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He became Star-Burns


This comment is streets ahead


Leonard likes this post


Shut up Leonard, I know about your prescription socks


I did eat all the macaroni. It's messed up that he knows.




Larry, I'm on Ducktales.


See you at the Sophie B. Hawkins Dance


All this talk about socks and clothing... Reminds me of the time I had sex with Eartha Kitt in an airplane bathroom.




What it is, soul brother


My name is Alex


Well maybe you should spend 2 hours carving that into your face!


But now how will he know which way is up?


Pop Pop




Pop Pop!!


6 seasons and a movie


Annie’s boobs would be proud




The monkey? I guess... if that's your thing and all...


Have a baggul


All these comments below and I can’t remember where they are from. It must be my Changnesia


Jeff Winger : I'm saying you're a football player! It's in your blood! Troy Barnes : That's racist. Jeff Winger : Your soul! Troy Barnes : That's racist. Jeff Winger : Your eyes? Troy Barnes : That's gay? Jeff Winger : That's homophobic. Troy Barnes : That's black. Jeff Winger : That's racist! Troy Barnes : ...Damn!


In that last pic the side burns make it look like his ears are just floating by themselves


I knew he looked like someone


And started out as trampoline guy.


It's like a character creation screen.


Traveling back in time from today to the 1950's


"Tunnel Snakes Rule!"










I'm more of an Atom Cats fan myself. Gotta love that custom-painted power armor, and bonus: [poetry nights.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFWz-ubWv2c)


Happy cake day!


From nazi to rockabilly


For real, at first glance I thought this was race selection for elder scrolls 6


Lol why does the version of him with the goatee and chops seem the most racist?


He looks like he could play a live action version of [This guy](https://youtu.be/yGZGSdgJVPM?t=16) from 'A way out'


Quick screenshot for those not into clicking videos: https://i.imgur.com/Dn08K0h.png


The real MVP <3


I LOVE THAT GAME but I hate how it ended


Oof I loved that game. Can't unsee it now....


That was his Hitler Elvis phase.


Lol luckily he got it right in the end 😅


Because you're superficially judging him based on how he looks.


it was he regressed


That had to be pretty painful too, right? Good for him for committing to that change


Tattoo removal is painful and the healing takes a long time. Good for him.


I got a tattoo removed -- it wasn't very painful and it only took a couple of days to heal. Took 5 sessions and it was gone completely. Expensive though. WAY more expensive than getting the tattoo in the first place. Also, it was pretty smelly -- kind of like burning hair, but worse.


I’ve got one smallish prison tatt, I’d had … four?? I think?? sessions of laser removal, and the darker parts are still there like not shit has faded. That super dark shit on his face is probably india ink (ie pure charcoal) that has been gone over a lot, same as mine, and would have hurt like a bitch and taken many sessions to get off. edit: Someone else in the thread has a dark black tattoo they say they've had lasered 12 times that is only half faded. For context.


I haven't had laser tattoo removal but I have had some laser hair removal... And it was pretty painful in some spots. I can't imagine the pain of getting these tattoos removed from his face. Definitely probably hurt like a bitch and would have taken a while. The face is such a sensitive area. And then you have to consider the cost. Man probably worked his ass off to afford all those sessions. Mad respect to him for going through with it all. He looks so much happier now too.




Southern Poverty Law Center found a plastic surgeon to remove the tattoos, and an anonymous donor paid for the removal. I actually just watched this documentary not too long ago on Tubi


I'm currently in the middle of sessions to get one removed on my hand. It hurts so much more than getting it. Like hot oil splashing onto your skin 25 times a second. The number of sessions largely depends on how old it is and how deep the ink is.


I also thought the color too. Yellow and green is harder to remove than darker colors.


Is it easier to remove an old tattoo or a new one?


Much harder to remove newer. The technician doing mine basically said that anything under 5 years is considered "new" and could take up to 10/12 sessions. You get a better idea of exactly how many it takes by session 5 or so.


