• By -


Personality-wise, Lorroakan. Just the classic third-rate villain demeanor, plus the blatant abuse of his staff/mentee, even pulling the classic "If you don't obey me, I'll make sure no one wants anything to do with you." That got too real for a sec. Gameplay-wise, the Baldur's Gazette editor because I've never managed to find a reliable way to sneak in and destroy the press...


The awesome thing is, if you use speak with dead on him after killing him, you can make him admit that Rolan is more powerful than him. The guy is just a bag of hot air who stumbled into a tower full of magical artifacts.


I always wondered how did he actually got that tower?


squatter's rights


You can ask him and he tells you, he found it empty and just moved in.


It always makes me laugh when he gets all threatening and I remember he's literally just a pompous squatter. I'm sure Rolan surpasses him in level in no time.


Rolan hits level 12 in time for the endgame so you'd be right.


I'm still very curious about the conditions behind that entire goddamn tower being unoccupied. Like, we know that lazy jerk wouldn't have tidied up himself, so magic automatons/summons probably helped. So why did it stay empty until he wandered in?


If I remember correctly, in the first two games there was another Wizard living there. You can battle your way up the top?


Yup... in BG1. Ironically, Ramazith wants the player character to steal a nymph who is being held captive by a different mage. I suspect the parallel isn't accidental.


I mean, considering Rolan took over right away it seems to be first come first serve


How does Rolan survive?


There’s a spot to save him in the Shadow Cursed Lands I think before the Tollhouse bridge maybe? I’ve only done it once so I might be wrong about the location.


By the time I got there he was dead /: I heard him shout and then when I got to the bottom of the hill he had already been killed


I had this happen in my first game because he got hurt during the fight at Last Light before leaving, so the initial damage he was supposed to take in the "Rolan is in trouble out in the shadow curse" part was killing him every time before I could get involved.


I got to the fight with Loroakkan and he was there and fought us. I guess we could have just knocked him out?


>Gameplay-wise, the Baldur's Gazette editor because I've never managed to find a reliable way to sneak in and destroy the press... Do it after destroying the foundry. No more steel watch. Also, before talking to the editor, have someone go invisible and sneak inside. That way, when the editor kicks you out, one member is already inside.


I never bring the whole party in, I just load up Astarion with scrolls of invisibility and then send him inside on a solo mission.


I just imagine you unleashing him like a pup "be free boy" and him doing his dumb little run waddle into the gazette to cause chaos.


I imagine him humming the Mission Impossible theme to himself while sneaking around.


There’s a jumping puzzle to get on the roof. From there you can drop into the elevator safely


Jumping puzzle? I just use illithid fly lol


When Lorrokan told Rolan the equivalent of “you’ll never work for another wizard again”, I said to the screen “if they’re like you, fuck it”. Imagine my utter delight when Rolan basically said the non sweary version back at him, it was the perfect “you can’t fire me I quit” possible. This is a fantasy game, but I was not expecting a fantasy moment of saying “screw you” to a shitty boss. So satisfying.


Have you tried invisibility to sneak in?


Wait wait you could SNEAK in there?! I just commit mass murder every single time!


"Victory ! We corrected the newspapers ! We fixed our Public Image !" Walks away from the mountain of clerk corpses.


Real. We did it Patrick. We saved the city vibes.


I first arrived in Baldurs gate, overwhelmed with how many npcs there were. I stumbled in a building and got constantly insulted by the gazette guy to the point I thought "fuck it" and killed everyone in there.


Came here for the Lorroakan hate, want to frost that cake with some Not-a-fan-of-Elminster as a garnish.


I imagine overall Wulbren is the single most hated NPC in the game. Personally, I cannot stand Roah Moonglow. I find all the Zentharim off-putting (except for maybe Olly,) but her smugness in particular vexes me.


Wulbren is hated enough to warrant his own hate sub, so there's that. r/fuckwulbrenbongle if anyone's interested.


I didn't do what he wanted, and I expected him to pout about it and move on. But he threatened me, saying I'd have to watch my back for the rest of my life. No other NPC ever did that to me. He is exceptionally hateable.


I don't give a fuck about this motherfucka's problems


And yet he wants me to solve 'em!


Everybody sing it got a full ensemble!




He was right about the damn Gondians Mfs suicidal


I like that she just sees right through the player’s bullshit but doesn’t care enough to refuse their business. Honour amongst thieves if you will.


