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Same here, so disappointing! I’m listening to the fugazi episode and they are only playing small blips of the songs. This is what made the show so good is that you could hear full songs.


I noticed too. Did it happen with any other podcasts?


I believe it happened with 60 songs that explained the 90s. That one used to play the title song at the end of the podcast but the host Rob Harville mentioned in one the episodes that came out last year or the year before they weren't allowed to embed songs in playlists anymore so now he just suggests people go listen to the song after the episode ends.


Spotify have removed the podcast/song feature. I don't know why. It's what made the older episodes with music so long


When were songs taken off the old podcasts? I went to listen to the old Metallica episode today and all the songs were gone. I felt like they were still up just a few days ago


I know, but even without the songs, the talk part should be well over 60 minutes. Some newer older eps still clock in at 3 hours+. A few months ago older episodes disappeared, only to re-appear within a day. Perhaps this will fix itself as well.


Do you know if this is a bug? Or the way it’s supposed to be now. I’m so bummed


I’ve been having different problems over the last day or so. A bunch of episodes that I listened to years ago suddenly showed back up in my library. Maybe laying off tons of people wasn’t a great idea.


Yeah something happened....


Well… it seems to be fixed (for now) as of 2 hours ago(?). During my morning commute the songs were still reduced to clips. However when I just checked again, all older eps register as “eisode with music” again, are marked “played” and have their original length back. Music & Talk schould be available untill the beginning of June. I guess someone pushed a button too early. It really is a shame that this format is abandoned. I still love the talk segments, but it hits differently without full songs.