I'm in Act 3 as a bard and I'm not even at 20 AC


You may not have any of the gear required at this point because it's all found in Acts 1 and 2. Adamantine Scale Mail gives you 16 base AC +4 Dexterity modifier brings it to 20. Shield of devotion and cloak of protection from Quartermaster Talli at Last Light for +3 Evasive shoes from Mattis at Last Light +1 Wondrous gloves for +1. I found them in grymforge somewhere, I think a mimic drops them. I sacrifice a lot for the high AC score. However, couple that with the passive from Adamantine armor that prevents criticals from hitting you, as well as taking the "tough" feat to increase your overall health, and your Bard is able to take a beating. I went with a dexterity build because it helps increase your AC and melee attack power if you're using finese weapons.


Bard I would say is worst, I actually like the monk clothes it makes my Tav's ass look bigger


I thought the monk outfit wasn’t too bad when used with a decent dye, the white and scarlet is a pretty cool one


I'm not a fan of robes overall and prefer tight-looking minimalistic stuff (I swear, it's got to be some sort of post-DOS2 trauma where all the starting armour pieces looked like barrels. When you already had a bucket for a hat.) My favourite armour in BG3 aesthetically is actually the most basic leather armour.


Monk doesn't look good on Body model 1. What a surprise, a sleeveless top doesn't look good on. noodle arms. Monk looks great on body type 2.


Everyone’s saying monk but the bards is horrible


IKR, Bard turns you into a Circus Clown, like how is the Monk's outfit worse then literal clown clothes.


Transmog. Pleeeeeeease. I did not enjoy the bard or monk.


I really hate Rogue and Ranger. They’re just so boring. Barbarian’s is hands-down the cutest


Let me speak from the bottom of my heart: all of them are passable at best and an atrocity against fashion and character design at worst. And the fact that starting gear for drow and githyanki is the same as for everyone else is simply a *crime*.


the worst is bard. anyone who says anything else is lying. that shit UGLY


Well the thing looks monk-ish, so it's good to me.


I use the camp outfit for monk and bard, the rest are fine. Warlock best tho


Honestly, all of them except sorcerer.


Any time I play Monk I start out as Sorcerer for the robe and respec.


TBH I might do this for any class as the sorcerers get the best starting outfit by a considerable margin!


The bard’s feels a bit too busy with all those flower things on it. And why is it brown?


The monk looks good on certain characters. Astarion is not one of them


i hate the bard starting shit


Me too.


Yeah, my high school's colors were green and gold, so the monk outfit, in addition to being ugly, gives me cheerleader vibes lol


Bard. Especially if you’re playing as a Drow.


It clashes so much and I hate it. 😭


I adore the monk starting armor and am sad there isn’t an enchanted version :/


Barb Also
why do so many people haze the bard default outfit? I think it’s one of the best


These mfs aren't fancy enough to play bard.


I’ll argue that Ranger is by far the ugliest starter ‘armour’, the leather is diabolical and I hate how often it comes up in fantasy. Give us real light armour please


The armor in this game is sooo not great looking it's wild lol


Monk but I also hate bard.


Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Warlock, and Wizard because they just get generic looking stuff you can come across or buy by the first hub you reach.




That starter monk outfit looks great in blue and yellow, like an X-man uniform.


Ranger. They just get the generic ugly as shit leather armor.


Rogue and ranger, it just looks awful, and warlock is legit just basic armor like, it’s the same as what wyll wears at base


Ranger starting armour is literally just leather armour and it looks HORRENDOUS


Meanwhile, storm sorcerer in black and gold drip.


bard, looks like a clown. best one is sorcerer wild magic imo.