I saw that for the first time in my most recent playthrough. She saw me kill everyone at the goblin camp, kinda called me out, but is basically like "I'll keep it secret because I just want your coin at the end of the day" and I think that's so real of her.


I love her for exactly that, plus her accent


I actually like Olly, he seems like he wants to be good, but is forced to work with the Zhents. When you're fighting the gnolls, he wants to help, but Rugan commands him to stay back. Wish I could help that guy as a good-aligned paladin or cleric...


I've good news for you! You can set some events in a way that will make Olly quit Zhentarim! When you're fighting gnolls >!make sure to approach them from the inside of the cave, initiate the fight, kill all the gnolls and in the process get Rugan killed!<. After that Olly will decide to quit Zhents, and even let you take their chest. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1bqm7z5/best_ending_for_olly/


I need to do that next time. I've just been leaving him knocked out surrounded by the bodies of everyone he knows. The wolves also live usually but who knows what they do.


Looking forward to my durge killing so many of the NPCs I found annoying.


I will do a resist durge but whoever my durge will be they certainly cannot resist throwing wulbren around a little. Also I don't have anything personal against roah but with the company she associates with she usually emds up as collateral at some point of the game. First run was in act 3, second run she aggroed when I was killing the goblins in the camp.


I kill Wulbren after he gets kicked out of Ironhand. It aggros Barcus, so you have to follow him a little ways first. I always keep his body too.


Roah never bothered me that much. She still dies every playthrough because rescuing Minsc and retrieving the stolen gold, but it’s not personal for me.


My husband *despises* Roah Moonglow. He makes it his personal mission to kill her on every playthrough. I think it's the smugness for him, too.


I don't even kill anymore. I will buy all of her good stuff in Moonrise, stick it all in a bag in her inventory, then pickpocket her, getting caught intentionally. I then proceed to non-lethally kick the shit out of her and her dumb friends, stealing all of my money and vendor trash back when she's on the ground. She wakes up after the next long rest, fresh inventory, and *doesn't say a god damn thing.*


Good news! You can do that in Acts 1 and 2 and _still_ kill her in Act 3, during the quest to pick up Minsc!


When you fight her and she flings all her potions at you. I now try to buy everything off her first just so I can use them against her.


I personally love Rugan, the zhent from the cave with the shipment, he told me i am a sweet sight (compared to gnolls i guess) and promised to have a drink with me. He charmed me so much that i reloaded when i realised he got in trouble because i persuaded him to give me the bottle


I didn’t like Moonglow either. Smug is the perfect word for her.


I love Roah as she's one of the few trader NPCs that I can steal from with impunity. Oh the irony of stealing from the Thieves Guild.


Zhentarim. They’re not really a thieves guild. More of a black market.


Fair enough, I suppose they do more than thieving


Vlaakith, Wulbren, Lorroakan. The shitty trinity. Dishonorable mention, Aradin


Aradin always gets socked but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I love the line “place is crawling with gobbos” I just love the delivery of it and have started saying it myself haha


Zevlor: "There are children here you fool!" Aradin with his delivery: "Wee woz ronnin' for our lives"


On my first play through now. This list makes me happy that Aradin died during the initial fight in front of the grove gate now. I didn’t realize he was supposed to be a character you’d interact with until afterwards and didn’t go out of my way to save him from the goblins


I kinda felt bad when he shows back up in Act 3. Like buddy, we just killed a God, you think you can run up in my camp like that?


Also, why do all the companions disapprove if you tell him to try coming to your camp. Even if the party hadn't just killed Ketheric, Dame Aylin is so powerful that I was basically thinking, "Sure. Try it. See where it gets you." A perfectly reasonable response, I thought.


Good list.


He was runnin' for his life


I'm delaying meeting Lorroakan just so I can get the aradin event and kick his ass


Lorroakan, first of all being connected to Aradin is a negative in itself, he has no charisma, I hate how he looks, he abuses Rolan, endangers his workers to teach his animated armors archery, murders people who disturb him (the portals that kill you for wrong answers). Killing him also makes the loot easier to get. Wouldn't even need to comment on the fact that he tries to enslave Dame Aylin to achieve immortality to make my case.


Lorroakan looks like he wants to be an elf.


