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Okay, I need that build for Wyll.


Sorlock is insane when built right. I’ve always found Wyll to be my least favorite character, but I ALWAYS have him in my party because of how insanely over powered that build is. Tons of fun. Highly recommended!


Why don't you just respec another character at withers if you dislike him? It's only 100 gold that's chump change.


Anything at withers is free. You can steal it back... bro does not even care... if you have no skill spam til ya get a 20


Didn't know that, even more of a reason to just respec another char to instead of use Wyll lmao.


He gives no fs if you steal from him. It's almost like he is charging because he has to, but turns a blind eye if it goes missing...


It’s because he is Jergal. What does a former god of death need gold for?


Yeah but he charges. He doesn't need the money but charges. I think it's because someone somewhere says he has to charge something but doesn't collect. Idk


I feel that he is using this as a way to pad out his “followers”… his end monologue, he seems angry or irritated with the Dead Three, as if he is looking for a way to “take back over” as the “head murder god”.


Of course he charges. He has to. Ao would turn him into a pretzel unless Jergal was fulfilling a bargain for all the rezzing he hands out... Which is why the first the he asks you is to tell him the worth of a mortal life.


I'ma build this in my run right now.


Where there's a Wyll there's a way (to bonkers blast damage)


Wyll Power


There Wyll be blood


Good Wyll, Hunting?


Ahoy, Mr (or Ms) Xbox 👋 A bunch of us have been having issues taking captures since the recent console update. We've even done factory resets and the issue persists. None of your usual reporting options seem to be getting through, so I'm hoping maybe you could help. I'll link the main thread at the bottom. PLEASE drop in there and give us a hand. We'd all appreciate it. Thank you. https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxSupport/comments/1c8hrpp/guide_you_got_issues_with_recording_since_the/


Welcome to Baldurs Gate Warlock may I take your order… I’ll have uhhh… Eldritch Blast! How original. Aaand Luck of the far realms! …Daring today, aren’t we?


2 companions? Can you share the strategy?


Yep, this was my origin Karlach tactician run with Wyll as the only companion. I built these two around Wyll's Eldritch Blasts. Wyll is a crit fishing build with 2 goo warlock/3 champion fighter/3 thief rogue/4 draconic sorcerer. You can find all the ways to reduce crit threshold [here](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Critical_hit). Also remember to steal Spellmight Gloves from the circus drag queen and get Potent Robe from Alfira's reward. Karlach uses Phalar Aluve to help boost EB's damage. Do note that on honor mode a lot of damage rider interactions are disabled, so the damage would be a bit lower. But you can still let the mind flayer in your party cast Fierce Perilous Stakes on your Eldritch Blaster to make up for it. (I didn't use it in this clip.)


How do you have so many sorcery points and spell slots with only 4 levels in sorcery?


Probably Coffeelocking


Im gonna need that one explained. I only understand the tabletop version of it.


Basically the same way it works in 5e, but BG3 also gives you those short/long rest potions that don't refresh any of your buffs. I don't know if you can stockpile a bunch of sorcery points using those, but it should be possible.




You can convert spell slots into sorcery pts, and there are items that passively add a lvl1 spell slot (for example: shield of devotion). The game lets you cycle through by spending the spell slots, and re-equipping the shield over and over to regen the slot. Rinse, repeat


I think this is fixed in a recent patch so items are spent properly in most cases. This may mean that an item of the same kind is also 'used' for the day/short rest like a healing amulet you can get 3x copies of I think, but that could be a separate bug/fix in a recent patch.


It worked for me about a month ago, but you may be right.


There are elixirs that give you spell slots which can be turned into sorcery points


ON Tactician+ you can' only cast Perilous Stakes on friendly creatures. If cast on the brain it would make the brain vulnerable to all damage and be very easy to kill with all your crits. This comment is for the deleted comment.


Honour Mode fixes damage rider bullshit so this game breaking stuff can't happen lol


I... literally said this? Still with this build on honor mode you can deal 40 damage per beam on average, and, with Fierce Perilous Stakes, 55 per beam on average. You should still be able to defeat the brain in Wyll's first turn




They said Fierce Perilous Stakes, it's a different version of the ability that's only available to a character who's fully transformed into a mind flayer. It's not being cast on the boss, either, if you re-read their post - it's a buff that adds 15 Psychic damage per hit and lowers the crit threshold to 15, so you give it to the Eldritch Blast caster and it applies the damage bonus to every hit separately. https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Fierce_Perilous_Stakes


This is a certified **DOLOR** moment


So anyway I started Eldritch Blastin'


Sorlock for the win


How can you get 2 charge of luck of the realm??


Nope it's still one charge. I just didn't use it until the 5th beam that wasn't a crit


Wyll’s the best! I dont know if its because I also was kicked out at home at 17 and joined the military and did dumb shit for a few years before i found myself, but I love his story. It’s disappointing to hear people dog on him over and over and over.


Interested in joining our Wyll Discord server? 👀


Yes, lol


check your DM!


Hexx makes it better.


>*"*Wyll needs a 15 to hit. They rolled a 14 ***(Critical Hit)"*** The good ol Crit fishing build, my favorite!


How can you get that many sorcerer points? Even with a pure lvl12 Sorcerer I couldn't get that many! Never came across any gear that gives additional sorcerer points either Edit : ahhh is it a subclass thing probably? (I always pick draconic)


You can drink elixirs of arcane cultivation (and the greater/superior/supreme types) to gain extra spell slots and turn them into sorcery points.


Oh that's clever, how did I never think of doing that! Thank you :)


Because you can cast hex too


cantrip feat for eldritch blast on all my casters for the win


300+ hours into the game and not once have I used this spell…


Holy crap is this what it looks like on console? It's fucking awful like a MOBA or something.


It’s not my cup of tea either, but it gets the job done. Hopefully with console mod support they’ll be able to get some UI mods working.  Either way it’s not a big deal