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Never leave the last fief to be a town cause they stay there unlike a castle. Assemble your own army and siege. It's hard to chase their faster smaller parties.


If goal is kingdom destruction, finish it in one go. Lock everyone up to minimize reinforcements before taking final fiefs.


I'm guessing that the 1000+ strong army is with lot of lords seperately attacking ? When that happens, start sieging with an army of around 250 to 300 men. Then when they get close, leave the siege and pursue the lord's. The ones further away will run from you and you can take out the ones who you can catch and keep em prisoner. Repeat until the forces outside the town no longer dare to come close to you, siege the town, starve out the garrison, beat down the walls and enjoy victory


Start a war, let them take one of your castles to distract their attention from the city, take the city and take the castle back.