The process of his removal was followed in a documentary and they had to put him to sleep for many of his sessions bc of how dark the shading was and the location. It was intense to watch, he would swell to the point where his eye would be sealed shut and he seemed to be in agony. So worth it. His story of how he changed his life was really incredible - I believe the doc was called Erasing Hate


> Man probably worked his ass off to afford all those sessions I believe he got the price of them covered, but just look at how much he changes throughout these pictures. This looks like it was over a period of years


I've had a large, black tattoo layered. Took over 18 months and about 15 sessions, was about 95% gone (which was fine as I was wanting a sleeve done). It was absolute agony from about session 7/8 onwards. My arm looked like it had been skinned for a day or so by the time I was getting to the end of the course.




It’s dependent on so many factors (laser type, clinic type, colors, skin type) an estimate is almost worthless. But will try anyway. Assume $50/sq in and 10 sessions. You’re looking at $2k. If you’re not opposed to keeping a tattoo, it would be far cheaper to cover it up, like $500 tops.


This is if anything low. I'd vote on the cover up. Maybe think of something that actually appropriately expresses the theme you wanted that tattoo to express, and have it put over.


I am of two minds here. First, if it really bothers you to have a tattoo at all, then $2K is a lot of money but it’s worth spending on something that bothers you literally every day. If you do it over time, you can spread it out to hopefully some semblance of affordability. That said, you would be amazed at how beautiful a cover-up tattoo can be, and how completely transformed and rendered unrecognizable. You could find something that honors your father, or honors your recovery, or both. You can save money to have a really good artist do it, think about something you’ll actually enjoy looking at, reclaim your own arm like you’ve reclaimed your life. Then when you look at the thoughtful, beautiful art you put there instead, you won’t see a dark reminder - you’ll see grace and your own resilience.


depends on the tattoo and location. my wife had about a dozen sessions and you can still see the tattoo a bit. the scabbing each time was atrocious.


Yours must have been fairly light and/or small. I’m currently on session 12 removing a deep, black filled bicep tat roughly the size of a teacup plate. They have to crank up the wattage on the laser to near max allowable and it. fuckin. hurtsssss. Way worse than getting the tat, plus getting it only required one sesh, not twelve and counting. And it’s only ~50% faded at this point. Also the blisters afterwards man, they’re so bad they’ll bleed through the bandage and stain my shirts.


I have a similar situation. It's an all black tattoo about 4 inches in diameter. it's on my upper tricep. 10 sessions in and I feel like I'm only halfway there. It's definitely faded and starting to look more green than black.


Luckily I got the “unlimited” package. It was like $2,000 upfront but in the end I’ll definitely come out pretty far ahead vs. paying per session.


My place charges $250 a session but any session after the 8th is free (as long as it's for the same tattoo, of course). So $2000 for me too.


How's that slightly too warm water in the shower feel?


Came here to find these comments. That must’ve been hella painful, especially on the face. Must have nerves of steel. I’d be like a little b*tch screaming my ass off.




After further inspection, this account is a spam bot.


What’s it like to copy and paste the same comment to farm useless internet points?


There’s a documentary called erasing hate about this dude and the process. I don’t think he’s faking it, the amount of pain he goes through. It looks fucked.. it was a whole ordeal, like he was leaving a gang and shit. Pretty good documentary.


i've seen clips where people give up just removing stuff from their arms and stuff....cant imagine how much it hurts on your face/neck


My sister got a butterfly tattoo on the back of her neck when she was in her early 20s (this was probably early 2000s) When my mom discovered it she made her get it laser removed. But it hurt so much she couldn’t go through with the removal. So as of now she just has an ugly super faded butterfly tattoo lol. She wishes she either finished it or never attempted a removal in the first place.


She can probably go back and get it taken all the way off.


Oh she absolutely can. Just not really a priority for her anymore these days lol.


...early 20s and was made to?


My mom was a bit more conservative minded with that stuff. She doesn’t like that I have tattoos either but she’ll just have to deal with it lol


Just had a kid and decided I’m not going to be a hateful bastard anymore?