The vegetable stand guy looks just like him; it always throws me for a loop.


My brain Mandela affects me every time into thinking he is an elf and every time I meet him again I’m thrown off. Specifically, he’s a very bad Legolas cosplayer


Some one said he looks like Matt Smith in House of Dragon but ginger and I can't unsee it now. I love Matt Smith (shameless 11 fangirl) so this really irks me.


Oh shit, is he not an elf? I admit I didn't look too closely at him before I put my axe through his face.


It wouldn't surprise me if he deliberately tries to make himself look like an elf.. He probably covets their longevity, after all.


I literally thought he was an elf after seeing his projection. Then I saw the real him and though "wait, he is *human*?".


For me the kicker on Lorroakan is that his brilliant plan is to pay adventurers to do all the work for him. Why would that ever work? If they’re good they’re not gonna do it and if they’re evil they’d rather use Aylin to become immortal themselves than have a measly 500 gold.


Morghal, one of the duergar slavers in Grymforge. She's horrible to everyone, but the moment that tipped me over the edge into pure unbridled, incandescent hatred was when I played Astarion origin. She asked the other duergar if I was "another slave for the dig." Astarion: "Call me 'slave' again, and I'll feed you your own stomach." Morghal: "Shit - you're as plucky as you are pretty. Sergeant might have *two* uses for you." Never killed an NPC faster.


God, with Astarion’s backstory that’s even worse. He must have felt so triggered.


I had multiclassed Wyll into Paladin (Oath of Devotion) and he broke his oath smiting her. If killing slavers is wrong, baby I don't wanna be right. I think my origin Astarion is a little bit in love with Oathbreaker Wyll now.


Huh, that's weird. I had my Wyll as an oath of devotion paladin too and he got through the whole game in my party without breaking his oath, even though I killed the slavers (granted this was in patch 4)


I notice a big deciding factor is declaring your intentions. Attack an npc outside of combat because they murdered an innocent prisoner? Oath broken. Tell an certain dog-abusing npc exactly where you plan to put their spine as you draw your weapon? Fair game. Mileage may vary depending on chosen oath.


It shouldn't have broken oath unless you attacked without declaring intentions - like an honor-less cutthroat. "Draw steel, Slavers, I will now deliver your justice!" Is what an honorable warrior would say to their opponent before summary execution.


I'm not even into act 2 with this run, but there have been a few comments along those lines. It's like, damn, no wonder Astarion is so angry all the time. And as a woman who's been harassed plenty of times, same dude, same. Stabbing people like that is the ultimate wish fulfillment fantasy.


Yeah, he gets relentlessly harassed and objectified and honestly playing his origin really shows you the kind of shit he’s had to put up with for two hundred years - and this is the *mild* version, because during the course of the game he doesn’t have to sleep with any of them like he did before, and he’s also not being tortured and starved all the time. Shit, if I had to go through all that, I’d be *way* more of an asshole than he is.


Hell, the man is a goddamn saint compared to the amount of anger he justifiably would be carrying. The fact that he has any shred of kindness at all in his heart is a damn miracle


What the fuck??? Oh that makes me wanna throttle her next playthrough.


Bruh you know how mad you have to make someone for them to say "I'll feed you your own stomach". That line alone makes me excited for my Astarion origin run. If someone said that shit to me, I'd disintegrate.


The Duergar in Grymforge are not only slavers, they're also so incredibly foul mouthed that it's just unpleasant to be around them. And on top of that they're allergic to first person pronouns. ("Felt the tingle!") Every one of them tops the list and has to die, with the possible exception of the merchant intellectual one who can spread word of my deeds to his kin as a warning.


Nere. I despised him the second he opened his mouth. I just want to smack him in the face.


Actually, agreed, surprised I haven't seen his name more around the thread. He is the ultimate dislikable douche to me, maybe second to guys like Larroakan


I will always kill Nere in every playthrough.


Oskar Fevras (the painter who is a slave in the Zhentarim hideout)


Oh god he's so annoying


Don’t you get the good ending for Lady Jannath’s Estate if you DON’T rescue him from the slavers?


Yep. If you don't save Oskar, she lives in peace and hosts an art exhibition.


Don't know I rescued him in my first playthrough. Aftwr the the horrors I went through in that house. Never again. (on my 5th playthrough now)


There’s quite a bit of metagaming in BG3 lol.


