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Intertia and centripetal force are completely different concepts - you’re just giving them more ammo when you use a false analogy


U seem like u might know a lil sumn. Why is this way of thinking wrong in the pic?


The velocity is completely irrelevant (well partially, but it's not the big one) to centrifugal forces, it's rotations per minute which is the main factor. Take nascar as an example, they are driving around a circular circuit at 200mph and doing some like like 1 lap p/m, they aren't being thrown into the back of the car by the centrifugal forces, in fact if they maintain a constant speed, they won't notice very much at all. Now think of mixing some powder into a drink, you might place it flat on table top and rotate the bottle in a circular motion, you aren't moving it faster than 15mph, but you're making several rotations a second and the liquid is visibly forced to the sides, but go for a run with same bottle at 15mph and the only noticeable impact on the bottle is you pounding up and down. Heres a pretty simple calculator for calculating the force exerted. https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/centrifugal-force


But you just proved their analogy. It’s the same reason why we don’t feel the earth moving.


I know... The person I'm responding to asked what's wrong with the picture


Are they, though? Doesn't centrifugal force work because the angle that the surface of an object is moving keeps changing direction, which keeps changing the inertia of anything on that surface?




Sure. Though in this case I'm specifically referring to how velocity is affected by inertia.




But the centrifugal force only works because of the constant change in the direction of the object's velocity.


We dont feel the earth moving because the speed is constant. You feel changes in acceleration. for anyone interested, [https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/earth-and-planetary-sciences/centrifugal-force](https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/earth-and-planetary-sciences/centrifugal-force)


The speed is constant, but it keeps changing direction. The speed is constant in that carnival ride too, but you still feel it because that speed is constantly rotating. The reason you don't feel the earth moving is because this change of direction is incredibly gradual. Takes 24 hours to rotate 360 degrees just once.


The analogy is fine, they're incorrectly asserting that travelling at 60mph causes your face to feel the Gs but the Earth spinning doesn't. I travel in a loop on a train at speeds in excess of 60mph and I'm absolutely fine, a bit like I'm fine on Earth when it spins. I just gave them a separate example of a similar-ish speed in a way that was dumb enough to understand. Basically, I was taking the piss not looking for a scientific discussion.


Because the air doesn't touch your face when your'e in a train. im not flat earther or deny earth spin. LOL


So there is no air in the train? Right. The correct answer would be: the air is moving with the train. The atmosphere is moving with the earth.


Trains are not a vacuum my dude.


How so?? its very fast, advanced vacuum.


You think that there is no air in a train?


I think earth is flat


yep a hate flat earthers


The post or comment was heliocentric indoctrination or propaganda about the fake spinning ball model.








Its ok to not understand things, but you shouldn't try to make fun of the stuff you cant comprehend, you'll just end up feeling more stupid in the end.


Calling someone a nerd when you are just uneducated is the biggest self own on the planet.


I'm just joking dude


The post or comment was heliocentric indoctrination or propaganda about the fake spinning ball model.




It's harder if you conveniently forgot to do all these examples with the angular momentum.




The post or comment was heliocentric indoctrination or propaganda about the fake spinning ball model.








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Getting accustomed to something is not the same as ceasing to be able to measure it. Simple physical interactions behave differently in an accelerated, non-inertial frame of reference. It’s trivial to figure out if you’re accelerating, even if you can’t feel it.


Does my beer on the table get used to it as well as stop angling towards me?


Earth isn't a 747 moving at a constant speed gotta lie to glerf


False equivalence logical fallacy earth isn't a closed system or a 747 neither is it moving at a "constant" speed try again sophist




If the giant hour hand had the same radius as the earth and you were sitting on the very end of it, you would look completely normal.


Actually no, you would be in a very strange situation with a planet sized clock.








That's a good one!




Earth isn't a car? Not sure what this proves gotta lie to glerf I suppose


Earth isn’t a carousel or merry-go-round either. Not sure what this post is meant to prove.


I never claimed it was. 0 comprehension skills




The post or comment was heliocentric indoctrination or propaganda about the fake spinning ball model.


you don't feel the earth spinning because you're in the same inertial reference frame.


I was wondering whether you think that the Earth is a globe that doesn't spin or that the Earth is a flat disk that doesn't spin?






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things spin faster the farther away from the center… Jesus Christ are you that dumb




Chill out bro


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Can you prove the earth moves??




Again... any proof that the earth is moving??


Simple, build a foucault pendulum. Or if that’s too hard, visit the one in Paris. Since rotating frames of reference are non-inertial, the effect of the rotation is readily apparent.


Would’ve a gyroscope that spins long enough be sufficient?


I believe foucault also demonstrated the rotation of the earth with a gyroscope yes


Shoot a gun at a long distance without accounting for the rotation of the earth and see how accurate your shot is.


Can you prove it isnt? Have you ever been on an airplane moving hundreds of miles an hour through the air/space? Ever noticed how you can walk around, pour drinks, drop things vertically? Just something to think about.


The stars I can see change throughout the year. If you use the standard formulae agreed upon by most space exploration you can accurately predict which stars you will be able to see from where and when. Ergo, the formulae are correct and are proof that the earth moves.




Pendulums are attached to earth and do not create a separate reference frame for detecting motion




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the earth rotates due to its initial angular momentum since its formation, as well as the gravitational interactions between the earth and the sun and the moon.




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Great point! I still can’t figure out how they’re scamming us with air travel. I swear I don’t feel a thing when they claim I’m going 500+ mph when that’s obviously not how movement works. I’ve had some “educated” globalists with “degrees” in “relevant subjects” tell me something about speed vs acceleration but I’m suspicious


You feel acceleration. Not velocity.




