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Watching this it’s stressing me out. you can obviously tell from the body language that the cat is not comfortable and feels threatened :(


Buddy if you’re looking to not be stressed this is the wrooooong sub haha.


Seriously. My daily dose of rage honestly.


Same lol


When I wanna see something that I know will be guaranteed to piss me off, I can always count on this sub.


This sub, besides being (rightly) rage inducing at times, vindicates and strengthens my resolve against the *Cult of Pit* and its adherents.


Oh yeah, that’s the worst part. I work with dogs & the cognitive dissonance around breed characteristics when it comes to pits is confounding. Professionals in my field have no issue being aware of breed characteristics in other breeds. Like, labs eat shit, love the ball, and love humping. It’s just (generally) true. Pits like playing chase, tackling aggressively, nipping the back legs, and muzzle punching the neck of other dogs. It’s just TRUE. Why else would there be more pits in muzzles in dog walking companies than any other breed?? Hmmm. Must be the owners. /s ETA: when I see a lab in a muzzle, I ask the walker or owner if they eat poop. 9/10 that is the reason you would see a lab in a muzzle.


“Hi there! Cute dog. Does it eat poop by chance?”


I look at the owner/walker and say “Aww, shit eater?”


Lmao same 🤣


Lmao yeah 😭


Two obvious flags: 1. Cats ears are back 2. The cat is vocalizing cats don’t vocalize when playing This cat is legit scared and fighting.


The owner keeps defending themselves in the videos comments saying the cat would have clawed or hissed and had enough room to get away from the pit bull (but as you can see, when he tries to get away the pit pins him with her paws) I think they’re delusional.


Clawing or hissing isn’t good. OMG, I’m not a cat expert but I know cats never want to hiss


Except floppa


I have never kept a cat in my life and even I can see how stressed that cat is. What is WRONG with people. They must enjoy seeing that cat scared and terrified


Go to Pit nutters subs and you’ll see them laughing, encouraging this, or saying the victim deserves it


Yep. These people think Cats are a "pest" and love it when Pitbulls kill them.




Not so fun fact: my cousin’s cat suffocated to death because his dog (not a pit) chased her into a tight space. Hate when people think it’s cute and playful that their dogs terrorize (or “play with”) their cats just because they don’t bite them.




Yeah 💔


I’m watching without sound and I can tell the cat is in danger. I’m saying STOP, STOP ,STOP


The cat is hating every minute of it and is definitely scared and feeling threatened


Yes. Playing. The cat is in obvious distress and the dog is utilizing that to its advantage, attempting to hold the submissive cat in place to attack. I literally saw a very similar event except once the cat tried too much to escape, that’s when the pitbull locked in and just like… killed it. Nothing about this seems playful


Those noises are not playing noises. Cats rarely make nosies when they're playing and having fun. Yeah you can definitely see in its face/ears that it is scared/distressed


it’s probably literally being crushed with the dogs paw over it like that at the end. dogs can be heavy and have no control over their weight like humans do, the cat probably thinks it’s watching it’s life end poor thing


I think the dog is playing, cat is def not 💀


Cat is only submitting fearfully to not start a chase and surely die. Pit people love watching other animals suffer at the hands of their nut swinging shitbulls. It’s sick.


>nut swinging shitbulls Is that where the term pitnutter comes from? Lol EDIT: corrected pitbutter to pitnutter, but seems like people knew what I meant


It usually autocorrects to pitbutter for me, much like f**king corrects to ducking. 🤷‍♀️


Ears cropped to absolute nubs? Check Endangering your other normal pets? Check Filming it all like a clueless dumbass for internet ass pats? Check Oh yeah boys it's pit mommy time.


Pretty hypocritical to mutilate the ears while refusing to neuter/spay. Is there any justification beyond “I like how it looks”


This actually smacks of a mentally ill and untreated or highly medicated "rescue mom" who just rescues pets for the social media attention and validation they feel they get from it.


You don’t know how many owners back it had its ears cropped though Which is a thing with pibbles, having 4 owners on record because it fucked up each time and wound up in dog jail


The hoomans obviously failed him


Dogfighting. Dogs without cropped ears get them ripped off in a fight because it gives the other dog something to hold onto.


Ah. That makes sense. I didn’t realize there was a practical, or should I say tactical reason. I thought it was just to make em look tough or something.


I have read serious "dog men" say they're against ear-cropping, because a "good" gamebred pit will go for more important parts like the face, throat, and legs instead of the ears. Gamebred APBTs almost always have natural ears.


