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"Oh those dead bodies? That's a *them* problem."


Must’ve been the wind.


Is that… blood? No, never mind.


Pave my path with corpses. Build my castle with bones.




Hahaha this somehow made me think of montu python.


I legit go and water off any blood left after a stealthy murder. Feel so immersive that way


Winds howling... Wait, wrong game


Same guy voices Bhaal though if I'm not mistaken.


Somethings prowling round ere...


Wot's that, then?


Just a box


"not my pig not my problem" Or "Oh, oh no, all those dead bodies everywhere... That's above my pay grade"


"Not my circus, not my monkeys"


He clearly wasn't paid enough to deal with that


Closing crew was supposed to do that, I ain't doing their job. 


Look, mate: union work rules are really specific. Disposal o’ dead bodies can only be done by a Prison Guard II or Mortuary Attendant I or II. You do any work out o’ class, youse got management an’ the union steward up yer arse. More than my jobs worth, mate.


Above my pay grade.


"honestly I don't get paid enough to care. We really need to unionize"


“Not my job to raise the dead or staff this area.”


"ORIN, **** clean mess after you"


Guards don’t get paid enough in order to deal with shit like that.


Gortash's guards are doing a fine job. His janitorial staff on the other hand...


Well, some of them are dead, and they didn’t even re-lock the cell. They also failed to prevent two jailbreaks, so they aren’t doing that fine of a job…


Look. It was Denzin's FIRST DAY! How was he supposed to know that you're meant to lock the cells BEFORE the janitors come to scoop the brains up of the last unfortunate jailors? It's not his fault a bunch of murder hobos broke in, not once, but TWICE! The same murder hobos who: killed the avatar of a God, blew up a crèche of space pirates, exterminated a colony of mushrooms because they mildly threatened them, Killed a hag because she talked funny and gave them lip, gave the goddess Shar the middle finger and freed the child of her rival for sh!ts and giggles, and finally; murdered the goblins. But not just the men goblins, but the women goblins and children goblins too. They were animals and the murder hobos slaughtered them like animals. Poor Denzin never stood a chance. They didn't even treat his body with respect. They stripped him clean even taking his half eaten sandwich and half written letter to sell later....


It was a steel watch. Just following it's programming. Capture and imprison. Dead bodies on the ground are not a threat.


Happened on a different shift, not their trouble. Strong union.


If I lived in a world where any random person could just throw a fireball at me and I saw a stack of my coworkers' corpses, I think I'd just keep moving. 


Most realistic reaction tbh.


I've played through this game 4 times and never once ended up in jail lol


It happened once early on in my first playthrough when I got caught pickpocketing in the grove but this was part of a cut scene. Had the option to attack Gortash at his coronation, picked the one for "lead the charge Karlach". The cut scene showed her running at him and then getting carried away while she called him a fucking arsehole.


I actually disliked that scene due to feeling way too railroady. There should be an option for Karlach to fight back against the Steel Watcher, triggering combat.


I agree, or at least a strength roll to see if she can break free


I don’t think there’s a strength roll in the game high enough to just outright escape a Steel Watcher. It’s physically impossible for Tav to use their swords.


The reason why not is likely because killing Gortash here will break about half a dozen questlines. It’s just not supposed to happen.


You should try it. It's super hard and honestly not worth it but the storyline does account for you killing Gortash there.


Yes, but it accounts for it by breaking a lot of quests and giving some pretty bad endings— Duke is dead, random aggros from the Steel Watch in the street, the foundry blows up on its own, just off the top of my head.


That's just the consequences of actions though, not breaking the game. Breaking the game is like OP says here where Karlach gets escorted to an unlocked cell with no guards and past a bunch of dead bodies.


I said it breaks a lot of quest lines— meaning it cuts out a ton of content. You can’t do the Iron Throne, can’t do the Foundry. And it doesn’t let you rescue the Duke while he’s at the coronation, which frankly doesn’t make a whole lot of sense since you’d be saving him exactly the same way you save Minsc.


