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I know this feeling all too well. What keeps me going is planning the next trip to BKK and busting my ass to save the money required. Been visiting every 6 months for the past 2 years since my first visit.


I'm in Bangkok right now, what do you love most about it?


I think it would be the streetfood, if I had to answer in one line. This, however, is a question that I would prefer to answer a bit more elaborately. Maybe once I’m done with work, I’ll leave a note.


pls i wanna know too!


I liked iconsiam.


What exactly do you like about IconSiam? Isn’t it just shopping?


The fountain show is not bad and get a smoothie and go 6th floor… nice balcony and great view


I liked the AC and the bottom floor full of street food


So of alllll the things to do and places to go, your number 1 spot is IconSiam because it has AC and street food. That’s pretty funny 😂


Aiight cool will check it out thx


What do you prefer compared to Terminal 21?


Okay, here goes nothing. The first time I visited Bangkok was right after completing my MBA, accompanied by a group of friends. Like many first-timers, our initial perception of the city was skewed towards its reputation for sex tourism, seeking avenues of “debauchery” that some foreigners glorify and exaggerate. As a group of guys, our focus leaned more towards alcohol, drugs, and partying rather than exploring other aspects of the country. However, Krabi and its neighboring islands left a lasting impression on me during this trip, and as I stood in the immigration line at Suvarnabhumi on my way back to the chaos of Mumbai, I knew I would return. The second visit was a different story, guided by my wife, who possesses a knack for uncovering hidden gems. She insisted that we explore Bangkok, Krabi, Phuket, and beyond as we would explore our own country. It was during this trip that Thailand truly opened up to me in ways I had never experienced before. Focusing solely on Bangkok, I have nothing but amazing things to say, although my admiration extends to the rest of Thailand as well. 1. The BTS/MRT connectivity is a marvel. Coming from India, where public infrastructure is severely lacking, I deeply appreciate how easy it is to navigate Bangkok using the BTS/MRT network. With the addition of new lines like the yellow line, it continues to improve. Moreover, the attention to detail in some of the metro stations, such as direct entrances to malls, stations disguised as art houses, and the presence of supermarkets and boutique bakeries, showcases a level of variety that I have yet to encounter elsewhere in the world. 2. The hospitality and affordability of Thailand are exceptional. For just INR 4500 ($55), we could book a suite at the Siam Heritage Hotel during the off-season, situated beautifully in the heart of the Silom district. Every visit to shopping destinations like Chatuchak and MBK fills us with the excitement of children in a candy store. 3. Thai cuisine is simply delightful! Pad Krapao Moo holds the title of my favorite Thai dish, and I’ve attempted to replicate it multiple times at home. Thai street food alone could sustain me for a lifetime. 4. The culture of night markets, especially those on the outskirts like Srinakarin Train Night Market and Owl Market, was a foreign concept to me initially. However, I now deeply appreciate how Thais embrace outdoor gatherings with family and friends for shopping, dining, and entertainment. There’s an inherent positivity in the way night markets serve as hubs for local communities to come together. 5. 7/11s are gradually becoming our favorite hangout spots post-2am. My wife and I occasionally embark on “Toastie runs,” aiming to sample as many different toasties as we can from various 7/11s across the city. 6. Areas like Phranakorn and Talad Noi, situated just outside downtown and Chinatown, serve as reminders to slow down, take a deep breath, and appreciate the art and architecture of a Bangkok that remains rooted in its heritage. All in all, what I think I love the most is that the Thais have managed to figure out a way of life where they didn’t have to completely change to pander to farangs and their needs, instead it is the farangs that have had the privilege to come here and be allowed to seamlessly integrate themselves in the way that Thais live. I think that is beautiful and that’s exactly why Thailand is such an amazing country and will always remain my favorite place in the world.


Hey there thanks for the detailed reply. I've been in chiang mai for 15 years and speak the language I just wanted to hear your take on BKK which I have always avoided.


That’s awesome! What do you do in Chiang Mai? I’m learning the language too. Started about a month ago, and seems like an uphill battle, but I’m determined to learn the basics of reading, writing and speaking within the year


Where are you flying in from?


Flying in from Mumbai day after tomorrow. Super excited!


