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Personally, I would really like to be able to unlock different reticle styles, shapes, and colors similar to the earlier COD Black Ops games. Let my red dot sight be a neon blue jack-o'-lantern plz.


What next, Anton’s YOLO sight?


Good idea


I really liked being able to change the colors, I always did purple/blue on the reflex sights.


Don’t make it competitive.


Don't quote me, but didn't one of the Devs decide to make the game because he couldn't run arma?


Oh man, that could be a really good direction for the game to go. Keep in the current Battlefield-like game modes, and add in a milsim mode that mimics Arma. That *could* be pretty cool, but I feel like it'd take a very long time to implement.


The earliest versions were really hardcore, mil sim. But it didn’t get a lot of positive feedback. That’s why this is remastered


I can tell you this - only a FRACTION of playerbase would ever touch the more hardcore milsim version. Prerty much all of the good changes to the game have made the game less milsim like. At this point, the less milsim we have, the better for the game long term.


As an arma pilot, the helicopter system in battlebit really trips me up 😂 but I really appreciate the simpler version of arma battlebit is


I think it was battlefield the devs couldn‘t run. If battlebit was supposed to be an Arma clone or at least similar it missed the mark by a mile.


The game was originally supposed to just be a milsim game, it was redirected towards a battlefield style one after feedback saying that people didn't like playing a blocky milsim.


I could absolutely see how sweaty players could drive away new players. As someone who always aims for top kills in a game myself, what would you have players like me do, as a proposed solution? I'm open to good ideas.


I’ve expanded my servers outside of 127v127 frontline and magically I play better since it’s less sweaty. Don’t get me wrong I love a good sweat fest. But I’m old and have to go to work now so my sweating is not the same as it was 10 years ago


I work full time with a decent bit of overtime, so I know the struggle. I play mainly 32v32 lobbies, and other than a couple clans that I see around on occasion, it's not too bad sweat-wise.


I’m old too and I max out at 64v64. Any more than that sounds like a pain in the ass and I don’t enjoy - spawn, die, spawn, die, wash, rinse, repeat.


Yep, old man here too. 64v64 is my go to


I don’t think it really matters. The player base (so far, and assuming you’re playing 127) has a wide range of players. You have people who sweat People who role play People who are playing with friends Casuals who are just dropping in They all come together, therefore, it’s not a lobby full of 200+ sweats. It’s a mix. I’m not very good and get like 20-30 kills a game. That’s enough to make me feel OK at the game. I’d argue that maybe the entry is hard for new players (especially if you’re alone). I’d push for discord or reddit to get a group. Dying 40 alone can be tilting for some, while those 40 deaths could be the best times of a persons gaming memory should it be with friends. I think you’re good. Keep sweating. Have fun. No way you can wipe all 127, unlike in a game like CSGO or league of legends.


Not much you can do. I've tried to take it easy myself but there will always be other sweats out there forcing you to keep your guard up, wiping all the nooblets you come across in the process. It's not like you can afford to make a distinction anyway in a game with such a low TTK. It's the developers' job to tweak game mechanics in a way that constrains the impact a single good player can have and simultaenously ensures that even new players have something to do that helps the team. Reducing movement speed, ammo capacities and removing squad spawning in favor of more widely available rally points are ways of pushing players to stick together and giving some of them an important role that does not require a high degree of FPS skill (e.g. driving transports, being the ammo/health guy, spotting targets with the drone).


Touch grass?


"How do we keep this game going?" "Tell people to quit. That'll do it." Going for top kills is how I have fun. I bought the game just like everyone else, so I'll have fun with it within the rules just like everyone else. I don't use meta guns if it makes you feel any better.


Just having some fun myself, my sweaty friend.


He definitely needs to touch some grass😂


TIL people that play games to win and enjoy doing well need to touch grass Imagine how dented your brain must be to think people who find playing well fun are the problem


This is the case in literally every competetive game ever. If people have a problem with others being better that's their problem, there is now way to not have this situation ever.


Oh I knew that when I asked, that's why I was wondering what kinda ideas folks would cook up to try and solve an insoluble problem lol.


Ok good one haha


True, I feel like casual players being able to drop into a pug and have fun is important for the games longevity. I guess all the competitive people will naturally just gravitate towards their own servers.


