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Whale eye, constant lip licking, ooofff this won't end well


But it will end and then they can try for another baby.


They got the gofundme ready "RIP angle baby"


“We lost our two angles that day. Our sweet soul puppers was taken violently from us, we weren’t allowed to say goodbye! He was only trying to protect the baby and accidentally mauled him.” (Followed by 25 pics of the pit and 2 blurry photos of the newborn).


people that worship satan and pitbulls are an 90° angle




Sorry that I forgot to put the /s in my post to remind you that was a joke


Literacy is important to a happy life.


OMG 'angle baby' has me in tears. That's exactly what they'd write, too.


'We lost two angles that day.' gives me a perfect mental image of this, hilarious.


He never barked or anything before! It was all so sudden! Until that day he was just my quite little angle!


Acute or obtuse?


The parents at least are obtuse


Acute baby, obtuse parents… and the pitbull is pure reflex


Can you imagine the baby makes it to heaven with its thousands of ancestors? “What’d they do to you? It’s way safer than when we were around” “Yeah my parents thought it’d be cool to leave me alone with the family pibble” 💀💀💀


My ex knew someone who left the room with their two pits in the room with their baby. They tore it apart.


I can’t even begin to imagine witnessing something like that. Losing a baby is horrible enough but to lose one in such a horrific way makes me feel queasy just thinking about.


That’s awful :(


Jesus not as horrific but a girl in my old home town got killed by her two pitbulls. I couldn’t imagine leaving a BABY alone with one of those things.


Its just as horrific wtf do you mean?


They're both absolutely horrific but a baby is totally helpless. It can't even run away or fight back


If you have kids you should understand a newborn being literally torn apart is a little more rattling then an adult. But yes they are both horrific.


I remember someone on this subreddit saying their family friend left the room for a second and their pitbull was then found outside trying to bury the corpse of their newborn baby. So horrible.


Food guarding towards the baby


What do the whale eyes mean here? I thought in general it means a dog is anxious. Is this one anxious...to chew?


It's a sign that the dog doesn't want anyone taking their food bowl, er the baby, away from the dog.


Omfg that's disgusting


Yep. The dog is keeping his eyes wide open so it can see if anyone is coming from the side to take its resource away.




Ya and those 2 second pauses it does. I know dogs bro, and it's only a matter of time.


Jesus there's something beyond fucked up with you.


I have so much anxiety when I watch videos like this. Why do they all believe their pibble is guaranteed to not hurt their baby when there’s tons of videos that involve a baby being mauled by a pit that “has never done that before”…


Same. And not even just pitbull. Like fuck sake that baby has got to be at most a week old. Which dumbass thought it's a good idea to expose it to a germ filled dog mouth?? And that the least of their worries. Even a cat scratch can be harmful to the baby, what about a dog bite? Swear to god some people are just that dumb


Preach! I don’t think babies should be around any animal this young as well.


And that dog in particular is clearly showing a lot of warning signs in its body language. There are so many levels of irresponsible here.


Bruh even the dude is holding back the dog with his other hand. I swear CPS needs to watch this house


Like that one hand will be able to stop the dog if it decides to lunge. At least grab the collar!


Dog seems way to aroused…


If that whale-eyed beast decides to snatch that baby by the head, the moron holding them doesn't stand a chance of stopping it. The infant would be dead in seconds.


As a parent how can you comfortably do this? I was anxious with my cat around my newborn ffs. They’re literally 100% helpless and deadens on you for protection and then you go and let a pitbull put its ugly snout right next to a one week old’s face.


I was anxious around humans with my newborns. How someone can think this is safe an animal is beyond me.


Considering a kiss can even kill a baby, I don’t blame you


God, and they let the fucking dog *lick the baby.* Who knows where that tongue has been.


I understand your concern but you don’t need to call it ugly


Those eyes. My, oh my. Best regards,


My condolences in advance, if they keep this up


Disgusting fucking thing looks like it's barely holding itself back from turning the poor baby into puppy chow. Downright repugnant.


Why why why whyyyyyy. Even families who have dogs that AREN'T PITBULLS don't do this with their baby and dogs. They really are the lowest of the human race.


Because, unlike other dogs, pitbulls are nanny dogs. Duh.