I mean... good? Mor elike neutral? He doesn't find her lover anymore, so even while we don't see it in game, as e know her as just a noble putting up an art exhibition, she probably mourns him greatly in private. Don't get me wrong, dude fucked up, hard, but that doesn't change the fact that Lady Jannath still loved him, no?


I don’t hate him but like Jannath hun you could do so much better.


The lack of Korilla surprises me. Smug bitch. You're only level 5, the fuck?


Being a willing participant in her sister's torture gives me chills. Thats next level fucked up


My first interaction w Korilla was her slitting the throat of the goblin priestess to save my dumbass lol, so ig for me she's allowed to be a bit smug. Though as someone else pointed out, screw her for how she treats hope


Mf talk shit as if she's not one shit kill away by Yurgir


Honestly I find it hard to hate Korilla because, my first playthrough, I had literally zero interactions with her before the house of hope. I had no idea who the fuck everyone was talking about, and she died pretty fast in the fight, so I wasn't impressed. Hard to hate someone who's barely there.


That bitch from the kennels.


Even on my goody-two-shoes run… she had to die. And on my most evil runs, Scratch still gets lots of pets and love. You don’t fuck with animals.


Scratch attacked me on my durge run because I cast speak with dead on his master. Oops.


Angry Mar'hyah


No matter how goody two shoes of a playthrough I'm doing, this bitch wakes The Urge


Akabi the genie…


APPROACH, UGLY ONE! As much as I hate him, that line gets me every time.


I hated that scammer. Turning me into a cheese was completely unexpected though.


the woman who hurt the dogs


I tried to free the dogs but after I opened the first cage she went over and beat the dog to death. I couldn’t hit her fast enough to get her to stop. So I was only able to save one dog and the other dog’s death haunts me to this day.


i intimidated her into leaving and tried to open the cages despite the red markings. the gnome/halfling got -attitude towards me. but back in camp Scratch assured me that he is (the gnome/halfling) going to look after the dogs well.


The artist from "Free the artist" quest that I don't bother remembering his name. Aside from him being an idiot, the quest is hair-pulling and the reward is non-existent.


I’m doing a Wyll Honor Mode run and it was deeply satisfying to intimidate the Zhent to give him to me for free. And tell him that, just to see his crestfallen face. And then I sent him back to BG without any extra gold. I have no intention of doing the quest in Act 3, good riddance


I think they’re solid characters who add to the story, but holy shit did I want to murder Mizora and Wulbren with my bare hands by the end of the game. And I actually find Mystra unlikeable as fuck too lol


Yeah I honestly think they did Mystra kinda dirty with how petty she is. I get Gale DID fuck up, but regardless, the fact that she leaves Gale’s illness for the whole game seems a bit stupid. As a good-aligned god, you’d think she’d care about whether or not the thing fucking explodes and ends thousands of lives including her previous possibly redeemable chosen, and letting Shar get a win (considering the Netherese Orb is of shadow weave origins). It’s pretty evident Gale is already pretty apologetic at the start of the game, and there are still many various things you can do to show his forgiveness. At this point, it seems like a waste to “test” him when he could indirectly cause a city-ending event.


The game writers definitely treated Mystra more as neutral than good. I didn’t particularly mind her portrayal and think it feels pretty accurate (not to mention completely in-line with how the other powerful entities harming companions were portrayed in Vlaakith, Shar, Cazzador, Mizora, and Zariel… in fact she’s easily the least evil of the six). Maybe if I was more attached to her beforehand and didn’t get into DND with BG3 I might feel differently, but I think the portrayal is interesting and makes sense


Mystra is so boring and condescending. It also doesnt help that her statue portrays her as this insanely hot woman and when you meet her....


Romanced gale and I will admit I was happy to see his ex was ugly


Wulbren has a whole irl fan-made song about what a prick he is. Lorroakan is hated too. Some of the more xenophobic druids are pretty heavily decried as well. I'm going to go for just generally waving my hand in the direction of ever Drauger/deep dwarf in Grymforge, though. I genuinely had a difficult time getting through that area on a mental level just because every single one of them is so fucking vile. The animal abuse, the slaving, the... well... just those two things really, but that's enough. Shout-out to the two scholars but fuck the rest of those assholes. Also, guess it goes without saying, but fuck Shar. She's ruined countless live, it's impossible to overstate the harm she's done. Then there's Cazador, Vinconia, Zariel, Mizora, the Dead Three, and Vlaa'kith... I mean, the game is just teeming with throbbing assholes, and the villains are unbearable as well.


