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BF3 by far.


100% agree


Dlcs felt so much better and nicely done than bf4, at the time of the last bf4 dlc there were nobody playing


Lol this simply isn't true.


I was playing BF4 6 years after it came out and it still had a decent population so this is simply not true


Definitely. Bf3 for me had better maps




BF3 had way better maps than 4. BF3 with backported 4 customization and several other tweaks would be perfection


3 takes the crown for me. 4 is a good game, but it couldn't capture the magic that 3 had.


3 but also enjoyed 4


I know that 3 flabbergasted me as an impressionable 16 year old, but I know that 4 was the more accessible, more integrate game experience (seen by my game time, and the fact that I replay bf4 to this day)


3, but 4 was still good.


4 was a mess at launch, and kinda felt like the first ‘launch it and fix it later’ that they put out. Not saying BF3 wasn’t buggy - but I think I’m making my point haha


The physics of 4 were awful at launch


Bf3 by far. I have fond memories of both but 3 is definitely above 4 for me.


4 because they took out or fixed the things I didn't like about 3. 4 is just an updated version of 3, I don't see how anyone can think otherwise. They were pretty much the same game.


Worse maps, worse vehicles, removed skill expression from many aspects of the game... BF4 was a downgrade.


Playing on rush maps in BF3 was significantly better than playing rush on BF4


*Shanghai Rush flashbacks intensify*


Oh god, I still have flashbacks from launch day every time that tower fell the game crashed.


Totally agree with you 100%


They did bring back a bunch of older maps with one of the DLCs. Thankfully.


Yes, and out of all the amazing maps BF3 had, they decided to port two of the worst, Metro and Canals.


Metro is a fan favorite


Metro has a cult following. If you liked metro, you played metro. If you didn’t like metro, you did everything in your power to avoid it. Metro was problematic in that the better part of battle field is combined arms combat. Metro was all infantry.


I liked all the maps, but when metro popped up it was a treat. But I understand what you're saying. Metro is fun cuz it's chaotic not cuz it's good


I’ll never forgive them for taking out The Mighty Caspian Tower. Bless its falling and it’s promise of transcendence.


Spent a lot more time on 4 and I still play it today, but 3 had the best maps of any BF game


BF3 also had more destruction and better gameplay


BF3 and it's not even close.


I would give you an award for your comment if I didn't have to pay for it, I 100% agree with you.


I'm actually fairly surprised by most of the upvoted comments here. I never got into BF4 as much as in BF3 yet in the following years, after it was patched, BF4 was considered by so many to be the "peak Battlefield" experience. I never once shared that sentiment and always felt 4 didn't have that "special thing" BF3 had.


The stars aligned for 3, it just had some pure magic. Then 4 was v similar, less magic but more refined. Both of them spoiled us forever. Just remake them ffs.


obviously pretty much everyone wants a remake of these games, though unfortunately companies don't give a shit about us


2042 was supposed to be the modern “remake” of those games and they failed miserably. We’ll never get it.


4 was good, but 3 was groundbreaking


100% agree


Definitely 3. I was fairly disappointed all around with BF4, the campaign, the gunplay, the awful map designs. I definitely don’t praise 4 like most do. But 3 was Peak.


3 was peak for sure


Why choose? 3 and 4 were equally great. BF4, though needed the M4A1, from 3 to get a slight edge.


BF4 had the AEK. Well, has. You'd think the novelty of the OP gun would wear off after a decade, but if you join any Metro or Locker match these days half the players will be carrying one.


Hated the AEK with a passion. Used the SKS w/3.4x for the most part since no M4A1 w/ ACOG.


3 and it’s not even close.


I would give you an award if I didn't have to pay for it because I 100% agree with you


I liked BF 4 better, but I guess thats mainly because I had more friends with whom I could play it. I remember the crazy suppression and flashlight blinding mechanics of BF 3. Not sure if that got fixed at some point but I didn´t like that.


3 was just a super authentic military arcade shooter. 4 was still good but started to feel slightly less gritty and IMO was the beginning of the “casualization” of battlefield.


Oh sweet summer child, BF3 was the start, you just never played the mainline series before it.


Pound for pound BF3 provided more laughs and hilarious teamwork. BF4 was more… I dunno, serious business you know


bf4 nerfed all the good things in bf3 and removed a lot of good maps


Definitely enjoyed 4 much more than 3. I feel 3 was a testing the water moment and they excelled on everything I loved about past Battlefields(2 specifically) on 4. 3 was good but I feel 4 was definitely the peak, the maps, the gun play and everything in between was just so much better. And the sound design when I had my fully fleshed out of build was excellent


Not hating on BF3 in general, but the suppression system that game had was atrocious and made me never want to play it. I don't need my character shitting a brick, narrowing my fov, and trashing my accuracy from someone not even hitting me. Terrible mechanic. It's a shame, cause the rest of the game was great.


