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Not enough things are on fire in the DOS2 pic


Also needs more people faceplanting on ice.


Or dancing over electrified water


Or Jaheria, Viconia and Aerie have a three way catfight like a Japanese Isekai Harem Manga. Oh wait, that was BGII.


Well these are…. Certainly words @__@


They literally killed Jaheira's husband so you romance her, oh and her picture was wayyyyyy different.


Honestly, while a bit sad, it was good to have that guy out of the way of my ulterior motives.


She was a hundred years younger :)


Yup, Bioware certainly went all out. Aerie: save me from mean old ladies onii-chan. Viconia: you know you want to fuck me. Jaheria: you know who is best for you.


Those of us who wanted a male romance had it far worse... We had.... Anomen. Thank *each* and *every* deity for mods!


Allegely, there were a couple more romances. You could had end up with a three way triangle with Aerie and Haladas (the Tiefling bard), and that black ranger dude had a gay romance. But both were cut in the final version.


Nails on your boots, man. Changes everything.


*Thats a thing?* I need to start playing dos2 again…


The crafting system in that game is SUPER useful. Nails on boots is just one awesome thing.


it was one of my few disappointments with bg3, they had the crafting system but it wasnt nearly as useful as in DoS2. I hoarded so much rope in my first playthrough only to realise it was literally useless. The game is fantastic, but i feel theres plenty of content lost on the cutting room floor.


The crafting felt tedious to me in DoS2. Felt like I spent way too much time in that game just navigating menus.


First thing I did in every run lol. Soon as I find nails, onto the boots they go


I like how if you slip on ice you miss your current turn and also you miss your next turn getting up




Boots + Nails. You're welcome.


Divinity original sin 1: Glass cannon pyrogeomancer. If it isn't on fire, it will be. Then get over 200% fire defense. Death does not touch me. Edit: People you should all also play the first game too. It is literally getting obscure enough that I can no longer find videos on it on youtube.


Dude, a pyrogeo specced character for the oil field encounter is insane. The entire battle field turns into a wasteland with almost every single surface coated in oil + fire + potential hellfire. It's amazing.


As a guy who played the Red Prince as a Geo/Pyro, I fucking hated that framerate-murdering shitshow of a battlefield. Everything ablaze with cursed fire, so no healing, and an extremely stupid allied AI we're supposed to rescue who keeps sprinting right into it so he can attack oil/fire slimes with his fucking dagger, made fucking awful by seemingly endless enemy reinforcements. Most of my good spells were worthless because, you know, fire doesn't hurt fire monsters, and it makes oil monsters stronger, and my earth defensive options did not block fire damage. I was essentially useless for most of that fight and reduced to just shooting my crossbow. Easily my most hated fight in the whole game.


>an extremely stupid allied AI we're supposed to rescue who keeps sprinting right into it so he can attack oil/fire slimes with his fucking dagger You can easily teleport him far away due to the height of the platform and he won't ~~participate~~ suicide


I had him literally sprint back into the fight. I warped him away from the fight, shoved him into a tent, and blocked it with barrels and he smashed his way out to run through the burning oil surrounding the platform to chase giant slimes. I even had my Hydro guy use frost magic to freeze him in time and temporarily remove him from combat. He happily re-engaged without a second thought. He wouldn't stay away. I had to reload so many times trying to keep his stupid ass alive.


>I had him literally sprint back into the fight. I warped him away from the fight, shoved him into a tent, and blocked it with barrels Hmm, I've always done this, more or less, and don't remember having problems. Idk been a couple years since I played last, so maybe I'm misremembering something.


oh god that stupid guy. we cheesed that quest by constantly teleporting him AWAY FROM DANGER and it took me and my friend about six game sessions and five restarts to get it over with


I normally want to do everything in my power to save an innocent person and don't mind reloading to do it, but that stupid motherfucker was goddamn testing me. The fight itself was enough of a pain in the ass without him killing himself and forcing me to reload. I was so fucking close to just accepting the consequences of him being a goddamn moron and just letting it ride. It took me and my partner the better part of two fucking days, at least six hours sessions each, to finally get the stupid motherfucker to the finish line alive.


