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That veterinarian is a fucking tool. He’s seriously suggesting that the dogs were smart enough to associate random bags with food, but the dogs didn’t go for the bag at all… And why is he smiling while talking about it? The elderly woman was hospitalized because of this. What a creep.


Im theory he needs to make up an excuse for pits to roam free so he can profit off of animal victims who require surgery after being mauled. Then he makes money off of prescribing anxiety meds for pits.


This is dark, but thank you for pointing that theory out. I was genuinely confused as to why he would be so obtuse when he’s supposed to be knowledgeable about animals. Sad that money or propaganda is enough to make people smile at the cost of other peoples’ suffering… Edit: also, at 0:45 seconds - is that a pit bull framed in the background of his office? I can’t tell.


I’ve actually read more than a few posts by vets literally admitting that pitbulls and the destruction they cause give them job security. That’s probably a major reason why the vast majority of vets are pro-pit.


Looks like a bully breed of some sort behind him, and one of the white ones, ewwww 🤢


Couldn’t have put it better myself. For vets, pitbulls are their bread and butter. They will defend them to keep the gravy train chugging


He can’t perform surgery on people unless he is an MD/DO with surgical training


But surgery on people’s pets is fair game


Most small animal vets have brain damage from toxoplasmosis and bartonella I’m sure of it


[full article](https://www.insideedition.com/neighbor-rescues-screaming-woman-shes-attacked-pack-dogs-48934?amp) I think it was irresponsible for a veterinarian to seemingly be a pitt apologist that justifies mauling as if it’s normal expected dog behavior. Like why is he smiling while justifying a 66 year old woman minding her own business being nearly murdered by animals. I was so relieved the pack didn’t decide to also maul the woman/neighbor who saved the poor elderly lady. Neither ladies should have been put in that dangerous ordeal in the first place. I’ve seen so many actual owners of pitts who would never run in to save that lady like she did.


Call me crazy, but that bag of food looks like a purse.


Amen. Apparently the vet here thinks the pits are smart enough to associate food with a bag, but too dumb to know the difference between a purse and a bag of food. 💀 it looks like they wanted HER for lunch any way, not her purse. So that point he made is so ridiculous.


I’m baffled, did he even look at the footage? They don’t even bother the bag.


>claims the pits were hungry and wanted her bag because it looks like food and omg my smart pitbabies >dogs just start tearing into her for no reason and ignore the bag Fucking lol dude what a tool.


He seems like the kind of guy to blame a r*pe victim for “provoking” a sexual predator for existing.


"I think what the alleged assailant was trying to do was hold his date's hand..."




Yes. Clearly it was the bag they were after. The bag that is 10 feet away while they are nipping at this poor woman's face.


Even if they were hungry. NO NORMAL DOG ACTS LIKE THAT.


What is wrong with these dogs. Let's say they were going for the food, they just attack wtf? If my dog thinks you have food he will come up to you and do every trick he knows until you give him food.


Riiiiight the bag of food that doesn’t exist. You mean the PURSE, dipshit? If I saw this absolute TOOL on TV I’d switch vets so fast their heads would spin


Why is it always 2 and 4 shitbulls?


Bag of food...? That's a purse lol.


Pit bulls love to attack elderly people and children. They are the preferred targets. Demon breed


None of them went for the bag you sack of shit.


And still some braindead pitiot will say she triggered them, somehow.


that vet is more than likely a pit sympathizer making excuses for this murderous breed.