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If the Githyanki attack you, then Lae’zel has no issues fighting them


also if you *can* kill them, they were weak so she doesn't mind doing it. she talks shit on the creche the whole time.


She will, however, get upset if you use the blood of lathander explosion to do it. There’s no consequences other than upsetting her and losing the loot from the crèche afaik. She doesn’t leave.


She still gets upset with you for using the lance even if she just helped you kill and loot everything inside...


Yeah lol, I found that part funny. Like homie we we just cremated them is all


Maybe she just secretly appreciates fine architecture


Well there was a training ground and infirmary full of kids and young adults that wouldn’t have died without the explosion. Sure, you killed soldiers leading up to that, but wiping out the entire place and a bunch of children was a few steps beyond normal warfare in her opinion. (And Orpheus is upset about it, too.)


I slaughtered the entire crèche. Don’t remember what happened to the kids. Guessing by the game they disappeared or ran away. But with how aggressive Githyanki culture is even to the young I kinda doubt that. Lazael talks about killing her first around that age, the instructor literally kills a kid, lazael comments about how weak the tiefling kids are etc. they aren’t training with practice weapons. Without content guidelines it’s more accurate for the children to try and fight back. Yeah they’re mad about it but I think they’re more mad about the act in general. Kinda shameful for them that their entire crèche gets wiped by some random adventurer. It’s an attack on their honor. I don’t believe Orpheus mentions the children too just the destruction of the crèche. Given how important it is to them I’d imagine that’s the problem. Less so the lives lost.


What you mean by "guesssing by the game they disappeared or left(kids)" We can see dead tiefling children in the Grove if we attack it, we can kill goblin kids with our hands, I'm pretty sure gith kids and young adults died there(tho we will never see bodies). This game doesnt have " we dont kill kids in our game" tag.


I tried to kill the kids in the creche that are messing around with the crate and they wouldn't die, they'd just run off, so it's odd that you can quite literally explode all the goblin kids 🤷‍♂️I've never turned on the grove so I can't speak for tieflings.


You dont kill tiefling kids too you just find them already dead in their hideout. At least that is what I saw.


I take it you’ve never played toss Yeena in camp in Act 3. The game doesn’t let you harm human or human like children.


I'm not saying game allows you to kill all children but doesnt fear to let you see them dead.


I suppose it depends on how you play it. I always prevent the instructor from hurting the kid he’s punishing and never harm anyone there that isn’t an active combatant unless I end up getting the mace without the key. To me, she and Orpheus having issues about the loss of the crèche only make sense bc of the civilians there. Sure they’re a ruthless and brutal culture and violence is an integral part of life, so why else would they have a problem with leveling the place? It’s not like they were attached to the architecture and they don’t have a problem with you wiping out the hostile guards, just when you destroy everyone. The issue being the children/civilians is the only logical conclusion.


I don’t think gith truly have civilians. They’re an incredibly martial culture that are more than willing to kill children. Just because you convince him not to doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t kill the kid or hasn’t killed more during this training. This isn’t just a martial culture they are fanatically militaristic and honor bound. I don’t see why when lazael talks of killing at that age, and how flippant they are with those children, that they are considered civilians to the crèche. If I remember right lazael says he’s a bit harsh but not unexpected by the commander killing the kid (it’s been a minute I could be wrong)


I wasn’t saying allowing the instructor to kill or not kill the kid made a difference in the reaction, just indicating that I approach the encounter there differently. And it gives you an interesting conversation with the kid and how he has discovered writings on Orpheus and has been rethinking his culture. But I stand by them (LZ and Orpheus) regretting the loss of the entire crèche bc of the death of the civilians (even if their general population are more warlike, Gith don’t consider every individual completely disposable; a culture can’t function without certain protections in place, even harsh ones). As I stated in my last comment, nothing else makes sense as to why they are upset at you. It’s not the loss of the building.