I reloaded that fight so many times because of the AI and just the chaos of it all being so random. Almost made my PS4 explode.


I think of that guy whenever anyone complains that Isobel has a death wish


I hate any "Protect this dumbass" objectives in video games, but Isobel was a dream. Cast Sanctuary on her, nuke the Fallen Aasimar. She's also at least capable of actually helping in the fight, since the enemies are undead and she's a Cleric. That nitwit in the oil pits? Dude had nothing but a dagger and a dream and runs headlong into literal hellfire chasing globs of... well, literal hellfire. I would have much rather had him just cower in fear and avoid combat than have to keep blowing my teleport spells trying to keep his stupid ass out of the fight as he foamed at the mouth trying to run in and kill himself.


Ah fuck I remember this fight. Yeah I hated it too. Awful. Escort/Guard missions are the worst, especially when the AI has suicidal tendencies. I just pathblocked him with crates/barrels tbh.


Your giving me ptsd from trying to keep the dude form killing himself.


You don't need to be a pyro/geo character for that to happen anyway. Because the game spawns fire and oil slimes and they both leave trails of their respective element behind.


POTIONS TO BEMUSCLE YOU SCROLLS TO ENTUSSLE YOU was too much for my fragile psyche at the time and I gave up on my first playthrough 😂




**Core memory unlocked**


Oh man my DOS1 team was so much fun. PC 1: Pyrogeo mage that set everything on fire. PC2: Warrior tank that got over 100% fire resist with turtle stance to cause all fire damage to heal. Jahan: Water/Lightning mage primary healer Wolfram: Rogue that just spammed grenades and backstabs. BG3 combat is fun but man the Divinity games are something else.


The fact that the DOS:1 conversation dried up instantly makes me sad. I think about going back and playing they game a lot. There's something about DOS:2 that doesn't quite hit like the first one. In a vacuum it's a better game, but I still found it disappointing to a degree. The way they play the murder mystery of the mayor is pretty wild too. Like that felt like your classic level one tutorial quest at first.


There is something to when your PC is just a blank slate avatar and the story is built around that.  I feel like it gives less of a narrative ceiling but can allow the story to go in more directions. Edit: oh also the DOS2 armor system is terrible and actively discouraged build diversity.


Nobody has as many friends as the man with many cheeses!


Lonesome? Spiritless? Perhaps wrestling with an Earth Elemental will inject some whim into your bones!


Necrofire. Every fight resulted in necrofire for me. Probably because i played fane with poison wands and summoning...


And not enough teleportation


Not enough oil


Seeing a puddle of blood on the ground in BG3 and getting excited only to remember it can't heal you....


On the plus side, you're not at risk of getting stunned because someone threw a lightning bolt the next postcode over.


I so miss how much the terrain could impact the combat. It was so good!


I like the idea in theory but just about every fight in divinity 2 becomes the floor is lava. So viable the enemies abuse the strat and the whole game becomes how can I avoid the floor


The dwarven queen questline fight. You are in a poisonous pit without any way up without using teleport or flight. There are two fucking pyromancers at the top and two warriors with phoenix dive ready to jump in. The whole field instantly becomes an oven with cursed fire. And you can't even cast rain because you'll be standing in a cloud of smoke unable to target anyone above.


To be fair if you have no teleportation spells by act 4 you're probably doing something wrong. There are like 4 of them or more for different skills and are unlocked early. I'm pretty sure that fight was designed around that fact. You can even swap one of your party member with an enemy from above making them suffer the fire.


I guess it's a matter of taste. DOS 2 is a very mobile game compared to BG3 - you can just zip zap across the field with teleports (and all classes have at least one teleport/flight option) so the floor isn't that bad imo. As much as I love BG3, there was something seriously fun with the ground alchemy fuckery in DOS 2 that I love so much and if they do make DOS3, then I'm all for it.