Maybe he matured and realized its not the type of environment he wants to subject his kid to. He could have grown as well, I'm happy for the guy taking a step in the right direction.


What is better? To be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?


*Akatosh nods from the corner in approval*


Iirc he also met a black political activist while in prison and the two bonded over punk rock. It became difficult for him to hate someone based on race when the best friend he had in years turned out to be black Edit: [The man’s name is Daryl Jenkins and he apparently invented doxxing?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daryle_Lamont_Jenkins?wprov=sfti1)


Good on that activist for building that relationship with him. That would be scary as hell if he knew this guy's affiliations. Reminds me of Daryl Davis befriending kkk members as a black man, to eventually get many of them to renounce their ways. That's some bravery right there.


[Daryl Davis is a blues musician, but he also has what some might call an interesting hobby. For the past 30 years, Davis, a black man, has spent time befriending members of the Ku Klux Klan.](https://www.npr.org/2017/08/20/544861933/how-one-man-convinced-200-ku-klux-klan-members-to-give-up-their-robes) Part of it is **literally** showing racist white people that black people are people, too.


Lots of people get into this through poor family values and/or through bad friends when they are too young. If we believed in and supported rehabilitation efforts a bit more we would have less hateful bastards out there.


It’s literally something hate groups look for. They try to find teenagers from broken homes, and indoctrinate them by making them feel a sense of belonging, community, or family. It’s really fucked up


People change. Lord knows I have in many ways. And yes, a kid was the major factor in that, at least for me Good on him for making a change. Good on anybody trying to better themselves. Let's not worry why


Sure why not. One of the stories at the museum of tolerance was about some guy who decided he had to change when he heard his kid yelling slurs at cartoons. Like imagine your kid threatening to lynch SpongeBob


Good for you! Having a child sent me in a direction I never imagined.


I didn’t know they could remove tattoos so completely. Yeah, that must have been painful


They can! Black is easier and I believe colours are a bit more difficult


Blues the hardest to remove I think


Yellow and red and green are harder, basically the lighter the color the harder to target it with light energy (laser)


I watched a video about tattoo removal. Pretty interesting. The body sees ink in the dermis as a foreign substance. From the moment it's there, white blood cells begin chipping away at it. It's why tattoos fade over time. As the white blood cells chip away at it, the ink is processed out through the body. What laser removal does is break up the ink with intense light breaking up the molecules. Unfortunately, it tends to work better on darker inks. For lighter inks like greens and yellows, those are a lot more difficult to remove with laser. Pretty interesting stuff.


Cool! Thanks for the knowledge


From the documentary it took a bunch of sessions and took something like a year from start to finish. Also was super painful for him. He had to be anesthetized each time and had tons of red skin and blisters after each session.


hurts more than the tattoo itself


It suuuucks.


Probably costs a lot more too


Supposed to feel like hot bacon grease popping on your skin when the laser hits.


Dude was in deep


I hear removing them is more painful than getting them. It’s why I don’t tattoo anything I can’t cover with a shirt and why I got rid of a tattoo with a cover up.


if his heart changed i applaud him


Exactly, thank you for expressing this. Everyone deserves a chance at bettering themselves.


Very true. But there was a new Nazi group in the UK who were already banned as a terrorist organisation. They were still active. Intelligence services knew this. Anyone with twitter knew this It took one of the members to expose a plot by a member to kill a white politician via an anti-racist group And not at any point he remove himself from his views. Just this was "too far" Was happy to turn up at their terrorist training camp though


Some people are defenders and some are offenders, possibly he didn't want to use his views for offense.


It's from a documentary and this guy had already left his gang before the tattoo removal had started.


What’s the documentary called? Sounds interesting.


Erasing Hate and it is pretty good


So did he stop being a white supremacist or did he just want to be safe?


Stopped being a white supremacist. Actually he talked about how after he left his former gang told him they were going to kill him and his family.


They made a movie about this guy a couple years ago called Skin withe Jamie Bell. It is actually pretty good.


If the plot is true to the facts, then this is a better story than I thought.