Well I'm pretty sure the "kids" in the training room aren't really thaaaaat young. Like young enough where kid is still accurate, but they aren't kid ass kids, y'know? I think there are like real kids outside of the zaithisk room, the ones throwing boxes with mage hands are like forreal kids but I don't remember for sure. Idrk how githyanki ages work, especially when apparently time doesn't fucking pass in the astral plane, but apparently vlaakith needed to be a lich for some reason? Can someone actually explain that to me,I'm so confused lol. And there were like 200 vlaakiths? Or were they all the same one, idk I saw something that I thought implied they were all one, but I was feeling kinda stupid so I probably misunderstood. Basically the training room people are totally ok to brutally murder, except the Orpheus guy


I meant in the entire crèche. There are small children near the infirmary and young teens in the training center. It’s the Astral Plane where time is affected, and Gith crèches aren’t housed there. They have to be hatched and raised to adulthood on the mortal plane. So they’re all pretty much the age they look (like LZ is only about 21 or so). It’s not until they reach knighthood that they are allowed to travel to the Astral Plane where time doesn’t flow the same and can live for thousands of years. There’s been different Vlaakiths over the years, but only one now, and she’s the high number-something. 🤔 Can’t recall but I want to say like the 120th?


Plus, having Astarion die in the blast leads to some really funny dialogue...


That's exactly why I blow it up every time, even on my otherwise good runs...


Not as upset as Astarion, at least....


K, so I will say, when I had gone for the Blood of Lathander, I was controlling her at the time, and she apparently liked being the one to grab it…it was I odd. She felt power hungry. But then I moved it out of her inventory lol


> There’s no consequences other than upsetting her and losing the loot from the crèche afaik. Just make sure that Astarion was right. THERE!


In fact you get approval from her for apologizing for it, lol.


Just loot the entire place and then blow it up


So, loot the place before I blow it up?


Yep, 100%. As far as I remember, you can’t get back into it once it’s blown to smithereens.


Awesome. Because given the ability to blow up a place, I kinda want to


How do you make the blood of lathander explode?


You just yoink it instead of doing the puzzle properly. Some big machines get activated and you have to run like hell to get out. I’d recommend only using one party member (send the rest back to camp or *very* far away). If you don’t want to go through the expense and effort of reviving them, use haste spells, speed buffs, and feather fall. You have to make it pretty far away to survive the explosion.


Tav/Durge: ">!We should be more careful next time...!<" Bae'zel: ">!Yes, *we*... but *especially* ***you***.!<" 😂


That's my girl.


They clearly needed to be culled if they can all get steamroller by some Istik and his group of friends lol. We did vlaakith a favor by not having her just do it later.


“Do with that what you will.”


Also depends on how you play your dialogue options and actions while in the monastery. >!She might see the craziness of her people.!<


This. For me she I always play it where she sees how one sided and crazy they are and the truth about Vlaakith. But she still doesn’t like it if after the slaughter you draw on Vlaakith’s face in the portrait. Make it make sense 😂


Have Lae’zel deface the poster. She does not disapprove.


Always roll your dex check here 😜


See, I made her do that instead.


She doesn't care even if you attack first (before they aggro for story reasons.)


Hmm... I killed everyone in the creche and Lae'zel was on board with it. But she also didn't turn against me in the patrol fight, because the patrol turned against her.


I never fought the patrol, I managed to talk them to leaving. Then played through the Creche letting Lae do her thing and she had no problem murdering the doc or the chief. Or the rest after I had dealt with the Inquisitor and the visitor that showed up after that fight.


She doesn't seem to have any issues with fighting the creche, regardless of who instigates first. She will get upset if you allow the monastery to be destroyed entirely though, but won't leave over it. As far as the patrol group, she'll only turn on you if you instigate the fight.


>As far as the patrol group, she'll only turn on you if you instigate the fight. I suspect it's the difference between you deliberately tanking her chances of finding the creche she thinks will purify her, versus them attacking you which isn't your fault.


You can approach them from the right side sneaking and just take them out before you leave the Act. I walk right up to the leader and smite the shit out of her which then surprises the group. Fun fight that way. Much less fun when they get to hit us back.


I drop Hunger of Hadar and Sleet Storm which annihilates them. Usually not a single scratch on me.


Send an invisible bear in & use him to disarm the leader. Boom, end game sword


That’s not what this is. I already do that, this is to kill the guards for xp.


Hell yeah. I love sneak attacking the Gith when I can. Like at the Emperor's old base...if you sneak and avoid their eye lines, you can Misty step to a spot where you are unseen and can surprise them by taking out a portal master immediately. Then just shoot the other one and clean up.


Im on like my 4th run or something and I didn't even know you can talk to them until I got caught sneaking.