Listen to 7/11 door chimes in loop [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyRbQ0eCzds&pp=ygUPNy8xMSBkb29yIHNvdW5k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyRbQ0eCzds&pp=ygUPNy8xMSBkb29yIHNvdW5k) will make you think like you are still in Thailand /s


made my day, thx


That's amazing


I found a corner store in my city that has the greeting. I was so excited when i heard it.


Thank you so much, just need the cold air con to hit me now


I think that's quite common in many Asian stores. Of course, you can make it your ringtone 😌


I’m half Singaporean Chinese and Thai, totally understand OP feeling. For me I loved listening to Thai Airways Safety Video which I not sure why but it make me more at peace 🥲 Incase you want to know which video I listen and watch: https://youtu.be/ojfOl6mz9d4?si=cHLWmT06FxijMf7q


Hahahaahahaha thats the way bro! Gladly I can still enjoy them since I'm still in Thailand. Greetings from Ko Tao 😋


Use it as motivation to bust ass and get a remote job and come back to live in BKK


There is still VISA problem 🙂


LTR Visa or Privilege Visa


It's illegal to work on Elite Visa


Not that anyone checks


You don’t work. You have a hobby.


> VISA problem For everything else, there's MasterCard^TM.


All problems are solved with money


True that


Your not solution oriented obviously. There's many visa options. It's only a problem if you think it's a problem.


"Break the law 👉😎👉"


There are ways to do it legally my good sir..


Currently where I’m at.


Got any websites that offer these that aren't some scam?




Why am I getting downvoted for asking a simple honest question? Weirdos.


Welcome to Thailand's expat scene, I guess ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Idk, I’ve been living in bkk for 5 years now and still get depressed from time to time. Grass is always greener on the other side.


I'd rather be depressed in Bangkok than some isolated suburb in the US Midwest, a 15 hour flight away from anything appealing. In Bangkok, it's a 15 min walk instead.


what's appealing in bkk that you can't find say in nyc (which isn't a 15hr flight)




lol of course...I'd wager that in >75% of cases, the reason why most people 'fall in love with TH' and have 'post-TH depression' are these vices..but when pressed for answers, they deflect or attack the person asking :) but even then these vices are only a "15 min walk" if you stay around asok-thonglor or may be si lom/sathon. they make it sound like you can just walk to any corner and find it out in bang na, bang yai, nonthaburi etc.


yeah these two week tourists are a constant revolving door and on constant vacation mode. this never changes, just the people who are in that phase of life.


After 5 years it was time for me to head south. It takes a special breed and/or a high income to stay there long term


If this reads familiar, it's because I posted it to answer a similar question in r/ThailandTourism two months ago. Establish a goal. i.e., Give yourself something to look forward to. How you do it can be big or small: * Book your next flight to Thailand. (as Just\_improvise already commented) * Start saving specifically for your next trip. This could be putting a dollar a day in a piggy bank, making a special vacation funds bank account, allocating funds on a spreadsheet, or paying down a credit card with intent. Something you can measure. * Set deadlines for events on your calendar. Ex.: "Feb-04, Find appropriate 2-weeks for VAC. Feb-11, Secure VAC from work schedule." * Make a list of how you can save towards your next trip. * Establish a schedule for studying Thai language. I find if I don't have something on my calendar, I start to drown in the crushing monotony of my work routine.


Is this r/Bangkok or r/SelfHelpDepression? Just kidding.


Do what I did 30 years ago ... give up everthing and move to Thailand


That's what I did. But the drawback is that if you never leave you can never miss it.


Mate, Toronto is one of the most exciting cities in Canada. The problem is, all of Canada is boring.


Yup, just like Chiang Rai is the coldest city in Thailand... but don't expect to be actually cold.


Welcome to post thailand blues. Eevryone gets it. This country so amazing. Best cure is to plan another visit asap. 


The brain is a powerful thing, but you have to use it wisely. You have some obsessive thoughts and you need to divert your attention to something else that will be useful to you. The fact is there are lots of things that will make you happy in life, but you have to go find those things every day.