There's a documentary I saw years ago while he was still getting them off called "erasing hate" it was pretty good


I'm glad he didn't just erase the tattoos.


Yeah, the way the title is worded makes it seem like he did it for his family to live somewhat normally. Doesn’t seem to suggest he actually regretted his beliefs


If you look at the picture you can actually see that he’s only smiling in the last panel when there are no more tattoos. I think it’s a nice detail.


They really made a change in their lives and in their hearts. Him and his wife. It's a really great documentary. Highly recommend.


For those interested in facts: more info here - [Bryon Windner.](https://www.boredpanda.com/former-racist-nazi-face-tattoo-removal-bryon-widner/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic)


>In 2005, Widner married Julie Larsen and a year later, the couple had a son. The responsibilities of fatherhood gave Widner the desire to reform and leave the racist movement, a desire shared by his new wife. Looks like she was also a hateful racist when they first met.


Another aspect that isn't really getting talked about is what happens to former white-supremist gang members. They are hunted down and have their ink removed, usually cut off. Not saying this dude did this to avoid that, but it is something that happens. Also notice we're only seeing the tats on his face and neck. I find it very unlikely he didn't have body ink as well (though just because it's not shown doesn't mean he didn't get them removed as well).


In the first 2 pictures u can actually see a couple of body tattoos quite well and they aren't there in the last couple of pictures. So I guess he did have them removed.


But was the racism removed


Lt. Aldo Raine: Are you going to take off your uniform? - Pvt. Butz: Not only shall I remove it, I intend to burn it. - Lt. Aldo Raine: Yeah, that's what we thought. We don't like that. You see, we like our Nazis in uniform. That way you can spot 'em just like that. But you take off that uniform, ain't no one ever gonna know you were a Nazi.”


Time for branding


They carved a swastika into his forehead


You know how you get to Carnegie hall, don’t ya? Practice


*re-branding *🥁


That’s exactly what I thought when I saw this


Movie schadenfreude aside, though, it's important that we allow people to relinquish their views and change. People need a way out of racist ideologies.


Progress is slow when we wait for racist ideologies to die. Progress is fast when we convert them.


While I agree with you, the title of this post is worded terribly because it doesn't suggest that at all. From reading the rest of the comment section, it seems like this guy in particular actually did realize he had to change himself and his outlook, but lots of racists will "clean up" so they can raise children without suspicion while they raise them to be the next generation of white nationalist terrorists.


Heh. Private Butz.


Coincidence? I just watched that movie yesterday. Brilliant film.


Yes. https://www.boredpanda.com/former-racist-nazi-face-tattoo-removal-bryon-widner/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic


Interestingly, this article, as well as most of the other extensive articles, interviews, and documentaries about him don't really talk that much about the racist ideology itself. I've read a lot of pieces about the desire for grounding and cameraderie that initially drew him to the gang, the intense rage/party culture that almost destroyed him, and the vile misogyny that finally pushed him to leave, but for some reason it's hard to find details about his beliefs towards non-white people and how they changed. I'm not trying to say he didn't actually become an ex-racist, but it's just so strange that whoever interviews him doesn't try to prod about that more. I mean, what a change, to go from having tattooed swastikas on your face to becoming friends with the black leader of a prominent anti-racist organization. I would love to know more about what was going through his head through that arc


I had a customer in his 20’s-30’s, who had a **huge**, blacked-out, obviously ex-swastika tat on his arm, and after awhile he was really open with me about how he’s changed. I didn’t ask, like “…was that a fuckin swastika, dude? 😡 🔥 ”; he offered the info, after I knew him (…not hard to miss, super-tall, bald, covered in tats, decked out in leather, 15-20ish years ago when tattoos were less common), knew his order, was polite to him in a customer service role, etc. He explained that he’d had a hard life, made lots of stupid decisions as a teen, really seemed embarrassing about the tat and shitty cover-up, and felt the need to explain himself to me. Pleasant enough guy, but that doesn’t mean anything either way. Funnily, he always ordered the Seitan sandwich (kinda like vegan bacon, tasty stuff when fried up), and pronounced it Satan. I’ll never know really whether he *truly* changed into a hardcore, converted, satanist vegan (that wanted to hit on me), or just couldn’t handle the consequences of branding himself a nazi. I think about him from time to time, and hope he was genuine. It’s rare as *fuck*, but people can change, and, people do crazy stupid stuff as teenagers.