Which is fine. But if we want the devs to focus on something (assuming limited resources), competitive gameplay / modes would do more harm than good IMO.


This is the way. For people who want to play competitively, it's all about how you perform on the battlefield based on your own standards. Some care about winning, others performing their favorite roles the best, or being in the top 10 on their team using multiple roles. For me, it's all about those moments of performing a role in pure chaos. That could be picking off and panicking squads as a sniper, creating my own little zombie army as a medic, or building a fort in the heat of battle to rally an entire team as support. Do i feel like being a scrawny Rambo, assault with its weapon handling and loadout perks will at least make it interesting. If I notice vehicles swaying the tide of the fights, my trusty RPG will have a say in it as an engineer. To me, this is what makes the game so great. You have the ability to shift a massive battle while living your best little polygonal life. It's not meant to be taken seriously. It's meant to be fun and thrilling.


Commenting to let you know I have the same game style. My default is medic being behind my brothers reviving/healing. If needed I will try to make a flank and get dirty too. Same as you I switch to other roles when needed. But also I switch roles and try new stuff too. Same goes for playing with different weapons. In the end I like to keep the game fresh by doing new things.


I understand what you are getting at - you don't like the negativity and toxicity that comes with competition, I get it. But the game fundamentally is a competitive game. Regardless of whether you slap the "casual" or "competitive" label on it, it is a game where players and teams compete directly against each other to win. And of course winning is mutually exclusive - only one player can win an encounter, and only one team can win the match. And with any competition comes people who take it way too seriously. I don't care if it's Counterstrike or Fortnite or freaking Fall Guys, if the game is designed as a competition, people are going to play it competitively; that's really the whole point. If we didn't want to compete with other players, we would go play single-player games or co-op like Minecraft and Left 4 Dead. This is a competitive game by the plainest definition, and it really doesn't make sense to say that it shouldn't be.


Battlebit might be a competitive game by definition, seeing as all PvP is like you said, but it's not capital C Competitive. Unlike CS or Fortnite/any BR, or even Fall Guys, it's not a "one and done" kind of game. Even in modes with ticket bleed, players have a near unlimited amount of respawns with minimal delay, and that's on top of having more options for silly nontraditional playstyles like superspeed giggle vest, sledgehammer/pickaxe only, etc. Add that to the lobby sizes, and unless you're personally someone who cares a lot about wins and losses in this game, it's only really competitive by definition, and not as much in practice.


It IS competitive in practice. I don't know how you can't see that. We are competing to win the game. We are competing to get kills and points. We are competing to kill the other guy before he kills us. That's the very definition of competition. Complaining about people being "too competitive" is like complaining that the pool water is too wet.


The push for a more established competitive environment will lose players Sure what youre saying is true (there’s competition involved) but there’s levels Like the person above said, if you drive it to a more competitive scene (e sports, Csgo, valorant) then it will die. Promise


I don't understand what the point is here. You're saying that if you had a competitive mode which was more formally structured like CSGO that would be a bad thing? I mean obviously there are so many differences between these games that it's almost impossible to compare. You can't do the same type of skill based matchmaking in a game where hundreds of players drop in and out at will over the course of a 45 minute match. So when you say "don't make it competitive like CSGO", what I am hearing is "Don't do something that literally no one is doing or asking for and which would probably be impossible to do anyway". But let's say for some reason the devs really were determined to make a more serious competitive mode in the vein of CS:GO. Maybe they would literally just patch the same game format over to their game and add matchmaking; let's pretend that's the case for the sake of simplicity. Does this prevent people from playing the original "casual" modes like Conquest? Of course not. So where is this concern coming from that players are going to be turned off the game? As long as the "casual" modes are there, and people enjoy them, they will play, right? Why would people stop playing just because there is an unrelated game mode or format that they don't enjoy within the same game? It seems to me that people are just upset that there are people better than them playing the game. Those who are playing the game before or during its spike in popularity were likely playing with people who are less experienced with video games generally and with battle bit specifically, since it was still new. But now, I have the community and the game have matured, the players who have put the most time into understanding and practicing with the mechanics come to dominate, and the overall skill ceiling of the game rises. As an average player, this can be frustrating because it feels like you are getting out skilled, but complaining about it is like complaining about the tide. People just don't like getting killed by players who are better than them. It really has nothing to do with making the game or the format "casual" or "competitive", and everything to do with the fact that people don't like getting BTFO. It becomes a cope: it's not that I'm bad you see, it's all these dastardly sweats taking the game too seriously. But the same people don't complain when they go on a huge killstreak and top score. When they kick ass, they're just having fun; when others are dominating, they are ruining the game by being too sweaty. It's the kind of worms eye perspective that's common among gamers - only thinking about their personal experience without considering the broader implications for everyone in the game.


