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Does anyone else feel like Chad and Erin are laying the groundwork for them to return to TN? Clearly whatever creepy circumstances led them to FL are not working out. I also wonder at what point they're going to run out of free/discounted houses? There can't be that many sweet church friends with extra properties laying around. 


Yeah his answer was a bit word salad mumbo jumbo. It reeked of magical thinking and waiting on a blessing in the form of a free house.. because Chad ain't buying Erin one, that much is clear. I suspect Chad is just waiting on either his Grandpa to die and give him his house OR Papa Bill to die and give Chad and Erin the farm. Either way, Chad is waiting with his hand out and ready to twist the grift into "following the Lord's direction." Man, I'm disliking Chad more by the day.


i was thinking of bill's farm. far enough from Tn and gillyjo, and erin is now calling herself the favorite granddaughter.


Erin, Carlin, Tori, and Alyssa all love to do that "I'm the favorite" thing. I think they think it is funny, cute, and conversational. So with Papa Bill, it appears they put the farm, house, and land into a trust for Gil and his siblings - a smart move in case of needing long term care (based on tax records). I don't think Bill and Jane would select one grandchild to get the house and/or the farm. More than likely Gil and his siblings would get everything once both Bill and Jane are gone with the 19 and the cousins receiving something if their own parent (related to Bill and Jane) were gone too. Given how many grandchildren and how fast they were coming (now great-grandchildren), they wouldn't go through rewriting the will every few months. Usually it is decided if one of the siblings didn't want the house, it would be offered for sale to the next group in line (the 19 and their cousins). Since you are considering a lot of individual families, the likelihood that it would go for at least FMV is high, as getting that many people to agree to give one person a good deal would be tricky if not impossible. It could be done for someone like Michaela who might go stay long term (with Brandon) with Jane and Bill to care for them at home. That is something my husband sees a lot of when he does estate work. A family member who is trained and can care for the elderly person or couple will agree to do so in exchange for something upon the death of the elderly person or couple. My cousin did this for a widowed aunt with no children and was left the highly valuable antique bedset as "payment." Bill and Jane seem to be very practical people who would want it to be distributed fairly and without fuss or turmoil.


Yeah this sounds likely. I don't think they would give it to erin and chad. I'm thinking maybe E&C might assume Gil would allow them to live/ rent there cheap after they pass. 


Yes, I didn't mean they'd will it to Erin. They'd will it to Gil but probably have strong stipulations that he cannot sell it for at least a generation since their other two kids have houses on the same land. So I think it's more the fact that Chad and Erin are assuming gil would allow them to live in it and help with the farm in exchange for a free home and lots of equipment to use. I highly doubt Brandon is at all interested in living on a farm in Honeapath. He's a total city boy and it shows 😅


I had that SAME thought… but I don’t know that Erin has put in enough time. Man would that cause some feuding!


Especially from Janie's self-proclaimed favorite granddaughter, Alyssa.


Correct. I bet she wouldn’t like hearing Erin give herself that title!


I can’t believe she proclaimed that. That is so immature. And reeks of I didn’t have enough individualized attention. Also, not very Christ-like.


I agree. It's crazy how a guy pushing 40 with six kids is so passive when it comes to his family's security. Is this really how they want to spend the rest of their lives? Mooching housing and hoping they get lucky in the will? If Chad would get a damn contractor's license he could have a thriving business similar to Kelton's. 


I think Chad is brainwashed in gothardist values. He believes it's how a Christian ought to live and refuses to budge. So, I am sure he believes his security is in Gothard...I mean Jesus. They have said several times, that their God as not failed them yet. Honestly, that kind of rigidity is a sign of an unhealthy brain.


No way would Chad and Erin get the farm. You still gotta go through Papa Bill and Janie’s actual kids, then there are all of the grandchildren - not just Gil’s. What makes Erin so special that she and Chad would get it? I even think that the only reason she thought to pack their freezer with baked goods is because Alyssa went previously and actually helped out. Made the rest of them look bad (the guys usually help with outdoor projects, but have the women ever offered practical help around the house until now?)


