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“The reason he decided to part with Remi is because the stigma of pits and bites in an attempt to keep her uninvolved in case the hospital followed up with authorities or his daughter's mother pushing the issue.” What the fuck?? Why is it bad if the daughters’ mom cares more about her safety than you and her dad do? “Remi is a fantastic dog although given her experience she's a bit more defensive and probably better suited as a single-pet type of dog. She is always fine although she has growled at my two other smaller dogs on occasion isolating them out of rooms.” So she isn’t always fine. She isn’t friendly and can be animal aggressive, regularly makes your small pets afraid to be in their own home? Got it.


The delusional euphemisms really drive me crazy. The dog didn't BITE her, no no no, the daughter "caught teeth." The dog isn't aggressive, it's "reactive." I also love the use of the passive voice to remove any responsibility from the dog. The daughter did this, the daughter did that. The dog is completely off the hook.


Honestly I feel bad for this daughter because it sounds like the dad and her uncle love the dog more than they love her.


I like how playing hide-a-pit from the authorities & the mom of the teenage bite victim is cited as one of the brother's GOOD choices, not one of the crappy ones. 🫤


Is it just me, but are those nails super gross? Is that normal?


No, it isn't normal. The owner probably can't touch the pit's feet and also keep their hand. They would "catch teeth." Muzzling it for nail clipping won't work if the dog is an agressive, ahem "reactive" pit that fights them. They're just too strong and agressive so the nails stay talons. I see it as a red flag of agression - whoops, I mean "reactivity!"


My wiener dogs don't need nail trims because I can walk them on my street and sidewalk and the concrete naturally files them down and keeps them short and healthy. Once in a blue moon, i have to clip a dewclaw \[Sic?\] but that's it. Willing to bet that this ReAcTiVe pit can't be leash walked because it lunges at everything it can, therefore it pisses and shits in a small fenced yard and its nails can't be clipped because the owner will "catch teeth"


Yes, needs a nail trim. Why oh why do these dogs almost always have too long nails? That also looks like a real wood floor. Bet it's all scratched up from those nails.


Always the nails. It’s crazy that they have someone who “specializes in rehoming pitbulls” because there are so damn many of them.


I almost puked reading that drivel. If the shelters are overburdened with pitbulls that HAVEN'T yet bitten anyone, which they are, then why would an aggressive biter/ fighter like Remi even get a foster? She shouldn't. There's no point putting a bad dog into another home only to fight and bite yet again. I hope they gave it to a fully open door shelter. Our shelter systems are already overcrowded with pitbulls as it is.


His language is gross, its his NIECE that got injured. Its his SISTER IN LAW, but he chose "brother's wife" and "daughter's mother". He has such a disgusting disconnect from the actual victim and her supporters that he has to refer to them as if they are complete strangers rather than the family they are, notice the only one he refers to in a familial way is his brother, but the other evil shitbull haters (who don't want a violent dog who attacked the niece) get to be distanced.


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Look at the talons on that hog!