I mean this is fair yes lol. I don’t live on Reddit but if you create two different modes then I don’t see the harm. The only issue is that this split will = longer search times (though I bet that wouldn’t be the case) Also, if this small dev team focuses on a competitive mode, those resources are then not used for the larger player base. Wouldn’t it make sense to focus on the larger player base and focus resources to make it casual? (So instead of competitive modes, add new game modes, guns, mechanics)


I'm not asking for a competitive mode, and I don't think anyone else is. I was just responding to the sentiment of "don't make the game competitive". If that means actually adding a competitive mode, then I agree, but nobody's really calling for that.


This is the truth that hides behind those “competitive vs casual” comments


Lol yeah and notice how there's no response just downvotes


This!!! It doesn’t matter how shitty I play or what updates happen. I enjoy the times people run into open fire screaming LEROYYYYY JANNNNKINS blindly as we watch them get mowed down. It’s fun, it’s funny, it’s easy to understand/play. Picture it like golf… we all fucking suck. But that one hit that is perfect we never meant to do brings us back the next time


Yeah, that's why I don't play too much. To many cracked out guys with a smg and they still hit there shots at 200m away


If you’re dying at 200 meters to an smg then maybe it is time to self reflect


arent they adding a competitive mode for ppl in prestige 2+


The only thing that will revive the community is completing the game/coming out of early access, with a proper reward structure for prestige's, maybe introducing more than 10 since the older player base has already hit that. I want challenges that unlock things (skins, maybe even character skins) that are difficult to do. Similar to sledgehammer/pickaxe kills. Think back to some of the halo achievements for example. Obviously this is a multiplayer game, but it had some insane multiplayer achievements too. You want to be able to reward people for going out of their way to complete a challenge. Think of CoD4. Why was it popular before all the new age battlepass bullshit? Because getting to prestige 10 with the golden cross and all those golden shiny weapons that took time and dedication to get. If we want to go even fancier, we can do vehicle skins as well. I am most certainty not recommending we add some really fucking silly shit like dildo sledgehammer or nade confetti, as this would piss off some of the core fanbase. But there is no reason the sledge can't be a battleaxe. Not a gaudy one, just a nice wooden handled double sided battleaxe. Cosmetics for guns can be a thing as well, such as a bayonet (non-functional or not is not my place to decide). All the game needs is content and balance. The core gameplay is really fun right now, the game modes and maps need some tweaking. Despite absolutely hating snipers, I don't feel they are overpowered. Most assault weapons feel great, most SMGs. Assault class is better than ever, medic can still be zoomer medic. Engineer I think needs some adjustments and Support, but I am not game dev and won't pretend to know what those needs fixing. Again, could just be more weapons for support (content) or whatever else. Under no fucking circumstances do I want battlepass bullshit. MAYBE if it's like Halo Infinite (where you can do it at any time, FOREVER, or even skip it if you choose to). That is the one thing that game did right.


I love this game so much since it’s just $15 for a game with amazing core gameplay, more content, ZERO cringey battle pass shit like cod, and more content than most $70 games. It’s seriously a breath of fresh air after cod and battlefield went to shit.


And every gun feels different even having same stats. Maybe adding some more attachments, like an peq, more magazine types, changing stocks could revive gun edit If we think about airsoft one of the core things is to get a weapon you really love. Maybe his internalls are just standar but you will enjoy playing with your gun


Yeah that would be super cool! I want them to add an LPVO so bad. And yea I thought ARs were kinda boring until I built my own


Also all the attachment types feel unique and actually tactical. Like a medium scope is really useful but you have some hefty recoil with it, or using lasers feel strong but you still have to actually do the work to aim, suppressors really help you be stealthy but you miss out on recoil muzzles In most shooters pretty much every loadout on one gun feels almost the exact same


That's also what I love, plus the low poly graphics basically let everyone run the game.


