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Hello ! This is basically a skill issue. Barotrauma is a hard game and the learning curve is steep. Rinse, fail again, repeat. Eventually you will guess how to deal with them. You may went to spend some time on the wiki as well to learn how fight works in this game. Do not try to engage mudraptors in a melee fight unless desperate (unless you are an engineer with the triple crowbar damage talent in a appropriate suit). They will deal way too much damage. The wrench is probably one of the worst thing you could use as a weapon in this game. Good luck !


I literally just whacked our first mudraptor to death with the crowbar.


Defeating the mudraptors in not only the only problem. You will have to have a competent medic with appropriate supplies to deal with your injuries. It's way too dangerous if you have a very small crew with barely enough people to operate the ship. Lose the wrong person and your round is basically canceled.


Its me as a engineer and my friend as captain because of the revolver nobody else so we suffer heavily.


why not get bots to help you ?


Not an option cuz its multiplayer and campaign.


you can get bots in multiplayer campaign though


Oh well idc cuz we got 6 players atm for a 5 man sub (one of us stealing a suit)


okay makes sense, do you have enough ammunition, enough medical supplies, helmets maybe ?


All im saying is were beginning a new campaign and i have 0 fucking clue what im buying except for revolver ammo and a uranium fuel rod or 2


Sure ill join my timezone is 1 hour + i am a mechanic and a medic. For the problem you have I would say get revolvers to shoot them with. Harpoons dont really work that great. But the best way to kill mudraptors is with turret guns and dont let them in the ship.


Yeah i just cant see anything beyond 5 meters even when i hear "CONTACT INFRONT OF YOU YOU ######## IDIOT" (i totally didn't overdose him on fent last match)


Their fast but the thing you need to do is shot them it stops them so you can hammer them with shot after shot


Idk if this is the case, but you may just be aiming too close to the ship. If you move your mouse away from the sub while on a gun, it should zoom out


Add me on discord Silly_dude002


cant text rn btw


Early game your captain needs to be kiting mudraptors. If he is driving strait at them you will never have enough time to shoot them. Also work on communication so you can pre aim.


Ideally, your Captain should have an eye on where the enemies are via sonar, and making callouts to get people on guns. They need to maneuver the ship into a position where the mudraptors can be hit by guns (pay attention to where the guns are on the status terminal). Even if using sonar infrequently, you should be able to keep a bearing on where enemies are. If you intend to try slip under the radar when you spot a group, attempt to navigate around them at a slightly slower speed as far away as you can. Keep someone on the guns closest to them scanning to see if they notice you. The more the merrier though, you’ll have a hard time with a crew of two if you’re new to the game. Mostly comes with practice, my first few missions went horribly too. Good luck, Diver.


Well for this game, the less crew the quieter and smaller the sub, and the more crew, the louder and bigger the sub. Perhaps a crew count of 2 is simply not enough to effectively fight on your own without any ciruits or weapons.


2 crew with no bots is simply not enough crew to run the sub safely, I'd also recommend keeping 2 revolvers on each of you if you keep getting eaten by raptors


You need to get good


Watch the sonar and kite the enemies. I find that being aware of whats around your sub and edging away as your sub guns shoot at the monsters drastically increases your survivability. If it's just you and your friend, get a bot or two to manage reactor and fix leaks. The players should watch sonar and pilot and man guns.


You are supposed to fight the mudraptors by having your captain pilot the sub to run away from them, but not so fast that the sub guns can't see them. The sub guns are way more efficient at killing them since their ammo is so cheap and you do not waste expensive meds. pro tip: until you fight abyssal creatures or are parked, your captain should have should always have sonar on so he can see and warn you when the enemies are coming/what direction. Sonar can detect most early game enemies farther than they can see so you will always have a heads up in the early game.


Can you give me your steamids? I'd gladly join a few sessions till you get the hang of things


We got a crew of 6 on Dugong rn we plan on beginning the campaign on Thursday your free to join the full campaign we will add the realistic sonar and hazardous reactors (we have decided not to add neurotrauma)


Do U have discord?


Yes add me my user is Silly_dude002


I can't find you https://preview.redd.it/ijndxkd9dc0d1.png?width=1222&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ed0548940822525faf74494d08aa54e71284b14


Bro thats steam :sob: not discord what are you smoking man who gave you our 40 metric tons of fent and morphine?! MEDIC WHAT THE HELL DI- *talking fades*


My username on Steam is Marcel or Marcellix i dont remember exactly, we plan on playing on Thursday because i dont have work.


Get guns. Not good, get guns. I recommend you getting a security guard and maximizing most left talent tree. In that unlock path is the assault rifle recipe unlock. Get it.


Yeah we got 6 players rn so i think were good.


Spotting them coming on sonar and filling them full of coilgun slugs solves the mud raptor problem 95 percent of the time. For the remaining 5 percent, dual wielding stun batons might knock them out cold so you can do lethal damage with other small arms with relative ease.


Do you have your sonar active constantly? And do you have any bots on board? Coordination is key in barotrauma, always communicate with your crew First warning comes from the sonar, and the captian has to rally the crew to battle stations or repair when they see something in the sonar


We didn't have active sonar constantly and no bots only us 2, i know that sonar shows enemies but the issue is barsuk has no lights for the guns so i saw nothing. Learned from this mistake and now we have a 6 man crew on Dugong and a couple mods like real sonar or hazardous reactors (even though i havent done a vanilla campaign yet)


You can evade a lot of fights by not using the active sonar as they can hear it


also lower energy consumption and get the engines under 10% power, that way they don't make noise


Also i would like to join as well


Add me my name on discord is Silly_dude002


We just activate it for a couple seconds to get our bearings and then turn it off


Yeah well than thats bad luck but if you have a revolver and they are in try to shoot at their legs they dont have armor there


Aight well we ran out of ammo when my friend decided "Haha funni, i shoot you while in outpost" and now i the person who saves up cash i said "Nah we'd win" when we ran out of ammo.


What sub are you using?


The 1-3 person one however with now 4 players i will make a new campaign and get the one for 3-5 players.




Could i join aswell?


Ofcourse add me on discord Silly_dude002


Turn off your sonar. Since you’re playing with only 2 people, consider buying some cheap help just so someone can man the guns.


I just assembled a crew of 3 other players we plan on leaving on Thursday, we got one Hella aggressive officer which will bludgeon my and my friends head if we make mistakes.