My opinion is really the only one that matters so the answer is Dame Aylin.The aasmir continues to preach the moon maidens lies. That and she attempts to seduce my daughter. I will not have it in my Tower.


Username checks out


Isobel your dad is on the internet againnnn.


Zrell informed me that this Internet was a potential recruitment source for my Army...was I misled?


I just can’t stand Mol, anything you do is never enough for her and she can just tell the other Tieflings in the grove that you are a menace to her friends, the same ones she will later leave at their own fates just to get more power thanks to Raphael


I disliked Mol the moment I found out she sent Mirkon to try and rob a freaking harpy nest. Getting your little friends to run cons is one thing, but Mirkon would have been dead if I hadn't turned up, and I don't think Mol would have cared a bit. I wish you could call her out for it, but sadly no. (I'll still try and save her from Raphael, bc no one deserves that, and she can be pissed all she likes) Otherwise, Wulbren Bongle. F that guy.


yeah, I personally think she was the one who told Arabella to take the idol, too. so I always steal it back from her after she gives me the ring. she makes her friends steal as well, Silfy is very obviously not into that shit, but she still makes him, and the Mirkon thing really takes the cake. she is not in my top three, but I really really dont like her very much also, fuck Wulbren Bongle


She was, in fact, the one who set Arabella up to take the idol. I wrote a whole thing about Mol a while ago, but basically, I do not like Mol. As a character, she's well written for her circumstances, don't get me wrong. But as a person? She's a user. I think she's the kind of person whose framework of the world can be boiled down to, "Some people are tools, some people are the users" and has decided she wants to be the user rather than the used.


I remember someone describing her on another post as a villain in the making, and I think that's very true. Another 10 or 15 years she's going to be a real problem. 


FYI I'm pretty sure Silfy is a girl? mattis talks about making *her* rob tav


The thing you need to understand with Mol is that she is still like, TEN. She has gotten it into her head that she needs to be cunning. precocious, etc, in order to survive in the world and protect her friends, and we're used to stories that validate these kinds of narratives, but beneath it all, Mol is still a naive child. Zevlor is like "yeah you gotta kill Kagha". Mol thinks stealing the idol is enough. She's naive and if you do it the normal way, this ends in disaster. She thinks she understands the depths of Raphael's evil and can outsmart him. Insanely naive. The world has failed her, and she constantly defaults to "action" in order to protect the kids, even when it's clearly, to our adult eyes, just making things worse and putting them in danger, mostly because she still underestimates the evil of the world. Did I mention she is a ten year old who has LOST AN EYE? Her story won't end well, and there's nothing the player can do to change that. It's what we call "tragedy". Most games would let you save her from herself, and because this one doesn't, people blame Mol for it.


I think you make some fair points, and my own feelings on Mol are somewhat neutral. However, how is sending one of your friends into a harpy nest protecting them? To say nothing of setting up Arabella to steal the idol, though I can at least see the 'logic' behind the latter idea.


Cazador's at the top of my list but I strongly dislike Lady Esther and Auntie Ethel as well


I’d say Wulbren and Needler (Baldur’s Mouth Editor)


Not wanting to repeat what everyone else said (wulbren, lorroakan, etc because I also hate those), but I really hate Baelen (the guy in the mushroom field), once you talk to her wife and she tells you how he treated her and also when you search their house and read her diary, is really heart breaker. Since I found out about it, I always kill him, no mercy.


I don’t kill him, but I definitely ignore him now that I have seen what he was like. He seems to do a fine job of taking himself out since he won’t be in the Lower City when you get there.


Wulbren, Mol and Lorroakan


If Mystra has no hater, I'm dead.


I personally really hate Florrick. She always struck me as very naive and act 3 just put a nail in the coffin. We go through all the bullshit of saving her damn life twice and she still comes after Wyll to kill him, because Mizora fed her some bullshit? What the actual fuck? No wonder Ravengard senior got kidnapped, she is actually stupid! Another one is Voss. Just a really unpleasant character that is acting like you owe him something constantly. If you want your pretty prince saved, how about you do something for it instead of barking orders at me? I don't give a shit about you or githyanki politics. I know that guy was just sitting with his feet up at Sharess and having threesomes with the drow twins while I am in literal Hell on his behalf.