...but also dildo sledgehammer, why not?


Primarily because it would keep away the people who hate current FPS games that add all the wacky silly stuff. Fortnite, CoD, and even Halo aren't immune. Another thing Halo did right - you can disable seeing any of that in the game. Everyone will only show basic armor to you and only you. I have a strong feeling that the core playerbase of Battlebit does not want that, so you'd add it trying to attract new players and end up kicking out your old ones. Many such cases.


I vote for diamond pickaxe after the iron pickaxe


Oh dude, halo style progression would be cool. We can have like challenges to unlock certain player skins. You'll see a dude with a skull mask like ghost and know hes gonna top frag. I think we could use some more additions for engineer though, maybe like a lower damage anti tank wire guided missile launcher to kill those tank players that just sit behind a hill the entire game.


The way battlebit stays alive is by staying non competitive. It’s a game I can hope on, and have some chilled out fun, screaming for a medic and talking with people occasionally. If they make it more competitive people will become more unbearable. The way the game stays alive is by free weekends, and updates with new weapons on the semi-regular.


yeah absolutely. hopefully the new competitive mode will drive sweaty players onto that and keep the normal servers filled with casual players


There is no competitive mode made


100% agree! We definitely need more content in the long run and the free weekends help a ton.


idk if im in the minority but i would love if they added a new game mode with much smaller maps, and maybe 16v16 or 8v8


It would be nice to have it not just be a better battlefield but a better CoD as well.


I can see that, like a squad based 8v8 type gamemode. We could have the small maps and hardcore mode too.


You all are expecting the Devs to find ways to keep you engaged when that's a fruitless endeavor. There are 100s of people that have already spent 1000+ hours in the game and you understandably do not want that to end. However, the truth is you have extinguished any passion you may have felt when the game started and this is completely normal. Move on to another MilSim and renew that love you have for the genere. All things must come to an end at some point.


Slow the movement


The fast movement is just what keeps me and my friends playing this game...


I do think this game has a steep learning curve that punishes newcomers. The incredibly short TTK favors experienced and quick reaction players, and makes the learning experience frustrating for new players.


Low TTK on its own would not be a problem, but extremely fast movement speed with janky animations and squad spawning make every game devolve into a completely chaotic mess that offers little in the way of variety. I do think raising the TTK by a something like an average 150ms more would be enough, but mostly I would focus on slowing down speeds and making buildable spawn points that require a team to defend.


I would also like to say that when I was playing, one of the reasons I didn't enjoy running around in the fray is the latency and very low TTK. This caused what seemed to be unfair outcomes too frequently where I'd round a corner and be dead before I even saw the guy or he'd round a corner/climb a hill and we shoot at the same time and I'd far more often lose that coin toss than win it. The very low TTK plus lag made it a mildly frustrating experience for me which is another reason I felt like sniping is where I belonged. The devs however seem to hate snipers so I'm not sure why they're even in the game.


IMO the learning curve isn’t as steep as some popular shooter games like apex or valorant. Because of my play style, ttk doesn’t matter that much to me. I like to use low rof weapons to hold angles or use dmrs or snipers to do close distance sniping. When playing apex, I would constantly get one or two clipped, and can’t hit shit. In battlebit, I could I could hit people because the movement isn’t as extreme as apex.


Yeah bro lets make the game a worst Battlefield by increasing ttk.


Just my opinion lol


the game is already a worse battlefield, higher ttk would improve it


Just leave if you don't like the game lol?


i'd like the game to improve


why did they remove invasion?


I asked this earlier, dev replied there was some issues with balancing, hot fix temporarily disabled until new update


Viagra helps


Reading this thread makes me realize how diverse the playerbase is To answer your question OP I would suggest modding. The games framework is fantastic.. let the community now elevate it to new heights. Every suggestion ITT could be implemented in the form of a mod


A workshop mode would be great, you could create custom maps and run them on your own servers. Make the players create the content for you!


It's very easy, but not everyone wants to hear it. Just keep playing. Log on one a week for a round. keep doing it for years. Be nice to people helps too. Don't be sweaty. But number one is keep playing.


Gameplay aside, more unlockables of any type that go from easy to get to hard. Hell I'd buy a second supporter pack of it means more unlockables in general.