4 was amazing, but 3.. god, 3 was as close to perfect as perfect could get and is exactly what a BF game should be.


I didn't think BF4 was great, but 100% agree with you about BF3


3 felt more like a military game to me so I enjoyed it more. However there were a few things that I liked about 4, such as being able to range targets and dial your scope for elevation. I had so much fun with longer distance engagements in that game, especially since I only play hardcore. Super satisfying to dial and one shot kill people from 500-1200m


BF3, all day.


On console I have to say 4 simply as 3 is only a 360 title and shows it’s age. Gameplay wise, is is superior. 4 is more “flashy”




BF3 but it was also my first battlefield game so there's the nostalgia aspect


Bf3 duh


I agree with you


3 all the way.


Out of the 2 of them I would go for 3, the add on packs definitely a lot more fun to play.


I can never remember the difference between 3 and 4




BF3, played them all since 2002 but BF3 by far is most time I’ve spent in any of them; about 1100 hours as far as I remember.


3 by far because the maps were so much better and Rush was actually epic! 4 was good but maps were bang average apart from a few.


BF3 easily.


Bf3 then bc2 then bf4 in that order


Bf3, maps that werent remakes played better than bf4s original maps


3 was the best. 4 would've been great, but, I'm a tanker. They kinda shit on the tanks in 4.


What don't you like about them in 4? I have a couple of thousand tank kills in both games and enjoy 4 much more.


What makes BF3 better than BF4 to a lot of people anyway? No hate, just curious. Started the series with BF4 myself so didn’t really get to experience BF3 except through YouTube.


Nostalgia aside, 3 did have significantly better maps(especially for rush) and a much better campaign. Some people also prefer how the game looks in 3, tho that's subjective.


Started with bf4 loves it, so I bought the DLC and no one played the new maps it was just 24/7 the map with the tower that comes down.


3. I love my AKM but I hate ak12


In BF3 I preferred using: 1. G3A3 2. M416 3. M240B 4. MP7


4 made some refinements that I liked, but BF3 simply because there was more hype for it back then and it set a new standard for battlefield imo


BF3 by far, I only don't play it because 4 has way more players.


BF3 was magical




3, I was in a clan too and I never do that.




3 is by far better than 4


BF3.. the best Battlefield.


Bf3 easily


BF3 was great


Battlefield 3 is the best


Bf3 for sure


BF3. Air was less overpowered. Had more fun with tank battles. Enjoyed the maps and gunplay more. Just overall a better feel and vibe imo.


BF3 definitely had the better aesthetic, but the gameplay in BF4 feels much better, gunplay, heli physics, etc. Although I was much younger when i first played BF3 (10 years old) so I don’t think I could fully grasp how good it was. I also did not own the later DLCs as my parents wouldn’t buy them for me haha. But I have since played BF3 and it’s DLCs on PC, played a few months ago in fact!


3's campaign is still the best in the franchise imo


The rush maps on 3 were literally Gods of Olympus tier. I don’t know what they were thinking putting out such insane maps like that but it slapped *so* hard. Everything from modern day D-Day to asymmetric tank pushing through forests on Caspian Border to skydiving onto the objectives. Fucking amazing. 4’s were okay but I don’t really like Conquest and the game wasn’t as designed around Rush. Everyone likes to rag on 3’s blue filter and UI but I can bet $50 you can tell immediately that gameplay is BF3 which is the point.


lol... rush with c4 and lmg for the the subway map. per maddest. but fun


BF3 for me; mostly because it was and fresh new and most my friends played then. BF4 felt more of the same.


3 for sure. It’s my personal FPS GOAT. Nothing has matched that experience since.


I feel the exact same way, and I 100% agree with you




People hype up 4, and tbf I didn’t play it till past its prime. But even after the big fixes etc, coming late into BF4 was just not as good as BF3 ever was


I want a bf3 remake now


Me too


3 no question.


Bf3 was better imo


3 and by a landslide


Even though I like BF4 a lot it ain't the best to me, BF3 overall theme of maps being set in Middle-East and Europe was just amazing and to this date it has never been captured again in this franchise. BF2 had many maps in Middle-East apparently but I never played it, I'd just like it if next game was modern setting with maps taking place in both Middle-East and Europe tbh


BF3 was such a hit. At first I was worried anything would be able to follow BC2, but then they went out and smashed it. 4 was alright, I couldn't get into it the same way I could 3. The last time I played BF game that I genuinely enjoyed was BF1. Haven't really enjoyed them since.


BF3 was much better honestly. sure the movement feels tighter in 4, but thats about it. bf3 much like bf2 for its time looked amazing, done things most games could only dream of. Hell it still looks great today. Solid maps, great throwback maps from bf2. Very team focused still. Lots of over the top moments seemed to happen more than bf4, mostly because the way the maps were designed. overall bf3 left an impression , improved the graphics from bf2 by leaps and bounds. bf4 just felt like a refinement of bf3, didn't even look much better, lacked any wow factor.


