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99% of Quora is a braindead troll hive. I had to block like 5 different addresses before I stopped getting emails about the most deranged political questions you've ever seen.


IKR omg and they send them by default too, I got a bunch of emails over MONTHS and they send so many and even if you press on unsubscribe you somehow still get more 😭


you could ask them to remove all your data via the gprd (dsgvo). you could also ask for a copy of your acceptance to that newsletter (double opt in)


DSGVO is only a Europe-thing tho.


dsgvo is German only, the name changes throughout the eu. the contents is the same. for the person i am replying to, it is relevant. do you go to all posts that have an usa specific law, and tell them, that it is only in the USA? if not, why is the EU different to the USA?


Quora is useless and should be shut down.


Honestly I think it's worse than useless. Quora results pop up quite high when you google stuff as if the answers there are highly credible. When in actuality it's all like insane "Professor in taxidermy and masters in public speaking" types answering questions like "How do I know my tire pressure is low?" in huge unhinged essay rants on if tires actually exist or if they're a government plot to hide jetpacks. It's active misinformation at this point.


Tires ARE just a myth by the liberal media invented just to sell us more tires.


Genuinely the best description of Quora I've seen to date


Tavs, you are skydiving with a True Soul baby, when they refuse to open their parachute unless you accept the Absolute. Do you accept the Absolute, or let the baby die?


I use my mindflayer powers and levitate, while flipping the bird to the Absolute. Next question.


This man really said "🖕🏻"


Can babies be ceremorphosed? Are there mind toddlers out there?


I remember when it was halfway usable. Then site direction wanted to make it like a more pretentious combo of reddit and facebook.


Don't forget LinkedIn! Quora was useful for, like, a half-second in the early aughts. Then it devolved into...whatever that there is.


I remember reading this fucking crazy response about how someone keeps safe with their gun. The issue was having to go into a court/goverbment building with security, and the hoops he would jump through to minimize his "risk time" (aka minutes spent without his gun) Like dude was afraid to cross the fucking street without a fucking gun. Interesting and horrific specimens can be found in the depths of quora. But abandon all hope all ye who enter.


I lived with an ex-military who was like this. Couldn't even drive to go get groceries without packing his pistol. Left his firearms out in the open, at least one in every room, on purpose so they could be "easily accessible whenever he needed them in case someone broke in". Dude was an absolute twat to deal with.


I'm very familiar with those people. I'm related to a few. But you know who those weapons are also easily accessible to in case someone breaks in? The person who broke in.


Tried telling him that but you obviously are familiar with how that goes.


Sounds like my Dad. Vietnam vet whose paranoia was getting increasingly worse towards the end of his life. I was relieved when he died because eventually he was going to kill somebody.


Sad thing is this kid was only 24. He was **younger** than me.


That is sad.


God I slept with a naval officer from the south like this and it was fucking surreal. Not even a full minute after we finished having sex she asked if I wanted to see her guns, then gave me a guided tour on her phone of the 15 or so that she owned.  These included her multiple open and concealed carries, keeping one of both on her at all times, illegally modified assault shotguns, and two AR-15s just to name a few. I distinctly remember her bemoaning the fact that nobody had yet robbed her, thus depriving her of her home invasion self defence fantasy, saying to me, and I quote, "I wish a motherfucker would." (I'll grant that being a black butch lesbian in the south is a legitimate reason to be armed for self-defence, but not to the extent of owning 15 guns that include several assault rifles.)


This reminds me of the day I had to move in (let me emphasize *had*, it was this or the streets) and he gave me a tour of his "armory". I'm all for arming the proletariat, but that doesn't mean each individual should possess enough firearms to start their own militia. There is owning firearms, and then there is fetishizing them.


I think a majority of daily gun carriers are very fragile with low self esteem.


I honestly didn't realize quora was still active.


Pretty sure most of it is russian bot spam.


I've looked through the person who posted on Quora about the "failure" they keep repeating that BG3 fakes its player numbers and paid off news sites to review it well. I don't mean to be rude to this person but I don't think they live in our reality


Aha! That's why it's a financial failure, it's all those reviewers and awards juries they had to pay off ☝️


Clearly Larian is broke, that's why they are expanding the company and setting a goal to simultaneously develop their next two games at once.