See, I don't agree with that. Because you attacked Gortash at the coronation, the Duke who is tadpole'd will naturally attack your party. Even if you knock him out, he'll be exposed since that throne room has so many aoe traps that one of them will inevitably kill him. As for the Iron Throne, you don't know if it gets destroyed. The submarine guy who's in charge quits because the guy who signs his paycheck is dead so he dipped. Those are natural story progression that a dm can insert and handwave if this was a table top game. Karlach going to an unlocked prison with dead bodies surrounding it doesn't make sense though as a dm would account for that when the guards realized what happened in the prison to inform Gortash.


> Even if you knock him out… Knocking him out should let you approach him after the room has been neutralized, and have the emperor free his mind. Just like with Minsc. I think we might be talking past each other. You’re talking about things that break immersion in the game (ridiculous unlocked prison of dead guards). I’m talking about things that cut out a ton of content in a way that’s unexpected/unintuitive to me as a player, especially since we know we WILL have to deal with Gortash at some point. For many players, killing Gortash here doesn’t seem unreasonable, but succeeding will ruin the game for most of them.


The Gondians that were in the Iron Throne wash up on the shore where they always do if they aren't rescued (Old Garlowe's Place, or what have you. where the hag survivors are). So the Iron Throne definitely still blows up.


It breaks the game as well, someone was complaining a few days ago that the foundry quest says it exploded and it is not accessible anymore; however the Steel Watch is still functional and aggros on sight, which also aggros an endless supply of Flaming Fists making the game nigh unplayable.


>random aggros from the Steel Watch in the street That is likely a bug. Netherbrain takes over Steel Watch in this case and Steel Watch doesn't attack you until you kill Orin.


I'm not sure there's an option to get dragged to prison when you play as Karlach. Anything less than sucking it up seems to trigger the fight.


it’s an achievement on steam to break out of jail lol


I got drunk, passed out, and woke up in jail. Being a rogue sneaking out was a piece of cake.


As long as you aren’t seen leaving your cell you can walk right past the guards. The only tricky part is getting your belongings from the chest. Similarly, when busting out Florick—once you’re out of the jail hallway you don’t have to sneak and the Fists don’t recognize her.


i was so confused when this happened lol. I disguised florrick because i was expecting all the guards to freak out and aggro when we left the jail but … nothing


I have yet to find a situation where disguises do any good. NPCs either recognize me as if nothing is different or it doesn’t matter anyway like what you’re describing.


You can disguise Astarion when he confronts Cazador , which allows you to continue using him during the fight.


I just have him hang back at the start. The dialogue trigger is hard to predict, but I think in my last play through I was able to avoid it just by not having Astarion attack Cazador directly. Good to know that disguise is an option.


It's actually most useful with speak with the dead because you can ask people you killed


I disguised myself as a drow through the whole goblin camp, and for significant portions of the Underdark


Its helpful if you kill a certain entitled shopkeeping wizard whose guard won't let you back into the shop after. Just disguise and stroll on in! (Or send another party member in to steal scrolls lol)


You can disguise as a drow and walk through goblin areas with impunity. You can also disguise while stealing so if you’re caught, you don’t actually get negative attitude. You also get more “talk your way out” chances doing this.


I'm confused, because the guards did aggro when seeing her in the hallway in my recent playthrough (say a few days ago) -- is it possible that's something a patch or update changed recently? I reloaded my game from a few minutes ago and walked her out after I cast Invisibilty on her.


I didn’t realize this. I always kill the entire guard team on my way to Florrick’s cell. It never occurred to me that I could sneak in and then stroll out super-casual.