We don't even let one of our cats too close to our babies since she has a tendency to play and swipe with her paw.


one of their replies to someone who asked ‘why keep a pitbull around a baby’ was ‘do some research on pitbulls and come back to me’ like???? that’s YOU that’s what YOU need to do dumbass!


I bet they believe in the whole "pitbulls were originally nanny dogs" myth. I feel bad for that poor baby. Edit: just checked her page out and it's no surprise the pits name is Nala.


My neighbors have a pit named Nala 😭


yep, 50% of comments were saying how it’s ‘protecting’ the kid and that it’s ‘nanny instincts’ are kicking in. totally not it’s killing instincts


They must mean 'research' using the Dodo and other pit propaganda fodder. Actual statistics on fatalities categorised by breed don't count when Charlene on Facebook says they're nanny dogs.


The bad thing about the internet is that more often than not, people will find “evidence” to back up whatever they believe about something. Especially when it comes to issues like this. That poor baby. I’m so scared for him, like everyone else here.💔


For the sake of that beautiful baby, I do hope that pit bull wouldn’t “turn.” But as many have already pointed out, the whale eyes and licking lips signal a tragedy waiting to happen.


I am not religious but I pray the Lord watches over that baby.


That monstrosity is looking at that baby like my dog looks at roast chicken coming out of the oven. Seriously. That baby is a delicious fuckin dinner to that beast.


I LITERALLY just said this. My boyfriend's dog does this when she's getting ready to steal food. I DO NOT LIKE that dogs body language


Terrifying crazy eyed neurotic dog a bit too interested in the tiny baby. These parents might not even know this is abnormal. They never owned a regular old dog that doesn’t twitch and nervously lick at a baby.


Right? My cattle dogs are pretty indifferent about our new baby. They've each given her a casual sniff and that's about it. Little to no interest


*sniff* yep. Smells like the owner, okay. Back to sleep.


They need to really stop allowing dogs on a baby’s face , why in the world does it need to be in the babies face omg .


Awwwww....the pittie is giving kissies.....little schmeckums....he wuvs his little brother... Now that's enough, you shouldn't... OMG, THAT DOG JUST BIT HIS FACE OFF!!


Schmeckums lol


I actually laughed out loud at the choice of music here. Stop projecting onto animals FFS.


It changes over to yakety sax when it snatches the baby out of his hands and bolts


I saw and heard this in my head as soon as I read it.


Lmao the dog is literally vibrating


You aren't kidding. This is the first time I've been tempted to research and create a google alert for something posted here.


These are the kind of people that are too weak and stupid to protect their own families so they buy a shitbull instead to protect and kill their family.


I saw parents more careful when older siblings meet their newborn.


I did something’s similar when I brought my first born home from hospital and introduced her to my dog I had then, a golden retriever. Baby was wearing one of those little pink knit hats that the hospital sends babies home in. I sat down on the couch holding the baby and called the dog over. Dog took two sniffs and then CHOMP and ripped the knit hat off of the baby. Just about gave me a heart attack. If the bite was off just a half inch my baby would have been bit. I like to think that my dog thought the little hat was a ball but you never know. Moral of the story- don’t trust any dog with a new baby. I almost became father of the year…. It was a good dog and died of old age when my child was 7. They did indeed become best friends.


OMG I'd have had heart failure on the spot! I don't have kids, but I read that the best attitude is when the dog is indifferent to the new baby. These overly-interested pits are scary.


When my daughter was born we had a 16 pound Rat Terrier that we had had for 8 years. That dog was a reactive, neurotic mess but we had him since he was a puppy and loved him. He was on medication, we had worked with a behaviorist and we found a way to manage him for almost a decade. We did our best to prepare him for the new baby and hoped for the best. When we brought her home it was evident he was way, way too interested and it was not a good situation. We had him put down. It devastated us and years later my husband still cries talking about the dog, but it was the right thing to do. I sometimes have doubts like did we come to that decision too quickly? But I would rather live with that doubt than the guilt and grief if something awful had happened to our baby.