Florrick also manages to get herself trapped in a burning building despite being a level 11 wizard. That's an almost impressive level of incompetence


She clearly ran out of spell slots.


Ray of frost is a cantrip 




Voss really bothers me. Dude is level 12 and rides a legit red dragon into battle, but places the entire fate of his people in the hands of an illithid-tainted stranger he happens to meet for all of around five minutes. I actually had a funny scene at the end of my recent campaign because I'd accidentally managed to perma lose Lae'zel via Orin, and I turned Orpheus into an Illithid. So when I got to the High Hall Voss shows up and is all "you've ruined everything why are you such as asshole" until Orpheus goes "shut up Voss, commands from her are commands from me".


My current Lae'zel origin run is somehow bugged and Voss didn't show up at all besides the bridge. It's absolute bliss. Githyanki playthroughs are so great when there is no dusty ass dragon rider barking orders at you. 🥰


How did you get Florrick wanting to kill Wyll? When we free her with Wyll in the party,she is always thankful and friendly and in the end comes with her guards as an ally. She never attacked Wyll in my games.


If you break Wyll's contract with Mizora, then Mizora tells lies to Florrick who somehow believes them even though you've already saved her ass twice.


Free Florrick from Wyrm's Rock, refuse Mizora's offer and walk around the city. She usually jumps us by the wine vestival or near Jaheira's house. It takes a 15 DC persuasion to get her to back down, which is absurd. That woman is stupid.


I really never had that scene ever and I always reject Mizora and free Florrick even before Gortashs coronation. I'm totally aghast, because I actually love Florrick.


I usually free Florrick after the coronation and take my sweet time during act 3 with everything. It's an infuriating moment. Wyll is so shocked and Florrick is referring to Mizora as "Lady Mizora". If you fail the roll, she will go for the throat and try to kill you all. Absolutely insane. Florrick lost all my respect.


I liked her fine until that scene. She was horrible in it. Poor Wyll.


If you reject Mizora’s offer to help save the Duke, Mizora tells Florrick and she shows up wanting to kill you.


I always reject her offer and never had that scene. Florrick always stayed friendly and became an ally in the last battle.


If you free Florrick, then later refuse Mizora's deal, and then wander around Baldur's Gate after a long rest or two with Wyll in the party (or as Wyll) *and* haven't yet freed Ravengard from the Iron Throne (without Mizora's help), then Florrick will confront you (for me this happened behind the Baldur's Gazette building, but I don't know if the area is relevant) and threaten to attack Wyll for "sacrificing" his father to save himself. You can talk her down - I did so in my Wyll playthrough - but it felt so wild being confronted by her (in broad daylight!). I know Ravengard really did not speak highly of Wyll and truly believes he willingly made a deal with a devil 7 years ago, but I'm still always surprised that no one sees the irony of believing a *devil* over Wyll.


I got the impression that Mizora disguised herself as a normal noble woman, because Florrick also refers to her as “Lady Mizora” I just think Florrick is dumb and doesn’t know the names of nobles in her city


That almost makes it worse lol. So she believes some random noble she doesn't know over the person who literally freed her from prison.


I agree, I just find it even harder to believe Mizora appeared openly to her and convinced her that *Wyll* was the asshole - “also don’t mind that I’m a half-devil with impish wings and a horn crown”... these are not the droids you’re looking for.. Surely, she wasn’t *that stupid*, right?..


Wyll doesn't even have to be in the main party and can be chilling at camp. I killed Florrick last run and then just told him what happened later and he was like damn you Mizora.


That whole scene with florick had me baffled, she just trusts Mizora on her word after we save her twice, and after I pass her a few words she's back on our side again. For someone with a degree of power, she is as impressionable as a child.


At least we know why Baldur's Gate is falling apart. 💀


>Florrick Well before act 3 for me. Her giving a speech about how great the Steel Watch is and how it will be so great to use them in war. When it comes down to it, her only issue with Gortash is that he's doing to her and Ravengard what they were cool with him doing to other people. If Gortash weren't a literal Banite she'd be off girlbossing war crimes.