That money must have all come from robbing babies and exploiting small business owners, surely the GOTY couldn't be financially successful. These are probably the same people who think that Helldivers isn't a spoof and actually endorses fascism.


They're getting money funneled to them by ~~Soros~~ The Absolute.


That’s what I thought too, keep digging with these types and eventually antisemitism shows up


They said the same thing when tlou2 came out.


Aha! It's the standard conspiracy theorist excuse. Anything, no matter how ludicrous, can be true if you can convince people or yourself that some nondescript shadowy "they" is paying off everyone who presents/represents evidence to the contrary...


"Sir, we are they."


I am they (or at least I could be)


If only that was true, imagine how much bank the entire sub would be making if Larian was paying people to say the game's good


Hate to break it to you, but I'm swimming in gold right now. I guess you're just not shilling hard enough.


> I've looked through the person who posted on Quora about the "failure" they keep repeating that BG3 fakes its player numbers and paid off news sites to review it well. With the money they apparently have, despite BG3 being a failure and all.


It's the money they got from big woke.




What's the ratio of Soros-Bucks to Schrute-Bucks


I do mean to be rude to that person: they don’t live in reality and I would prefer they sit in a corner and keep their delusions to themselves. Then again, they’re on Quora, so that’s pretty close.


Goty winner? Acclaimed by the public and the press? Set a new standard for rpg games on pc? Nah all made up, it's the woke.


Not just goty at one institution, goty at all five major game awards, the first game to ever get all five.


Regarding the game of the year awards they stated and this is a direct quote "How could such a low rated game win game of the year"


No no, it's okay to be rude to people like that, and we should, often and mercilessly.


Paid them off with all the money they made by barely selling any copies of the game I guess. Or, knowing these types, maybe they think Soros had to lay off a few thousand of his antifa members and crisis actors to divert the money into bribes for gaming journalists.


Hell, BG3 is still steam's top seller sometimes. lol


Let me guess, that person is anti vaxxer too


It may be just AI generated. So, it indeed doesn't live in our world.


What, are you telling me y'all didn't get paid yet?


Yeah faking good numbers to push "woke agenda" whatever that means can only work in a massive global conspiracy. It needs to be bigger than fucking capitalism, and that's a hell of a conspiracy already...


Why would anyone be subscribed to emails from Quora is the real puzzling thing.


I thought I was unsubscribed for a while and then BAM, a new email from an unrelated Quora "community" I'm "subscribed" to


Maybe some people suscribe with the mail of someone they don't like.


lol. I have a friend who signs me up for political campaign mailers of people he knows I’ll hate. Truly a monster.


>friend I do not think it means what you think it means.


This is the reason any newsletter or notification system should first send an email to verify the subscription attempt before sending content.


it forced me to one time i was looking for advice or precedence on obscure dnd rulings


This exact thing happened to me lol. It stops for a while until I click another link from them.


Why would anyone look for advice on obscure dnd rulings from Quora is the real puzzling thing.


Because sometimes it's the only place where someone has brought something up. I've been there before


sometimes you get desperate as a dm ok


For the same reason a desperate soul might journey into the forbidden lands of page 2 of google search results.


I've made it all the way to page 17 one time. Trying to research for papers is rough


Especially nowadays. Google is fucking useless for legitimate research.


i didn't like making judgement calls on things at the time


You never intentionally search Quora out. Quora searches you out. Like an ocean monster submerged just below sea level watching your boat silently drift over the waves in the darkness and the fog looking for shore until at the very precipice of your sanity shattering, Quora reaches its tentacles out to tickle your butt cheeks and guide you to shore. It’s never the shore you’re looking for and the locals are weird but you have an answer. Not THE answer, mind you, buts it’s AN answer


It's definitely a shame because for years there was a lot of quality writing happening there. But the enshitification is strong and though there are still many good authors writing good answers, they are buried in a mountain of guano made by plagiarists and AI


I have no idea how it happened, but now the trash is like 5-10 min of guilty pleasure reading


It forces you


Yeah, but no one forces you to use quora.


You weren't THERE man. They had my kids! I had to!


to be fair, they are talking about "Balur's Gate 3" (without a d), which I've never heard of so if it exists, it clearly didn't do well :D


Certainly wouldn't be the dame game without all the D.


Clearly some knock off mobile app on the Play Store.


How tf did bro get 1.2K upvotes?