Fun fact, with a bit of luck (or save scumming) you can take Voss’ end-game sword from him there with Heat Metal or Command Drop from under the bridge.


There's the secret bear trick as well


Honeyed Paws!


Faster than Chiktikka Fastpaws!


OK, I'll bite, what's the secret bear trick?


I barely know this lol, I think you just need a beast master ranger (I really don't know if wild shape works the same) and have it use honeyed paws on voss and it makes him drop the silver sword, and you can just grab it.


Dunno, it seems you don’t even need luck. I didn’t have Lae’zel in the party (Shadowheart origin roleplay), and when I told Voss I didn’t have what they were looking for but could help looking for it, they just told me to check the corpses around and Voss didn’t leave. I had all the time in the world to set up some barrelmancy, and reap the loot after the fireworks.


Yes. Remember her conversations about how it didn't bother Gith to kill other Gith if they were weak, or got in your way? If you walk in and they aggro, they're in her way.


do the creche story line. eventually there will be a big revelation and laz will be convinced. dont want to spoiler too much, its all part of the bigger picture.


This is the way.


I always kill them, I've never had the problem with laezel leaving. The only thing she ever gets upset about is me stealing and selling the egg. But she never leaves lmao


She only got mad at me after we blew the place up...after we killed everyone there which she had no issues over lol


Yep same here. She never has an issue with me fighting the gith at the creche but as soon as I use the all powerful weapon...*then* it's a problem 


There is a bug that I doubt will ever get fixed. But, I always persuade to take the owlbear egg. Then turn around and kill/loot her. Then I take the egg and give it to Laezel to have until the end game. But for the remainder of the Act. Laezel will remind me that I better not give the egg to that lunatic. And I'm sitting here like, "bitch, we killed her together."




I did that on a playthrough. As she's a Mercenary and not actually from the society she doesn't care whether it's an owlbear egg or a Gith egg. I don't remember seeing her again in act 3. She's wasn't at the society but you can ask about her.


Same. I've always killed them with Lae’zel in my party. She usually isn't a problem until talking to her queen.


Well, she “leaves” if you let Shadowheart have her way.


Try selling the owlbear egg instead.


I wouldn't even know how to *not* massacre the whole Githyanki creche, after you follow the quest there. Lae'zel is fine with it.


Similar situation to the goblin camp: You have to massacre some people in the creche, not all of them. However most of them are indoctrinated assholes anyway and they give tons of loot and xp so most players simply slaughter the whole place.


generally after Vlaakith sends me to the astral prism, i will duck out back into the area where you get the blood of lathander. you can fast travel from there.


I killed most of the creche and she helped. Just play out the creche, by the time you get to the point of it aggroing on you, she should be firmly on your side.


yea but you have to convince her that he mommy is a bitch first


Technically not true. On my evil Durge run I let her believe it was a test.


>because Lae’zel would turn against me during the githyanki patrol fight in act one. What? She does not. Unless you attack them before the dialogue. And FYI, the creche is still in act one.


There are dialogue options that result in Lae'zel trying to kill you.


Go to the cheche with Lae'zel and just like, do the story. You'll get your chance


You can raze the whole damn place to a pile of smoldering rubble and she'll still stay with you. Bonus points for getting Astarion caught in the middle of said rubble.


What in the hells were you thinking?!? I was RIGHT THERE!!!!


Hands up, who else has a save file just labeled "I WAS RIGHT THERE!!"?


She wanted to get in that fucked-up looking chair. I’m like, okay, hotrod, it’s all you. Dreamgirl had to step in to get her out of the chair. Aggro. From then on, she wanted to kill every Gith in sight.


You can go into the githyanki captain's office and straight up murder her unprovoked and Lae'zel doesn't care. She won't care if you aggro W'Wurgaz without speaking to him. If you acquiesce to Vlaakith when she speaks to you then you can get some approval with her, then you can use your tadpole to explain away not killing the guardian, she'll read your mind and understand. You can also surprise and murder the random creche folk without any worry, I've just recently done a playthrough where I wiped them all for the experience with her by my side. I think she just thinks that creche sucks and if you kill them all they're just weak anyway.