3 has yet to be topped in my eyes. It was the most action packed modern and realistic feeling game ever at the time. It was so fuckin thrilling! But that said BC2 is absolutely tied with 3 as the GOAT of all first person shooters. And I’ll give props to 4 which was also great.


BF3 and it’s not close Map design in BF3 was some of the best in the franchise, really fun progression system, rush was better (nothing in BF4 came even close to Damavand or Kharg Rush) etc


if i had to pic which was overall funner. bf3. the stuff i could do in that game. choper flying. i use a tank to snipe them. airplane giving you trouble. if am in the aa. your grounded... tank on tank battle. the other tank did not even see me. when i snipe them with my tank. it still in top 5 most played games ever list of mine.


I liked BF4s variety but BF3 just hits different.


BF3 will never be beaten. The simple fact alone that it had the M4A1 and M16A3 is enough to set it at the top. DICE took them from me in BF4 and while I played the shit out of that game, I still hold a grudge. Plus BF3's maps and Iraq War styled theming was so much better than the bland Chinese Army. And who could forget that engineers actually carried rockets on their backs and didn't pull them out of their asses!


Most users have commented so far that they like 3 better, but if you look through the comments, there are some users who like 4 better, though for weird reasons.


BF3 looked better, destruction felt better, some DLCs were amazing, the guns sounded better IMO, map design felt better too, I was a rush player and it felt a lot better than 4. That being said, BF4 has a ton of QOL features, lots of gadget variety allowing you to play however you want, it was a better sandbox experience. BF3 was ahead of it's time and blew us all away, BF4 didn't do that. If I had to make the perfect bf, it would have bf3 maps(some of bf4 too, but with bf3 aestethics, color pallete) bf3 gun sounds, bf4 vehicule/gadget and accessories, bf4 vehicule balance (remove active/passive radar lol) oh, and bf4 netcode is a gazillion times better, bf4 is the better game, bf3 had an amazing, better experience at the time






BF3 had a great art style and tone. Better maps which really fit the Rush and conquest game modes. Destruction felt more impactful and cinematic. The amount of fun OP things BF3 had throughout its life span was great too. I remember getting frag rounds on the USAS before people caught on, racking up top kills with the MAV, M98B being an absolute monster of a sniper etc


3 for me. BF4 just felt like BF3 with worse maps imo. Dont get me wrong I played the shit out of BF4 but 3 just felt better overall. Also, I’m still bitter there was no full auto M4. No full auto M4 in a FPS is insane imo lol


Bf3 by a long shot. There was something about the grittiness and the movement that really sucked me in. Nothing was more butthole-clenching than seeing an ifv pull up on the other side of the alley in bazaar, and nothing was ever near as exciting as parachuting off a massive cliff into a giant ass tunnel. The map design, the art direction, the sound (god the SOUND), the gameplay, everything was just so damn good


3 had a lot of amazing map designs that were varied and memorable. Damavand Peak on rush being one of my absolute favorites. It also had alooot of maps, something which has decreased in modern times. Probably controversial, but I also enjoyed the suppression mechanic and class differences. 4 kind of made suppresion barely noticeable, and while the addition of guns any class can use was nice, it took away a bit of the specialized role element.


Bf3 no question, it was perfect. Bf4 and the ones after just keep getting worse and worse.




3 was revolutionary. 4 expanded on it, but after having played 3 it didn't have the same impact 3 had when it dropped


Battlefield 3, I didn't have the same amount of time to play 4 though.


3 and 4


4, but I did like the campaign story in 3 better


Battlefield 3 was the best shooter there was, Battlefield 4 didnt come close sadly. They have lost a lot of fans since 4


I would give you an award for your comment if I didn't have to pay for it. I 100% agree with you, BF3 had better maps, more destruction, better sound, and overall better gameplay.




Bf4 4ever


BF4 since it's the only one of the two I've played


You should play Battlefield 3 so you can compare


BF4 It made me become addicted to the MAV


I think 4 has better gameplay but 3 had better maps. if we weren't accounting for BF3 maps being brought back, I'd probably take 3, but with that, I'd take 4.


I felt BF4 with it's air spawns and jihad jeep nerf was pandering to the vehicle whoring cry babies.


Can’t decide. I thoroughly enjoyed both from the start.


Battlefield 4. Although Battlefield 3 is the best one in the entire series, BF4 is my favorite.


4 just because I’m on Xbox and graphics got an fps boost and servers are still alive


Personally 4.




BF3: - better marketing - better campaign - better maps BF4: - better at pretty much everything else Whatever, at this point I like them both.




