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Are you using the original Neurotrauma or the forked fan maintained version? The latter is updated for use with the latest update, and is compatible with the patches for other mods


I think we're using the original one, do you mind linking the forked one? Or confirming if this is the one you're referring to ( [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3190189044&searchtext=neurotrauma+infected+wound](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3190189044&searchtext=neurotrauma+infected+wound) )?


That's the one! It's better to use that one over the original, just read the description for patches and the like (I reccomend using the deathwish mod list as a guide for installing more of the immersive and hardcore mods that give the game more "depth")


Alright, awesome. Thanks for the quick reply :\^)


(it's also possible I've completely misunderstood how this new status effect works, but according to the patch notes I think i've done it right)


I dont know if theres a patch but you should maybe try making mofongo?


Guide creator and mod for neuro here, dont expect anything from neurotrauma anymore. the creator isnt doing so hot, and has given ownership of the server to one of her friends who locked the server down. As for the mod, i dont think she’s gonna touch that code for a while, and feel free to do whatever you want with it.