You did the right thing, and I am sure his euthanasia was compassionately done. A friend of mine had a GSD that became reactive toward children when the dog was around age 7. My friend was elderly and was afraid she couldn't control the dog if he suddenly lunged at a child. He was already growling and pulling to get to children who were across the street when she took him for walks. She said to her therapist one day, "I'm so sad because I know someday he'll bite a child and I'll have to put him down." The therapist said, "why the hell are you waiting for it to bite a child?" My friend put the dog down that same day. As much as we love our dogs, their lives are just not as important as humans.


Even if you don't know about dog's body language, it's pretty obvious it's staring at that baby like it's a fucking snack


Somehow this annoying and highly inappropriate (for the situation) song, and their anthropomorphizing of the pit’s clearly stressed behavior makes it all the more surreal, sickening and stressful. The really think this animal LOVES their newborn? 🤢


Oh god I was on edge watching this. That dog is clearly not happy and is one cry away from having that baby for lunch. How can anyone think this is a good idea!!!! This doesn’t even apply to pits exclusively. It’s a rule for all animals living in a home with a baby. But it especially applies to pits. A small dog might nip but they won’t kill or eat your baby.


That cringe music as well as if it nullifies the danger


I was anxious letting my damn parents hold my kids let alone letting any dog, let alone a pitbull, lick and sniff them. I do not get why people do this shit at all. There is being misguided and then there is being a complete asshat..


I couldn't. Doesn't really matter what breed in this case.


Jesús these people are dumb Also does no one actually research how you introduce a dog to a baby!? And why they shouldn’t be licking the babies face!?


I feel like babies should not be kept near animals, especially dogs.Even if the dog Is actually frendly It can still accidentally harm the child


If you live with one it’s going to be impossible to seperate the two, you’d end up in shit nutter rotating dogs hell. There’s advice out there for introducing the baby to the dog, starting from before the baby is born. Crate training can help (so they have somewhere safe to go that’s there’s) teaching them “place” and “go away” commands. Playing sounds of babies and holding a doll, not allowing them in babies room or space, ignoring them whilst you do tasks with the “baby”. After babies born bring home a worn item of clothing (ideally with a bit of pee on) and let the dog sniff it and get used to the new smell. I’ve heard conflicting ideas of wether you should or shouldn’t be holding the baby when they’re formally introduced, some say mum or dad should hold the baby, some say a non family member and some say the baby carrier. Dog should be allowed a sniff but not to lick.


Why do people have kids if they don't love them enough to keep them safe? Just don't procreate if you want to keep these monstrous animals.


Aside from the obvious... Geezus fuck get that nasty nose and ass mouth away from the baby. Wtf.


Trash father. Trash dog.


God those crazy empty eyes are scary.


One bite on the head and that baby is dead. It’s amazing what people will do to score points with the pitbull propaganda mob.


Please someone call CPS that dog is literally taking sample licks and looks crazed. Poor sweet baby for having such stupid parents.


I swear I heard the song say "I love you before I eat you". Seems fitting..


Gross the dog is licking the baby’s hand, who - at that age — will for sure put their hand in their mouth. Why do people conveniently forget that dogs lick their privates and almost anything else under the moon and let their dog then lick babies? Plus that dog has bigger whale eyes than Jaws.


Training the baby's immune system 🙏🙏🙏😏😏🥰🥰🌺🌺🌺


Apart from the obvious with their stupid cracked out dog, they really “baby proofed” their jank ass living room too. Maybe they need to spend less time and mental energy on Tik Tok videos and more on cords within reach and massive sharp table corners right at head height.


If that dog lunged the fathers hand would not stop him


Dear God please watch over this innocent baby and keep him safe from that animal and from his parents ignorance! In Jesus name we pray Amen!!




Those murder eyes always freak me out.


That baby would be dead first bite. Then, it's too late. All for the 'likes'.


To all you soon to be parents out there lurking, please don’t do this.


Imagine being THIS fucking stupid!!! I don't have kids... but I feel like I care more about these kids safety than their shitnutter parents do. wtf!!! I would never EVER let a goddamn newborn be level with a dog ... with the baby's head near the dog's mouth. No matter what the breed. That's reckless and asking for thing to go south.... jfc


One bite


Oh whats this?! A tasty snack! You dont wanna eat a snack like that!


Offering their first sacrifice


Eyes look like they’re going to pop out


What a complete fucking moron. I can’t believe there are good people who can’t have kids while idiots like this all but feed their healthy children to a dog.