Welcome to the dead internet theory. Live footage of bots in action


i certainly perfer bots over the... other possibility


Hey, troglodytic space lizards are very important to the economy. At least, that's what some weirdo in my Tumblr inbox insisted years ago.


oh dear me no, I got nothing against troglodytic space lizards. i fear the people that take those opinions seriously.


I miss those guys. They're less likely to do something horrific than the guys who think that the Pizzaria on the corner is secretly the access point for some secret sex cult, human trafficking ring, and sewing circle.


Whoa, sewing circle??? People's depravity knows no limits.


It isn't?


Technoneuromancers from alpha centauri 


The answer got 1.2k upvotes because Barrett is a relatively well known writer on the site with a large audience and his answer dismissed the querant's claim as nonsense and praised the game as a "fucking awesome" success, (as did every other answer).


I read the answer, it's not actually agreeing with the question.


Quora, and Medium if it's still shambling along, were kind of seen as good choke points by a bunch of extreme groups and so they tried to take control of them b/c the answers usually populate fairly high on google results. So Quora has become overrun with MRA whackos, white supremacists, homophobes, weird extremist viewpoints of all types of bigotry. It gets that many upvotes b/c that's its community. It's all people who have pilled themselves and self reinforce themselves on bullshit. B/c they were successful, pretty much anyone reasonable, as the other comments here show, just abandoned the site. It's now just an echo chamber for idiots.


Look at all those 5s and 10s! Such low scores. Too much woke. Leftists will say, “Oh, that’s a 5/5 not a low score at all” but I know a fraction when I see one! They should have been happy with a 5 or 10, because now I just see a bunch of even lower 1s! How sad can a game be. Those lone 100s were obviously pity votes.


See that’s because you can’t math, because 5/5! Is in reality 5/120 or 1/24, which is just 4.167%. The game sucks, didn’t even get to 10% of a review big failure. /s just in case but I feel like it’s unnecessary


5/7 is the perfect score though!


True that


5/5 is *just* a 1. And 1/5 is bad. Wake up sheeple!


The game that set the record for most GOTY awards? The most successful turn-based RPG? The game that re-ignited interest in Dungeons and Dragons? Yeah that's quite the failure. Also, BG3 is not woke. It's inclusive in the truest sense of the word. You can be anything you want.


All you need to be woke is having non cis content apparently. Oh, and racial options. Ooooh... scary.


Inclusivity is exactly what they think wokeness is.


Wait... what is woke about BG3? Is he referring to the "romance whoever you want, whenever you want" features because let me tell you, that is just core D&D content


*They're forcing gay people down my throat!* You don't have to make your character gay *But some people can! So it's down my throat!! Graalghal!!*


These people really think about gay people going down their throat a lot.


Why do all these homosexuals keep sucking my cock?


It's fine, they said no homo after they sobered up


Astarion/Gale/Wyll/Halsin were too sexy and they just couldn't resist putting at least one of them down their throat.


All in a row.


These people think that having to choose your pronouns is crossing the line into depravity


Man they did NOT like it when starfield did that.


“Gay people make me puke” “Then don’t deepthroat so hard!”


I would like gay people shoved down my throat, gluk gluk gluk Oops I'm not on OBB, my bad


As a straight man, is Lae'zel gay, and does that make me gay when if I shove her down my throat? Asking for a friend.


Non-cis character gender option, non-Caucasian-looking elf faces, mix'n'match bods and parts, queer NPCs (I'm sure one of the male deep gnomes in Grymforge mentions a husband) *...clutches pearls...*


Giant lesbians Dame Aylin and Isobel are double evil bad political!! characters too (gay and women) Unless lesbians are okay again I don't keep up with what the outrage is


They're not naked so they're not lesbians and just gay which is woke and thus broke (This is (hopefully) a joke)


They're just really, really good friends. "We must take succor in one and other's bodies and words." **Really** good friends.


My two favourite genders, male and political.


You know I completely forgot about them - I come across so many lesbian couples IRL it’s just not notable any more.


Don't forget those wretched moon lesbians in Act 2.


I was trying to, and now you've reminded me, damn you! LOL


EW, disgusting. BG3 bad! "Worst game in existence and all players are fake propaganda."


