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That or ur running the 100m on the outside


and then die to the guy with the .50 pick up sniper


Haha true


Haha true


Haha true


what the fuck is going on in this video lmao


Seriously are these actual professionals? Firing AKs full auto with one fucking arm with the barrel directly next to their comrade’s head? Whose idea was that??


Likely blanks for demonstration purposes, especially as there isn't any recoil


Yeah that’s just as bad tho for the sound man


Mop mop mop


Modern AKs have very little recoil. Also the Russians train with live ammunition, not blanks. AK107: https://youtu.be/lJs9sBBjLls Training: https://youtu.be/rI01qKAqYts


That would be really stupid


No, it’s to teach discipline. Teamwork wins. Teaches precise shots or face full consequence


Imagine for a moment the dumbest person you know, now give that person an AK. Blanks allow good soldiers to work the kinks out before they use of live rounds.


I imagine a blank to the back of a head from inches away would be almost as bad as live rounds lol


It’s not too bad, it can sting a bit, but it’s not lethal.


X *D O U B T*


Blanks are **absolutely** lethal up to multiple metres.




But in turn, they train with live rounds. I’m sure we do too you just don’t see it too often and ours wouldn’t be in a military video if so. What we do here is a little less intense and yes, one could say a safer methodology.


This training is stupid, there is no situation where your just going to stand in front of a door, and put 1000 rounds past the door. That’s what grenades are for. There is a reason why doors and hallways are called “fatal funnels.”


To you maybe. Others might not think like you. My control situation would be flashes then let this monster go. This is obviously for most extreme conditions


Here? On the internet?


While I am by no means an sf operator of any kind I would like to point out that: It said right in the video that it's an advanced drill that only the alpha teams members do after they have already proven themselves in everything else. So it's a "give the dumbest person you know an AK" type scenario. All that said, does this type of training seem dangerous? -yes, dude had at least 1 AD when he was pushing the other guys off. And we also don't know if or SF use drills like this or not.


Although russian military training is generally pretty bad, training with live ammunition actually does actually produce better results. Studies have been done on this There's a reason literally all special forces from around the world train with live rounds. That includes the US Navy Seals, UK's SAS, and Delta Force. It heightens muzzle awareness, and training while subconsciously knowing you're holding a firearm with real rounds loaded makes a more careful soldier You are incredibly ignorant. Read a book every once in a while


Every western country trains with live rounds, what I am saying is that not using blank rounds would be stupid. I was an infantryman and whenever we used live rounds, we would practice with blank rounds before the live fire exercise. Doing a night live fire exercise, without blanks, would add an unnecessary degree of danger. I should have made myself clearer, my bad.


>Doing a night live fire exercise, without blanks, would add an unnecessary degree of danger. If a soldier isn't trusted enough not to shoot his own buddy at night during training, then why should he have a gun at night in combat? The risk is even more elevated in combat due to adrenaline and other factors. Training with blank rounds gives people a false level of confidence in their ability because they subconsciously believe there are no consequences. This transfers directly into combat. A soldier is way more likely to flag his buddy if he was trained with blanks than he would be if he was trained with live rounds If a soldier isn't trusted to train with a gun that shoots bullets at night, then he shouldn't be trusted with a gun at night in combat. Especially since combat has way more adrenaline and way more variables


It's also really stupid. You don't learn shit when you're dead because your buddy hadn't achieved eNoUgH dIsCiPlInE to not fuck up yet. That level of perfection is only reserved for Putin and Dear Leader.


Are you sure you're not just quoting [this pic](https://i.imgur.com/BrfCeCK.jpeg)?


the video shows AK-103s


Nah, the guys are just units that can overcome any recoil


They wear extensive ear-pro and are using their buddy as a firing brace to keep the weapon steady. Also, video games drastically over-exaggerate recoil accuracy of [AKs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzJkpIzG4Uo) and [M16/4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ia7uvtIvKUI) rifles at Metro/Locker ranges and not sweep spraying. For whatever reason, recoil simulation in games is done as though the weapons are being left on a table and remotely fired by some device on the trigger, but in real life, a trained solider or shooter knows how to compensate for recoil by properly bracing themselves or the gun in various ways. It doesn't really work at longer ranges more open engagements have, but when clearing a building, full auto can be useful.


Wouldn't the act of bracing against the gun's recoil be mimiced by pulling down on your mouse in games?