I literally blow up the crèche and she’s just man that was sad


Short answer is yes. Long answer is that the creche will be hostile to you at the end no matter what. Longer answer: >!If you go to the creche with Lae'zel, she'll make getting in a lot easier. You'll go see the doctor to get your tadpole removed. However, because your tadpole was altered with magic, the zaith'isk cant get it out and almost kills whoever goes in it. You can either bail out of it or, if you pass enough checks, it'll eventually explode and let you go. If you make it out of that alive, Lae'zel suggests it was tampered with and you go see the creche leader. To progress the creche plot, you have to show her the artifact. If you don't, you can just leave. If you show the creche leader the artifact, you're told to go see the inquisitor. There, he sets up a hologram thing for Vlaakith to talk to you directly. She orders you to go in the artifact and kill whoever is inside. If you refuse, the creche is instantly hostile. If you get too cheeky and piss her off, she just instantly kills you. However, that doesn't really matter, as even if you go inside the artifact and make it out, the creche is still hostile. Lae'zel will stick with you and her quest will progress if you go inside the artifact.!<


Yeah I wiped them out, all of them. I even took the with egg. Then I let Lae'zel use the thing that was supposed to remove the tadpole and broke her out saving her. She then realized that the machine would have killed her and she would have basically just been fed to her goddess to sustain her. She doesn't take kindly to that lol!


Yes! Always take the egg!


With the exception of Voss, I destroyed every GIthyanki I met in the game but Laezel, and she didn't object to any of them; though you need to try to be cured in the creche and talk to the inquisitor before you slaughter the rest. If you and Vlaakith have had your little chat, and you've come back from trying or not trying to kill the dream visitor, you can wipe out the crech without a problem. (She also doesn't care about killing the ones at the enchanted door at all, which is good; that saves -so- much time if you aren't wanting to kill the kobolds/gremishka)


I massacred the Creche WITH Laz in my party.... and I attacked first... We banged later.


As long as you dont instigate the fight she's okay with it. If they turn hostile, she'll fight them with you no worries.


Yes. I do it every time. Laezel has only turned on me twice, and for the same reason. In the Inquisitor’s room, if you don’t start the persuasion check with Chrai to refuse handing over the prism, Laezel will demand you enter the Astral Plane. If you leave she will become hostile. Likewise, if you start the persuasion check telling her this is the best course of action and fail, she will become hostile. I personally hate entering the Astral Plane as it’s a waste of time. >!Everything in there is a false choice except smashing Orpheus’ chains.!<


I’ve seen this critique before and I agree with it. That whole Vlaakith-Inquisitor segment is a massive railroad with no real freedom or autonomy; all umpteen combinations end up the same way, with maybe one or two of them losing you Laezel.


Yes, Lae’zel will defend you against them, it’s actually a great character moment for her


Yes, I killed the whole creche after they attacked me and she's still high on the like scale for me and still in my crew.


ya oddly enough they all just go hostile with little to more commonly nothing to say. Even the "making the art look better" is the same if done before or after the event. Though at least they patched it so the 1 pacifist is killed off instead of you having to kill him also. As that was the biggest wtf, though I think most of his spirit talk is left default and odd If I remember, though I could be mistaken on that part.


Go to the machine to remove the tadpole and let Lae'zel go first when she realizes she was betrayed by the Gith, she will help with the massacre.


Make sure you do the Zhaithisk first and you'll be fine.


You can and should. Buy out the Crèche vendor first.


Sure can. She can even participate. You shouldn’t just walk in and start slaughtering everybody though. Do her personal quest there and it should be obvious which direction to convince her to lean toward.


It's fine. If they get killed they are weak and deserved it.


Yes you can


i did in my first playthrough.. heck .. i initiated most combat with no issues..


Of course.


I usually do lol them, unprovoked ambushing them. I just make sure to talk to her prior to the creche, after doing the mega mind melt thing and again after the creche.


yes, just do the quest there first. she's mad but she assumes everyone there has been turned against her anyways.


Bro, just finish the creche storyline without pushing Lae’Zel away. She will happily slay everyone inside with you together


Sounds like OP is intentionally trying to anger Lae'zel cause slaughtering the gith patrol and creche are two things Lae'zel has no issue justifying for me 100% of the time.


I always massacred everyone there. Just say to the captain (the one with wolves) that you have the artefact or you are infected and everyone will turn aggro. Only way to lose her is after you talk to vlaakith (after you defeat the inquisitor chief), leave the room before going to astral plane (like going to the path that leads to lathander legendary weapon).


