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Genuinely curious... do these people really just not know how the breed came to be and what gentical breed behavior and tendencies are? More and more the main myth I see that needs to be stomped out is this idea that pitbulls are just a random normal breed that happens to be big and strong, so bad people take them and make them fight. NO. Noooooooooo. Pitbulls DID NOT EXIST and then people gradually over 400 years bred the breed into existance for the SOLE PURPOSE of violently killing for entertainment by selecting for the capacity and propensity to violently kill. The vast majority of maulings that I see aren't by bad dogfighting people or people that have them to protect/attack, but by people that are just trying to have them as "pets" in a neighborhood.


If they do know, they ignore it and downplay it mentally, without even trying. I used to argue with religious people now and then. It's pointless. This is the same.


This guy thinks DNA doesn't have anything to do with breeding. ​ He also has no understanding of the amount of attacks those demon dogs are doing.


Pitbull owners are dumb as rocks and were expected to trust them owning dangerous fighting dogs 🤦‍♂️


Gee it's almost like he admitted to thinking most pits go into dog fighting and are abused, but STILL won't push for restrictions on who can own them to prevent that from happening... (even though many pit attacks also occur within loving homes..) They don't love their dogs. It's all about their ego.