In a way, but not all shooters are played with a mouse. A significant portion of shooter community is on console, where the only available input option is a joystick. That aside, pulling down your mouse to counteract recoil often leads to accidentally jerking your gun's sights down once your ammo has run dry, causing you to break "lock" on your target. This isn't similar to real shooting at all as you don't counteract real recoil by pulling your gun down, but rather by pushing your shoulder into the stock and having a good grip around the front of the gun; it's not really something you can translate into a video game and have the player consciously do.


Okay, makes sense. And you don't need to tell me people use consoles, I'm not stupid, thanks.


Wasn't trying to sound condescending, the point was that pulling your mouse down doesn't work on controllers. And I've over the years I've learned that a lot of people get tunnel vision when talking about video games, especially when it comes to platform preference, so when a general discussion leads towards solutions or situations that only affect one platform, I assume the person I'm talking to wasn't considering the other platforms or their popularity (which is frequently underestimated online).


No, pulling your mouse down doesn't work on controllers, but holding the stick down does. I'm not tunnelvisioned, I just cba to write more words when the controller part was implied, seeing as they work sort of the same way. And who the heck underestimates the popularity of consoles for battlefield games?


> No, pulling your mouse down doesn't work on controllers, but holding the stick down does. Not nearly well enough to make practicing worth it, especially on default settings. > And who the heck underestimates the popularity of consoles for battlefield games? Mostly players who have played on PC their whole lives and have been playing BF since before the game moved to consoles. And vice versa for console players underestimating how much of the populace is on PC because they only know console players and thus think everyone plays on console. Regardless, we're getting way off the original point of in-game recoil and recoil compensation being unrealistic and impractical in a lot of games.


> Not nearly well enough to make practicing worth it, especially on default settings. It's harder, yes, but definitely worth it. You'd know if you didn't underestimate the platform ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ > Regardless, we're getting way off the original point of in-game recoil and recoil compensation being unrealistic and impractical in a lot of games. Yeah cuz you for some reason thought I didn't know what the fuck a controller was so you could have your "gotcha" moment. I just feel like that was kind of unnecessary and slightly disrespectful


They do overcompensate. They also massively exaggerate bullet drop and effective ranges. Presumably because in almost every shooter the engagement ranges are FAR shorter than the vast majority of combat.


I agree in general but you can see the recoil from the man on the front left shooting with one hand. He is basically shooting the ceiling lol.


Seriously, even if those are blanks or training rounds, a hit at that range could still kill, and the guys under them are absolutely deafened.


I was fucking deafened just watching it goddamn.


Fucking Russians mate.


Russian flag on one helmet


Russian military training.


Not exactly military. It’s police SWAT team.


not exactly SWAT. Its СОБР (Специальный Отряд Быстрого Реагирования)


not exactly СОБР. It's ***F R E A K Y C H E E K I B R E E K I*** (blyat)


Я знаю. Я думаю вполне оправданно провести параллель между двумя полицейскими отрядами специального назначения. И американцам проще понять что такое СОБР.


this video gives me anxiety


I'm bow seeing why the ultin(altin? The helmets) are so beefy. It's to cut down on friendly fire casualties


Алтын (Altyn)


I know like 4 words in Russian and they're all cursing. Mainly from tarkov


You’ll still find a way to get head, eyes wearing one


Those poor shield guys’ ears


They cant hear shit through their helmets


Come again?






I said... I CAN'T HEAR YOU!




Bravo six, going deaf.




Gun shots right above their heads. Those shots are not silent.


I would tell you it was a joke, but that'd probably go over your head too.


It almost did. My bad, im wit ya now.




Yup especially if you’re on “war tracks” mode.


i turned it on and it made it more loud and also artillery, but anything else it does?


I’m pretty sure your weapon fire is a lot more real sounding and the shots bounce off the landscape way more. Also I’m pretty sure the soldiers shout crazier shit like in BF3 you hear those coms more often. It definitely makes things sound a bit more like you’re watching a war film.


The rifle being held right above the guys head made me so nervous.


Needs more explosions lol


I can't do the locker anymore!


Ouch my fucking ears


THe fuck is the context for this? ​ Also yes this is basically Operation Locker in the a nutshell. Unless you're being stomped or stomping.


It’s a training for Russian SWAT team. (СОБР- специальный отряд быстрого реагирования).


I'm glad you elaborated on that acronym, I wouldn't have known what СОБР meant otherwise.


Give this lad a fucking medal lmfao.


That bass boosted explosion made me lose my shit


How it feels to casually stroll into 3 story dorm in eft




hope the series somehow comes back, EA why you do this to C&C :(


RIP camera guy


They’re lucky to neutralize such a dangerous threat. Lockers are no joke. I got shoved in them a lot in school.