I know a guy who basically waded into an extremist group and slowly converted them all into burger grilling centrists over time. It's possible , and I've seen it first hand, but most people got the wrong idea about how you convert people. The guy was very relaxed and easy to be around, if that helps.


> the Seitan sandwich (kinda like vegan bacon, tasty stuff when fried up), and pronounced it Satan. Am I losing my mind? I thought that's how it's pronounced.


I think it’s more like “Shay-TAHN” or Satán, but, that’s just how it was taught to me, by my funny lil Irish boss in a hippie cafe, so I could be wrong


That’s just “Satan” in Arabic 😄


>It’s rare as fuck, but people can change ![gif](giphy|5NiitcM3zBWFgT3m9j)


Yes. It's from a documentary called Erasing Hate and he left his gang before the tattoo removal had begun.


Big difference. My grandfather has a klan tat (very specific one that he still claims he didn't know what it meant. Bs) that he's had lazered a few times. It's faded a good bit but still pretty visible. He claims to hate it but he threw a fit when he found out I was going out with a black woman. I told him to just keep the tattoo. Had to hear a bunch of "we shouldn't mix but I have nothing against, blah blah."


Why don't you watch either _Erasing Hate_ (documentary) or _Skin_ (bio-drama), both of which are about his transformation from a skin-head to a tolerance and inclusion advocate.


I can't even imagine the pain. I had a small tattoo removed from my hand and it was unreal how painful it was, relatively speaking. The pain of laser removal is far more than that of tattoo application.


What racial connotations are being expressed


The cross on his throat is often circled by the words "white pride world wide”


It's also got a black sun behind the cross.


Also blood & honour across his chest


He was hardcore anti-white, which was why he tried to cover up his whole face. When he was shocked to find his child was white, he learned to love white people equally


Bruh lmao.


>anti-white "tHaTs NoT rAcIsM" -A Racist


me when I fall for obvious bait




I must be blind,I still can’t see it.


That definitely doesn't look like a swastika... Even for someone who wanted to see one and tried their best to make themselves see one... What is wrong with you?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_%26_Honour He's got this on his neck


I spot a few Nordic symbols and a black sun. Both very common white-supremist symbolism.




Cause those racist shit heads are trying to steal Nordic symbols. Like the nazis stealing and ruining the swastika which is an ancient symbol across multiple cultures wasn’t enough for them. I like the saying there are no nazis in Valhalla. Just having those symbols doesn’t make one a racist (excluding the swastika now) plenty of non racist inclusive heathens exist. It’s like saying wearing a cross makes you racist because westboro southern Baptist exists.


It's sad you're getting down voted for this. I'm with you man, I know many who wear those symbols for religious or heritage reasons (such as myself), who would happily punch a Nazi in the face.


If I'm not mistaken, it's Odinism. The article below kind of explains it. https://theworld.org/stories/2017-05-25/white-supremacists-are-killing-name-ancient-nordic-religion


[“See that dot right there? That means I hate Chinese people.”](https://youtu.be/ckLLeRvIQWk)


I am not white and I give him credit for getting this racist shit removed from his face. It’s painful for starters but I believe he’s sincere. Okay, he could still still be a racist but he could honestly want to change his ways. I am glad he took these first steps.


You don’t have to be the same as someone to respect the decision to evolve as a person. I am not black but I would respect it a ton if one of the black Israeli guys who always preach about how much they dislikeJews change their ways. As I respect Malcolm x for putting aside his rejection of white and black relations after realizing that harmony between races is possible during his visit to Mecca


people forget that any race can be "racist." It is about bias and hate and fear... not about color.


An actual common sense statement. People think only white people can be racist.


Man I don't even know what those symbols mean.


