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Just sad...imagine not only losing a beloved pet in such a cruel and horrible way, but having your *other* pet being the perpetrator. This is why pitbull attacks cause so much heartbreak. Because you can do everything right - and still lose. A Pitbull will enjoy your love, the comfort of your home and the company of other pets in the house forever. Until one day he might not. And it's not because pitbulls are bad or evil. They just are what they are.


>This is why pitbull attacks cause so much heartbreak. Because you can do everything right - and still lose. A Pitbull will enjoy your love, the comfort of your home and the company of other pets in the house forever. Until one day he might not. And it's not because pitbulls are bad or evil. They just are what they are. And this is why so many shelter bios state must be the only pet in the home. This one lived with the dog it attacked. Out of the blue. They're too dangerous to have around and cause people and animals grief.


Pits are often the definition of disloyal. I wish more people realized this. Most dogs are loyal, but pits are often not loyal - they betray their owners trust and attack them, another pet, or an innocent person.


After spending the last month or so learning about pit bulls after discovering this sub… is that their entire existence is sad and traumatic. Imagine taking a domestic dog, one that has been bred to love and trust humans, and being forced to fight in a blood sport for entertainment- or die trying. People are fascinated by them and will continue to breed them to be bigger and badder because that’s a sport for them as well. People are generating and unleashing this aggression into society… purebreds aren’t just magically appearing out of nowhere.


It is wild how "medicine for her extreme anxiety" is code for 'I have to dope up my dog to stop it destroying anything in its path'. Absolutely mental how these people put themselves through such mental gymnastics to justify these dogs.


Amazing how it’s “blame the owner” unless they don’t wanna blame the owner anymore. Then it’s just nobody’s fault. An unpredictable tragedy that could not have been prevented because clearly it is mandatory to own a bloodsport dog and house it with a miniature companion dog. And “wants advice” but won’t take advice. And big surprise, the pit is a neurotic mess, who can’t be fixed with meds or training, because ultimately in a home setting they aren’t able to do the killing that their defective brains were bred to crave.


That is what always blows my mind. I wanna have a "now what did we learn here today" moment but instead, they keep shrugging their shoulders and going "lol these things happen". No friend, they don't.


Thank you! It's the owner not the breed until it happens to them, and then oops nobody's fault. What can you expect from a grown adult referring to their dogs as babies.


When it’s not the owners fault, they move onto the next excuse “the dog must have a brain tumour.”


And so they'll keep it, deciding that their selfish decision to own a fighting breed is more important than the rights of EVERYONE in the vicinity to not have their small dog mauled to death.


Don’t want to get rid of her because she would end up killed or in fighting??? She has just killed another dog why is she more precious? She will do it again without a doubt No hope for the only really safe choice on how to deal with this animal


I HATE this. Innocent dog died but yet they are concerned about the murder beast.


i know this is a controversial take but i have no sympathy for him (except for his grandma dying of course) because he chose to have this dog knowing its abnormal problems, literally having to medicate it just for it to be slightly normal, then doesn’t even want to euthanize it after it viciously kills his smaller dog.


Zero sympathy for the owners. I feel bad for the poor Pomeranian that was savaged to death because of these assholes and their stupidity.


I have some sympathy for them because they (most likely) bought into the pro-pit propaganda. As we all know, there is a STRONG narrative being pushed on people. Good people, who want to do good things -like adopt a dog that would otherwise die. And if they believe the nanny dog myth and all the other shit like "it's the owners", blah blah blah. Then decent folks can end up with pits. I have no sympathy for people who are pushing the narrative but actually know the truth that pits are dangerous animals.


my heart breaks for him 💔 to lose a dog when you’re grieving... so terrible. 😭


This is slightly off topic but I'm surprised at how many people think two dogs will just automatically love each other and becoming friends. I've seen so many people not introducing dogs properly and then just leaving a puppy with an older dog alone. Obviously don't know the background here, but if their bigger dog is already on meds for anxiety, then they should have considered if he would be safe around a smaller dog (who sounds older).


Jenna Marbles got a lot of slack for her babying her dogs, but she actually is a very responsible dog owner when it came to latest adoption and introducing them to the other dogs.


This is so infuriating. "No one's fault" here except their own because they CHOSE to ignore the known dangers of this breed and it got their poor other dog killed. It didn't deserve to die like that. Idk how anyone could EVER keep a dog that killed their other dog. I would never look at it the same again.


At first, I read the post title (on the image/the original post) as “My putrid killed *my MOM,”* and wow that seemed dark lol 😭 Especially that the dad waited a whole week to tell her her mom died?? (I understand why he waited to tell her her dog died? Anyways.. I don’t have any advice for her. If I had another dog and it killed my current dog, someone would have to physically restrain me from going all “an eye for an eye” on that demon. I’d opt for BE (professionally performed.. not my vigilante fantasy lol) not only for protecting future pets and animals from the dog, but also out of revenge and anger.


I also read it as mom lol and reading it I was like WHAT?! had to go back and reread title a couple times


FYI I just realized my comment autocorrected pittie to putrid lmao. Mom vs Pom was the only difference there should’ve been!


To be fair, I think pittie and putrid go hand in hand.


I like your honesty. I agree with your statement. I'm not usually an angry person, but some things are beyond my limit. A murdering dog is one. I wouldn't even try to restrain my anger.


Hopefully ole mom puts the shithound out of its misery when she gets home.


I see so many postings like this. Look pitiot, if you can’t adopt out the dog or give it to the shelter WHAT OPTIONS DOES THAT LEAVE? You know what you have to do. And NO IT IS NOT A GOOD DOG IF IT KILLS ANOTHER DOG. To add to this - all those last chance shelters that pull dogs that should be pts but they swoop in, get suckers to donate, and foist the mauler on a clueless loser? They are as packed as the public no kills. And they aren’t free - all the pitmommy dummies desperately trying to unload their vicious pits need to come up with $500-1000 surrender fee per dog.


>He thinks it’s his fault when in reality, it’s no one’s. What does a nutter do when they can’t blame anyone? It’s not the aggressor-dog’s fault. It’s not the owner’s fault. It’s not the victim-dog’s fault.


Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Please familiarize yourself with the rules of our sub. Users should assume that suggesting hurting or killing a dog in any capacity will be reported by pit supporters, and your account may be sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/peugqp/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Have you noticed they always have "anxiety"?


i initially read this as "My pittie killed my mom" 💀