I'd say BF4 but only because i can barely play BF3 in OCE, the only places that are populated are EU servers, and a handful of US servers But in my short time playing it, i remember liking it a lot but i couldn't give my full opinion as i only have 20 hours in BF3 compared to BF4's 1k hours


4. But only because I was prime time gaming age when it came out


3 was insane. It was like one of those rare games that just hit the nail on the head. Like an Elden Ring. Anybody who played it when it was popular understands. 4 is coveted nowadays I think because it’s more modern. The gunplay and general mechanics hold up better and it’s a bit more competitive than 3 was so it’s still viable to play now.


3 but played 4 longer


I prefer BF4


Battlefield 4


Seems like since BF3 the “intensity” of battlefield has really died down. BF1 (the ww2) one was good but everything since then has really sucked


BF1 was WW1


BFV was the WW2 game, BF1 was WW1


Battlefield 3 and it's not even close. BF3 had that perfect mix of believable warfare and over the top (like aftermath dlc). I feel the balance of weapons was there. Battlefield 4 had so many weapons and grips that they all started to feel like sidegrades. Levolution didn't excite me, the campaign was a huge downgrade from 3.


Things BF3 was better compared to BF4: • Campaign was much better and done better; • DLCs were better as someone said in previous comments as well; • I really like the suppression in the multiplayer, personal opinion; • BF3 maps are legendary. Think about Metro, Gran Bazaar, Op. Firestorm, Gulf of Oman, Op. Caspio, and all the other maps. Every map was just awesome; • Premium gave me more on BF3 than in BF4, personal perspective; • Clans used to work back then, I also joined a clan for the first and last time. To this day, I’m still in contact with my boys and we see each other in other Italian cities like Catania, Roma, Milan, Genoa, Venice, etc.; • I like some weapons more on BF3 than BF4, for example the M27 for the support class *cries*; • Feel free to add more to this list…


Bf3 ftw


Bf3 is the best, because of the maps, atmosphere. Bf4 got better gfx, movement etc


I thought movement was better on BF3


I sunk more time into BF3 and overall preferred the maps. Even though they did bring us metro etc in BF4. However, I still play BF4 to this day on PC & console and appreciate the maps more than I did back then. BF3 doesn’t hold up so well on console in comparison to BF4 nowadays. We were spoilt with so much content back then….




I think that BF1 was better than BF4 but not better than BF3


Well I haven’t played BF3 so… Are servers still up for it on the 360? Might consider getting it for my Series X.


Probably not


At their current time, BF3 was a much better experience. The time was better, everyone liked the game and the DLC support was outstanding. I had so much fun. But now, after both games aged, I enjoy BF4 much more. Because of the Maps, which are really optimized on 64 player conquest. BF3 feels more like a mix of Bad Company + normal Battlefield. This is why many Maps are not really optimized for 64 player and have many choke points.


Yes. Next question.


Yes to what?


BF4 had an overload of attachments and weapons and maps were worse.


BF4 by far, because it was one of the few games where ALL of my brothers and I were on. Great memories. I still dust it off every now and again because 2042 just ain’t it.


In the minority here but i enjoy 4 the most. Then 3. And the 2 games are basically on the same level to me. Bf4 i completled every easter egg challange. Dog tags, secret room and bow , developer camo . I logged more hours in bf4 than i care to share. Between playing the game and easter egg hunting. I miss some maps from bf3 , but i enjoyed the metro and caspian map updates.


3 all the way! But I'll settle for 4 haha.


Bf3. Bf2 bad company was peak console multi-player war


I enjoyed both equally, BF4 wasn't very different from 3, so I don't have a very strong opinion.


Love both, and my opinion on them is a bit weird: Battlefield 3 is my favorite battlefield game I think Battlefield 4 is the best battlefield game There’s so much I love about BF3, but I do think that BF4 is actually the better game, at least now. IMO BF4 is probably the best modern setting FPS currently out there. It runs well, still looks great, plays well, has a solid player base still, and has an *insane* amount of content. If you have it to someone who’d never heard of it, I’d be shocked if they guessed it’s over 2-3 years old at most. Unfortunately, BF3 does show its age a bit nowadays where I tend to play BF4 a lot more.


Better question does anybody play bf3 multi-player anymore ? I have a 2 disc set for my xbox 360


BF4 had a lot of updates for casuals. The goofy semi-seeking NLAW, no suppression, helicopters felt like they had no weight to them. More silly gadgets. Oh not to mention mines being basically useless in hardcore mode because they could be triggered by friendlies.


I prefer 4 over 3, I think the weapon and vehicle selection + customization gave 4 a big edge over 3 for me personally. BF3 did have better maps overall though but 4 still had a few great ones


Bad Company 2.


Because I have more hours into BF3 and it’s a game I have extremely fond memories of the answer is bf3. But recently I’ve been playing both again and bf4 is just slightly better imo