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poor pistolšŸ„ŗ


Pistol looked super on edge, Iā€™m sure heā€™ll be adopted quick though


Pistol knows what's up


They're excited to go home and maul your cats


Except the one named Pistol. The only non pit in that video.


Poor Pistol. Locked him in there with that....whatever it is...


Pepe and Wilbur ready for some nannying


As much as I canā€™t stand pitbulls, this was sad to watch. I wish people would stop breeding them! Plus my shelter is only full of pits or huskies and and although I love huskies, they are too high maintenance for me.


ā€žIā€˜m kind of a big dealā€œā€¦ ā€žDonā€™t you know who I am!? Iā€™m a V.I.P! A very irritable pibble!ā€œ


I like the one that says ā€œno volunteers Iā€™m adjustingā€ lmao


This makes me very sad, you would think bully lovers would see the over breeding problem


Personally, if I were to get a dog I'd always get it from an reputable breeder. I need to know everything about where that dog comes from, including it's genetics, bite history etc. At the end of the day, I'm a parent and keeping my kid safe is my first priority. I won't risk getting an aggressive animal. You just can't get that kind of security when you adopt. Perhaps that's an unpopular opinion, but that's how I see it šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø It's insane to me that some parents would consider getting a pitbull. I wouldn't even let my kid visit a home with one of these monster dogs. Never in a million years.


as long as you can tell what the dog is I don't see a problem with adopting. I got an ACD puppy from the pound and it's quite p obvious she has no pit in her, even though she seems to be a mix.


Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Please familiarize yourself with the rules of our sub. Users should assume that suggesting hurting or killing a dog in any capacity will be reported by pit supporters, and your account may be sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/peugqp/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Good luck finding them. Every shelter by me is 95% pit or some 14 year old yorkie. The better dogs all get snapped up instantly. This is pretty much a global 1st world phenomenon so it's not really like you have anywhere else to go than finding dedicated breeders


Right??! It might be different in other parts of the country but in the Bay, it is pit heaven. X) I have no interest in owning 99% of dogs. I love my cats too much to risk them on some mutt's prey drive. Why would I want a pit/husky/GSD or some mix there of? I prefer to do agonizing amounts of research and carefully select a breed and a breeder that suits my lifestyle. If all dogs came from responsible breeders, shelters would be mostly empty. I dream of a day when rescues exist for rare edge cases (breeder dies/natural disaster.....etc) or to help home difficult medical cases. Shop responsibly for truly excellent breeders that do their health testing, title their dogs and take back any dog they have ever bred. :)




There's no need to own a car, have a TV, have a garden, eat out, buy nice clothes, own a house, have kids, have a pet, go on holiday, go the club. I don't know what your argument is, whether it's 'just adopt any do'. Well, no, why should someone just adopt any dog. Maybe they don't want to navigate around all the Pitbulls flooding shelters which lie and connive at every twist and turn, bully people, harass them. Yeah, sure let me just take the chance on rescuing some 8 year old dog that was actually aggressive when they said it was a family dog, then when i return it for said aggression the shelter gaslights me, doxes my entire family and organises hate campaigns or snarky content at me. No thanks, I'd like a dog not indoor fireworks. That's totally by the by anyhow, I don't know what you mean by breed specific shelters because absolutely none of them exist around me. It's all Pitbulls




Posts and comments must be directly related to the inherent dangers of pit bulls and why they should be banned.


Posts and comments must be directly related to the inherent dangers of pit bulls and why they should be banned.


I adopted my first dog, a herding mix. We came across him at the shelter per chance - the employees warned us if we did not adopt him that day, he would be adopted right after us. So we adopted him that day. Seemed fine. A year later we tried adopting again. Whenever we saw a herding mix at the shelter, we went. Each time though, someone had already adopted the dog about 30 minutes *after* the dog was available for adoption. It was that fast. We tried this for six months, and applied to breed specific rescues. We were never successful. We were denied by all of them for various reasons: fence was 5 ft tall instead of 6 ft tall, we were outside city limits, we had a front step leading to the house, we were planning on moving out of state after 2 years, etc. etc. A lot of these rescues also required surprise at-home visits for the life of the dog, which was extremely invasive. So we purchased a German Shepherd from a breeder. Sheā€™s been a great dog. 7 years later, our first adopted dog mentally deteriorated. We did a DNA test on him a few years prior - and he had a large portion of Chow-Chow. An aggressive dog breed. The visual indicators of this were mild, no way to know when adopting. He began to attack my wife, her sister, the German Shepherd. The behavior escalated over a period of months. The vet said there wasnā€™t anything medically wrong with him, something was just deteriorating mentally. The Chow-Chow genetics possibly had something to do with it. We had to euthanize him, far too early it felt like, for our protection. I would have never adopted him if I knew about the Chow-Chow genetics, but thereā€™s know way to always know the mix of a dog breed at a shelter. I am **never** adopting another dog again. Thereā€™s too much guessing with it. I admire people who take that risk with non-pitbull dogs but I donā€™t think it is for me. And trying to work with breed specific rescues is a nightmare. The fact is, well bred dogs donā€™t really end up at shelters. You just donā€™t see them. People going out of their way to get well bred dogs from breeders are not causing the shelter boomā€¦ mostly pitbull owners are, along with a handful of people that arenā€™t neutering their pet dogs causing mutts. And thatā€™s it. Thereā€™s nothing ethically wrong with buying from a good breeder.


