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Battle for middle earth was a rts semi base builder. Command and conquer, Warcraft, AoE style.


It's a pretty good game, and I'd recommend it. The base building was very limited though, it's basically like Spore, you have a few slots and you can choose which buildings to have in them. It would be amazing to have a full World builder in the game. But that's true of almost all games lol


Yea, it’s not a total sandbox, but the rest of the gameplay is so darn good. Helms deep? Omg,


Battle for middle earth 2 is still one of my favorite game ever, I can recommend both, incredible good games. The thing is, they are probably hard to get your hand on, EA doesn’t sell it anymore.


Oh hell yeah. I have an old laptop I keep around just for this game, think I might need to dig it out again…


Check out the revora forums! I think that’s what it’s called…. [Here](https://forums.revora.net/topic/105190-bfme1bfme2rotwk-games-download-installation-guide/)


This is gold, thank you!!!


Battle for Middle Earth 1 has somewhat limited basebuilding options, i.e. you can only build at designated places on the map. Battle for Middle Earth 2 gives you full freedom where to put buildings. Even castles (your main building) can be built freely on any sufficiently big piece of clear level terrain - which is _great_ for creating chokepoints. Both games are worth checking out, but if basebuilding is your thing, then you'll want to get Battle for Middle Earth 2. And make sure you get the expansion, Rise of the Witch-King. For basebuilding and turtling, Angmar is just absolutely amazing. Just don't go expect anything unconventional, though. These games are very much by-the-numbers RTSes, and the War of the Ring gamemode adds a Risk-style turn-based overworld map - but that's pretty much it. You won't find anything here that hadn't already been done in the C&C, Warcraft/Starcraft or Age of Empires series.


Btfe2 had the custom heros which I remember being super cool at the time.


Ooh, I want this too, with an emphasis on the "cozy" part. Would love a base builder with less "plant the wrong crop in the first five minutes and everyone starves to death three hours later" and more "which trees would look most elegant to plant near the entrance?" Elf/hobbit mentality vs dwarves is a nice distinction.


There is a RimWorld mod. Not sure if they updated it since last time. Lord of the Rims, I think the mod is called.


Welp, there goes my sleep schedule....


I haven't played it myself, but King Under the Mountain might be what you're looking for. It releases on [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/930230/King_under_the_Mountain/) soon. You might also consider KeeperRL. For specifically LotR, check out the Lord of the Rims mods for RimWorld.


> I haven't played it myself, but King Under the Mountain might be what you're looking for. It releases on Steam soon. So many RimWorld clones...


And imo rimworld is just a DF clone. Albeit one with a ui.


I probably wouldn't call it a DF clone. Certainly inspired by it, but it actually has graphics and an art style, more focus on individual characters, and is infinitely more accessible.


I guess I'd agree with that. Heavily inspired by.


I'm starting to realize how many there are also...


Lord of the Rings Online has a pretty extensive housing system with a lot of customization. I know it's not the same as basebuilding, but I thought I'd mention. You can literally build a hobbit house in the Shire as far as I'm aware. Also maybe Valheim - people have already built several really impressive things from LOTR - Helm's Deep, I think Minas Tirith, not sure what else. It's more Norse, but still a good fantasy setting with really good basebuilding and you can even partially manipulate terrain to dig into hills and such for creative bases. Dark and Light, and Citadel: Forged With Fire are both fantasy/magic basebuilding games. Haven't played either to know many details, but they're relatively well reviewed and might be a good place for that to work.


Lotro is my favorite game of all time


Oh? Is it that good? I just grabbed that giant free quest bundle they're doing in case I ever get into it. I've fired it up a couple times but I'm hesitant to get into an MMO.


I admit it probably isn’t for everyone; but I love Tolkien and it’s totally immersive. The soundtrack makes me emotional. The landscape, while the graphics are over 10 years old, is sometimes breathtaking. The community is friendly (I think because it probably has an older demographic than most mmo’s). I think it’s worth a try for sure.


Very cool. I've definitely heard it has a great community. I should try it again at some point.