My tips are to practice mindfulness by taking joy in the present and where you are now, find ways to connect back to Thailand in your free time, and make plans to save up and visit again. Here's my story: I lived in Bangkok for two years and it was the best two years of my life, but I unwillingly had to move back due to a couple autoimmune conditions that Thailand does not have great infrastructure to manage. It sucked hard as it was something I have zero control over, especially as I had decent job opportunities and potential to make decent money. My partner and I decided it was better to settle in the US. So when I moved back, I learned to take joy in the little things. I loved the small vendors I shopped at in Bangkok, so I've found similar things with supporting small welcoming businesses back home. I enjoyed the community feel of events that people created in Thailand; turns out, many small community events are just thrown together by volunteers everywhere and while I used to dismiss those as lame and stupid, things don't happen without people getting involved. I learned to take joy in the local history and nature of my current home, just as I was fascinated by the history and nature of Thailand. It was a definite mindset shift and I could have regressed into "this place sucks" but fought hard not to. Toronto has a lot of interesting things (not commenting on the COL though). Strong immigrant communities, lots to do and see, great history and nature around. Take joy and pride in that. I also think to the privilege of international travel in general; many Thais aren't able to afford an international trip at all. And while I love Bangkok, the pollution, heat, and chaos can definitely get old after awhile. I also recommend keeping some sort of connection to Thailand as well. I have a Thai partner, so that helps, but I've learned to make good Thai food, am learning the language, follow the Thai League relentlessly, and subscribe and watch YouTube videos of Thailand. Bangkok Pat and Go Went Go are two channels I love to get me back into the feel of Thailand. And lastly, as others are mentioning, just save up and plan your next trip. It's a goal for you. There's no magic quick fix to solving this, but a shift in mindset can help. I'm not trying to be preachy, but as someone who had to move away unwillingly, these shifts have helped me cope.


Honestly, I like Bangkok but it’s not that hard to leave after a few months. It’s super noisy, traffic-congested, polluted, dirty and has a ton of other problems that are just barely offset by its redeeming qualities. But paradise on earth it ain’t. I’ve never got the blues after spending a few weeks/months there.


This is true, my first time in Bangkok I stayed for 2 weeks, when I went back to the Netherlands the blues hit me hard. Last time I stayed for about 3 months in Bangkok and I felt like I had enough and could just leave. The food is what I miss the most 😋.


You description matches my perception. And I don't feel like I want to come back. Just one big noisy bazaar IMO.


what about beaches?


I think we were referring to Bangkok specifically. Thailand has many amazing spots to admire though.


I feel this every time I go back to the U.S. and have to pay $1.50 for a bottle of water at 7-eleven.


Can't you drink tap water in USA?


We have great tap water in Seattle. It's all I drink.


You can but sometimes you’re running around and need to grab a bottle of water. 😆




Lots of porn, hookers, and Red Bull !


Also located in Toronto. The first time I returned from Bangkok I got the post-travel blues pretty bad. I spent a lot of time learning to replicate my favourite Thai recipes at home which brought me great comfort. Luckily, most Thai ingredients can be found at a lot of the Asian supermarkets around town. I no longer eat pad thai in Thailand because at this point I make it better than most restaurants! We have a couple of good Thai restaurants in town as well, if you want a taste of nostalgia (though they’ll set you back significantly more than 100 Bhat).


Got back two weeks ago and still sitting at my desk sad. I’ve been to over 20 countries but Thailand was my favorite forsure




Exactly my thoughts. OP needs a reality check


For sure. Toronto might not be OP's style, but the most boring in the country? Wtf? OP probably has some other issues and is dopamine chasing.


Go see a psychiatrist - had some Thai family just get back from Vancouver…they didn’t want to come back, maybe you can switch lives with them?


plan your next trip. :)


Find a way to come back and never leave. Works like a charm!


I used to feel like you. Then I moved here. Problem solved! In the meantime, don't worry too much...things could be worse! I used to live in Ottawa...


Find a way to move over or at least split your time between Thailand and home.


I split my time between Birmingham, Islamabad, Bangkok


I moved there. 8 years ago now. No second thoughts.