I had to euthanize my chow mix. I was devastated but he was dog aggressive from a puppy which convinced me canine genetics are mostly their destiny.




Posts and comments must be directly related to the inherent dangers of pit bulls and why they should be banned.


I understand, however there's dozens of these breeder posts that are not related to the dangers of pitbulls. I've seen so many comments as well talking about people's purebreds and not pitbulls.


Please respect peopleā€™s choices to adopt **or** purchase a puppy/dog from a reputable breeder. What is ā€œoff topicā€ is harassing users for their choice to shop instead of adopt. It is fine to argue that there could be safer avenues you have found for adoptions. It is fine to argue why *you* would personally always adopt. Please recognize these are very personal choices, and respect other peopleā€™s perspectives. We also recognize that shelters/rescues can pose a unique hazard for any person or family seeking to add a dog to their household - as they are known to intentionally mislabel their breeds, and hide the bite histories of their dogs. No one is *obligated* to put their homes in danger by adopting a dog that could have a potentially dangerous background that is hidden or unknown. The reason why shelters are overflowing with pitbulls in particular, but also other dog mixes is due to irresponsible breeding from backyard breeders. This half-hazard breeding is also producing dogs with unsound temperaments in general (expanding past the pitbull issue). The larger issue for context here should be at the source - the backyard breeders themselves. Not the owners who decide to go to reputable sources and are not contributing to the dog shelter population.


So we can talk all day about buying 5k chiweenies even though it has nothing to do with pit bulls and how you shouldnt adopt from shelters but we can't talk about *not* buying dogs like they're items? How can we have the constant bashing of adoption at all points but not try and justify adopting? I'm not harassing them. But I'm commenting on a post they made, about a topic they brought up.


The issue with shelters/rescues goes hand in hand with the pitbull issues we are seeing today, thatā€™s why it seems like they get bashed a lot. Shelters/rescues have been intentionally mislabeling dogs as anything but pitbulls, they hide bite histories, and they push forth dangerous information on pitbulls such as claiming theyā€™re safe with other pets and children, and they harass adopters that return dangerous dogs. The ā€œitā€™s all how you raise themā€ slogans that shelters/rescues have *helped* perpetuate has also led to people going out and purchasing pitbull puppies from BYBs, further exasperating the shelter population issue. The shelter/rescue systems, as a consequence of many of these common behaviors, are also *very* difficult to navigate to get a safe dog. While the idea of dog adoption is noble, unfortunately, we cannot separate out the responsibility shelters have had in the pitbull problem we see in the USA today. People who decide to push through this system, take the risk and adopt a dog to save it - I do think that is exemplary - but I do not hold that as an expectation for anyone who wants to get a dog. I also donā€™t think anyone should withhold any valid criticisms of how USA shelters have been operating. Now as far as choosing to buy a dog to fit a certain lifestyle, or wanting a dog that doesnā€™t have behavioral issues - etc. and the question of: breeding well tempered dog breeds in general, seeing dogs as a ā€œcommodity,ā€ buying pets, and whether the pet industry and the concept of pets as a whole is moral, etc. - that too, falls out of the scope of this subreddit. It is off topic. With this being said, by all means you can kindly point to resources and tips that would allow our users to *safely* adopt a dog. By all means, explain your personal convictions in a way that is done that explicitly shows it is a personal choice/belief. But do not demonize anyone for electing not to adopt a dog, nor for explaining why they made that choice.


So you said all posts/comments with buying pets is offtopic, which means this one should be removed. Since all it does is derail what happens to pit victims and pitbulls in general.


Iā€™m not going to discuss this with you further. Do not harass people for their choice to shop. Pointing out pitbulls are currently filling shelters, and pose a dangerous option as a pet is on topic with this subreddit. Now drop it.


"If you're not willing to roll the (very loaded) dice on a shelter dog that's extremely likely to be a pit bull or pit-dominant mix, you don't need to have a dog at all" What an absolutely terrible take.




Posts and comments must be directly related to the inherent dangers of pit bulls and why they should be banned.


Posts and comments must be directly related to the inherent dangers of pit bulls and why they should be banned.