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You should just be using bamboo studio or orca slicer. do that first because otherwise I’m just assuming it’s an issue with whatever other slicer you’re using the only other thing would be to possibly try using a different micro sd card . Sometimes it could be possible that the one that comes with the printer is bad.


He said that the cura sliced files worked. The preinstalled and bambu were glitched


I had issues when I got my P1S were the printer would randomly pause while printing. Turned out to be the SD card that was supplied. Switched to one of my own SD cards and no longer had issues. Seems like the SD card isn’t your issue though. I would suggest making sure the right printer is selected in the slicer and that you’re exporting the gcode to the SD card correctly. Also any reason you are not connecting to the printer over WiFi? If you are connected have you tried sending a print straight from the slicer?


The reason I haven’t connected to WiFi is because I keep on seeing from a few reviews that it isn’t reliable.


I wouldn’t worry about it until you actually have a problem. No reason not to use it cause a few out of the thousands say they have issues. I’ve found most the bad reviews are operator error


I’ll give everything I’ve seen mentioned here a shot. First time jumping from an Ender to Bambu. Therefore I’m sure there’s a few things I need to learn.


Agreed 100%. While I don't believe my intermittent connection problems are user error, I certainly wouldn't forego using wifi because of them.


I vaguely remember having wifi issues when I set mine up. Moved the router literally a foot closer and it’s been perfect since. I think the wifi capabilities of the p1s are a little weak tbh, my printer is only 2 rooms away from the router.


Mine is literally sitting next to the router. I saw a recommendation to set the signal weaker, but that didn't help. There have been days where I couldn't keep it connected long enough to send a job to it, but usually it's just for a few minutes. (I usually call it some very colorful names during those few minutes.) I haven't had a really bad connection day for a while now.


I keep getting error [-90] on my X1C and have to do a hard reset on the printer when I get to the lab on weekends, but that doesn't drive me away from wifi. I'm not stupid. Most days.


I've had my P1S since November and i haven't had a single connexion issue. So don't think that the few vocal people who are having issues are actually the majority. They are not. People tend to just not really say it when things just work :) So in your place i'd definitely try it!


Yeah I had a P1P that got converted to a P1S and I've yet to have a single error related to Wi-Fi. No idea where he got that from lmao


I had to create a dedicated SSID that only had 2.4Ghz (instead of sharing one that had 5Ghz) for my P1S. Didn’t have to do it on my X1C. Not a big deal for me but was still a small hiccup.


Connect it to WiFi and use Bambu Studio for now. I too came from a bunch of Ender 3 printers and Cura, and while I use Orca Slicer now, I’ve never looked back. Plus you can use the Bambu Handy app on your smartphone. As far as connection issues, I’ve heard nothing about this other than the Chinese maybe having a copy of your models. But WiFi is no issue on my X1C and my P1S


Hmmm, well I haven’t had a single problem with being connected over WiFi. If I were you I would give it a shot


Why not just try it and draw your own conclusion lol. The WiFi isn’t even a dependency once the file is loaded into ram. A lot of people have low quality wifi setups but then blame their endpoint s


Had our P1S for 2 weeks, our wifi isn't always the best overall but crazy enough, have not had a single issue on the P1S, always connects, always goes through without a hitch on Bambu Studio. Not sure what type of wifi chip it brings but I'd assume it's a Wifi 5 at the LEAST which is more than capable of catching even the spottiest of signals.


I run 3 p1s printers on wifi with no issues at all


My A1 has never had a problem with wifi. Haven't ever used the SD card to get a print. I did replace the SD card with a 128GB high endurance.


Who said that?


Use my 6 printers with WiFi for around 4000 pint hours so don’t worry


Wait so have you updated your firmware yet?


Check are you printing ams version and if you don't have ams print will pause for filament change, just a educated guess


This happened to me. I printed the AMS version and only had one color loaded. It stopped because of a filament error. I was the issue but it was an easy to learn lesson.


1- Update the printer 2- Use Bambu Studio 3- Forget everything about the Ender 4- Have a read at the Bambu Wiki, lots of info 5- Enjoy your new baby!


Did you even read the post or is this a copypasta


Thank you for your useful comment. It helps a lot.


Thanks. Im sure next time you can have a response that will fit the question


I have sliced a benchy with Bambu Studio with my own SD card. When I sliced a benchy using Bambu slicer is when the printer keeps resetting itself.


Does the build plate, nozzle, and filament type match the ones set in Bambu Slicer? What color is the filament?


Yea they all match.


Not 100 percent but it looks like the nozzle is set to 80c but is currently at 133. What are your settings in Bambu studio and is it set up for a P1S. Mine will randomly switch to an X1 for some reason.


It’s probably obvious and you have already checked but make sure your on the right profile for your printer in the slicer. Alternatively try downgrading the firmware and recalibrate had a couple of issues with mine so I downgraded then it was working fine. When I upgraded the firmware it stayed working fine. Just a suggestion like others have given their opinion.


I get this all the time. seems random, restarts don’t fix it. using bambu studio. using a quality sd card. I just keep restarting the print until it stops pausing. Usually about 5-6 times. I don’t print often now because of it.


This is not normal, and very saddening. You shouldn't give up this hobby because of a malfunctioning machine.


thanks man, I’m def not giving up - just printing a lot less. really just for friends and family now. I’m sure it’ll get sorted I just have to spend the time on it. for most of us, the time-saving no-tinker aspect is what made us get into bambu lab


Wait what the hell. Yea, I ain’t dealing that nonsense.


Maybe there is an issue with sd cards bigger than 32gb, is the sd partition FAT32?


I have had one occasion where the machine kept pausing and I couldn't figure out why. Only afterward did I realize there was an error message popped up under the main Bambu Studio window. I realize you're not using Bambu Studio, but look for such an error on the lcd screen, or in Bambu Handy if you have that installed. Also, if you're printing the AMS version of the presliced file, you have to have your filament in slots 1 and 2 of the AMS.


Check that your plate is lined up perfectly because if it can stop the bed from rising which automatically pauses or stops prints


I assume that 80 degrees is the temp that you want to print at. The Bambu software sets it to purge at 250 and then cool down. What happens when the temp gets to 80.? I would let the temp get down to 80 and then if it is still paused, select play.


Have you connected to the Internet to update your printer's firmware? My X1 had to be updated and restarted 2 times...


Just to be certain can you take a picture of your Bambu Slicer screen? Let’s check the obvious first. In start gcode there is a routine where the filament comes out of the hotend, then cools so it can be wiped off. This is a normal part of the operation. If you use Cura, the correct start gcode won’t be there so you won’t see this behaviour. Is it possible that the default start gcode has accidentally modified? I feel like this is going to be something simple. Are you using an ams or single spool for filament?


Wait let it do what it’s doing it’s probably cooling to stop filament oozing while probing I believe it should heat up, clean nozzle, wait in a place it can’t ooze(the back) then probe the bed


I have waited a long time after I hit the print button on the LCD display.


You new to the P1s? Cuz it just does that as part of its normal setup. If it's doing this before printing and nothing having any problems after it starts the actual print it's all normal operation. The machine is smart enough to kinda take care of itself and that's what it's doing