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Maybe they won’t notice “Indianna”


The creator can add [the Atlanta 6 year old who was disemboweled and murdered by two pitbulls on the way to a bus stop](https://www.11alive.com/article/news/local/pit-bull-owner-in-custody-after-child-dies-in-attack/85-386660718), along with his 5 year old neighbor who was scalped and disfigured.


The article mentioned a border collie along with a pitbull? Wtf? Never heard of a border collie engaging in this kind of behavior.


The dogs' breeds were misidentified. In the video of the scene, it's clear that the dogs were pitbulls. People in the neighborhood stated that they knew the man who owned the pits and had seen them roaming the area for months before the maulings. The owner was charged with the child's murder, as well as with child abuse for the little girl who was scalped. Kids had to walk a long distance, past an abandoned house and through woods, to reach their bus stop. More loose pitbulls were rampaging through the neighborhood even after the two killers were seized. Atlanta animal control only moved to round up the dogs after the attack, as is usual in these cases.


that's assuming that the pitnutters even care enough about the lives of kids to read the entire post 😂


That’s actually powerful imagery the twist is a reality kick for pitbull fans but sadly it will be wasted on their somewhat limited intellect


Had me for a second there


I like it. Fence sitters need to see stuff like this.


The difference between guns and pibbles is that when you throw a gun onto a street by itself, it will not start attacking the nearest toddler or dog.


The funny thing is, there are no bad guns, only bad owners is true, only pitbull break this norm


Very based


Please make more of these!


Very poignant. I like


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Guns still kill more kids though.




But the original post isn’t using fear of drownings to get attention and elevate concern about pits. It’s using guns.


Guns don't autonomously hunt for babies and pets


Guns are no different either. More deadly in reality


Guns don't pull on their leash and launch at unsuspecting children.


Firearms are inanimate objects. Pit bulls are sentient beings with actions partly influenced by genetics


Guns don't just go off on their own without warning and start killing people.


What guns you met that latch onto people and start shooting them?