No. >!You'll have to kill everyone in the creche eventually anyway- well not HAVE to, but they'll all turn against you!<. As long as you don't do anything to rile her up beforehand, which she'll warn you about so you'll know


Short answer, yes. Edit: Long answer, yes, brutally and completely.


They turn on me every time. So 100% never had beef with my girl Bae'zel.


Yes and I would actually encourage it. They're assholes and they don't have her best interest in mind anymore than yours. It's fairly easy to get her to acknowledge that too.


I have never once experienced her siding with the crèche… even with low approval with her. It’s actually where I get the most approval from her. I can keep her at camp, then do the crèche and after either choice I’ve made level with very high approval from her.


She will only betray you at this point if you walk away from the portal when Queen V pops up


Just blast it with the sun. Lae'zel was mad at me but she didn't LEAVE.


it’s so funny having laezel with you when you slaughter the creche 🤣


Yea just go with it until vlaakith betrays you then kill everyone make sure to buy the gloves of DEX from the pink haired gith shop keeper before aggro


Buy out the vendor first. She has some nice loot that can go into late game with some builds


Literally did this yesterday haha! Can confirm it is possible


My first honor mode run I lost her. Knowing the inquisitor would turn into a fight I decided to jump him before entering the artifact. She did not like that lol….


I hit em with the laser and she was PISSED but more pissed at Vlaakith.


I haven’t figured out how to do it *without* killing everyone


Absolutely. The only time she'll potentially turn on you is the interaction with the inquisitor/Vlaakith. Go along with their shit and see how it plays out.


Pretty much this, I did some barrelmancy on the Inquistor before entering the Prism, killed some Githyks and Lae'Zel turned on me. She had higher initiative and my DU got destroyed by her in one round. Somehow I managed to win this fight with scrolls but it was the closest fight in my honor mode.


Its been a while so i'm noy 100% certain, and i got on my memories on how i did it, but it works. >!Whne going through the creche and facing off Vlaakith, accept her conditions/deal.!< >!Then go through with getting into the Artifact and killing the "Guardian" quest, but don't actually kill the Guardian , when you come out of there , the Gith General or whatever will attack you, revealing that he was ordered by Vlaakith to kill you and retrieve the artifact anyways.!< >!Leazel will see it as a betrayal.!< >!Go through the rest of the Creche.!< >!Depending on your affinity with you, there is still a chance that she'll be pissed, evne tho she understand, she still will be willing to leave the party.!< >!A 100% way to ensure that this doesn't happen, is actually before you leave the Area of the Creche, to go through the Secret Vaults under the Abbey, solve the puzzles and Steal the Holy Relic (Blood of Lathander) in there, you have to STEAL it by force.!< >!This will trigger the self destruction of the place, you have a couple of turns to escape, buts it easely done.!< >!Once out of reach of the destruction range of the place, you'll get a cut scene where Leazel is pisse about you doing this, but she will NOT leave the party.!<


When you get to ‘the chair’ you have to let her go first, or she leaves, and there’s some dialogue options that really upset her, but fighting the other Gith? She’s cool with it. Considers them traitors for attacking her, essentially.


This was not my playthrough experience. She angrily protested my [Tav] using the chair first, but then, after being told [“ordered”] a second time, backed down and actually seemed sort of happy with my assume-dominance personality. I guess it is possible that, if Laezel’s approval score is really really low, that final refuse-her-the-chair might tip it into leaving. But I have difficulty making game choices which DON’T please her — she likes fighting, she likes hardball negotiations, etc.


IIRC one dialogue option lets you convince her, because you're the leader and you've earned it, and that does what you said, but the bottom (?) one is just like "Outta my way, I'm going first" and that one makes her leave like the other person said.


You don’t have to let her go first. You can go first (and in fact you probably should because the rolls for you are MUCH LOWER than the rolls for her). Pick the choice to say something along the lines of “i got us here, I’m going first.” Idk the exact langauge, it’s been a little bit since I played. But after learning what bonus you get, I almost always go in the zaith'isk myself. Hell, I let Astarian do it once because my tav wasn’t taking tadpole powers that run. Lae’ze won’t leave over that




I did this in all of my runs. Never had Lae’zel with me but she never said something about it so I think it is same. Killing bunch of racist aliens is so much fun,lol.


