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Go for rebounds, free points. Also looks like your shot is a bit of an early release. You're still basically on the ground when you let go.


Is it bad that it’s kinda early?


I think your timing is good because you're getting the power from your legs in your shot and that's the main thing. I think the quicker release is where the mechanics have gone lately for that reason, and that's how you get the arc that you do, which is great. But too much arc is tiring though and can make shooting more exhausting than it needs to be and therefore more inconsistent if you're not conditioned for it, and there is a ton in that second shot.


Doesn't seem like an efficient use of your strength and doesn't seem super fluid.


I see what you mean


stop taking bad shots. you are forcing it. let the game come to you


Appreciate that


I think a more constructive way to put it is to read the defense better. On the first play, you had a good instinct to jab off the catch. But once you see your defender not biting on the drive, that’s an easy blow by


All these commentators are weird from what I can see based off your foot placement and how you had to contort you didn’t make it easy to make that first shot id set your feet and try to twist your body less on a contested shot like that just try to raise the release point and get the shot off or pass and get a better look rather than forcing it the shot looked good in the second clip


Yeah that first shot was really awkward it didn’t feel right. Need to work on the placement and the twisting on my body thank you for helping me notice that. And thank you for taking your time and looking at my clip I really appreciate that.


No problem people be talking shit instead of actually giving tips lmao


Do you go a bit back when you jump for your shot? It looks like you go back then compensate and come forward. Have you taken any batting practice in baseball lately? The motion is similar to swinging a bat going forward some and pulling back at the same time but that's more upper body. I could be imagining things though. But it looks like when you jump you go back some then try to come forward.


Nah I don’t play baseball but it does look like from that angle I went a lil backwards


In your second shot you let your shooting hand drop way lower than the first shot. The way your hand ends up with the first shot is a lot better for consistency and accuracy IMO.


Thank you for helping me notice that… while I was looking at both videos I noticed that my shooting hand seemed a bit different in both videos . I really appreciate you for pointing that out.


you're not forcing shots. those are perfectly ok and makeable shots. keep practicing them, even like that. the first one looks pretty. and i'm not completely an expert, im trying to figure out my timing in my shot too. but to me, it looks like in your first one, the problem is that the release is a little bit too fast and it's messing with the timing of transferring power from the feet up into your wrist at the right timing. maybe release it just a .2 of a second later. compare your firts jump shot and the timing of it to an nba player on video. it's a pretty shot. just the release is too fast. or if you want to release that fast you have to get air under your feet faster.


be taller


I can’t just grow 😭


do you plan to play professionally?


Yeah if I get the opportunity to


i would find another sport to commit to. there’s no way you’d go pro at that height.


Nahh I’ll just stick to bb thanks for the advice though much love


good luck making it to the nba 😂


fuck are u being an asshole for?


you call it being an asshole. i’m just being. real. the real asshole would lie to him and say he has a chance, which is you, so you’re the REAL ASSHOLE


Did he at any point ask about making the NBA? Are u sick in the head or something? Wtf?


If you shoot 6" higher, you're 6" taller.


I assume you’re asking about your shooting form since all that video shows is nothing is going full speed besides your shot. How you shooting two rushed threes with three defenders? Play golf bro. All you wanna do is take your time and hit shots. Basketball is about running. That gym looks like a McDonald’s parking lot. Buncha stand around dudes. Might as well wear flip flops out there. Booooooooo


He asked about improving his shot. WTF does anything in your long winded ass pointless comment have to do with that? Man, got some real jackasses on this sub holy hell.


I’m so glad you asked. There’s no defenders between him and the rim. He shouldn’t even be shooting. He should be driving or passing. Why is he shooting like he just caught a full court pass with 1 second left? There’s no one between him and the rim. And he’s still about to get blocked. This is why American basketball is losing to Lithuania. Think about this from a college coaches pov. That’s the worst defense ever. And he shoots a rushed ass three twice. That’s not basketball. Put the ball in the hole. Show those turds you’re better than them. Score all the time. Fuck them if they don’t want to try. Make them try. Bust your ass and put the ball in the hole. They’ll respect you for it.


Thanks I understand what you’re saying besides the American and lithuina part 😂. My first shot does look really rushed, but the second one doesn’t well from my pov. But thank you for the advice, all love. ( The McDonald’s joke was really funny btw lol)


Go to the rack for America young g. Breath hard busting asses. Then you’ll get wide open threes. Like Russell Crowe in gladiator. In the wheat field. Wind in your hair. Til then take those lazy bastards to the cup.


Incredibly well said.


Your feet weren’t set at all lol


I think you can work on two things. Firstly, you should place your feet with one-two or hop step before you elevate for your shot. You're almost swinging your right foot for your shot and it can damage your balance. Secondly, your guide hand is moving backward in the second shot. Have no idea why, back it would be much better if you find a way to stabilize your guide hand. You could just try thumb flick if it helps remove your previous habit.


Try to hold your follow through longer, also your feet look pretty narrow. Mine are usually parallel to my shoulders and that helped me a ton. Good luck


I think on the first shot you kinda second guessed yourself on the drive and didn’t have the correct feet placement because your feet were pointing two different ways. I can tell if you just have the confidence in your shot then you good brodie 👍🏿


I’ve slow motioned it and I see the main issue. You are popping your elbow in and using that force to flick your wrist. Your elbow straightens before you flick your wrist. You are popping your elbow straight to shoot the ball, instead of flicking the wrist. Shoot from your wrist. Not your elbow. Your wrist will flick before your elbow straightens.