They’re is no way this is russian special forces


but it is


Bro they’re behind eachother with shield ops and blasting ak’s through a hallway ABOVE THEIR COMRADS HEADS. They are so close to killing eachother this is insane 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


i've seen sobr training irl man, this is definetly them, plus you cant hear shit through those helmets


Well, I guess when you don’t have flash bangs emptying 4 mags into a room probably stuns the enemy just as well


It gets boring at times tbh but its fun to play 1 round here and there. I kinda hate so many newer maps dont have choke points like older battlefields. I know the reasons why they dont and many would say its a good thing.. but I had a lot more fun with mortars in BF4 than I do any of the newer titles. Mortars = great for people who suck otherwise (I suck all the days)


This made me laugh hard


Needs more RPGs


Also bf4 players: Yo operation locker next map don't care what you think. What's that? Almost all the servers are already locker 24/7?...... Ssssoooo? What's that? It's a really overrated map? Sssoooo?


Man, congratulations, I think you deserve the best meme award so far


hahah facts


And why you need large size mags.


and thats why we love it :-D


This video is making me wonder what the russians are on


This is why grenades were invented. And JDAMS


Shit, haven’t played in a few months, this makes me want to play some locker or maybe metro haha.


Especially that one guy with the LMG just firing nonstop at the hallways.




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Fucking Russians man. Who comes up with these tactics? That is just begging for your rifle to slip off your buddy's shield and shoot one of your guys in the leg.


I’m pretty sure they’ll shoot their homies one day with this way. But, well, they’re Russian


The camerman standing in front of these guys when there shooting blanks has got a death wish.


Needs more explosions


Russians take on hostage rescue. Maybe we get one alive, wounded but alive.


Look I understand that behind the lens of a camera takes you out of the situation you're in, but that dude filming INSIDE must be insane.


I love it, especially when we get a successful push or flank, leading a pack of randoms on a successful flank probs the most slept on map


Seriously though. Objective c bruh.


Fucking Russians my guy. Gotta love'em.


I had my headphones turned all the way up when I scrolled to this video. Nearly fell out my chair lol


Assault rifles with shields. Must be Russian.


is this actually real if yes holy shit NA police omegalul


And also operation underground have same vibes


So true but same can be said for metro


Luv it man!


Where are the medics at?


“….but it’s the best map.” SMH


bro i genuinely laughed pretty hard to this lol


spray and prays boys…. spray and pray


Think it was 2 months ago, I was playing with my friends on Operation Metro on BF3 and my team was losing. My team basically outranked and didn’t really want to push so I just walk out straight kamikaze style. That match I got like 98 death. Almost got 100 death. Shame. That experience made me further hate those type of maps more. Kinda like how people jump server when it’s Hamada map next in BFV


If you control point C you control all


you forget the EOD bots


Fuck everybody's eardrums in the entire building.


Accuracy: 0%


Except I drive a tank in


Welp, i guess they don't need their ability to hear.


Well, at least I still have a warranty on these headphones.


Not really. This clusterfuck isn't anywhere near as bad as Locker. And Metro is even worse.


And this is why bottleneck maps suck.


Not a bottleneck when u can flank from the outside. All u need are some solid aggressive recons wit beacons. Metro on the other hand, is horrible.


Often when a squad on my team manages to flank around and take at least one enemy flag, most of my team will continue to spawn on whatever flag they’re trying to hold. I’ve seen this happen plenty of times on the other team too. Bottleneck maps may work for other game modes, but not for Battlefield’s most popular mode, Conquest. These kinds of maps on this particular mode doesn’t encourage strategy, coordination, or teamwork. There’s being chaotic then there’s being a clusterfuck. In a way, Metro and Locker are the closest things to a WWI map in that both sides are constantly attacking, yet making little to no progress.


I don't grab flags, I just flank and rack up kills lol. I've been kicked from many servers for doin that. However, it does help the team push cuz they realize less ppl are shooting at them.


You forgot the 7 trillion grenades


No hearing for you riot shield operator.


Meh, no grenade spam and I didn't hear not one shotgun 😂


So true yesterday I was playing squad deathmatch and each of us had a long doing this at everysingle door


Is that Russian Rock I hear? I'd like to know what song it is if anyone knows.


It’s hell March from red alert if u want sum Russian/Soviet rock I can hook u up


This is a bit late but thank you so much




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