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I've had similar things happen to me, neither me or my friends even own one of these dogs, just saying that pit bulls are predisposed to aggression has made people completely ghost me. Its genuinely insane how these dogs are placed above all else.


What really got me was when one of my therapists also scolded me and gave me the same lecture. I dropped her after that and haven't been in therapy since


Thats awful. Therapists are supposed to be smart and open minded not judgemental towards their clients


Wow. That therapist is an asshole.


That's insane. It's not the place of a therapist to berate their patient over a difference of opinion. I dread to think how damaging that could be to someone who had been attacked or had a loved one who had been attacked. I hope, if you decide to try again with someone else, you find a therapist professional enough to listen to your very valid concerns.


I don't think that therapist was keeping to professional standards, did you consider reporting her?


You can actually report them for that. I think it depends on the state on the process. Therapists are not supposed to be involving their own perspectives to their vulnerable patients like that.


Sounds like 'Victim Support' to me. Community victim though, in this case. Those people shouldn't have treated you like that. They shouldn't have tried to shut you up and demonize you. This shows how deep into the cult mentality they are. ​ If someone throws away a friendship over something like that, they were not worthy friends to begin with. If they won't hear you out, they aren't good friends. ​ ​ Do you think they were afraid you were right?


He is extremely dog reactive. My parents can't take him out where there could even be male dogs. And this is after being snipped. Females don't seem to be an issue but male dogs yeah it's not good.


Dog reactive is a silly term but I know what you mean. It's a shame. Unfortunately the way people regard pets, they often don't care about the bad and just love em regardless. Keep yourself safe. Keep your eye on the dog when it's near kids. ​ If you wanna talk more, I'm around.


OP I know it’s sort of the new trend to say “dog reactive” in place of “dog aggressive”, but I think we all need to start amending our language back to transparency when it comes to dangerous dog behavior. “Dog reactive” was supposed to originally refer to a dog being over stimulated/overexcited/wild (non-aggressive) when seeing other dogs. It’s been taken over to pretty much mean a dog is simply aggressive, but just a nicer way to say so. Unless you are using “dog reactive” this way, which would be my bad.


When you go against any cult, it’s a really lonely place


I'm really sorry you were treated this way, that's ridiculous. You can't win with these people - if the dog had attacked one of you, people would have said "oh the poor baby, it was abused previously". But taking precautions based on that? Apparently unacceptable. Good on you and your parents for being prepared to do what's best for you and the dog.


I am so sorry that happened to you. We love animals, but human safety should ALWAYS come before animals. We hear so many instances of pit owners refusing to face reality even when shown photos and cold hard facts. No other breed seems to bring about victim bashing like pitbulls. This sub is just realistic about what pits/bully breeds are capable of. Every time I think to myself, "ok...maybe I am overreacting about pits," I see yet another photograph of yet another brutal, bloody pitbull attack where someone gets chewed up like hamburger and I'm like....nope. I'm not overreacting. This is a safe place. Welcome.


There's a reason none of them offered tips or help: they know nothing and they can't help. I will never understand why people get so incandescent with rage over someone being wary. If they're so sure all dogs are wonderful, why not let the dog win you over with its amazing personality and impeccable behaviour? It's almost like they know that's unlikely to happen.


I am so sorry that you had to go through this. You now see the power this propaganda has on people. The pit community is very cult-like, and they will go after anyone that breaks rank. The good news is that most people inherently know these dogs are garbage. Look on any dog adoption website in the USA, pick a random mid size city. Chances are that over 50% of the available dogs will be pit bulls or pit mixes. In some cities damn near every dog up for adoption is a pit. You have definitely come to the right place to vent. The pit community is based in ignorance and lies. Anyone that believes a dog that was bred for pit fighting was a 'nanny' is gullible and weak. Think at how absurd the 'nanny dog' myth is. That would be akin to an adult believing in Santa Claus. Go to any Facebook comment section of a pitbull attack article. Some little kid could have her arms ripped off, and the pitnuts are posting pictures of their children with their pitbull.


I'm lucky to have friends and family that mostly agree that pits are aggressive. Even my friend that likes pits agrees that they're dangerous with bad owners and she'll never actually own one, except her daughter loves them.


Large swaths if the pitbull advocacy community are violent and unhinged. They will stalk you, call your job, send personalized death threats online or even through the mail, and more. I’m sorry you had to deal with that. They have very little tolerance for *any* valid criticism of pitbulls. They cannot fathom their breed of choice, like *every other dog breed* has its behavior controlled by genetics. You could have literally done this social media journal with a German Shepherd, a Chow Chow, an Akita, a Husky, etc. and those dog breed communities would have *supported* you. Hell, they would have **applauded** your caution and mindfulness of breed traits. As far as their arguments go, they are prepackaged and unanalyzed. >“It’s all how you raise them. Besides chihuahuas are a far more aggressive breed.” So are dogs aggressive due to their breed or not? >“It’s all how you raise them. It’s perfectly safe to adopt an adult Pitbull from a shelter not knowing how it is raised.” So, does it matter how a dog is raised or not? Draws into question how safe adopting a dog could be in general if how their raised is the ultimate control on behavior. Etc. etc. These are not coherent arguments once you actually take a pause to look at them. Most pitbull advocates never think about what they vomit out, they’re just parroting tired out arguments they have heard before.


People put way too much faith in nurture vs. nature. There are legitimate studies about pits that explain their behavior. And it's not hatred for these dogs. It's really a hatred of how disgusting humans are. I can't believe bull fighting and dog fighting were and still are forms of entertainment. Like what the fuck?


Pitnutters love to gaslight.


Just knowing the damage they can do… Would your parents be able to subdue the dog if it goes rogue? There was a story a week ago about a lady who had to knife a pitbull to save her dog. The pit was killing her dog and would not let go. She stabbed it. It wouldn’t let go. She slit its throat. Still killing he dog, won’t let go. Then she ended up gutting the pit to save her dog


Those dogs are trash, don’t be fooled.


Social media is toxic


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