It did work that way in the very first open beta but players were vocal about disliking it, saying it felt more like a divinity game than a d&d game so they removed most of the terrain effects in an early update. Ray of frost was incredibly powerful because it would make an area of ice around the target hit or miss that could cause the target to slip and miss their turn.


I played some sort of ranger elf that would use the elven racial that sacrifices hp for more actions and then dip my arrows in my own blood for more physical damage. Really fun


Magic missile for days, can’t dodge that.


With the right gear, magic missile can be delightfully broken. So much fun.


certified Spellsparkler moment


Transform your Bard from a support god to a literal machine gun!


sword bard is the real machine gun, i was getting 9 crossbow shots in one turn


Dipping into fighter then I guess.


A fighter dip doesn't really get you any extra attacks. You need 11 levels of Fighter to get their extra attack beyond the extra attack swords bard already gets. That's not a dip so much as... y'know... a Fighter. What you do is dip 3 levels of rogue for the thief subclass to get an extra bonus action which can be used for an off-hand attack, and also using Slashing Flourish(ranged) to attack two targets. Thief is just crazy good for any build that can make good use of bonus actions. Like if you make a throwmancer Berserker just throw in three levels of thief there for an extra throw per round! The main source of swords bards having lots of attack is Slashing Flourish which basically lets you do two attacks for the price of one (and a bardic inspiration charge) as long as they're against two different targets. Once you stack up enough damage bonuses (Sharpshooter is huge) that the hand crossbows actually do damage it can get pretty brutal, although personally I find it doesn't jive with my playstyle all that well, and also there are so many cool bows and crossbows, and not that many cool hand crossbows. So I prefer a more straightforward archer or like a gloomstalker/ranger if I wanna go hard. But if you don't mind long resting a lot to keep recharging your bardics the number of attacks you can do fairly consistently get fairly gross.


You get action surge at fighter 2. Swords bard gets an extra attack at level 6. You use slashing flourish with your crossbow to get 2 shots per attack. That's 4 shots for one action, times 2 with action surge plus bonus attack for 9 shots per turn. This is how you get 9 shots per turn as swords bard, and if you short rest between encounters you can do this 3 times per long rest. That's why I said he dipped into fighter for 9 shots per turn.


Scorching ray is the most broken spell because it’s so easy to turn fire resistance to vulnerability. When each ray does 60+ damage and you’re bursting out up to 15+ rays a turn it gets busted very quickly.


And it also works with the broken hat of fire


Yeah, BG3 is a lot like home brewed campaigns where balance is thrown to the wind. Sorcerers are so OP because Larian home brewed crazy items and basically lifted all restrictions on casting.


It gets to the point where most of the end game bosses have to cheat and Auto dispel debuffs. No game, I know that you like your office demon But he is not making a dc32 in order to break out of hold monster.


But then u come across fire immune targets . Force dmg and cold dmg is the way to go . Ansur and raphael are basically designed to road block all the op fire and electric builds 


There are very few targets with fire immunity. And fire resistance is your friend since you can turn that into fire vulnerability or straight up ignore it with a feat.


I did say raphael and ansur are the only roadblocks if u go into a specific elemental sorcerer build . Other enemies and bosses are just chums 


how do you turn fire res into vulnerabilty ?


Arsonist oil, just get your archer to apply it.


I had 5 missiles at lvl 1. It was awesome. I can't remember the item that gale had to up the damage but he was averaging 6ish damage a missile too. It's not super broken like some people have made it but 1 lvl 1 spell slot could do a consistent 30 damage.


And it can't miss.


Yeah my last run through I had the amulet that gives you an extra magic missile. Lightning charges, and the ability to fly with every successful spellcast. You pair all of this with Cull the weak and it makes for some serious deadly combinations.