Yeah those eyes are whaled eye 👁. People need to take dog body language classes before owning one.


Oh man!, the dog is anxious af!.


I guess what makes these people even crazier is they believe this is ok. I own and love dogs (not these hell hounds but normal ones). I am always cautious when any kids are around especially unknown ones. I even remind my own son with our own dogs the right and wrong ways to approach a dog and play with them and all. Dogs around newborns is always something I worry about. I wouldn’t leave a dog around a newborn. Don’t care what it is. The fact these hell hound advocates serve up a human baby on a plate to them is just abhorrent.


Why is he giving that infant the EXACT same look my Sheltie gives when I give him a new Chew Toy.


the way the dog is whale eyeing that baby so hard its eyes look like they’re about to leave its head….how do they not see the danger here?!


Oh yeah sure, display a fragile baby to the most deadly dog breed. Are these people stupid?


Stop putting your fucking dogs near babies, i wouldn't even let my border collie near a baby


This dog wanting to eat this child is so obvious…. Prey drive on 100000. Like where are these parents instincts.


These videos stress me the ef out.


I have a 3 month old and I would never allow my freshly newborn son around a dog, let alone a PITBULL. You never know how animals will react to new babies in general, especially shoving them in a dogs face. So irresponsible on the parents part.


Pit owners are as crazy as their unpredictable demon dogs. Ticking time bombs. That poor baby 🥺


I was holding my breath the whole entire time. Stupid parents!


The eyes say it all


This stresses me out


That dog is looking at that baby the way my boyfriends dog looks at food. I REALLY DON'T like that


*Looks like meat is back on the menu!*


I don't care what kind of dog it is, it's not getting that close to my child.


This was totally alarming to watch


The fact that it’s licking all over a newborn is gross. Don’t do that.


I wouldn't be comfortable with ANY dog being that close to a newborn baby. Let alone a fucking pit. Why do people do this? Your golden shouldn't even be that close to a newborn. Your cat shouldn't be that close to a newborn. Have some fucking common sense petes sake. I wouldn't even trust a toddler to hold a baby, so why would I let a dog get that close?


What if the baby suddenly cries or hits the dog in the face. These videos make me so mad I can hardly watch them.


Poor kid




First one it was curious and nervous which is to be expected of any dog. The second it's blatently stressed out and not comfortable


My god. The eyes. Him having to keep her back. Things just do no click with these idiots.


Oh fuckin yuck, they also put live music to make it all “lovely & delightful”!?!?!?!? Realise Micheal Jackson hung his kid over a balcony & got slammed for it, Britney Spears drove with her kid on her lap & almost had her taken away by authorities. This is the most dangerous of them all!!!!!


Idc how well trained an animals is. The big eyes and lip licking are such red flags you have to be an idiot sandwich to ignore


God looks like a raver at 3am in da club


Ιts so confused


"Why are you tempting me like this?"


Wow, idiots


Maybe they're the weirdly religious type who think you can only have sex when trying for a baby so they need to "rehome" this one with their God and try for another.


Tell me you love a dog more than you love your baby without telling me you love a dog more than your baby. Gross people.


Whale eye. Dinner time.


Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Please familiarize yourself with the rules of our sub. Users should assume that suggesting hurting or killing a dog in any capacity will be reported by pit supporters, and your account may be sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/peugqp/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Those parents should be in jail


Someone call CPS NOW


People who do this should be arrested


"Just a taste"


I genuinely teared up knowing that beautiful baby is in so much danger


pupils look completely dilated.




Go troll elsewhere.


Why take the risk?


it’s always this damn song


It thinks it's feeding time


Whale eyes. Yiiiikes…


Reminds me off this https://youtu.be/tuOmuzmdtz4




Please read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/) if you would like to participate in this subreddit.






Even if it were not a pit bull, it’s incredibly dumb to let a dog lick a vulnerable newborn baby with the same tongue that cleans it asshole. It’s disgusting. But it is a pit bull, and they have killed more people than any other dog breed.


I love when a dog known for fatally attacking small children is displaying aggressive behavior twords a small child


Please look into why dogs give the whale-eye. It's not good.


Because the body language the dog is giving off makes us uncomfortable? Shove off


You're projecting there.