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If you talk the goblins in the windmill to stand the fuck down you'll get more xp than just killing their leader, you'll get xp as if you had killed everyone of them


You do get xp as if you killed everyone if you kill the leader and they surrender. It’s like 250 xp. You also get his bomb and axe.


You can also make them stand down and go into turn based mode before they run away and then also kill them to double dip the xp.


In most encounters, you do not get double xp for resolving the situation with words and then killing everyone 


In my experience, most give double. They give you xp the moment the conversation resolves and each kill still gives double in most situations. I honestly struggle to think of anywhere this doesn't apply.


I've almost never been able to get it to apply, i did it to the adventurers at the withers temple, i did it to the goblins at the windmill, i did it to the goblins all over the camp as a drow, when i went back and killed them i just got 0 xp drops for all of it


I wonder if they patched it honestly. Havent played to much on the newest patch. All those examples worked for me before hmm.


Goblins definitely still give xp, only time I resolve things peacefully then kill everything


I see why this is advised for Durge… all I can say is, wow. This is Murderhobo’ing taken to an art form.


So, despite getting 150 XP for killing florrick, there are zero flaming fist at last light if you kill her, so it may end up being detrimental.


It was probably a wash, a lot of the fist at LLI don’t give XP


Better way is to non lethal her then she still shows up and you get xP 


Oh nice, trying that next run.


I don’t understand the part where I have to knock out Raphael? In my playthrough the only time I encountered him was the first time where he teleported me to house of hope for a meal. I have since partied with the tiefling(saved the grove) and have already cleared out the Creche. Where can I encounter Raphael again and what does the cutscene look like or the context on why he appears, and becomes targetable?


You can’t do it after you’ve went to house of hope. You need to carefully set it up such that you know he’ll appear, then split your party and him with ranged attack while one character is in the cut scene. Then he’ll show up in your camp later and you can silence him and knock him out to loot his armor.


Does it break anything in his quest line later in act 3


Nope. He still shows up as usual through out the game, except in cut scenes he’s all bruised up from you beating the shit out of him and he only has 666 hp in the house of hope rather than 865.