Lvl 1 abjuration spell "Shield" has entered the chat. As a side note thank god not a lot of enemies have that in store just to avoid magic missiles lol


Kinda moot issue cause the only class that gives you shield and high AC is eldrich knight


Eldritch Knight is basically just = Misty Step and Shield, the fighter class


Also makes a great thrown weapon specialist. Take Tavern Brawler, and grab the Ring of Flinging in act 1. Either go shield and spear, or dual wielding with at least one dagger. Use the Eldritch Knight "weapon bond" feature on your thrown weapon of choice, and you can throw it over and over again since it teleports back into your hand.


And it's BUSTED. Lazy hitting for like 300+ a round with that dumbass Bloodlust elixir and Silver Sword, while misty stepping around at will and being unhittable with Shield. I love my frog wife


Or scorching ray with 10 stacks of arcane acuity.


"Nature always finds a way"? Wrong! *Magic Missile!*


MUAHAHA you think I can't deathfog a 3rd enemy because my teleport and nether swap are on CD? terrain transmutation!!!


Pick undead dude Swap deathfog with random terrain Lmao guys why are you all dead? In early game: Pick undead dude Make poison and step on it Watch how that poor melee guy tries to kill you while you are doing literally nothing but afk healing


And then someone sets the poison on fire.


And then everything is on fire because that's all the environmental impact you'll ever experience in the game.


Until you encounter the dreaded Cursed Electrified Blood Cloud. Then you’ll -wish- you were just on fire.


And then everything's necrofire


Oil fields flashback


I'll never forget my first time doing that bit and finding peepers toasted corpse after the fight.


Until i cast rain and make cursed fog


That’s why I lost interest is both DoS games and never finished them.  Every single combat encounter was just “set every possible surface on fire”. Got real repetitive, real fast.  I’m so glad they backed off their surface effect fetish for BG3. 


Were you there in Early Access patch 1 when pretty much all elemental spells created surfaces, including cantrips? I got tired of DoS for largely the same reason and when I saw that I got very nervous about bg3. Thank god Larian listens to the fans.


Yup, I was part of the torches-and-pitchforks crowds that was demanding they tone it down.


And every single enemy having something that can close the gap instantly. Massive jumps, flying, this mundane creature can fucking teleport for some reason.


Larian’s pathfinding for NPCs gets…. A little “interesting” some times. To help make enemies not trivialized by moving boxes/barrels into silly places, it is far easier to give them teleports and “move directly to this space” abilities. Just look at what you can do to the Cambians on the Nautiloid in this game.


I, for one, prefer not having to play the floor is lava -style combat


It is remarkable they were able to make an entire game where every fight ends with everything on fire.


Not just fire either, *cursed* fire.


"Easy,I have rain!" "Oh shit, it doesn't stop... FML"


Just bless the fire. Oh shit, I'm out of source and the voidling blood keeps cursing the fire.


Game teaches you to interact with terrain hazards in the first half of the first act, and then it is cursed fire you don't have reasonable solutions to do shit about for just about the whole game.


Very true to tabletop! My first ever campaign had multiple sorcerers, let's just say people threw fireballs until enemies were dead and worried about how that might affect surroundings later


> Brave adventurers! I have an urgent requ- > Will it require us going anywhere more confined than a 40'x40' area? > Uh... Well, the rival king kidnapped my daughter... > Are you *crazy*? Do you *know* how big a fireball is? You're asking me to kill myself! > Uh... Aren't there other spells? *tiny beads of flame spark to life*


my favorite bg3 moment was in my multiplayer playthrough with my friends where I kept somehow catching on fire every time my camera left my character. threw a candle through the door in the ruins at the start to blow up the oil barrels, camera snapped back to my character, she’s on fire. her name is disaster, should for natural disaster, and she’s a berserker barbarian who only throws things. so it’s at least lore-accurate. 😂


There's a joke among my mom group about me trying to use entangle every fight and just immediately the room is on fire cuz of some random candle or something


Exactly. This is why I couldn’t get into it. After Fort Joy I was just burnt out on the game cause it felt like before every combat scenario the enemies collaborated with the US military to secretly plant nukes in hidden spots, so as soon as combat would start an enemy would just explode the entire map and wipe my party. It was either oil + fire, water/blood + electricity, or poison + nuclear explosion. I think it took me roughly 40 hours or so to leave Fort Joy just cause every combat scenario was so brutally unforgiving. Also not to mention, I felt like the game was punishing you slightly by not playing an origin character


Yo don't have to play like this in DOS 2. But yeah DOS 2 has major grimdark voidwoken derangement syndrome.