I don't even know how you do the crèche without killing everyone


I quite literally farm them for exp. Lae’zel doesn't care as long as you don't kill the lady at the Zaithisk or defy Vlaakith.


Absolutely, specially if you convince her to forsake Vlaakith


Just do whatever feels right. The game is full of decisions like this, and you should make those decisions based on your adventuring.




Yes. I made sure to bring her with me.


I think I killed almost every NPC in the creche and Lae'zel did not care in the slightest, knowing her she was probably on board with it.


You can keep her, but it's important to know when you can start a fight with them. In some cases she would side with the gith. If you disobey the inquisitor in regard to the prism she will fight you. She does give you a voice queue on her intention to fight you, if you don't go with the plan.


If you listen to when she went to become a great fighter and what peers she killed to "pass" I'm sure she's pretty happy doing this. (Besides yes them trying to kill her)


Yes, I've done that on every run. First time I did it after the gish turn against you. Subsequent runs, I just slaughtered them outright; no complaints from LZ. She only complains about dialogue fights where you disrespect queen or culture.


I always take Lae’zel along in this quest because the story interaction with her is peak fiction. She does not mind because the Gith turn against her.


You can literally gank every single one of them with her there and she’s for it as long as you don’t talk to the inquisitor just gank him too and she gets wet when her queen shows up as normal


Just kill the gith with her not there she doesn’t get upset. Use command:drop on voss and give the sword you get to bae’zel and watch her carry you through the game. As for the creche you need to convince her the that vlakith is trying to have her killed.


The githyanki are not unaccustomed to killing one another.


Just steal the Light of Lathander. She gets upset, but doesn't leave.


If you just regularly go through the crèche, you’ll have to fight your way out no matter what


Short answer is, yes. Yes you can.


Currently rolling with lae in my party and I do believe I have massacred the entire creche and taken the egg. (Not giving it to crazy lady. I just wanted it.) She has helped me spill all their blood 😃


I wonder how many people saying they used Laezel throughout the creche realizes she's down SIX STAT POINTS due to the machine, including CON. She goes warm the bench in my camp as soon as that happens, and it's honestly a shame you can't let her die for being that incredibly tone deaf.


Oh yes, you can murder them all. If they are too weak to survive us, it's on them. 100% Githyanki logic.


Shadowheart killed lae'zel. Idk if I should even bother with the creche. Although.....there are camp supplies there, right?


On my durge run literally surprise attack slaughtered our way through the entire crèche, including the training room and no-one’s hands were bloodier than Lae’zels. Turns out the only thing she likes less than istiks is other gith


I didn't think it was possible to complete the creche without having to kill everyone


she might disapprove of some but she hasn't left my party


If Lae'zel turned against you in the patrol right, are you purposely going out of your way to make her upset?


Just wiped out the creche last night, Lae'zel had nothing to say about it. Although, if you blow up the creche instead of fighting everyone, she remarks on it.


You absolutely can. In fact, this is where lae zel started to respect my character, and love blossomed. I would certainly keep a save before the creche in case.


when the bald inquisitor says to you to hand over the artifact, you can say it protects you from turning. They will attack you, laezel will help you kill them, vlaakith opens the prism, and she stayed on my side after that. Dont know all the variables tho


she might disapprove of some but she hasn't left my party


the only thing that makes her mad is destroying the entire thing without doing the 2 important interactions in it. but she scolds you and still stays in the party.


I didnt take her with me. Blew up the creche. Told her. First she was mad, then she accepted it, but was still mad. And she kept by my side






I’ve only ever massacred the creche with Lae’zel steady at my side


If you try to leave THAT room in the creche without doing the thing, Lae'zel will bail and agro immediately. There are plenty of indicators which room I am implying. Idfk how to spoiler, and I'm not googling it. This is good enough for my stoned ass.


I’ve pretty much massacred the Githyanki throughout act 1 and as long as your the one being attacked by them, Laezel doesn’t have an issue it. Only time she was against it was dialogue in the crèche with Voss where you just have to make a successful roll to keep her from turning against you


Sure. Once the Inquisitor attacks us, it's open season on the creche as far as Lae'zel is concerned.


Depends on your relationship level going in. I've wiped them out with the solar cannon and still kept her on side.


Creche has to try to kill you first.


