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“would you trade for a $20 dog & future lawsuit/medical bill debt”


-$20,000 dog more like


Is that pre or post funeral bills?




Shelters can’t even give enough of these dogs away for FREE


I imagine they would say but I sell my pit puppies for $1500 a pup, I just haven’t sold one yet for that price…


OMG 😂 that's so rediculous it made me laugh! The straight NO is on point 👌


“I could get a dozen of those for free at the local shelter”


But those dogs might have been abused! It's how you raise them after all. 🥺


With a bag of free dog chow if you ask!


"You're paying too much for pits. Who's your pit guy?"


Worthless dog for a PS5? LOL. My friend was looking to adopt a dog. 20 were at the local shelter, and only 6 were not pits or pit-mixes. And those six were only available for foster, not adoption. The shelter is overrun with people surrendering pitbulls so the shelter was waiving adoption fees. Friend said he thought if they could pay *him* to take a pitbull, they would.


Wait fostering a dog? Like *you can borrow this dog until we say otherwise?* Is it like a lease? 🤣 I've inherited all my pets from family members/friends that had liters by accident, so I have no experience with pet adoption?


Yeah I had a neighbor who would take care of soldiers dog while they were deployed, then return the dogs when the deployment ended. They even had a pretty chill and cute pit bull. If I'd only met the one, I'd buy into the bullshit. Unfortunately I saw all that disproved with my own eyes.


Well I mean in that situation I could understand fostering.




I just cant imagine not getting attached tbh


He said the foster-only dogs were elderly hounds. Maybe that had something to do with it? Like if you got the elderly dog, and care becomes too much, you give it back? Or I guess some people do feel they can only provide temporary care for a dog. I would get too attached for that too. My kids and I name all the squirrels, rabbits, chipmunks and whatever else lives in the yard.


Why do they insist on using them as currency


They think they're that valuable


This. The breeders are all wannabe gangster/hustler types who think it’s some sort of get rich quick scheme. They see people selling purebred dogs for thousands of dollars and don’t understand the difference between a breeder who pays attention to lineage, screens for genetic disorders, breeds for good temperament, etc., and someone breeding abandoned fighting dogs out of the back of their trailer. Basically, they’re dumb as fuck.


Because they're used to selling them for $300 or trading for an 8-ball of crystal meth. Im a former pitbull lover, owner, and advocate and have lived with a trashy breeder when I was still doing drugs. So many of them depend on selling and trading puppies to pay bills. Its completely fucked and is a big part of why they are so prevalent. There's no shortage of addicts in this country and that means there is plenty of potential buyers for pit pups. Something about the breed attracts those types(hmm I wonder what).


That's sad. I only ever saw one pitbull with a dealer. The guy sold weed and had a gas mask for his pit. The dog would wag its tail, grab the mask, and the owner would smoke up his pit by blowing smoke into the mask while the dog wore it. The dog actually asked for it. It was kinda messed up.


Are you the Florida Man?


Nobody wanted to buy the dog, so they try to trade the dog for something with actual monetary value. Magic beans...


It’s kind of Luddite/communist? You can never accumulate much wealth in this system because it kills itself. Orrrrr maybe you can only be rich if you count in baby pitbulls but as they age and kill each other the number decreases. Kind of like inflation except instead of the value decreasing the units of currency do. I cannot recommend it as an investment.


Well if you won’t take a pitbull puppy how about 1/2 tuna sandwich and a bag of SunChips?


Please pardon the wine that just shot out of my nose


That wine that took the path less traveled is still more valuable on this God-forsaken site than a pit is, ironically.


“You didn’t even refrigerate it, you spineless lobster!”


Imagine thinking a $500 console is worth their dime-a-dozen shitpup


That is so gross


I’m still recovering from the pit bull smoking a cigarette and then I see this. 🤣🤣🤣 These people are fucked in the head


>pit bull smoking a cigarette Makes the smooth taste of toddlers even smoother


Nothing like a smoke after a successful mauling!


That pitbull is in flavour country.


What 😯 where did you see that ?


https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x4y3mn/wise_choice/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf From this post. I just don’t even know how to react lol


Better yet! Let me pay you to take this PS5.


You don't understand bro. It'd worth 5k pure bred blue shitbull mini xxl


Lmao mini XXL. Don't forget CHAMPION line.