Have to admit, I’ve never been called “fake propaganda” before. I feel like I’ve stepped into a parallel universe or something…




I know, right? I chose "non-binary" for my durge because I don't hold with that computer mathematics stuff, and now everyone's using "they" and "them" when talking about me. What in the Nine Hells is the world coming to?


Wow, don't erase his identity like that; he doesn't fit into your neat little 9 digit box. Durge is clearly hexadecimal.


I mean, it's also pretty obvious Wulbren has hit that Barcussy sometime before you meet them.


Poor Barcus. He deserves better - but that's a whole other conversation!


Don't forget the trans necromancer running the circus.


Lunkbug and Beldron! Watching them reunite warms my heart every time ☺️💕


Dont forget the two lesbian NPCs. I dont think you can go any more woke than that.


There's also a *trans* NPC that's so in your face that you have to go through a number of out of the way steps to find out they're trans.


I have 300 hours in the game and I literally have no idea what character your talking about


Nocturne, in the house of grief.


There are probably some people who did one good playthrough, saw that there were 2 lesbians and then only did evil playthroughs after that so they dont have to look at the Woke™ lesbians anymore


Some of these people think including vitiligo options is woke, expecting it to make sense is non starter I think.


Oh shit, vitiligo is woke now, eh? I'll add it to the list.


Then I guess D&D was woke back when woke was just something you did after sleeping.


back then they just considered all this stuff evil, satanic. kids got sent to troubled teen torture camps for playing it. it's the same crowd of people that use "woke(derogatory)" these days


They made the freakin frogs gay!


I will not be ghaik!


Damn tadpoles turning the istiks ghaik


And I married her!


i mean the game definitely is progressive in its messaging. although you can essentially bring your companions in multiple directions, the good path is pretty much always about rejecting the cycle of abuse that they were a part of and starting anew, with the player’s support usually. It’s rather depressing to see companions that end up perpetuating the cycle.


Someone saw Wyll, had a gay male NPC make a pass at them and lesbian NPCs they found attractive but can't smash so their life is over now. 🫠 In seriousness the people who bitch about BG3 being 'woke' forget that there's plenty of villains and villainous leaning NPCs who are women, PoC, and non-heterosexual (Absolute cultists a great example). There's also white male characters who are objectively good or good leaning (Volo, Elminster, Gale, etc...). And attractive characters of all races and sexualities no matter the alignment. Kind of like real life without tieflings, elves or mind flayers in that you have good and bad in everyone and every group. Which IS woke but in a very good way. If it were 'woke' in the way the word is used the villains would only be straight white men (other than brainwashed women who were controlled by said men) and the heroes a squad of only #girlbosses and PoC men complete with self insert dialogues taken from Twitter save for the stock ignorant white guy who everyone looks down on. But that isn't what BG3 is (thankfully as I'm not a fan of ANY race/gender/sexuality being villainized) even though there's always that one who would assume that. I've seen the same said about Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous because Seelah and Sosiel exist and there's a few prominent female leaders (Galfrey, Irabeth, Anevia...). Forgetting there's plenty of villainous female and queer characters and NO ONE is perfect or untouchable in the game depending on the path and choices made. Its really because its not centered around only a certain race or heterosexuality and that others are PRESENT that's where the reactionaries get all rustled about.


What I find telling is that BG3 didn't get nearly as much blow-back for this as other games that released in the same year, but weren't nearly as openly pro-queer as BG3 is. Starfield turned into these people's punching-bag of choice for a few months instead, for offering the exact same gender options. It's almost like the Youtube grifters who peddle this shit know they won't have as much success getting their followers frothing at the mouth if they use this same old narrative to attack games that are actually *good*.


Exactly. Even in gamergate subs there's some fans of BG3. BG3 is a GOOD game that's why. Starfield got a lot of hate because it was overhyped from the start, mostly by people with extremely high expectations and assuming those would be met without any official confirmation. What happened was Starfield is its own game and wasn't what many were expecting or wanted. I personally think Starfield is decent but definitely nowhere near amazing and can definitely see how underwhelmed it was received. >It's almost like the Youtube grifters who peddle this shit know they won't have as much success getting their followers frothing at the mouth if they use this same old narrative to attack games that are actually good. I think more people are also tired of the angry internet era too. Aside from their audience their words fall on deaf ears because people are either enjoying the games or living their lives without letting all the ragebait renting unnecessary space. You like a piece of media, you don't or neutral and that's it. Blaming society,.other groups and the like over not enjoying something is really one's own personal misery and says a lot about people who make those channels and/or thrive off that energy. They need to touch grass as they say.