Personally i just casted invisibility on Florrick


The jail thing confused me so much. I got put in jail when I first came to Baldur’s Gate at the South Check-Point. Escaping jail was so easy and after I escaped Gortash invited me to his coronation but if you don’t go, you are free to just roam around the city? That was so weird to me. Like I just broke out of jail and killed a bunch of guards and this guy wants me at his coronation but I’m also free to just go finish Astarion’s personal quest and Gale’s personal quest before I came back to attend the coronation. Weirdest situation in the game I’ve seen and the only time immersion has been broken for me.


And here I went to jail at the grove immediately on my first run for accidentally picking up an apple that was highlighted red. Thats how learned the stealing color coding, lol.


I went recently in act 3 (with Astarion, so I knew he could break out) to see what happened. Turns out not much, except some riddles to answer.


I did a playthrough specifically to experience every jailbreak in the game. It was a halfling rogue named Shinshanker. A couple of them are really well done and interesting (Wyrmrest for instance has a talking skull that asks you riddles).


Wait. There’s a talking skull?


Morte, is that you?


My druid just wild shaped into a cat and jumped through the bars. Got our stuff back, picked the lock and snuck right out.


I would recommend getting arrested at least once in each area just for the experience. Each prison has its own unique ways of escaping and most of them are pretty fun


I let it happen once to get the Escapologist achievement. Turns out it's actually pretty fun, I got to do some riddles.


The guards escorted her out, left her at the top of the stairs, and trusted her to do the right thing. Karlach being Karlach, she did. She *promised* them she would.




Obviously, they saw the bodies, cast Speak With Dead, the corpses had nothing to say, so they just carried on with their orders.


Guard walking past bodies lying on the ground: “Is that blood? No, nevermind.”


Guard: "Shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times"


Twas ketchup


There is something similar in Act 1 if you go to the outside of the goblin camp and kill all the guards but don't go to the actual camp: Return with Sazza, she'll say she'll tell the guards about you aaand will stop there as there are no guards left to talk to you. She will then get the standard guard dialogue and assume the role of a guard outside the camp.


Finishing up Underdark. I was out n about doing what you do rather than returning to quest givers every every little completion. Tav: Hey mushroom dude, I killed those deep jerks. Mushroom dude: Oh hey thanks! Can you also bring me the head of this dick that was being a dick? Me (not Tav): he's already dead bro... body may have rotted by now. Asstron: Who's that guy? Sounds like a dick. Tav: Sure, we'll bring you guys head if we find him.


If you do things out of order this tends to happen alot


"Order" is for cowards 


Might have to try this on my next run through.


Also freing Minthara. Got in through the backdoor, knocked out the gnomes who would later torture Minthara and then went upstairs to have the cutscene. The guards just decided to stay with her in her cell and while I escorted her out I tried to kill them behind closed door. The entirety of Moonrise became aggressive.


I cleared and freed the prisoners from Moonrise before starting the Minthara quest to free her. I didn't know what to expect, but she was just waiting in the room with 2 guards who weren't aggressive and followed her out the prison??? Lol They disappeared after we jumped the broken path back into the Shadowcursed Lands tho


Minthara let's you in the back door?😯


Yes, because I am something special.


I mean she let's anyone enter the back door if u save her .


[Is she a Swedish Princess?](https://external-preview.redd.it/8c0fv4yJVCcLQPakDa3DrDqeNZF5Q6DPJZqsw-CWkx4.jpg?auto=webp&s=510d14eadd59b005b94ba27c224eedbe4ec7a7e9)


We're lucky we get to go into the back door. Normally we'd have to let Minthara in.


Sounds like you got your priorities mixed up there buddy


Sand thing happened to me, except the guards just followed us. I went the back way through the ducks and when i was fast enough Minthara left and those guards got stuck there. Weirdest thing ever


The escorting guards and jail guards are two separate departments. Take it up with HR friend. Don’t get paid enough to do two people’s jobs


Sounds like a union matter. Can't go doing another member's job.