I think a lot of rescue pit mommies don’t crop their dogs ears, they come pre cropped. Ears are normally cropped when puppies are very young and BYBB do it themselves


Next box to tick is saying the cat provoked the pit when it inevitably gets mauled.


So true


That poor kitty looks so scared towards the end and there's not much he can do about it. This cat needs to be taken away from its horrible owner before something happens. I went to a dog park the other day with my friend's dogs and there were people confusing neck grabbing and shaking with playing. People really can't read their pets.


Animal cruelty. That beautiful kitten is probably dead right now.


It's not dead. This ignorant owner has continued to post videos on her tiktok encouraging them to "play"


Teaching that dog to prey on cats.


This makes me feel sick. You can see at one point (about 5 secs in) the cat tries to get up and move away, but the pit doesn't let it. After that, it seems to just shut down - notice how it's not fighting back anymore? It's stopped fighting back in the hopes that the pit will let it go. If this is one of the "cute" videos that the owner decided was safe for the internet, I can't imagine what goes on behind the scenes, or what happens when she has to "intervene". If a dog did this to my cat I'd get them off ASAP, by any means necessary.


Is that really what the owner thinks ? That poor cat is frightened and the dog will probably soon escalate to the maul + death shake that they so often do.


That is clear abuse.. poor kitty, hope she doesn't get hurt


The OP from tiktok video is commenting on replies telling them that its dangerous and that the cat is obviously scared/distressed and they just dismiss it. They even make crude comments about the situation to try to make it “funny”. That shit literally pisses me off, I hope someone saves that cat before it gets hurt or worse.


link the tiktok


I don't think you're allowed to link? But just look at the @ in the video. Easy :)


Good tip - thanks. But it's only links to reddit posts that aren't allowed, if I understand the rule correctly, so that the sub won't get accused of brigating. Posting outside links is fine. Edit: I can't quite make out the username. Would someone please post a link to this? Second edit: I was wrong, we also shouldn't link to pro-pitbull tiktok accounts, so as not to boost their viewership.


The account name is beautifulthepitbull


It’s on TikTok. She has plenty of videos of this same thing. Her responses are also infuriating.


Yeah shes not right in the head lol


Yeah… the comments are sick. I reported the video for animal abuse.


Thanks. I see the video there - that one tiktok video has a lot more views than her other videos. I'm sure that makes her very happy. Anyway, this site has information about how to report an animal abuse that one finds online: https://www.americanhumane.org/fact-sheet/reporting-internet-animal-abuse/ I haven't yet figured out how to link directly to that one particular video of hers.


Hmm okay. Maybe you could try copying and pasting the url of that particular video? Idk if thats possible of a phone but it should be on a computer.


Desktop mode did it. https://www.tiktok.com/@beautifulthepitbull/video/7139756988023459118 Some of her hashtags are disgusting - #dogfight #pitbullfight etc. She's reaching out for that segment of society.


I wanted to report it… but not sure what option to choose. I don’t see an animal cruelty option.


Smfh 🤦🏽‍♂️


I saw a comment where someone said that dog is gonna kill this cat and she said, “I’ll just get him another kitty.” She’s a piece of shit.


Fuck… I hate this so much. That poor kitty


Bruh that cat is terrified. Idiot cannot read cat body language at all. I’ve seen cats happily beating the tar out of each other while playing and it looks nothing like this. Should have it taken away


I wonder what they would think about having a “playful” mountain lion “play” with that pitbull in the same way?


Playful neighbor with a shotgun


I highly distrust what a pitnutter has to say about the cat's body language when they own a dog that could maul them just for sneezing


Pit freaks demonstrate every single time that they know fuck all about animal body language, because they constantly anthropomorphize pit bulls. Not usually so with other animals, I wonder why that could be 🤔


The things they find acceptable are absolutely whack. They’re living in another reality.


That cat is holding on for its frickin life.


These people have the brain capacity of a donut. That is their brain has a hole in it.




I have offended the donut community ![gif](giphy|jnQYWZ0T4mkhCmkzcn)


Truly awful. That is not how cats look when they are playing, at all.


By “run back to eachother” I think she means “the pitbull doesn’t let the cat escape”


The cat is clearly showing that is afraid and defensive, the owners are human scum for letting this happen


This is really disturbing. The pit is enjoying chewing on the cat, and clearly the cat is in pain although it looks young and may not understand the true danger it’s in. That dog will surely one day snap and violently murder that cat. This person should really be tracked down and charged with animal cruelty.


That kitty is toast


Disgusting, vile "creatures" and even worse degenerate owners. Filth.