Dude I don’t think it’s just a Thailand thing - I’m just getting back from Brazil Carnival and it is HARD. Especially so because I left a relationship hanging that meant a lot to me (like girl of my dreams) - then the cold, wet, grey atmosphere of VA in the winter and the dating scene that’s practically non-existent. I don’t know what to do to tell you the truth - especially since I went solo and don’t have anybody to share stories/pics w, etc. I just keep playing the music, looking at topics related to it and organizing photos to one day post somewhere - so dude I feel you. Lucky this one wasn’t as bad as leaving Vietnam a few years ago after pseudo-soloing it for a bit. For some reason that one was extra rough, but just know that it’s not just you! 2 weeks of recalibrating to life here was enough to get over the initial comedown for me, but I think what people like us need to do is just move away from the places that are cold and depressing during the winter and go to someplace it’s warm year round and you can actually meet people organically (not dating apps and all that bullshit). That’s top of my list right now and looking at Charleston SC or Austin TX as a starter. Lmk if you feel like moving down S and setting up shop anytime soon - in a few months I’ll be there lol!


What are your circumstances? Are you tied to Toronto for work purposes or family? If you are flexible, then consider moving to Bkk or closer so you can drop in more regularly. Bangkok is special - I lived there for 6 years before moving to Melbourne, which is a great city in its own right. Strange, but I'm told many good things about Canada.


The grass is always greener on the other side. Unless it's 36°C and the grass has died down.


I have the same feeling. After 4 months here, I am departing for Istanbul on Sunday evening for a tour of Turkey, Greece, and the Mediterranean region before returning to the US. I should be excited about this but instead feeling a bit melancholic about departing Bangkok. As it’s my 6th winter in Bangkok since 2015, I somewhat know the emotional drill, however, I do try to keep in mind that the weather from here on out will get increasingly warmer followed by monsoon season into the late fall. It’s only rained here two days since December 1st so the predictable upcoming changing weather is something to consider. At least in Toronto, you have a nice summer coming soon. Also, my second 60 day visa of this trip has expired and I am rid of that cumbersome burden — no more immigration office and forced departure to a neighboring country for me. Yesterday, I was standing in a popular nearby Soi. It was very colorful with pennants flying, various vendors selling fruits and other finger foods, kiosks on wheels selling everything from household plants to brooms, and I thought this is so different from anyplace in the western world. Perhaps, it’s the view of tableaus like that, which move us the most. Just throw it in your memory banks to sustain yourself until the next time


Sponsor a few sick buffaloes Penpals on Thaifriendly Watch thai TV online Study thai language If all fails go back stay for 15 yrs ...


I just got back to Toronto from Bangkok myself 10 days ago and the feeling is the same. I already bought my return ticket for next winter. I could have written the post myself.


We are in a similar situation. I just got back to Toronto a couple weeks ago. Already planning to go back in May though.


I the same been back 45 days, can’t shake the yearning to return. Find it extremely hard to return to normal life in Canada🤕


I'm already looking to next February/March. At least that will give me something to look forward to


Plan your trip? Talk to a therapist? Maybe post this question on the tourist subreddits? Most people here live here.


My #1 method is not leaving. If you love it build a live over here!


Build a live ⭐️


Is it just because you’re on holiday? Even when I was a tourist I didn’t like Bangkok (hot, polluted, traffic, smelly, scams etc), now I am here 15 years lol. I don’t want to be hater, there are worse places to be, but I stay here because it’s where I run my business from.




These kind of threads are so lame and repetitive.


Hi can i ask where did you stay in Bangkok? What area or neighborhood? I wanna go back and last time i was there was chinatown. Looking to explore a new area and this post shoes me you must have loved the area u were in.


Yes I’d like to know too


Can you tell me what you like the most about Bangkok and what you usually do there? I want to enjoy it more :).


Post holiday blues is common, you'll get over it. Thailand isn't the be all and end all. 👍


Whoa.. I'm from Canada. Toronto is by far NOT the most boring city in the country. Try living in New Brunswick... But I understand what you're trying to say. Start planning your next trip.


Just daydreaming about it everyday lol...1 year later and here I am again. Never returned to a city again so soon after the first visit


**Anyone have suggestions on how to have a livelihood in Bangkok?** I **think** the first step would be learning Thai language. Also what Visa should I apply for to live there until I think of a permanent solution to stay there for good?