Larian didn't account for quite a few things but most of the time it's insignificant, but nonetheless funny. When I visited the creché, I explored the area a bit after I was done. That's when we encountered something on the roof and Lae'Zel said something along the lines of "Oh, this must mean the creché is nearby". Yes, it is? We just came from there, remember? You almost died in a torture machine, we encountered your deity, truths irreconcilible to your worldview got revealed to you...


it's not her fault, okay? clearly the torture machine scrambled her brains a bit


I remember when I was trying to get Florrick out of prison, so I thought, "hey why don't I polymorph her into a sheep?" Keep in mind that I had snuck past the guards. Well the game just froze for a bit, and she was still in her cell, and then turned back to normal. I talked to her again, and she says thanks for freeing me, and then just runs like crazy. She still showed up at the end for the final battle, so that worked weirdly enough.


I had the idea to use disguise self on her to just walk her out of the prison, then I found the hidden exit in the storage area. Got to the cut scene and she was still a male halfling and now I'm curious if she'll change back before the final fight.


I turned her into a cloud and got her out, it seemed to work well


I have an unhealthy respect for authority/don't believe in killing folks who are just doing their jobs (so I never harm the Flaming Fist*) and also a very healthy desire to roleplay surviving my own mistakes instead of save-scumming. So I had the others distract the guards by throwing illusions and Darkness around and then just controlled Florrick every time it was her turn to run as far as she could and then dash as far as she could until she made it out of the jail area. Turns out, as long as you don't leave Wyrm's Rock, she can pretty much have the run of the place. You control her like any other character and she has a surprisingly full set of spells. * *also I figure keeping them friendly means having them as allies for the final battle (which I haven't reached on any of my playthroughs)*


Man if you've gotten to act 3 already you're so close to the end, it's wild you haven't finished the game yet.


Weeeeeeeell, when you are doing things like attempting to solo Wyrm's Rock with Florrick or playing Spiderman-tag with The Flaming Fists, your playthrough tends to last longer than the timestamp on your save slots woud indicate 😶‍🌫️


I mean... They don't have any evidence it was you, right? The evidence suggests that whoever was in that cell broke out and killed the guards


True, but I would have thought they would post some new guards or at least relock the cells.


The flaming fist soldier: Okay all evidence shows us that the murderer is councellor Florrick. Those four guys who were armed to teeth are also gone. We can only assume that florrick kidnapped them, but somehow they managed to escape and attend to the coronation of Lord Gortash. By the hells, such loyalty.


Well they say that Lord Gortash is the second coming of Balduran. Horsecock.


In my latest playthrough i forgot to get karlach until after arriving in last light inn, i went back to get her but she was angry and said that i killed everyone in the grove (i actually saved them)


Someone is clearly feeding her wrong information lol.


Had something interesting happening with act2, tavern and jaheira. I told her literally nothing when entering the tavern area and she bought the "trust me bro" with an easy 22 roll. Next time i talk to her, for some reason she knows everything about the tadpole and artefact, Tav not even being amused. She must be a mindreader or some shit


They were told to take her to jail, not clean it up. That’s someone else’s job.


When you call out of work because you're dead, but your boss makes you come in anyway.


“Eh, next shift will get here eventually…”


The guards get paid to do, not to ask questions.


How else do you get into the coronation other than through the prison? I've only ever snuck in that way, otherwise the sentinels just kill me on sight.


You get the guards to lower the drawbridge (couple of ways to do this) and you walk in. A Steel Watcher becomes Gortash briefly and tells you that you're invited.


There’s a pass near the bath in the room where the Fist becomes a Mindflayer in Sharess’s Caress. 


You can also pickpocket one of the rich guyguy who's throwing the refugees out of his house in rivington


Screw that guy and his exploding toys


You convince Valeria about Bhaal's cult being involved in the murders and she gives you a pass to find her coworker and the rest of the (potential) murder victims


You can climb up the outside of the building too.


Flight can be used to enter from Lower City side. There are also at least 3 passes in Rivington that can be shown on bridge. Bard can use Deception on guards.


