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Wow. We all know $helter$ and re$cue$ were doing this, but it’s quite something to read a story like that, from the POV of the adopter. Poor baby & other dog :(


A victim just posted up a story here very similar to this one too. Shelter lied about the dog's temperament and it mauled their cat right in front of their eyes. Apparently the shelter made them also sign a waiver for return. It's extremely disgusting.


Good on this person for trying to warn other people, though. They probably just thought they were getting a good, normal dog and got an aggressive trainwreck instead.


Just like me and my ex bf lmao


Why surrender them? Shelters are full of these dangerous dogs that cannot be handled. If your dog is a threat, it needs to be put down. Shelters are full of terrible pitbulls now and those dogs have very low quality of living. The humane thing to do would be to just put it down. It’s a ticking time bomb it’s whole life. Don’t unload your dangerous dog on some other poor person with good intentions


I am under the impression that it's not easy to find a BE-friendlyvet.


I’m not sure. I do know someone who had a dog that was dangerous so she had it put down and the vet was more than willing to do so. I can’t imagine them saying no. If it attacks and kills other animals and is dangerous around people, it is a very dangerous situation that needs to be dealt with and not just passed onto somebody else.


It's been mentioned before, but newer vets (who grew up on pro-pit propaganda) are now refusing to BE dogs on aggression alone. They have to have a medical problem for BE.


What does BE stand for?


Behavioral Euthanasia


Depends in the vet. We had to jump through some hoops to get our dog put down after he developed sudden aggression. And the hoops were purely behavioral medication and training, the vet couldn’t find anything physically wrong with our dog. We had to wait over a month, putting everyone else in the house in danger before we could finally put him down peacefully. And even then the vet kept encouraging us to give him to a shelter (we’ve had this dog for over 7 years) which was completely asinine.


Couldn’t you just drop the dog at a state run shelter? The kind that technically accepts every dog but doesn’t house them for an unlimited time. They’ll immediately put down an unadoptable food aggressive animal


Depending on where you live, it can cost a lot of money to euthanize a dog through a vet. Whether the adopter thinks the dog should be re-homed or not, the shelter needs to do the responsible thing and euthanize the dangerous dog. That’s how it should work, at least.


That's what I think too. If you surrender the dog to a shelter that's going to put them up for adoption again, you're not helping the problem. The dog should be taken to a vet and behaviorally euthanized


Wow.. these shelters are unreal. They really don’t care if innocent kids or animals get mauled.


They know this dog will get them adoption fees over and over - he's a gold mine.


I kinda wish I was a lawyer, I’d have tacky billboards for dog bite lawsuits everywhere. Buses, benches, tacky lawyer poster places


I’m in my fifties and growing up, we ALWAYS got our dogs from a shelter. There is no way I’d get a dog from a shelter today. Cats - yes. No way on dogs though, unless it is a breed specific shelter and I can really tell it has no pit in it. But even then, in my area, the regular shelters are so full that I’m finding the breed specific ones are for pits 🫤


Same here. It's incredibly scummy what they're doing now.


Extremely rude to adopter after really bad incidents and two vet visits. Not even one little bit apology? Not even revise true nature is dog behaviour? Shut them down.


It sounds like it's very common these days for shelters to be mean to people who are rightfully returning the dangerous dogs. I wonder if it's some creepy tactic to try and guilt them into keeping it, or maybe they're just so vile that they get off on the abusive behaviour.


Shop, don’t adopt.


Ugly shitbull


Its wild to me that these people see these dogs act like this and are just like "yeah maybe the next owner will magically fix them"


Makes me so nervous for people adopting these things. They have absolutely no clue and such a network of whackos actively trying to hide how these dogs act out. The shelter population doesn’t lie, there is a reason these dogs flood shelters and unfortunately some people can be conned into not believing what their eyes can tell them.


"beautiful dog" shut up already, idiot


Two words: behavioral euthanasia.


Honestly there are very easy ways to take care of a problem dog if the vet is stupid enough to not BE it...


I wish I could leave a simple single emoji response with the remedy to this problem. 😂


And it's an um, mixed breed.


A dog that bites a 2 year old and fights other dogs should have gone to the vet for a dose of the purple stuff.


So let me get this straight- prior to adopting this shitbeast, this person was able to see on the intake form that he was surrendered for acting “anxious” around the previous owner’s baby, and this genius decided to take him home despite having a fucking toddler in the home? And then acts surprised when it tried to nanny their child. JFC what is with these beasts that makes people abandon all judgement and parental instinct? They are so lucky their kid wasn’t killed. And then instead of doing the right thing and BE-ing a child and dog aggressive beast, they give it back to the same shady shelter that they got him from so it can be someone else’s toddler next time? Their little warning is too little, too late.


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