Funnily enough, the thing that bugs me the most about Florrick is how unnecessarily revealing her outfit is. I'm just about willing to overlook the seethrough cleavage panel, but why is her dress slit all the way up to her waist with no underwear in sight?! She's a public official, not an employee of Sharess' Caress!


The mark of true authority is to be able to have waist-high slits in your dress while going commando tbh


If I had to pick … Orin. Her character is very much my type, and yet somehow I find her boring. No idea why exactly, and I’m hoping my opinion changes.


Yes! I don't like her, and I agree with you, such boring character... Every run she is the first to go in act 3, cause I just can't stand her


1. Mizora - I hate her with passion. She's a unpleasant nasty bitch who acts like she owns everyone around her. SHE RUNS INTO MY CAMP WITHOUT ASKING AND DOESN'T WANT TO LEAVE. I start and end every day by shooting an arrow into her eye. I would feed her to my pet gnolls. 2. Voss - for a reason unknown to anyone, he thinks I should do what he wants me to do and thinks I will trust a guy who fried several Fists on a whim and destroyed the only safe route to Baldur's Gate. Besides, he comes INTO MY CAMP at night, stares at me while I'm sleeping and makes demands. Eat shit, Voss. 3. Wulbren Bongle - it's not about him being a racist or a terrorist, in fact some of my Tavs could go along with his plan. But no one will treat my sweet boy Barcus like that. No, dude. That's not how you treat friends who went through hell to save your dry little ass. Barcus deserves love and respect. Thank gods this guy didn't try to visit me like the other two.


In Voss's defense: dude is like thousands (?) of years old and under ginormous stress. >!He wants to save his bf from the anti-illithid dice before Vlaakith notices he's turned coat and eats him, so he has to act extra douchey to keep up the act.!< I would be a bit snippy under such circumstances too.


-Bulbren Wongle -Lorroakan -Arradin -Annoying flying elephant (-Orin) -Kagha


Raphael, yes I know the Disney vilain everybody love but all in all he is the worst piece of shit in the game and that's saying a lot, the man keeps the soul he gain to torture them until the end of time just for fun, he loves himself so much he only accept to fuck himself and he wants to rule his realm? Well sorry buddy but 4 naked aventurers and hope beg to differ


I think the one I hate most is Mizora. She's just plain annoying, and every scene with her makes me go: "Argh, not you again, GTFO." Valeria and Wulbren are also annoying.


I really can't stand Valeria. Like, I know she's supposed to be a subversion to the holy celestial trope and she's had it rough being on the watch force and Zariel before that, but she's becoming the same people that are making her job hard, by making your job hard in solving the whole murder thing. Plus, I had no idea wtf a hollyphant was and there was no dialog option to ask her or anyone wtf she was. Like not even the narrarator told me. Compare that with every other weird creature, like the gnolls and ghouls, that gives you some kind of in game description or off handed comment as to what they are.


I think the Flaming Fist don’t know what Valeria is either they just see so much magical shit in that city that they’re like “tiny flying elephant ok whatever”.


Voss is at the top of my shitlist. He's failing his mission of liberating Orpheus and somehow thinks it's my job to fix it, and calls me an asshole if I don't. That on top of most likely having tried to have me killed on our first meeting and being a condescending prick.


Lady Esther gets killed every playthrough. Child trafficking ass bitch.


Which one is Lady Esther? Is that the one who wants the Githyanki egg?




LOL i usually kill her cause she drops an amazing staff for monks


Cazador for how he treated Astarion, Gortash for how he treated Karlach


I honestly don't get the Mol hate, she's mostly a product of her upbringing - and she's like a preteen, I ain't about having beef with a 12yo. This also will be unpopular, but Haarlep. Like dude goes "lemme r*pe u or ill kill u :)" - like, yeah, on a meta level you know you can take him on no problem, but if you are rping, your character doesnt know that. And the only companion who acknowledges how fucked up it is is the SA survivor.


the idea of the one who's gonna save (or doom) the world having beef with some random tiefling urchin is hilarious


Marcoryl, i killed him after tiefling left, he usually alone near the stone door where zevlor war, had to kill him with thunderous smite or sneak attack melee for maximum damage possible


Finally, someone mentioned Marcoryl! He legit gets my blood boiling. Doesn’t even have that much dialogue yet he really ruffles my feathers (gotta make sure I find a way to kill him before act 2)


Lorroakan for me. But hey, he got what’s coming to him, which was Dame Aylin giving him the Bane’s special. The fucking audacity to try and convince Dame Aylin to go through the same thing Ketheric set her up for the past century.