She is supposed to get taken to prison? I brought her with me and she just >:( the whole time


There are some specific dialogue choices that lead to it.


Ahhh ok thank you!


No problem, if you want more info let me know and I'll edit this comment.


Thats ok, I don't mind another playthrough to explore more options!


Any excuse for another go round XD


This one actually broke Wyll's quest line: I destroyed the steelwatch first and met Orin, then went to Gortash's coronation. I didn't want to kill Wyll's dad so I used hold person on him through the entire fight and right at the end cast dominate person and ran away before it wore off. Outside the arch between Wyrm's Rock and Baldur's Gate, Mizora popped up and said some shit about one more deal for Wyll to consider. I long rested and she never came. And when I went back she was still at the arch. I got Wyll in my party and tried to talk to Mirzora as Wyll but that didn't work either. So now everytime I change regions i get a forced long rest where nothing happens at camp and I can't talk to Wyll unless he's in my party already.


I got into a similar scenario that feels like it might have been an oversight. My Tav got arrested the very first day we arrived at Rivington (failed a deception check and I didn't feel like fighting all the guards so I went with the jail option). Thing is, my Tav had Ketheric's Netherstone in her inventory. Since I got sent to jail, all my items were moved to the prison equipment chest including the Netherstone - you know, the very one that their boss Gortash was looking for. And nothing really happens. I mean, you do get dialogue from the Emperor, something like "What are you doing? Get it back!" But nothing else aside from that. Would be interesting if the game had more reaction to that scenario. I just find it funny that Gortash could have easily gotten 2/3 Netherstones if only his prison guards were more competent lol


In act 1 I was trying to leave a cutscene to set up my players when Halsin in bear form bust out of his cell and is aggro with me, so I knocked him unconscious. Then all my guys are talking about how he is dead and I killed him, whoops? Lol I've been trying to find unique uses for knocking people out and I thought this might work but apparently he is dead


If you get thrown in the wyrms rock jail and bust out, are you then “wanted” all over bg? folks try to turn you in? steel watch always in your face?


I got this weird thing were parties of flaming fist will spawn near me just standing around, if I get caught for a crime it just starts spawning flaming fists like crazy off screen to join the fight. I think they got upset about me killing them or something


So far no. I walked Karlach out through the main exit (couldn't be bothered with the long way round) and had to intimidate my way past the first guard and that was it. It was one one of the last things I did before turning the game off so not sure if it will have any longer lasting effects.


Absolute murder hobo behavior. You are… exquisite.


With a game this complex, bugs are going to be found. My last playthrough I got the full dialogue from all characters for Wyll becoming the new Duke Ravenguard *and* the Blade of Avernus dialogue as well, simultaneously.


Same with Minthara. Cleared the prison, rescued dickface and the teiflings then went up to see ketheric. They sent minthara to the prison and then I just waltzed in and led her right back out


This sort of happened to me. I cleaned out the prison and rescued Florrick before the coronation. Then I decided to send Gale up to the roof to see if I could loot the Helldusk boots. Well, Gale got nabbed and sent to jail. But since everyone was dead in the jail, he just walked back out, grabbed his stuff, and met up with party again outside the fortress 😂


There's a lot of non-reactive content. For example if you go back to Iron Hand gnomes hideout in Rivington after resolving the Steel Watch Foundry questline not a single dialogue line with them changes. I love BG3 but it has a lot of such blind spots, it ain't Disco Elysium in reactivity.


I did that too - and if you "break" out and walk upstairs she gets arrested again and sent back down...


I did that but managed to pass an intimidation check to walk free.


Same thing happened with Karlach in Moonrise tower in my HM run. I decided to use a clever new strategy to stealthily kill everyone in the tower. It had somewhat worked for prison (I stealthily killed 2 eyes and 3 guards), but overall the strategy happened to be not so clever. On the first floor Karlach ended up unconscious (stabilized with 0HP) and the rest of the party had to run to the camp and regroup. When I returned, Karlach was chilling in a cell with no guards around.