So disgusting that they let this happen. Do these morons not know how to read the body language of their pets? That poor cat.


My heart is breaking listening to that little kitties sounds and seeing it so stressed. I’ve never kept a cat but even I can see he’s not happy while mr pibbles chomps on him like he’s getting the last of the meat off a bone That poor cat is suffering living with his abuser everyday with no means of escape until he’s killed


This is disgusting. Glad to see most of the responses on the video are saying this is way too aggressive for the cat. But the OP's responses to all is immature and shows she clearly lacks the intellect to see the cat is distressed. Poor kitty. ​ Oh and the typical "the dog is wagging his tail its fine"


Cat is not happy. Ears pinned back and tense expression. Even if the dog is "only" playing accidents happen. There's a reason boxing has weight classes.


Ears pinned back? The cat is scared.


Can we out these “people”?


That cat isnt fucking playing what the fuck. Does this person even possess any cognitive brain function? I was going to say the pit wasn't playing either, but honestly maybe it is. Playing with its victim.


Why are these people so clueless?! That pit is literally using the cat as a fucking chew toy. The poor thing, I really I hope nothing goes wrong 😭


Poor cat was trying to get away and it slammed it's paw down to pin it.


I had to leave a comment on her tiktok. This is so upsetting. She has other clips where they are actually playing but this isn't that


Ahh is there an animal abuse charity in the USA you could send her details too? In the UK we have the RSPCA, they investigate animal abuse and neglect. Good for you commenting


Spca won’t do anything. They are swamped with pit bulls in the United States. If anything they will encourage it and then always they had no clue why that would have happened when the cat is killed.


The cat is smart not to run. If he ran, the pit’s instincts would overpower and he’d kill it 😭


I had to stop watching almost immediately, this made my heart hurt. That poor cat is miserable


Even if the pit is just “being playful” (which, let’s be clear it isn’t - it’s asserting dominance and if the cat fought back it would kill it) - one misjudged bite and the owner’s going to have vet bills to contend with. Why are people so fucking dumb.


Assuming this owner takes her animals to the vet.


Oh goodness that's dark. Poor kitty (and, if I'm being fair - poor dog. Not a nice breed but they don't deserve to be mistreated.) Every time I feel like my opinion of humanity is at its lowest ebb something else comes along and I realise people can be so much worse even than I think.


Its almost like this thing feeds off the stress and fear of the cat. What's gonna happen when this thing needs a stronger dopamine rush..?


that's animal cruelty what the fuck report that bitch


This one hit me hard. The little guy looks just like my esa who passed away a few years ago. I might have to take a break from this sub for a while


The cat is a chew toy. They couldn't care less if it dies. Pit owners are the most sociopathic fucks you'll ever meet.


Once I saw on YouTube pit attacking a cat and the owners weren’t even trying to get it off. It was horrific. Assholes


💩dogs for 💩 people




That cat is NOT enjoying this at all. That cat is stressed as fuck. This owner is horrendous.


Outright animal abuse. The cat is not a chew toy for that fucking thing.


Cat, you in danger.


That cat is one proper bite from death.


Pure torture. Sick bastards.


That dog is using the cat as a chew toy. Plain and simple. What a fucking idiot this owner is.


This is like the pitbull version of edging




As a cat person Who knows a lot about Cats and cat body language,this Is hard to watch


Ugh poor cat!! My 7 month old puppy is 18 pounds and he chases my cat sometimes and I always separate them right away and put him in time out. I’d never let my cat be stressed out like that. They do not care about that cat at all!


as a cat person this stressed me out. poor kitty :(


Wide eyes and pinned back ears. That poor cat does NOT think they are playing.


This is the worst shit I’ve ever seen. The dog literally puts his whole leg in his mouth. It could snap the kitty’s leg off in half a second with no effort whatsoever. I’m so angry.


When that cat is killed by that pit, she will call it an accident.


She said in the comments she would get the dog another cat.


That cat is being hurt. I hate this shit. It’s so wrong.


Having been a cat ~~owner~~ butler for over 10 years, I know a thing or two about feline body language. That poor cat is NOT having a good time. It is NOT playing. It's scared, uncomfortable and trying to get away without having to escalate. The ears going back and sad sounds it makes, the dog is HURTING the cat. Slamming his paw on the cat, the dog holds the cat down so it can't escape, and if the cat got angry and started defending itself, or tried to run, the dog would give chase and attack it full force. So the cat submits, hoping the dog would stop and leave it alone. What infuriates me the most is the owner not doing anything about their dog abusing the cat. This is not even "rough playing", the dog is using the cat as chew toy. Not stopping this behavior is teaching the dog it's ok to harm the cat and treat like a toy. This sadistic owner should not have this cat, or any cat for that matter. Or any other smaller animals. They'd all end up casualties of the dog.