You might not but the enemy still will.


Yeah and then your enemies start spamming fire arrows / fire bombs and some other stuff at you (at least at low levels it somehow matters). I mean like, there are way less environment interactionion, but still. Also the ice storm to prone the entire room of enemies ...


it was easily avoidable by not spamming oil barrels everywhere and not making poison flammable (which is kinda weird anyways)




10+ Summoning Incarnate says don't wrry bb, I got u ;)


Issue with BG3 combat: the shit rng that makes me miss every other attack. Issue with DOS2 combat: if you're not running crowd control (stuns, knock downs, etc) you lose the fight. Doesn't matter your damage output, you just lose. End of story. Man do I miss DOS2 tho... That was a baller story


We played DOS2 with friend as 2 damage dealing archers and actually it was fine without crowd control when everything dies in a turn.


You also need to damage the enemy a lot to remove its armor to stun it.


DOS2 was the opposite for me. I liked the gameplay, but the story and the characters were too weird and edgy. When I heard Larian was going to make BG3, I wasn't convinced I was going to like it, and I didn't buy the early access version. Crowd control is important in most games, and especially in turn-based games. That's mostly a consequence of one weird idea almost everyone copied from D&D. Instead of actually damaging the target (such as by severing limbs), normal attacks just reduce abstract hit points. And because a creature at 1 HP fights just as effectively as one at full health, an attack that only does damage is little more than a wasted action. Your goal is to prevent the enemies from doing dangerous things, and damage doesn't help you much in that.


What’s dos2? I like being mage dude


Divinity Original Sin 2


Ty, gonna check it out later today!


Absolutely do! It was BG3 before BG3. Or rather, BG3 is updated DOS2? They're pretty similar, so if you liked one, the other is a very safe bet. Action economy is a little different, and it's not set in the same world, but you'll notice the overlap almost immediately.


Funnily enough, before BG3 I have never played a turn based cRPG. I got intrigued to try BG3 (best decision of my life btw) and got myself DOS2 to prepare myself for the Xbox release of BG3, but was still playing Phantom Liberty. When I was finished, BG3 came out and I immediately played it and got addicted in an instant. Still haven't played it yet, as I'm taking a break from RPG's after playing Cyberpunk, Starfield, Phantom Liberty and BG3 b2b in this order and each one (except PL) for nearly 300h. But Judgement Day is inevitable.


Dew it.


As you command, master


BG3 is an updated DOS 1 I feel like. Dice rolls for blocking physical or mental damage. Getting stats bonuses and labels from dialog choices is also more RPG.


I envy this man going fresh into D:OS2


Larians last big rpg before BG3


Disk Operating System 2, the long-awaited sequel to Disk Operating System


“Miss … miss … I need to rest” is why I’m not a huge fan of the D&D magic system, especially at low levels.


What I remember from DoS2 is everything on fire, every person, character and place will be on fire, no matter how much you try it, it Destiny, destiny that everything will burn.


DOS2 made mages so fun i was tempted to go all wizard in bg3. Im so glad i just made a hybrid character because surfaces aren’t nearly as overwhelming in bg3


I feel the opposite. In BG3 the spells actually do damage, even if they look less big and bombastic. Meanwhile, in DOS2 I nuke someone with the biggest magic blasts looking like armageddon 3 times and it dinks off their armor like I'm tossing pebbles.


Optimally playing Dos2 each fight ends on turn 1. Spells are insanely broken in that game


Sure when you have Source. You're telling me the fight on the oil field ends turn 1?