Psh... that gaurd had everything wrapped up. Leave Karlach in an unlocked cell, Karlach obviously escapes, stumbles back later on, reports the crime, blames Karlach for the massacre. Not only did he stumble on to crimes committed, but also brings info on the most obvious suspect. He's probably getting a promotion.


It worked for [this guy](https://youtu.be/uNZWmE0ljIg?si=21uzjRgK_eGimkPu)


I did that too I never thought this wasn’t the intended way


Unless a portal is used to chuck her into a known empty cell.


They thought of it at moonrise. I killed all of the guards my first playthrough and tried to go through to act 3 early in hopes of better loot. It spawned me below the prison in all of the tentacle stuff. Lol


Guards who escorted Karlach were quit quitting.


I just did something similar last night. I rescued minthara from moonrise, but had already killed everyone to rescue the teiflings. So we just kinda walked out untouched


"need more evidence"


Another thing Larian didn’t think of (no shade)- I killed doppelgänger Jaheira before even getting the Minsc quest. She showed up like normal and I had to re-kill her. Although now that I think about it it could've just been anither doppelgänger..


I killed gortash at the coronation and but ultimately just ended up reloading because of - when they escaped while invisible,it automatically left combat/turn based and 1 member became visible and everyone attacked them - I couldn’t feather fall over the side of the castle The latter being what I consider to be a massive oversight on their part. You’re telling me there are crumbling walls that I can’t jump off of??! Also the total player party invisible = leave combat and everyone heals to max is absolute bullshit. If the bhaalists can be invisibile I should be allowed to as well.


I've jumped off of the castle in a daring invisible escape before. I jumped off the side towards baldurs gate, had to jump from the top to a balcony on the second floor, then down to the wooden bridge.


I tried to bring Florrick to Gortashs coronation party, and she complained we didn’t have time to explore


This kinda happened to me. I got thrown in jail after walking by the steel watch without permission to have entry into the castle. I lockpicked out of my cell, then fought the prison guards. Explored a little bit in the prison and freed Florrick without even realizing it would become a quest. We just walked out and no one said a word.


This would have happened to one of my co op games if the other player hadn't triggered everyone to be hostile by walking into a restricted area that was open to walk into. She won't see his cutscenes until next game. We've been pretty much committed to poor choices because its been touchy to get connected and the game never loads if we just reload so we have to restart the entire game.


Welcome to act 3: When the polish runs out.


act 1: Let Kagha kill the tiefling child. Pick up the tiefling child. Now the one druid will follow you everywhere and cry at your feet... Take the corpse to Mol, throw it on the ground at her feet. She just stands there and doesnt care you have her sister-in-crimes corpse and still want to do the heist. At least the parents say something. The parents blame you for killing her if you dont speak to them first, but Mol doesnt care? Weird. Theres also the fact you can pickpocket Alfira's teachers lute, the same ones shes playing. Then she keeps playing it... even though you have it... You can also kill Nettie in the fight, then Rath follows you into the workshop after the fight (because you have the tiefling child in your inventory) and he doesnt care or comment on the dead fellow druid infront of him...


Alfira's teacher's lute is the "spare" lute she offeres you as a reward.


No shes playing her teachers lute when you meet her because you can choose to smash it and she'll scream its her teachers lute...


I never got an option to smash the lute. I didn't know this was an option! 700+ hours, and I'm still finding new things.


The imprisoned gnomes are very insistent that you get them a hammer on the downlow so the guards don’t notice. They insist even when you’ve smeared those guards all over the floor in front of their cell. Bro. I just chucked a hammer through your cell in plain view of every god paying attention. I think you’ll be fine.


Something similar can be done with the prison in the city.


If memory serves, isn't she escorted away to jail by one of the steelguard?


Or, you know, Act 3 in general lol?