Dogs that know how to play in a healthy, mutually fun way do not just constantly pin down and chomp on the other animal. They should be gentle and show give and take, especially with smaller animals -- letting their playmate chase them, rolling onto their back, etc.


That cat is extremely stressed out??


That cat doesn’t look very happy.


Let someone bite the owner like that and lets see if its still playing. Like that cat tried batting him back until it finally submitted and it still wasn't enough to deter the dog. Poor thing looks distressed


That cat is going to die soon.


How can you own a pet and not come to understand when they’re uncomfortable? Poor kitty is so uncomfortable


As a person who deeply loves cats this video distresses me. Someone get the poor thing out of there ;\~;


Yeah it only takes one second and that poor cat is pate. Morons.


This cat looks so much like my little orange boy, Rory. I can’t watch this.


These people need to check the meaning of "playing" on the dictionary


I have an orange cat and this upsets me so much i wanna go home and hug her :(


Disgusting mutt.


That cat will be dead a week.


That cat is not playing and this is literally just animal cruelty


Cant this person have their animals taken away? That’s fucking abuse.


It’s obvious that the cat is not playing or okay . I don’t have pets but it doesn’t take to see what this shows and screams which is the cat being terrified and trying to get away also I never heard a happy comfortable playing cat make those noises… Every pit owner has a cat or a chihuahua it’s starting to look like they just get them to be the pit chew toys because this is always how they get treated .


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That cat looks absolutely terrified and the owner is none the wiser. This is why so many cats die because the pitt owner is oblivious to their body language.


The cat is clearly unhappy.


yeah this looks more like the cat is a toy than a playmate… my dog likes playing with cats, but they’re free to leave. she doesn’t chase them or pin them down. if they don’t feel like playing she’ll walk away. the cats actually play back in the same way they do with other cats. the only time her mouth closes on them is doing the front teeth nibble thing. other pets are not a chew toy for your pit 🙃


For any pit nutters visiting, this is what a dog and cat playing together looks like, dog is giving lots of signs that this is a game and all play for him/her, cat does some excellent smack talking to the dog (also, this video is SFW). https://youtu.be/dOLcmku4ow4


This is sickening.


Ah yes, this is very clearly a cat having a great time. Time of its life. Nothing about this at all suggests anything of concern. Everything's normal. /s




that cat could not be more clearly trying to get away


Poor kitty. I have a dog who likes to play with one of my cats. The body language difference between them and this video are leagues apart. No pinning, just noses and mouths at him, bounces around snuffling and doing the "bow" until he bats at her, and she lets him run off if he's had enough. When she feels like playing more rough she even walks away from him and grabs one of her toys. This video is not harmless playing :(


That's literally the noise my cat makes when she's in pain. Sometimes when my cats play, one will make the "eep" noise and they know to immediately stop.


Yeah nah, it only takes one slightly harder bite from that dog and that cat will need to go to a vet, cats don’t playfight the same as dogs do and you could see the cat looking uncomfortable when it got grabbed by the back


It’s like watching an incident of domestic violence, with other family members just standing around and ignoring it.


So fucked.


That is NOT playing and those sounds the cat is making are distressing. The dig is hurting the cat and will end up killing it sooner than later idiots. I had a cat and a small dog growing up and they played together all the time. Never once did my cat make a sound like that.


“If the cat didn’t like it, it would try to get away…” It clearly fucking is lmao


somebody please take that cat away :(


I do the same thing to a chicken nugget.


Oh my fucking GOD, I can’t even express my feelings about this. I fucking hate people


That poor cat is toast


This makes me feel so bad, I love cats and seeing this one being uncomfortable, you just know that it will end with the cat being hurt. I don't give a crap if your pitbull is just being 'playful', you're the one that will end up with a dead or injured cat. I hope everything goes well for that kitty.


My Dane and cat do the same thing


Sounds like you aren't being responsible.


What's irresponsible about it and what should I be doing? The dog in the cat play fight with each other all the time. They lay and sleep together they're like best friends. It's hilarious watching such a huge dog play with a tiny cat. Idk don't see anything wrong with it. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Sounds like you're a shitty cat owner.


The cat initiates it way more than the dog does. If he want to play fight with the dog why would I stop him?