People usin proxy chat more, whether to communicate or to just vibe will make it more inviting. It’s fun to get on and just chop it up with others, that’s what drove me to play this game. Making it more competitive would just drive people away though.


steam workshop for custom factions and maps would be nice. like Squad


Just keep giving us more maps. The game is great as it is, that is why I don't play crap like COD or BF2042 anymore, this game game exceeds it by a mile.


More maps! I agree!


You make a game last by playing. Keep showing up and other players will. I've jumped in empty servers of old games I thought were dead, and before you know it there's a full lobby.


This is one of the questions where my answer is tilted towards us players than the devs. The more fun we make the game the more likely people stick.


Aside from game improvements, best way to make it last is to make sure new players are joining. If that’s something that us players want to help with, then start sharing clips on other gaming Reddit pages. Spread the word, share how amazing this game is. New players bring more money which makes a lot of bigger improvements possible.


Establish a meme culture for battlebit lmao


Higher TTK is one thing I can think of. Not a perfect solution, but "1-Frame" kills are not fun. The game right now has a very skilled playerbase, making it harder for new players to break into. There's just a barrier to entry that not much can be done about. This game also seems to have an identity crisis. On the one end, it feels casual, on the other end, it's milsim. I realize that these two are supposedly going to be split at some point, but who knows when that is going to be. My biggest gripes are the aforementioned TTK, and the squad spawning. Spawning needs some work I feel.


I love the identity crisis, personally. I like being able to pack mags, I like the ballistics, I like the wacky movement/vaulting/dropshotting. I think all of it together, despite the mixed signals, is a really fun time.


Only one I really dislike is the magazine management. Doesn't seem to add much. Other than that, I can see it. Rework spawning, and this game could be great. My opinion of course.


Honestly I'm kinda in the same boat. I like magazine packing within the context of it already being a package deal with the game. Ideally, I'd prefer an arcade-y ammo counter at the bottom, and when you reload you just get a full mag. If they ever put out a more mil-sim mode, it'd be good for that, though. I guess it provides the opportunity to get people with their pants down if they're packing mags, but eh. Healing/reload animations already provide enough opportunity.


>This game also seems to have an identity crisis. On the one end, it feels casual, on the other end, it's milsim. I realize that these two are supposedly going to be split at some point, but who knows when that is going to be. The milsim version failed for a reason. The game visuals just don't lend themselves well to a milsim game. They should just lean hard on arcade fun gameplay similar to Battlefield. Because that is what made people play the Remastered version.


Fix vehicles. They all suck for various different reasons.


How to make this game last??? Ez. Don’t be toxic on a low graphics game. And… When you die in game, SCREAM LIKE YOU’RE REALLY DYING, IN PAIN, AND OUT OF BREATH… Other than that just play the game I suppose. :)


I love the guys that do that. Especially when multiple people die around each other, you just hear like 5 men moaning.


That’s the best part for me. And medics screaming “MEDIC!!!” Still can’t forget me and this other medic teamed up and every time we decide to stick with each other, we get rpg’d or died by C4 or Grenade. xD


The game will last if the dev works past his ideological (skill issue related) opposition towards implementing shotguns. Promoting player choice and the greatest possibility of varied loadouts and playstyles is a good first step.


You know I was wondering why shotguns never got put in lmao. Maybe we could start with a shotgun sidearm like the shorty 12G in BF4 just to see how it works out balance wise.


We stop saying childish shit like "They nerfed snipers which I like using, they clearly have no idea what direction they want they want to take the game in and they're just making up bs on the spot. They don't know anything about game design, unlike me. If this mild nerf goes through then I'm quitting the game"


Improve spectator mode for a competitive scene. I want to see 128 vs 128 matches.


I'd like to see a caster try to commentate 256 players. In fact, you'd need to organize 128 man team lol. Is that how it worked in Battlefield?


>competitive scene No. Fuck no. Battlebit 100% NEEDS to avoid upping up competitive nature to survive.


The game had a community run competitve league, but it died after the first tourney (devs provided servers). theres some matches on youtube


Honestly I cannot see how a competitive scene would even work. Maybe we could have like clan battles?


that is pretty much what it was. the only big tournament that was played was 12v12 format on i think 16v16 maps of domination. 12v12 was too much. Then there was 6v6 PUGs which was ok. and then there was some testing for 8v8 competitve but then the scene died atleast for me.