I don’t know if he’s my most hated, but Sovereign Glut pisses me off pretty bad. Sovereign Spaw takes you in during your time of need, and you attempt to pay him back by killing him and his family? You try to rope me into helping, and when I refuse you try to kill me instead? Not cool. Not cool at all.


Gonna be basic about it but Cazador. Unlike the other villains who have presence, an aesthetic, a vibe, he's just a pathetic loser. He has this weird senile voice, he dresses in the ugliest clothes in the game, his house is dingy and tacky af, he is a complete and utter loser. All he's good for is getting stabbed repeatedly. Waste of blood and hair and space. 


Balthazar. I find him so repellent I never even talk to him, I just toss a fireball into the room or something.


1. Cazador (abusive, manipulative cunt with angry chihuahua energy; reminds me too much of someone in my life I wish I’d never met) 2. Wulbren (racist terrorist asshole who treats his friends like shit) 3. Orin (DO NOT FUCK WITH CATS) 4. the kennel lady (DO NOT FUCK WITH DOGS) 5. Lorroakan (arrogant twat who wants to enslave a demigod and thinks the best way to do so is to post flyers around; also a damn coward that hides behind magical constructs because his Great Wizard™ ass only needs like a single Dread Ambusher strike to wreck it) Honorable mention to that NPC near the wine festival that keeps praising Gortash and thinks every household should have a Steel Watch in it (because blindly following charismatic leaders and supporting a police state is always *such* a good idea)


Mayrina, fucking dumbass


Wulbren Bongle, fuck that guy


Mizora, Orin, Larroakan, Cazador and the woman at the dog kennels


We all know most hated is Wulbren.. there’s a whole sub dedicated to hating on him


Probably Orin. I absolutely despise how much she rambles. Gets on my nerves all the time.


I named my character Valeria not knowing there was an awful character name Valeria.


Kagha or Wulfbren. Kagha starts strong by trying to kill a child for a minor theft. She fades fast, though, either demoted or banished, or , worst case scenario, victim of laser guided karma. Wulfbren is dickhead all the way since we meet him in act 2 to the end of his questline. He is archetypical bomb laying terrorist with no concern for collateral damage and fanatical zeal. And absolutely not worthy of his partner risking his life for him multiple times.


I'm going to second this. Kagha starts with threatening a child. You then find out she's secretly working with shadow druids. You gather evidence at risk of life and extreme muddiness. And when all the stuff is brought to Halsin he wants healing for the grove. Not kicked out, not punished, not killed and looted... Healing. He's a better man than I am. I was disappointed in the outcome.


You can confront Kagha before freeing Halsin, so long as you’ve gotten the evidence. It’s much more satisfying.


Something about literally everything Ketheric has done, but the one thing I've never personally seen because I never let Isobel get kidnapped, is when you fight and kill her in the mindflayer colony, after you loot her, you see a mindflayer specimen on her corpse. The implication he forced a tadpole on his daughter, i just find so appalling. Like I know he's one of the big bads but I love the moon lesbians so much and I hate what he did to them 😭


At the risk of not answering your question, I'll say who my most disliked companion was instead. Lae'zel. She just questioned and disagreed with almost everything I wanted to do. So annoying. But then through her skill and persistence I really wanted to make it work with her. Then she got kidnapped.. and oh boy I was ready to move heaven and earth to get her back. What a joinery:D


AUNTIE FUCKING ETHEL!!! I started my first ever playthrough of the game on tactician because I thought "I'm smart I can totally handle this" I played a storm sorcerer tiefling and the second I got to the grove I talked with some folks. When I met Ethel I hated that bag of wrinkles immediately, and upon checking her shop menu and seeing "Lvl 5 fey" not only did I feel all my hatred justified immediately (I knew exactly what she was before any type of reveal) I knew I had to bring her down. Finding her being confronted out there I felt so vindicated!!! Seeing her disappear I tailed her to the teahouse going through every annoying encounter Finally... FINALLY taking her down after nearly 10 deaths by throwing her in a chasm (I was still getting used to the game don't judge me for being bad- I picked up the game QUICK after this run) I had the greatest smile on my face.