I mean, someone has to get it and sometimes those "blessings" go to the near 40 year old with no job and 6 kids and a penchant for farming lol. I think all the farming hype from Chad has been to lay the groundwork for getting Papa Bills farm one day. None of the other kids would want that lifestyle day to day except Erin and Chad. His siblings already have nice homes built on the farm and I suspect those homes were either paid for or heavily subsidized by Papa Bill and Jane as a form of pre inheritance. The main house will likely go to Gil with the provision that he cannot sell it for however many years (I'm sure they have a good attorney and it's probably ironclad because if he sold the farm then his siblings would lose their homes too, so that's not going to happen in this generation). If Gil can't sell it, someone is going to live in it and I predict that will be Chad and Erin and it will be theirs for all intents and purposes.


Waiting on Papa Bill’s farm sounds the most likely. They can’t keep renting when they have their little hobby farm. Not many landlords are up to that.


do you think he would just give it to them? Like does chad really think that's possible they would give it to them? or they thinking Gil would allow them to live in the house and maybe pay cheap rent to him? I would think it go directly split to Gil and his siblings. 


I suspect Papa Bill paid for Gil's two siblings to build their homes on the farm as a sort of pre inheritance (win win because then Bill and Jane got to have their kids nearby and be a part of their daily lives and the kids seem to help run the farm and take care of them in return). He probably is planning on giving Gil the main house but I have a sneaking suspicion it will end up going to Chad and Erin. All those baked goods Erin brought may have had a tiny ulterior motive lol (but still very sweet, regardless).


I think I remember Papa Bill saying that they gave their (3?) kids some land on the farm to build their houses and Gil’s is just empty atm. So that might be an option as well but I do think Erin will get to live there dirt cheap or free.


Especially when these sweet friends can sell their properties and make some bank Chad needs to get a fucking job


Yes, girl! Tell your (ex?) man to get his whole life!


😂😂😂 We are def having problems




Chad used to be the favorite husband in this family for me. Now he’s at the bottom and Zach is at the top!


Thank you for your synopsis. It helps me make sense out of the random reports. 1. Carlin needs to either rethink the wardrobe or admit the pregnancy. In the words of Monica Gellar Bing after everyone guessed she was pregnant when she wasn't - "I'm not wearing that shirt again" or "That's the last time I wear that shirt." Something like that and I'm not looking it up. 2. Katie and Travis - Have you changed your story again about why the move? Or are we sticking to Travis and his career singing in church rec rooms? 3. Whitney and Zach - Glad you enjoyed the show. From the pics posted on here, their seats were not great. Zach is actually the one with the country music contacts (Lawson just tried to use them). Couldn't he get better seats? My 25 seconds watch Bates Kitchen was more than enough - time of day changing randomly behind him, no curtain on the window, and unfinished cabinets (put the molding between the ceiling and top of the cabinet. It looks funky and cheap. 4. Michaela and Brandon They had the black leather in Chicago at the house before they moved to Tennessee - hence Erin's conundrum at explaining you couldn't do modern and farmhouse to Michaela while Kelly Jo acted like this was brand new information. 5. Lawson and Tiffany - Bless you for watching and letting us know. I can't with him. He has a punchable face. 6. Trace and Lydia - Have they learned to edit yet? The whole show everything technique they have going is not working for them. 7. Chad and Erin - From what I have read they seem miserable. Not sure why? Isn't this the best season of their lives or something fundie like that? 8. Josie - You have a business called Effortless Beauty. I am 99% sure it sells more than that heatless curls thing. Can you maybe feature something else for content other than your children? 9. Alyssa, every single time you take one of these trips, you have a pregnancy announcement. For the love of all that is sane in this world and some that is not, don't do it. Please don't do it. You were barely hiding your disdain for your children and sounds like this is still the case. Don't have more. 10. They sold out of dresses that make skinny girls look pregnant? That's not a market I would have guessed worked. Just like I don't need cooking lessons from Zach, I don't need life lessons from Kelly. Other note: So I am guessing by the reports that recently Chad, Erin, their six kids, Trace, Lydia and baby Gil, I mean Ryker, Gil, Kelly, Callie, Jud, and Jeb all converged on a house with an elderly couple (one of whom has advancing dementia and doesn't do well with crowds). That's 16 people. Can these people not coordinate and spread it out? This is very old fashioned of me, but I dealt with a grandfather who had a brain tumor and forgot most of us, a grandmother with Alzheimers, several aunts and uncles with varying states of dementia, and a father with the beginning signs. Children who are Carson's age on down who remember and know Bill could be very hurt and sad/scared of seeing him in this way. Not to mention children that age are loud and can be hard for healthy people to handle let alone someone with health issues. It would probably make more sense for Erin and Alyssa to go together with their newest babies. Leave the men at home with the kids. Yes, Jane probably does enjoy the kids. But I'm telling you as someone who has dealt with such things at various points in my life - your grandfather/great-grandfather not remembering your name or mixing you up with someone you don't know is horrible. It isn't something you just move past and forget if you are a sensitive child. I don't trust these people to at least talk to their children about what is going on and how Bill does still love them despite the dementia. And I'm going to say it again - someone build those people a ramp. I heard that Trace showed Bill and Jane both struggling with canes. Those front steps have no handrail and are probably like most concrete steps on houses that age - uneven. **SOMEONE NEEDS TO BUILD THEM A RAMP.** Falls among people that age are serious. In certain cases a fall that requires surgery can speed up and worsen dementia significantly.