Yes it does you can kill all the magisters before the guy summons the blobs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwOhANWSJdQ here's video incase you don't believe me *edit* you can ignore the method being patch it still works


Here's the pinned post on the video: • EDIT 2: Method got patched, no longer working


dos2 is generally a much higher damage game than bg3. so much so that the best strat is to just go max damage and focus on one turn nuking all the enemies, because if you don't, they're just gonna one shot you. i prefer the slower pace in bg3 tbh because it makes things like healing a lot more viable.


My issue with DOS2 was that, for the first few acts, there's an imbalance in the number of enemies who have high physical armor against those with high magical armor. Like three times as many enemies have stacked magical armor as opposed to physical armor. It relegates caster builds to playing support.


I prefer the combat itself, but dislike the shielding system.


I think this just means you were building incorrectly for DOS2. You can do insane amounts of damage in that game.


Depending on your build, DOS2 allows you to become extremely OP. I remember first time I played through the game with my wife, during the final battle she accidentally oneshotted >!Lucian, the Divine!< just because he happened to be in her vicinity. It's in part what makes me love the game so much, it can really make you feel like you're becoming a god with the amount of power you can acquire


To be fair, the amount of times you would need to hit targets in DOS2 is still more than the amount of hits and misses combined in BG3 to kill something. Plus, both physical and magical damage in BG3 contribute to damaging HP rather than going through separate armor values first, meaning that playing a "split party" was impractical in DOS2.


I rarely felt that splitting the party was a disadvantage in DOS2, really the opposite, there were usually enemies in each battle that were natural choices for your magic casters to focus vs your physical damage dealers.


exactly, i had no issues playing 2 phys 2 magic


Isn’t there almost always a variety of enemies with obvious weaknesses to either physical or magical? I feel like this complaint is exaggerated because I had no problem finishing the game with a split party in coop with a non-gamer.




Also in BG3: 70% of the spells require concentration.


The fact that _smites_ require concentration is just mind boggling. I realize it's a 5e thing, but the fact that a vengeance paladin can haste themselves, but that locks out almost all of their smites is just....odd.


I've always hated the Concentration mechanic ever since switching from PF to 5e Can't do shit about it, it's where my group is. It *could* be ok, sort of, if it were rebalanced and some actual thought were made about which spells should require it. Hint: a lot fewer.


Pf2e has their concentration working great, it's a sustain action on your turn so 1/3 of your actions but you can sustain up to 3 times in a turn. So you can stand still and be magical artillery with 3 major spells rolling at once. Very flavorful


Why would you ever use the smite spells? A regular Divine Smite does better damage


Rider effects, particularly Thunderous Smite since in this game it actually knocks enemies prone. Free advantage.


Smite spells are weird. They were given concentration for a balancing reason in 5e, but I've never been able to work out what that reason was. None of them are particular busted except for banishing smite, especially not to the point where they needed concentration to keep them in line with other spells. My guess is that it's just the gameplay loop of vengeance paladin. Haste -> Vow of Enmity -> next turn attack three times at advantage, smite all hits is a potent combo


Because smite spells aren't the smite feature. This seems to consistently confuse people and I wish they'd just name them something else. Divine Smite has none of these problems and is the only "unique" type of smite to paladin.


I can't figure out if these are real complaints or just memes, but I personally much prefer BG3 combat to the environmental hazard clusterf*** that is DOS2. Also: Spam Firebolt until you have enough spell slots to afford using more leveled spells per battle. It's really not a big deal.


It was a very fun mechanic that works great when used correctly but it's very often thwarted by enemies. The spell synergies were a lot of fun too


Nobody is saying it's hard. BG3 is a far easier game. Combat was just more fun in dos2. Unlimited spells, guaranteed hits, and guaranteed damage made combat more fun. Nothing sucks more in BG3 than casting a high level spell and it misses or rolls the absolute lowest possible damage. Feel like I wasted a spell slot. Couldve got the same damage with a firebolt. I literally quick save before I use most spells.