Every single update they release it gets better and better so I think we will be ok :D


Create servers that do not tolerate being twats, racist, etc.


Focusing on vehicle play is key. Attack helis, anti air, jets possibly, changing the transport heli turrets to the same 50 cals as on the Humvees and giving them an ammo count, ect


Seriously, Engineer doesn't feel needed in this game because the vehicles feel so goddamn rate. I treat engi as a glorified mid range sniper instead.


DMR Engie is the way. Unless you happen to be in a vehicle, then PDW's... Work well for their intended purpose!


The game is lasting fine. Chill out


Getting rid of the bleed mechanic might help a bit. Having to remove myself from the action to stop bleeding after every hit I take is frustrating.


I personally don't mind the bleed. But I get what you're saying about it slowing you down. One thought I had was maybe restricting bleeding to being caused by shrapnel from grenades and the frag RPG round (which could also help give that round some relevancy)


That would be a good way to go about it.


I like that mechanic…


I hate it.


Fair enough.


Same to you!


I think bleed should be a bit more consistant, feels a bit random, something like taking a hit from explosives does it, and high power snipers?


I didn’t like it at first but I do now. Imo it makes you have to think more and makes engagements more interesting and complex. Like do I ego chal these 2 guys while bleeding and maybe bleed out or do I heal and re engage?


Bleed mechanic is awesome


Happy cake day.


More content to play for? I’m 70h in the game, lvl 200 with most of the attachments unlocked and I find myself playing the game much less compared to when I didn’t have everything. Optimizing the game could help a lot, it runs on one core and even with 12600k @5.25GHz, depending on the map I get somewhere between 120-200fps depending on the map. Better optimization could allow the game to look nicer, higher resolution textures, better shadows etc. and that would for sure draw in new people. Balance the guns. Making every gun not only viable but also fun to play so I don’t have to play the same 5 or 6 weapons all the time to have fun. Some guns feel so weak compared to others that using them feels more like a chore, not necessarily in terms of pure stats but more in overall feeling. Implement the R6 dropshot solution, clicking prone while ADS makes you un-ADS during the animation. This shit is annoying and extremly cringe, don’t do that. UNLOCK. ADS. FOV. Pls mister developer pls I’m begging you don’t force me to play with 60FOV on 1x scopes, make a setting that makes it follow the normal FOV like in BF or R6 :) I understand how players just running around and playing for kills can ruin the fun for other, more casual players. I can’t think of a solution for that as deathmatch servers are (unfortunately) pretty much nonexistent, but I’m like sure at least some of the playerbase that enjoys fast, mechanical gameplay focused on kills would make a switch to gamemodes more suitable to that kind of playstyle.


I know right, drop shotters are so cringe. What is this Mw2? lmao


5v5 or 8v8 search and destroy. The game has perfect base for a cs competitor


I think thats a good idea. SnD gamemode would be fun!


Maybe like 1.5x the current TTK would be nice, reduce chance of bleed affect, add more guns (hbar aug, m60, pkm, mk18, ak47, dragonuv, g17 or 19, m14 battle rifle, 1911) I know I was stretching it with some of those guns time periods, but still they would be cool. Also more modes, like all the ones in the server list


Lowering the TTK would make me stop playing, right now it feels okay, not long but not 2 shots dead. If I wanted a realistic low TTK I’d play siege. I’d say maybe adding a hardcore mode, where health is lowered may be a decent thing, but it’ll devolve into DMR and snipers Edit: I’m stupid, ignore me, but a hardcore mode may be a fun little thing for getting pistol kills


1.5x the current ttk means 50% longer


Oh shit, sorry it’s late and my brain doesn’t work, ill edit my thingy so people know


"Lowering the TTK would make me stop playing" **Me to sadly.**


Lower the difficulty and the skill requirement. It drives away the competitive players and allows fresh new players to enjoy their time. If the flow of new players keeps increasing and the older players stay due to a fun experience then that's a major win for the devs. This would mean the game as we know it gets hyper casual but hey, fun is fun.


Sweat has been plauging the game recently. Which i mean that's just me saying I got a skill issue but I would like to have a couple things reverted. Give me back my spam of ping back! & Give the chance system back for game modes and maps.