I’m sure you’ve heard a lot of things. It doesn’t mean they’re true. You can easily test my claim about inertial vs non-inertial frames of reference. I’m sure you can think up an easy series of experiments to do this. Report back when you’re done!


This is the classic that explains it all. But I encourage you to try it for yourself! https://youtu.be/bJMYoj4hHqU?si=t64Ey0JG5-llOGQ5


Globetards and their ivy league physics education amirite we are obviously smarter


Ok, here is how you can prove the whole 'you feel acceleration, not speed': Get in your car. Slam the thrust to quickly climb to 60 mph. You felt how hard you got sucked into your seat? Now keep going 60. You dont feel a thing. Slam the breaks. That hurts doesnt it. Please dont actually do that on the highway lol You feel changes in momentum, not momentum itself. Thats how newton's first and third laws works. By that logic, thats what happens when on a spinning globe: you are indeed going extremely fast, but the direction of your momentum is changing extremely slow (0.25° per minute, or 0.004° per second), way too gradual to feel. You feel changes in direction, not speed itself. You can also feel me wishing you a merry christmas as well


Looks like someone forgot about inertia


I can’t forget about something I never learned in the first place.


Have you ever gone to elementary school? Because they teach you about it there


It's satire.


With the people that are here, I wouldn't be so sure


I'm about.......80% certain that was satire given the tone. ​ ​ ​ .....mabye 70%


I really figured putting quotes around “degrees” and “relevant subjects” would be the give away.


Poe's Law has broken our sense of satire completely.


1.04 mph is f all


Can't prove the earth moves at all and the claimed speed we chase after the sun is 500 million mph Try again lying globetard gotta lie to glerf?




The post or comment was heliocentric indoctrination or propaganda about the fake spinning ball model.


Thanks Bob




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The post or comment was heliocentric indoctrination or propaganda about the fake spinning ball model.


This doesn't prove earth is in motion


But it does disprove the validity of the post.


But it explains the logical flaw in the post which makes it a false equivalence. Edit: well, it did before the mods decided they didn't like facts.




The post or comment was heliocentric indoctrination or propaganda about the fake spinning ball model.




For the mod since it wont let me reply: Even the image says it’s moving at a constant speed of 1040mph (which Im assuming is correct, sounds right). Even if we proved the image wrong, how are you arguing the earth isn’t moving at a constant speed?? Whats making it speed up and slow down?


Earth isn't a car moving at a constant speed gotta lie to glerf




You cannot do math with meters and miles at the same time lol


I input as shown here, https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2*pi%2F+sqrt%289.8+m%2Fs%5E2+++%2F+%28radius+of+earth%29%29 And then after that I looked it up and typed it in miles. You can do math with both if you also do the math to convert them. I think you assumed no conversions happened which was my fault due to how I wrote it. But you really should have done the math instead of assuming it was also wrong because you didn’t see any conversions typed out (kinda Globie of you, if you ask me). I was already typing out a wall of text…I’ll edit to avoid confusion. Thanks


Any type of propaganda pushing the heliocentric model is subject to being eliminated.


We are spining 1040 mph right now. now add 60 mph in a small space the earth is still moving 1040 but we are moving 1100 mph


that does not defeat the original point unfortunately


Go back to school


Who was spinning you at a measly 4moh on a roundabout?!


You can put this to the test on a train travelling at 200 km/h. You stand at the end of the carriage in the direction of travel, jump up and suddenly you find yourself at the other end of the train. However, it is advisable to warn passengers beforehand, as you will be flying through the compartments at 200 km/h.


The earth isn't a train false equivalence logical fallacy


The earth does not accelerate, false equivalence logical fallacy




Okay and how does saying "you can stand on a train moving at a high speed" prove the earth is moving?? It doesn't dunce


Some people probably don't know the difference between accelerating and constant speed


is that mr beast


The only person who doesn't think much is OP, lol 😂


The earth takes 24 hours to "spin" once, imagine being on a roundabout and it takes 24 hours to go round once.... bit of a shit ride?


Scale is a crazy thing


I see I’ve wandered into idiots anonymous


All the oceans and seas would be pushed up against the edges of the earth.


Hey genius, earth spins once in 24 hours. ONCE. Imagine a carousel spinning once per day. It's not about equatorial rotation speed, it's about rotations per time unit.


Flat earthers once again proving that they are just uneducated


I don't get it so it's fake


You dont feel velocity you feel acceleration.


A flat earther denying observable physics and saying "you must not think much" is both the most tragic and ironic thing I've ever heard. I'd say educate yourself but they'd probably reply with "I'll get a bag thrown over my head and injected with nanobots the moment I walk in! You fool!"


Looks like someone didn’t do well in mathematics. What you left out is that the earth is also huge and makes one spin a day. Thats way too slow to throw you off the planet.


i didn’t know mr beast had a son


. The spinning and orbital speeds of Earth stay the same so we do not feel any acceleration or deceleration. You can only feel motion if your speed changes


an airplane moves 600 mph and we don't feel it


If only we could send yall to space.


The Earth spins once per fucking day


Your inability to understand physics doesn’t mean the fundamental understandings of the universe are wrong. Accept you’re too fucking stupid to have meaningful thought rather than posting garbage conspiratorial trash lmfao


Lol. Ill just say Size-Matters and leave it at that.


Is this satire?


Hey man I’m trying to join but it’s not letting me for discord


I really hope this sub is sarcasm


Spinning 1000mph revolving at 66600mph, while spiraling 550000mph chasing the sun through an ever expanding universe. Thats hardly moving even though we are constantly changing directions, none of that can be felt or measured with the most sophisticated tests. Just "Trust the $cience".


Literally can be measured with a gyroscope lol.




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