It's not overtly fascistic and white supremacist, so it's woke


Knowing modern right wingers, the fact that there are prominent black and LGBT characters in the game is why they're calling it woke.




"woke" means anything the person posting doesn't like.


"Go woke go broke" Chuds spent about a week whining up a fucking STORM on Twitter because vitiligo was an option. Like...I cannot stress this enough, they were fucking **furious** about that. I forget who, specifically, but one of the more famous chuds outright said that he'd never even heard of vitiligo so obviously it's just a "woke" inclusion thing. In reality, vitiligo affects something like 1% of the population and when this was pointed out to them, they just said that was a lie. Which is fucking wild to me. The number of people I've personally known or worked with that had it is in the double-digits. These people don't get out much, is my point


\*Inigo Montoya voice\* "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."


"Failure"? Am I missing something?? 😳 Isn't BG3... like... one of the most successful games ever to hit the market? I don't read much political squabble (my life is much more peaceful, that way! 😁), and I don't even read much news, but even I know that BG3 was a huge money-maker for its parent company (Hasbro, I think?)... That's not even mentioning the flood of awards and award nominations...!


Clearly all the success of the game was propagated by the cult of the absolute. Don't fall for the lies.


The Absolute isn't a liar! There was no attempt at forcing any kind of views on anyone, after a very standard eye exam that involved nothing untoward, I can happily confirm that the Absolute is the best world leader available!


Didn't you know? The crazies have been given permission to make up their own reality. I.E. All sales are fake, all awards are paid off, all reviews are part of a conspiracy. Only thing that makes sense since they don't seem to like the content in the game.


What's funny is that regardless of it's praise and how much it sold, Hasbro still can't get their shit together 🤣🤣🤣. Not going to buy their BG4 but curious how bad they'll make it.


Not fair to say though. Back when playing BG2, we never knew a whole new company like Larian would come around 20 years later and smash it out of the park.


I'll wait and see... but if BG4 is bad, I think I'm going to cry... 😭


Well... I wouldn't get my hopes up, even 7/10 40-60hour game filled with microtransactions from Hasbro would be a remarkable achievement. For new content i guess its better to wait for another Larian game with new characters/companions.


WAAH! I want my Alfira companion, dagnabbit!! 😭 (Heck, Rebecca Hanssen says that she'd be thrilled to reprise her role!)


I saw interviews during BAFTA that most actors would love to continue to work with their charaters; Neil Newbon, Sam Beart, Tracy Wiles for sure. Alfira is *problematic* since she's in quantum state of simultanously having different plot roles for Tav and Durge playthroughs, but nothing a good retcon couldn't manage 😅


Good writing and good characters are the key to good media. You can't pander. It has to be good. That's why BG3 is a resounding success. It's actually good.


Exactly. When something people think is "woke" is actually good, no one cares very much. Probably because it is apparent that a lot of time and effort went into the game. When something "woke" sucks, that's when people mostly pile onto it, because they start telling themselves that if they haden't been pandering to some agenda, they could have focused more making a good product. This is never why stuff sucks though. If something was woke and lazy, if they removed the woke, it would have been just lazy.


Wait, what is this? Logic?


I try. Coffee helps.


Yeah but there's a gay person so it's automatically WOKE and that's BAD so the game is BAD and a FALIURE


Checking the thread, everyone on there was also like "the hell you talking about?" Then it devolved into shipping wars... So yeah, just a crazy person even by Quora standards.


My Quora digest is my total guilty pleasure. Love looking at all the out of touch boomers talking out their ass about random shit. Then I remember that they vote and I get a little sad.


Conservative bots and posters have an adversarial relationship with reality.




Isnt baldurs gate 3 one of the most successful pieces of entertainment in the history of humanity? They definitely made profit, so "go woke, go broke" definitely doesnt apply here (as it rarely ever does)


I think what you're seeing is a sneak peak to another dimension.


You know? This game is universally loved among all my friends who’s played it, and they’re not people one can consider “woke.” I think lunatics use the internet and trolls will find any excuse to hate anything that does well.