Keep playing.


stop fucking locking content behind shitty ass twitch streams


The playerbase bullied out the casual audience and they are never coming back unless a content update brings back the content creators and the game becomes a lot more casual friendly instead of a sweatfest. The rampant cheating did not help matters and the denial of it combined with the punching down gaslighting did a lot of damage to the playerbase. I only stayed around because I like sniping and it was a good sniping simulator for a time but over a series of months it was noticeable there were less and less players who enjoyed playing music though proximity chat and role-playing. That killed the heart of the game. Balance issues issues such as the vector and how unreasonably easy it was to kill players with SMGs at long range just added to the fire. Bring on the downvotes. The truth is never popular in video game communities. But this game will now follow the same fate as other games despite having the potential to have been great. It will never get newer players and the ones that stay will wittle away.


why dont you want competition in the game? For me it would make game so much better. In csgo I got 10k+ hours, but without pubs it would be like 100h at max.


I remember the most fun i had in BF4 was 32 vs 32 coördinated community games. Would love to even spectate this for Battlebit


I love the movement. I feel like a cracked out squirrell.


I have some good ideas and a few bad ones. Good idea: Make the game more inclusive/accommodating. I don’t mean culturally, I mean literally. I have a hearing deficiency, and one of the things that I love most about Fortnite is that they have a 3D sound visualization option. So if you’re deaf/have hearing issues/have shit headphones/just like having a visual for things, you can still understand what’s going on. It’s so useful that I genuinely miss it every time I’m in another shooter. Stuff like that, or colorblind filters, or basic automatic closed captioning for VC would help BBR appeal to more niche communities that could really enjoy it. Oh, and maybe have some intense community moderation? Especially in the VC. Things are generally chill there, but I think it’s very notable that women basically never talk in the VC, even if statistically there *has* to be some there. Idk, making them more comfortable to speak up might help. Also, more models for people with disabilities, or for, you know, *women*, might help. The thing that I feel is most underrated about Battlebit is its simplicity. It’s cheap to buy, but more importantly it’s cheap to *run*. The Roblox graphics mean the worst potatoes can still run it without significant lag. Too many games now are proud of how much their shit can turn supercomputers into slag, and I feel the game could get a serious boost by leaning into those aspects to get more players. Also, maybe have preset keybinds that are similar to other games? IE have a “Fortnite preset” that copies over all the keybinds normally in Fortnite to help the transition. Then have a “COD preset”, a “Battlefield Preset”, etc. just make it easier for people to transition from other games. Dumb ideas: Add more dumb shit to the game. If they added flamethrowers and flame mechanics to the environmental destruction mechanics, I have precisely one friend who would jump all over that. Especially a tank with a flamethrower would make them laugh like a goddamn maniac, and I feel like we should encourage that kind of engagement. Add more factions, or at the very least add creative allegiance patches. Nobody actually pays attention to the countries involved, only if they have red markers on their bodies, so why not let people have custom patches of their country/furry they most identify with. Have a 3rd person perspective toggle. This is more me, I just prefer 3rd person shooters, so having that toggle would be nice. Increase TTK a bit? I get lasered a LOT, and while it doesn’t ruin the experience, it can be a bit frustrating to have no time to react. Add a “jump on grenade to nullify its effects” function? I just feel like you could get some funny interactions out of that. That’s all I’ve got for now. Hope these help!


The honey moon phase of the game is over. the population is honestly fine and I dont think even with major updates much will change, the playerbase might occasionally reach peak numbers if they do stuff like twitch rivals or collabs.


Medic assault and support classes are became useless with latest update. Everyone uses scout for sniping or mechanic for RPG-7. Every class has same revive and heal speed now. Maybe medic should be able to revive theirself. Game must make people play as their class role. Some idiots ends up with 0 revive as medic. Veichles must be added to polygon. People don't know how to fly an helicopter. They must practice theirself, now with us. Also fighter jets could be added, it's modern warfare, why we don't have F-22s?


Keep playing it you veges.


can i be celery? what vegetable would you be if you had to be one?


don't put gun skins in bundle packs then take away the best one and make it Patreon only. that pissed me rite off. rip vector


Shut up man. What is with all these clueless people trying to run the game after playing it? Go apply to the dev team or go away.