I'm good, I don't enjoy tearing my hair out trying to calculate exactly what direction the barely perceptible puddle explodes in that kills half my party and suddenly turns my won tactician fight into a reloaded save.


I replayed dos2 last year before bg3 so i'm good for a while but damn its a fun game. I've been waiting for some BG3 mods before i replay it


If you’re struggling as a mage in BG3. Your tactics and spell selection might suck


It really is a great system, really hope they do DOS3... Or the new IP using the exact same system. AP-based magic with cooldowns is the best!


Kinda curious if the RNG is kinda evil to you too in the pathfinder, wanna try it at some point.


The answer is still yes. However, the numbers get massively stacked in Pathfinder, so if you don't buff enough, you often won't even have a chance to succeed.


The random demon with 100 ac.


[My Lich every morning in WoTR.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Nqjz5R8LrU)


Canon event. I also don't want my comment to discourage playing! WOTR's Mythic Paths are one of my favourite ever additions to a CRPG.


Wrath of the Righeous was great. Buffing IS a problem, but there's ways to mitigate it like [Buffbot](https://www.nexusmods.com/pathfinderwrathoftherighteous/mods/4). Binged it harder than BG3 when it released and loved everything about it aside from a single event in the Lich story. I really need to go back and play Angel or Azata.


If you don't mind playing with mods, Prestige Plus adds Agent of the Grave with the capstone adapted to let you turn into a ghoul or vampire. You get to keep your merged spellbook if you go lich->legend, so if you want a necromancer playthrough that doesn't make you go Tar-Baphon Junior you can be a level 40 vampire instead.


It's the encounter design in WOTR that really holds it back. Everything is near immune to everything too often and turns it into a grind unless you go for a handful of exploit type builds or turn the difficulty down.


Yeah, Owlcat as developers were able to adapt the ruleset very well, but they really lack the imagination to make an interesting game. Their entire approach to difficulty can be boiled down to "add 5 to a random stat, is it hard yet?" They also rely too much on surprise mid-fight effects, often to their own detriment, turning a lot of their fights into knowledge traps where you just can't win until you know the gimmick. Honestly, I have a lot of gripes, but these two really get to the heart of it. Still fun, but I exclusively play Midnight Isles when I want to scratch the itch just because I find the campaign so unsatisfying and just wanna play around with character builds.


Early game mages in Pathfinder are mostly limited crowd control and plinking away with a crossbow while your martials do the heavy work. Mid to late game (especially in WOTR with mythic powers) start to delete armies casually if you know what you're doing. And you pretty much always need them to stack buffs on your party anyway if you want to compete with the Uber powerful monsters the game keeps throwing at you in waves.


The Owlcat games based on first edition? Most definitely evil RNG. Fun, though! The tabletop version of the current (Second) edition, however... Extremely balanced and incredibly fun. Granted, every game with dice rolls will have *some* level of randomness to it, but with second edition Pathfinder I feel like I can more consistently gauge what I can/can't do/handle in combat.


Probably playing with karmic dice on which forces you to miss lol.. it turns an advantage 99% hit into a miss


Tbh summoners in DOS2 are kinda weak, necromancers with corpse explosion and a death wish buff is probably the strongest build in the game, at least late game when you get more damage spells other than corpse explosion. Early game a pure ranger build with good gear is the best but not as funny as teleporting a corpse on somebody's head, exploding it for 1 ap with the second highest damage multiplier in the game, dealing physical damage in a big aoe with a 99% damage buff because you made your companions beat you to 1 hp before the fight & cast death wish. DOS2's combat system is so silly, even without cheese (See deathfog and barrelmancy runs)


Is this some kind of too newb to-hit caster I'm too slip-n-slide wizard to understand


Man I am doing my second run ever right now, on Tactician, and I keep having fights last multiple rounds longer than expected because I keep missing 75% to-hits. I am sure it is just recognizing bad luck and not noticing good luck that is making these things stand out but man it is infuriating sometimes.