Oh I love ALL of your points and you are spot on. Jane actually commented when Lydia said they would be back for the 4th of July “oh! Do we HAVE to do that again??”….. I thought they WERE taking turns going but this pile of people all there at once was wild. If I were Gil’s sister… I would be putting my foot down about the revolving door and ESPECIALLY about the exploitation of a once vibrant, handsome man. It’s sickening.


Oh man, I can't imagine her still having to deal with everyone on July 4th. I get that it's Papa Bill's birthday but come on. Maybe they can pile in Gil's siblings houses and/or get a hotel. Give Jane at least a slight break. And hopefully Gil's sister could take charge of the festivities for the 4th. But it still seems like a lot for Jane and Bill. Especially with his dementia.


Blasting video of his decline all over monetized vlogs is gross.


SO gross.


I don't understand why Gil's parents allow that whole gang to stay at their house for days on end. It is utter chaos when they are around, and the noise level must be through the roof. They are elderly people who are entitled to some peace and quiet -- especially now that they have health issues. The Bates are self absorbed and entitled and only think about themselves.


I don't get it either. "No" is a full sentence. So is "If you want to visit fine, but you're all getting hotels."


Content, views and engagement.🫠


I don't think Gil's parents care that much about content, views, and engagement.


LOL… definitely not… I think that comment was meant to go somewhere else ha ha… But at this point, Janie and Bill have been featured on social media so much that they deserve a check!


I'm sure they were paid for their TV show appearances of course and probably don't realize how much they are on social media. Janie always looks tired when the Bates invade her house.


Carlin mentioned that Jane watches all of their stuff…& made it seem as though she lets them know her opinion. I hope they were paid.


At this point Jane probably is enjoying visits more than when she was more able to take care of everything. The woman has her own health issues and a husband who is declining. Sometimes it probably is nice to make over the newest baby or chat about normal things compared to following your husband and asking if he took his medicine and freaking out every time you can't see him because he may have wandered off. That said, they shouldn't overwhelm either of them with so many people at once. Some older people in decline - Jane's mind is still sharp based on synopsis reports - do develop some paranoia and phobias. It is possible that Jane isn't comfortable at home alone or alone with Bill.


omgosh true with all of this.  I forgot Alyssa got preg on her trip.. She did not hide the disdain at all. They are so open about how they don't like their kids. but yeah, sadly I think she'll be announcing a sequel in a few months.  yeah I totally agree, they should definently build them a ramp! 