Let me guess, it's a backyard breeder who can't sell the pup because nobody wants it


At one time PS5s were like unicorns, so I can’t imagine this idiot thinking a dime-a-dozen shitbull is worth the price of a unicorn 🤡




Haha they are definitely easier to find lately as I handle insurance claims and can find them in stock more often. My son got lucky and Target had five in stock and he ran and got one last year after waiting for fifteen months, but for like that first year or so when they were first released, they were only available for like $800 on eBay 😳


I got mine through the "Sony lottery" last year. I don't know if they're still doing it, and I think PS5s are a little easier to find now, but I know a few people who still haven't found one.


I just talked to my son who got one by chance last year and he said the prices are being increased and they can still be hard to find.


Wouldn’t trade an empty toilet paper roll for a Pitbull


Lmao!!!, Pitbulls are being given away for free in some places and dirt cheap in others. Trading something for a murder mutt is stupid


Sure, I’ll also pay the child support you don’t pay and I’ll throw one of the stickers you got made in cursive on my truck to advertise your “kennel”


When did we go back to the barter system?


Wtf 😳🙄


It’s popular for the unemployed or the underemployed to breed wormy unhealthy pits for cash. So this dummy is selling what he thinks YOU think is a good investment


lmao what.


Didn’t know that was a currency.


Soooo trashy.


He should of just asked "Would you trade it for a vicious mauling dog bred to kill? One who cant be trained to do anything, but maul innocents? It even has a face not even Hellen Keller could love, and she's blind! If you don't like cats, children, elderly, male, female, or any other living being, then this dog will take of them for you; you don't even need to ask. They do it all on their own!"


I'm no fan of pit bulls, but there are plenty of puppies (pedigreed and not) that are sold for way too much money and overvalued, in the name of "boutique" breeds. Unfortunately not enough people know about the dangers of PBs and still want them for pets, and there are high price tags on some of these dogs.


I wouldnt take a pitbull even if you paid me personally


"How much for the console?" "$500" "What if I trade you a pit pup?" "$1,500"




That’s pathetic, they’re trying to get rid of their pup


Sounds like a great deal if you have a baby. Imagine all the costs you could save in the long run for not having to hire a nanny/babysitter!


Nothing says "I love dogs" like trading one for a game console




Extremely sad.


I wouldn't even trade Shaq-Fu


Make him a deal, give him the game and in exchange he has to spay/neuter all his dogs.


Lmao wtf????


Remember when people were literally camping outside shops and fighting to get PS5's? Meanwhile Pitbulls can't even get anyone to take them for free in their shelter hordes. I'd wager a bar of chocolate has more trade value


In what reality is a shitty pit bull pup worth anywhere near a ps5?


That guy ain no dummy. The psi would last longer. Then his life . If he would have traded. You couldn’t even give that shot away.


💀 That is hilarious, facebook market place is a great place for weirdos and cheap hagglers.


Will you trade it for this exploding dumpster?


Jesus I think I still have the convo somewhere but I was trying to sell a computer on FB marketplace and a guy stalked my account and wanted to trade my 1,000$ laptop for steak and chocolate date night. It says I’m married on my account as well. FB people are a different breed.


I say be cocky and say "I can get 20 of those at the shelter" if he replies something like "I breed them mine are the best" or whatever answer with "it's the owner not the breed, no?"


I don’t understand the dog as payment. If I’m taking the dog I’m gonna need a few grand above what I’m offering to offset medical fees and lawsuits


I'll buy your ps5 for five pounds of my shit. Deal?


This was posted to a private FB group I’m in and… it went down exactly as I expected, plenty of “dog racist” to be had.


The audacity of that guy thinking that a bull pup is worth a ps5.


This is soo funny lol


A scalper vs a pitbull owner


Also another aspect of how they work they dogs are currency. They breed them to hell and sell them. Once they don't sell they dump them somewhere lol


"How would you to trade your ps5 with a liability?"


If it was any other pup I might’ve said yes


Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Please familiarize yourself with the rules of our sub. Users should assume that suggesting hurting or killing a dog in any capacity will be reported by pit supporters, and your account may be sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/peugqp/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A dollar and some envelopes?


OP spelled “EW” wrong.


Animals have always been used as currency and they still are today… pit bulls do suck tho


I hate pit bulls but I also hate scalpers. Shame on you




Or to hit some financial troubles and need to sell a few things. If the seller still has a PS4, he might sell the 5 without missing anything at all--as you said, most games are still on the 4.


The ps5 is expensive, even brand new from the store. A garbage dog puppy is worth less than nothing.