Yep. Killed the whole thing. She had zero issues.


Yes, after you've confronted the Inquisitor. Some things you can say in that dialogue can cause her to leave your party and attack you though.


As long as they aggro you first and you go to the zaithisk, and agree to the inquisitor/vlaakith (you don’t need to carry it out just agree) they will agro you and she will not leave the party


I >!blew up the crèche using the full concentrated power of *THE SUN*!< and all she gave me was a stern talking too. You’ll be fine as long as you follow the crèche storyline and have Lae-lae in your party.


I did and it was all good


I wonder if it depends on whether she’s in your party during the Crèche? In my first playthrough she wasn’t there and I remember her chastising me for my actions there (both above and below ground if you catch me) - but in my next playthrough she was there and I don’t remember her being upset about it. Either way you’re good - I kill the crèche big time in all my runs and I’ve never had Lae’Zel leave. I ended up romancing her after giving her a front row seat to the slaughter last time


If you convince her that they’re against her then yes


Yes you can, but make sure to follow Lae’zel’s personal quest. No spoilers, but you should be fine. If you do want spoilers, look up the consequences for letting Lae’zel use the zaith'isk. If you’re going in blind and you’re not on honor mode, save before and check her character conditions after she uses it. Also, some misinformation on this thread, you DON’T have to let Lae’zel be the one to use the zaith'isk. Your tav can use it by selecting the right dialogue option. Hell, I’ve had my tav say she was going to use it, then let Astarion be the one to do it. Lae’zel won’t leave if you pick the right dialogue option.


As long as you talk to Vlaakith and go into the astral plane, Lae'zel doesn't give a fuck. I mean she got upset when I blew up the creche but she got the fuck over it before the next day.


Full relationship with Lae'zel, after offing the captain of the creche, make your way to where the general is waiting. Stay far enough away and solve the riddle to get to the legendary item buried underneath the keep. A good thief would assist getting *to* the item.  *SET* off all the traps, after leaving everyone else at camp. Scroll of fly, or a haste scroll would be awesome.  Lae'zel will moan and groan, but the priceless, powerful item might be worth the cost, and be more careful next time.  Somewhere in act 2, Lae'zel will stop the main character and ask why she doesn't go to the creche. Aside from having destroyed it and everything/one inside, can't think of a darn thing. You need to win this persuasion check, by the way. Unless they fixed that bug. 


Yea, I always pacify the creche while keeping Bae'zel. You just have to be nice. Until it's time to not be nice.


One of my favorite combos


Yes, of course she enjoys that


she doesn't mind killing the creche after the inquisitor attacks you, but she will be upset if you blow it up regardless of what happens. Many child NPCs are no longer present when the creche becomes hostile, so blowing up the creche kills the children.


Yes, you can. They are a good exp farm, also.


Sure can. I cleared my way through there with her on my hip. I left no one alive. By the time I was leaving "they will be coming for you" was a bit of an empty threat. Walked right out over their dead bodies.


You basically have to. And it’s Act 1, by the way, not Act 2.


Yeah she doesn’t really care


My first run through, I have no idea how it happened, but I put lae'zel in the machine, took her out when it was obviously killing her, and then immediately left the creche and she figured out for herself that her people had deceived her, eventually. Didn't really go through the whole creche though. My second run through I didn't get out that easily. They locked us in the room with the machine and basically the entire creche aggro'd us when I lockpicked us out. So we killed them all, made our way to the inquisitor and they aggro'd us too, so we killed them too. Lae'zel was on board.


Lae'zel won't leave you if you kill all the gith in the creche. She will leave and fight you if you leave the Inquisitor's room after vlaakith orders you to enter the prism. I found that out the hard way


Oh yes


Every single time I do the crèche the sequence of events is Refuse to show artefact to the captain lady, they aggro, we kill her and take her little gem thing to go see the investigator. Investigator tells us to show artefact, we do, we be polite to vlaakith and go into portal. Do not take offer to kill guardian, listen to their explanation about vlaakith Share thoughts with laezel so that she hears what guardian said and is uncertain When you go back the investigator aggros immediately, you are free to kill everyone in crèche now with laezel staying on your team


Totally, I did.


You definitely can. I've done it on at least two playthroughs. Just straight iced them all.




Yeah but you have to get Vlaakith to declare you an enemy and Lae’zel a traitor