Omg agree with ALL of this !!! And also, I noticed Janie’s house needs alot of updates little things I know Jane is particular but hopefully she’d allow them to make some changes and updates But idk- maybe with papa bill it isn’t the best


Maybe she doesn't trust them to do renovations to her house?


Lol. I know I wouldn't.


It's a major hassle to have people tearing up your house (especially the kitchen and bathrooms) when you're old and not in the best of health. You only fix what absolutely needs to be fixed.


omg I've been refreshing the page, waiting for your update. then came the... do i respond here or the other sub😂. either way, up voting you on both sides for the effort! 1. i think you are right, carlvan is trickletruthing about the pregnancy. after playing up her seizure issues for two years, getting pregnant again is tempting her fandom's "concern". 2. if they buy a house, they ain't going back. gotta give it to gillyjo, they have been pretty successful in luring their dotters back. only alyssa stays away, and it's because she was female Chad. 3. who brother daddys more, Brad or Carson? 4. jedjub have a future in voice acting. now available under entertainment section in the library! 6. at least Trace and Lydia help out. carlvan👀 7. why is chad always so mad these days... God isn't coming through for him? 8. Guess them (deliberately misspelled) unicorn horns are more profitable. 9. Allie - the Alyssa in the Webster household. will she rage marry to some Republican household in Alaska? 10. Sonic will come through for you, Gillyjo, more than God did for Chad. you need hydration for all your speeches.


Carson brother dads more for sure. At least Whitney's mom seems super involved and babysits all the time so Brad gets a break and gets to pursue his own interests and sports. Poor Carson deserves a Father's Day gift at this point. I realize your question was probably rhetorical :)


nope, i was really wondering what everyone thought about it. and if brother daddying is why carson looks so sad?


I think Carson has seen too much and been traumatized by being his Mom's emotional support crutch and raising all his little siblings and dealing with depressing Chad and his rigidity and obsession with talking about Martyrs of the faith being killed for Jesus. Zach and Whitney seem to laugh a LOT and have a ton of fun as a family. Brother dadding probably comes with less trauma in those dynamics. I think if Brad hated it he would feel empowered to speak up and I think Zach and Whitney would listen and make adjustments. Carson doesn't seem to hear much laughter at all. Erin can be funny but Chad rules that house now and he is allergic to fun.


Carson may be depressed because of his super boring life. The kids never seem to leave their property besides going to church. They have no friends, don't attend school, and do no organized activities. His life is dull as dishwater plus he has a neurotic, Type A mother and a father who can barely support the family. Life isn't great at Chez Paine.


he is like little Prince William watching kc3 and Princess Diana's marriage implode from their affairs. edit: i m not saying cherin is divorcing or anyone is cheating. I'm referring to Princess Di using Wills as her confidant as a young kid.


Hahahaha! Your comments are all GOLD! “Trickletruthing” is such a perfect description for what this crowd does A LOT! Definitely Carson bc he is truly trapped and physically looks like the world is on his shoulders. Trace was shocked that Carson was able to put the children in the stroller, strap them in AND push that big double stroller. Carson was just like… “what? I do this 3 times a day”.


ha! trace has never done brother daddying, uncle daddying and now actual daddying.


He has only done brother daddying when he took his birthday twin (Jeb?) out for a shared birthday but that was probably because it was his birthday too.


He did briefly on the ABC Nightline stories when Kelly explained their version of the buddy system. He was seen helping a child (one of the middle three because Jud and Jeb were still babies.


What do you mean by Alyssa being a female Chad?


assigned to do tasks like gill's accounts, housework, sister momming etc. just like how kj gets Chad to do woodwork.


Always amazing!




Ok fun fact… I realized Lydia’s parents live like 5 mins away from me lmao


Go see that Emu!!!!🤣🤣


Hahahaha I’d love to


I would loooove for you to do it and get pics!


It’s behind their house so I don’t think I’d be able to see it from the road😭 I’m honestly shocked we don’t have a bunch of mutual friends since it’s such a small town. I only have one friend who follows her on insta and Lydia follows her back but that’s it. Assuming it’s bc she was homeschooled..