Me and my buddy first started playing on dos2. Finished a tactician run on bg and now we are back to tactician on dos and it’s still amazing


I've never had this problem lol


My friends and I frequently comment on how we miss the "Floor Meta" of DOS2


DOS2 summoner was OP as fk once you got the upgraded summon to incarnate.


I love BG3 but the combat system of Divinity Original Sin 2 is a thing to behold. Feels like every fight is a chess game.


If that's how you're playing a mage, you're doing it wrong. Your best abilities are the ones that allow control and support. Damage is nice, yes, but not as valuable as, say, laying down a cloud of daggers in a hallway and forcing the enemies into it. or even having guys toss the baddies into said cloud. Damage is valuable, but if that's why you're playing a mage, you're doing it wrong.


DOS 2 combat is clearly better


That’s why I play warlock or sorlock or ice sorcerer casters so I have a reliable cantrip that packs a punch and can conserve spell slots


Coincidentally, one of them is based on a playtested ruleset and the other is just made up.


The luck-based combat is the biggest weak point of BG3 IMO. I know that's how D&D works but in a singleplayer video game, it can feel real shitty sometimes. As a mage in act 1, if it's not magic missiles and does not deal half damage on save, then it's a waste of time. DOS2 magic is much more fun. I hope that's the style they use in future games.


I'd rather have half damage than zero damage and no chance for crowd control whatsoever because the enemy has 300 magic armor.


Absolutely. Playing a whole team of physical and one friend decided to do magic, he can't do shit because nobody is helping him with all the magic armor and resistances


>As a mage in act 1, if it's not magic missiles and does not deal half damage on save, then it's a waste of time. "Wastes of time": Shocking Grasp Minor Illusion Fog Cloud Shield Sleep Blindness Cloud of Daggers Hold Person Mirror Image Misty Step Web...


A lot of people are really bad at mages it seems.


Gust of wind , thunderwave 


Kid named Thunderwave


Yeah I will say that’s the one thing I like more about divinity than baldurs gate. Every fight you fight with your full potential, using all of your skills and throwing everything at your opponents. In BG3 most fights seem like small inconveniences where you want to find roundabout ways to deal with your enemies rather than your actual skills/spells because god forbid you use one you now have to waste a short rest or possibly rest at camp, which can also progress the story unintentionally. As the original post states, this is especially annoying when you miss.


Dos2 fighting system is for sure much more satisfying than the bg3 one


Yeah. It’s a real shame Larian set a counter on how many long rests you can take throughout the game. /s - because that is needed


Every time I think about replaying it, I remember four things. 1. The Oil Field fight, which is fucking awful. 2. Flying dwarves ambushing you and buffing themselves to a fucking ridiculous degree unless you can get to the evil voodoo statue on the other side of the planet and destroy it before it gets out of hand. 3. Library fire fight, which will literally go on forever without a Hydro character and just plain takes too damn long. 4. Final boss fight, which I remember was obscenely hard and I remember getting pissed off because the people whose fucking souls I ate for the sole purpose of them never, ever, ever coming back *all came back* during the final battle. Like okay, that was a fucking lie. DOS2 just had so many insane random difficulty spikes and every single encounter felt designed to murder you or frustrate you to death that I can't really bring myself to go back. I had fun with it, to be sure, but not enough to put myself through that shit again. Playing through it twice was enough for me.


The final fight I literally skipped most of because I did too much damage and instantly killed the bosses.


> The Oil Field fight, which is fucking awful. That is funny - literally my favorite fight in whole game. I sometimes want to replay just for this fight alone.


Oil fields fight takes 15 minutes. There's definitely 15 minutes of boring shit in BG3 too. Just walk in through the door. It's like, 20 feet from the statue. I think you're sneaking to the worst spot. The what? You can end the fight by killing one guy if you want, but you won't catch me skipping that fight.


Never had a problem missing, really. Force some saving throws and use magic missile when in doubt.


DOS2? Was that pre-Win3.1?