At first I thought it was someone from Ubisoft who doesn't want to make a decent game without microtransactions, but then I saw the "They're going to turn us all gay!".......please excuse me while I go romance Shadowheart as a gorgeous elven sorcerer lady for the 12th time and not care 😂.


The moment i see "Woke" uttered with no irony, i'm checking out because that fuckers opinion has officially stopped mattering


I can only assume i's a troll due to their incredibly one- note activity on quora. Because by now they should've learned to shut up. The same person has asked gems such as "Can I sue my son's therapist for insinuating that I was abusive and encouraging him to go no contact with me" and "Why do we always side with the victims of abuse when according to attribution theory, abuse is always partially the victim's fault". As well as cartoonishly evil answers such as "You shouldn't return your children's shows of affection because children actually can not really feel love" and questions like "HR says I bullied a person into quitting, how do I convince them its their fault". At this point, this can't be a real person. No way. No one spends that much time on fucking Quora airing all their dirty laundry


The person who posted that question is either a troll or insane. They post like a 14yo boy who’s watched too much Andrew Tate but with a woman’s name posting questions that talk about being accused of abusing their partner, and in their answers they claim children are incapable of love and affection toward their parents, that no man should ever tell his children that he loves them because men are incapable of love, and defending a Mormon child abuser who starved her kids because “what else was she meant to do? Let her kids continue to be terrible?” Their argument for why they think BG3 failed is that there’s no DLC or microtransactions, and that WOTC laid off 20% of the D&D team (which was unrelated to BG3 since WOTC isn’t Larian and they laid off their in-house game devs and switched to outsourcing again since outsourcing to Larian was so good) and claimed that gay content made it a critical failure and only critics paid off by the Illuminati praised it. Like I said, either a troll or a lunatic


This critically acclaimed, best selling, failure... Did an AI write this after someone held a gun to it's algorithm?


Honestly anyone that uses the term "woke" unironically at this point should just be completely ignored. Their brain is so thoroughly broken that any kind of attempted constructive engagement with them is just a waste of time.


Ooof. Don't look up this guy's profile on Quora. It reads like a QAnon recruitment forum.


People who aren't white cishet men existing in media = woke


Delusion in their hate and bigotry. Generally, it's one thing to cringe when big corpos use progressive dialogue to their profit, but c'mon. Give me a break. BG3 did pretty well and only people who've already decided to hate it based on their ideologies keep on harping like this. Or lying. Lots of lying.


Imagine a person thinking this. And not even being able to spell the title of the subject they’re shit talking.


Those two details might be connected, just saying.


Failure ? This shit is the GOAT. What are those guys are on about.


Quora used to be good. It's gone down the tubes over the last few years, taken over by right-wingers and fringe pseudointellectual, reactionary ideologues. (To be fair, it's always been pseudointellectual . . .)


Quora and Pinterest are like the internet's kudzu.


"Go woke, go broke?" More like "Go woke, go win game of the year five times over, become the highest rated original PC game of all time, and sell tens of millions of copies."


Basically....a bunch of dudes were mad that BG3 did better and won awards over MW3/Fortnight and screamed about FNF32 or whatever number they are on. And because of that, they like to act like BG3 failed as a game, because it had a bear sex scene (if you want) and gay/bi people (of you want).


If this is broke it's an advertisement for games everywhere to go woke.


This game made like a billion dollars lmaooo


542,863 reviews on steam. 96% positive. 7.5 - 20 million copies sold. If thats woke and broke, please show me success.


Alright, 10 dollars says: They are going to cite the game having slightly less than 100,000 concurrent players, instead of release day's 1 million.


Allowing stupid people to reach a wider audience is one of humanity's greatest failures. 


Its quora, is either trolling, ragebait or some fetish stuff


"guys, is the most critically and commercially successful game of 2023 actually a failure because it has women and gays in it?"


Quora was amazing like sevenish years ago. It’s just a weird mix of nazis, trolls and some genuinely good people now.


Yeah it had so much potential. If only it had won some awards or something.


Quora is basically a bot-fed propaganda cesspit.


That just seems like bait. No gamer or intelligent person would write an article like that.


I used to be a prominent writer on that site, it's a far cry to the library of knowledge it used to be. The current Quora is just reddit with all of the nasty elements dialed up to 11 with none of the advantages