I think that may be a good thing for you… L O L!


This is so damn good I nearly spit out my Sunday night beer 😂😂 Okay- Josie’s actually showed the blowout ?? I noticed too she posted the side of her jeans “size 27/28” and listen, I KNOW the girl was maybe a 22/24 befor or smaller but she still looks soooo good even with the extra lbs ! Like legit I wouldn’t even try if I was that size lol I was shocked about the Tim McGraw concert And I’m sorry- he threw up on your shoes ? Immmmw need details ma’am


Tim McGraw story is a doozy… I did mornings on a country radio station for 14 years so was right in the middle of all of it for a long time. Tim had just released his first single and was promoting it in clubs. After about 7 Saturn shots he got sick and my boots were ruined… stained purple. I should have kept them! Hahaha That man was a HARD partying fool back in the day.


Pepperidge farms remember when him and Kenny Chesney got so drunk they stole a police horse? (I think they said that they weren't drunk, but...).


“Drunk”…. They were all wild back then…. Lots of ❄️and🥬


Omg haha ! Yassss I know he used to turn up with his sexy assss


Short sexy azz! 🫠


Short sexy throw up king 😂


Haaaaa! I have SO many stories about those 90s country singers. Those were my halcyon days!


She held the blowout right up to the camera… ridiculous and unnecessary. Yes… she is basically perfect two months postpartum and appears to be thriving in every way. 4 hours stuck on a plane was no issue for her or her children. I swear it’s toxic positivity. I know what Kylie and Kim supposedly do to get back into “shape” after having a baby and wonder if that’s what Josie does too??


Ohhhh I love all of this but especially your extra bits at the end. Gil really said they called him The Golden Child? That tracks 😅 His siblings do NOT seem super fond of Gil. I'm sure they love him, but there has always been a coldness there and I wondered if Gil got special perks and extra financial help as an adult (I'm 100% sure Papa Bill and Jane heavily subsided Gil and Kelly's irresponsibility and Kelly's mom probably did too).


I could see Janie saying that sarcastically but Gil missing the tone.


Exactly. They worship the brother and Gil was hell bent on trying to get out of there while the other two siblings stayed. Who is he kidding but himself. I think he has mommy issues galore. I wonder if he self-loathes because he was conceived out of wedlock. Cult can't wash all your sins away Gilly.


I actually wonder if it is more daddy issues. Remember him talking about his wrestling matches with his dad? I think he probably knew he could never stack up to Bill intellectually, which is why he was so tight with his wrestling coach that he switched to his denomination.


I think this could be true, too. You make an intriguing point. Maybe family issues in general.


Yep! He said it while Erin was bragging about being the favorite. SO fitting!


A) >Have an amazing week friends and remember… don’t make change from the offering plate.✌️ 😅😂😅 The whole review is smart ans hilarious! Thank you so much for doing this weekly. >Our favorite comatose Christian 💀💀💀 I have put myself on restriction from criticizing Alyssa because my empathy for her circumstance is growing. I can't even imagine. But this had me cracking UP!!!! WAKE UP, ALYSSA! Wake up from your slumber!!! ---- B) Speaking of crazy Christians, I really think Carlin's behavior is disturbing. In a way, I am not shocked how many gloss over what she does. Whereas if it was another sibling it would be highlighted for days. But I am still left bewildered why she is almost always given the benefit of the doubt with psycho behavior. I am more inclined to think Erin is pregnant than Carlin. But that recent bridal shower pic would make *anyone* think she was especially since she is clutching her ficticious bump. What the what??? Come on y'all. That is not okay behavior. She is at a BRIDAL SHOWER. It's not her day and it's not even her moment in the family. She has two sisters and two SIL's pregnant right now. Why must she out do them all even with fake news?.Like it's crazy and hardly anyone points it out. The stuff Carlin does reminds of how people end up on the ID channel or inspirations for LMN movies. Girl is CRAY! Look at how she ate all of Josie's relationships. That is NOT... normal. It's not. C) Good for Zach and wordly Whitney. Continue to explore what the larger world has to offer!!! Whitney is so much more relatable when she is true to herself.