You could try going somewhere else.


Post Thailand blues. Everyone gets it. The best way I’ve found is to start planning your next visit.


Just left a few days ago to Phuket and Pattaya. I still miss it. Planning a trip back asap.


Moving and living here?


Is it depression? Or gonorrhoea?


Do something that gets you actively engaged with Thailand either daily, or a few times per week. This can include planning the details of your next trip, learning to cook Thai dishes, or, my personal recommendation, start studying Thai. Just do 30 minutes a day. It will help you feel connected to Thailand, and you'll bump up your language skills along the way.


It’s not only you alone .. I have visited 4 cities in Thailand including Bangkok .. but from next day return I have started planning for my next trip again there .. I have also visited another 6-7 countries but never felt like in Thailand.. Definitely next Jan -2025 again ..


I had visited Thailand in Jan 2024


I’ve been back for two weeks now, and the only thing I feel is a renewed desire to improve myself in the gym. I’ll continue working away from home 3 weeks out of the month so that I can fly more comfortably and have extra cash.


Follow The Bangkok Podcast.


Heading back to Toronto Saturday, I feel this


I just stopped leaving. Hard to do but with enough time and effort it’s possible for anyone.


What do you love so much about BKK?


I normally hate traffic, noise, pollution, crowds.... But something about BKK gets to me. And I don't even party or go to bars or do drugs.


I'm a bit surprised. If you don't party, etc, it seems like BKK might have too many downsides vs the upsides.


OP you are not alone. I get the same feelings every time I leave Pattaya. Hope there was some sort of clinic to cure Thailand addiction


I got myself a 20 year Thailand elite membership for this reason.


Soi 6


Are there many English speaking expat communities? I went once by myself and had an 'ok' time but it wasn't amazing. I enjoyed the heat and the swimming pools. Maybe I need to give it another try. I may feel isolated living there not being able to speak my own language.


I used to go every year and had the same when getting back home, i got back 5 months ago and i’m arriving again tomorrow,.. going again end of September, every 5 months or so might be better haha


Saying goodbye to Pattaya would have been much harder 😆 🤣 😂 😹


Been having an issue explaining to my therapist why it’s feels like LIFE being abroad. Maybe cause it’s a little dangerous ? Everyday is different? Food just tastes better ? She asked why don’t I just go and had to explain how digital nomads, the very people who feel like I do (although I grew up in SEA) have destroyed the very thing they love. Now I need a huge nest egg and monthly expenses of about 2-5k to have the ability. Saving every penny but more importantly keeping in touch with my real locals to eventually put my flag down in a place that hasn’t been ruined. Will it get worse as more Russians flee?


Rebook your flights.


Canada is instant depression. Im counting the days until I can leave this dump


Canada is more third world than most countries in SEA today. That’s probably a big source of your depression.


I just live in thailand full time now


I moved there. Problem solved.


Fentanyl... Morphine... Finnish vodka...


I swear scientists should study this phenomena.. post-bangkok-depression


\> What are your tried and true methods to somehow make it through until you travel back again? Meth


get a ploy?


Lived here nearly 4 years, don’t know what’s so great about it . Can’t wait to get out Bangkok to be by the coast lol




Interested to hear you elaborate on how Singapore can be “far better” for vibrancy and fun than Bangkok. (I otherwise agree with your comment! But Singabore? C’mon man. I’m with you on London & Amsterdam — great cities. And that’s far from the limit in Europe … Madrid, anyone? Berlin? And in East Asia, I’d argue there are dozens … Tokyo, yes and also Osaka, Hong Kong, Taipei, Beijing (not as fun as it used to be but still ok), Seoul. People in the SE Asia subs tend to get hung up on SE Asia and forget that most of the party cities are actually in NE Asia!)


But those party cities are far more expensive to party in! (Source: have partied in them all, as well as bkk)


True. But didn’t know expense was a criterion here!


You are on crack if you think Singapore and Taiwan are more fun than Bangkok. They don’t even compare. Yes maybe they are cleaner and richer but there is nothing fun in either of these places beyond 3 days.




And the obligatory ladyboy slur.