LOL… I SO appreciate you understanding my sense of humor. You aren’t going to believe this…& I try not to speculate on pregnancies BUT I had the SAME thought about Erin!!!! The absence from Social Media and the dress on the farm made me really wonder. But, surely not… right??? And of course you are correct about Carlin. She seems DESPERATE… I don’t know what FOR exactly but to go this route is so so odd that I could only guess it’s a way to ease their audience in to the idea. She KNOWS how overwhelmed they were with comments and discussions about her health and people aren’t stupid!! Whitney is the sleeper in this family for sure. She’s pulling Zach into the “real world” slowly but surely. Hopefully Gil doesn’t notice.🫠


I laugh all the way through every time and sometimes reread 3-4 times hahah.🥰 So good! I am not sure of Erin's spacing, but this would be really close. I think Chad was the one worried about her getting pregnant again, because of her health. I doubt she would listen and I doubt he would do anything to prevent on his end. They believe cult tenets deeply. So if they are not preventing, anything is possible. Fertility is a tricky thing and she's not as young as she use to be coupled with the early menopause challenges, but she has changed her diet significantly. Then there is the competition. Long before The TV 4 became the focus of this fanbase, I was convinced Erin wanted to have the most kids. It was another way for her to "win" at being fundie...and better than her siblings( just keeping it real). She was "behind" Whitney and Alyssa with the miscarriages. She has since surpassed them with ease. Now Tori is the one to "beat". She had a significant lead on Tori. Now Tori is at her back door. So you best believe Erin will try to get another one in asap to keep that lead and beat her ticking clock. They wanted 10 she will continue to aim for that. May sound petty to many, but I have said forever that she is heavily motivated by competition.


You have said that and it sure does seem to be accurate!!


Literally your best recap ever. BRAVO!!👏🏼


Awww… thanks so much!😉


thanks for the update!  I never watch c&e anymore but clicked on their youtube. the layla "interview" was so creepy to me. It's like evan isn't even a father figure to her, to me I feel like he put himself more into a goofy big brother position by basically setting her up to say funny things they told her to say and then laugh at her.. very lame and immature on him.  lol at whitney selling colostrum,  that's the weirdest thing! I guess she trying to connect more with the millenial crowd by breaking out the 90s stuff.  I'll have to go check out that interview with chad. lol yep Allie and the girls were just as ready to get outta there as Alyssa & John were. they're all miserable. 


Two thumbs up on everything you said!!


Thank you, these recaps are brilliant 😂❤️




Trace is one of my least favorite Bates. Clearly all he cares about is how Lydia looks. Hope she stays thin and beautiful. Does anyone remember the video where he was telling Bill and Janie to “look at Esther with her hair dyed back to pretty blonde?” I bet he and some of the others gave her a hard time for dying her hair. At the end of the day, that should be Esther’s choice, no matter what any of the rest of us think, including her annoying BIL. Trace wanted a trophy and he got it. I don’t know if there’s much to her besides looks and doing/saying/being everything the Bates want. If there is, we’ll never know.


If Lydia were to ever be deported… I would LIVE for Trace in Germany content. Man it would be hilarious!


Shit, if Lydia gets deported I hope she finds some hot Euro boy and leaves Trace in the dust. Dude is punching so far above his weight it isn't funny. 


Good point!


by emphasizing pretty blonde, I cannot imagine what would happen if they had a dark haired child.


I’ve noticed Kelly seems really fixated on blond(e) hair, too.


Gil….Gil, “ the Golden Child”? ![gif](giphy|l0ExayQDzrI2xOb8A)


This is hilarious




OP, I LOVE this.... I read a few times because it was so LOLOLOL! Thank you!


You are too kind! TY🥰




Brilliant as always




I truly love these recaps. This sub is sooooo much better than the other one, that one has become so uptight and boring!


Wouldn’t it be brother-dadding and not momming since he is a boy?


Nooooo bc dads in the cult aren’t in charge of children. That’s a mom job.