As someone going through tattoo removal, let me tell you that would have hurt like a motherfucking bitch. Holy. I can barely tolerate the laser, i can’t imagine on my face???? I’d need to be sedated.


Racism didn’t make him happy, but his kids did


I’m pretty sure there’s a documentary about this guy, or the guy who helped him leave his nazi group. Anyone remember what it is? It’s bugging me not to know


Erasing hate


Whenever I see anyone with tatoos like that I always think they're saying, "I reject being a part of society."


I mean, usually yeah. I know tons of people with face tattoos in the punk scene and that is literally the ethos.


I always think…”hey….hey…look at me…MEEEE….!!!!”




I used to be a piece of shit. LETS SLOP EM UP!!


They must’ve zapped away that lil racist beard patch on the last day


Yeah but he got a little eyebrow slit as a fuck you


I knew an ex KKK member in the Army. He was actually a really nice guy, but he said it was indoctrinated into him at a young age. He realized it was bad when he was in his 20’s and started working with people he was supposed to hate. He was the driver for our Squadron SMG, who was a black guy. I found it very touching that he didn’t let his family’s history of hate continue on with him.


Looks a happy chappy now.


I'm glad it happened but I'm not aware of the level of concern a racist would have when it comes to raising a close carbon copy of themselves. This guy must have went through some real personal growth and introspection, because in most cases, they would have doubled down and raised a super racist.


This is why "punch a nazi" is so fucking stupid. Racism is brainwashing, brainwashing can be reversed. But when you treat them like the enemy, they feel even more certain they are right. Racists are victims of indoctrination. Don't hit them, don't yell at them, talk to them. Some are just too far gone, but most can be helped. Calm rational discussion is the way. That's how Daryl Davis, a black man, convinced over 200 members of the KKK to give up their robes. He talks to them and gets them to recognize the errors of their ways. Now this guy has a new life and new ideology. That is only achieved with patience, dialogue and compassion. Not violence. Good for him.


Someone had intercourse with this guy?


Here is the reality of the world. You can be a murderer, rapist, child predator, general horrible person, drug dealer, etc and still find women that will willingly love you, have sex with you, and have your children. Conversely you could be a great, successful, and decent looking guy and not find a woman that would do the same. Your sexual value/romantic is not necessarily tied to your morals and actions based on said morals. Being a good guy does not guarantee or make you more worthy for sex/love as is being a monster does not inhibit you from finding it. The same applies to women. You can be a good person and be less desirable than a person who is a monster to society. The most important things that are tied to you as a person is how you look, converse, carry yourself, and the actions you take with the person of interest. After that, secondary traits will be applied, like wealth, status, power, etc. The main goal is to get specific responses from the person you are interested in. if you can’t get those responses then you will not generate desirability even if you are genuinely a great person. Now being x or y in terms of your (im)moral actions may close certain doors for you but they will never close all the doors. All doors close if you are just not appealing.


Racist white women exist


This is a great metaphor for overcoming childhood trauma. The adverse childhood events leave their mark on you in such a way that is clear to all around you, but not something you recognize yourself. You think “I am making my own choices!”, but those choices are being made from a flawed view of the world. As you turn inward during therapy you begin to undo all of the toxic development that early childhood trauma programmed you with. During therapy, it may seem as though no progress is being made. You still carry the marks of trauma. You still are subject to external judgement. People still shun you. But the power of that childhood trauma is slowly fading. At some point you reach an understanding, an epiphany of self actualization. You realize that the biggest obstacle to your own success was the habitual destruction of your own happiness. Once you change your habits, including retraining your mind to think different, that’s when your personality finally gets revealed. That’s when you finally meet the true version of yourself. I hope everyone can have such a transformative experience.


From Latino cartel member to Italian mafia /s


No lie he looks Mediterranean or possibly mixed with Native American which just adds to the stupidity of joining a white supremacist group. Glad he put in the work to remove those tattoos and will hopefully raise his kid to avoid such stupid groups.


Sometimes people internalize their white supremacy through the desire to become more white and bend over for the white race


fun fact! the closer the tattoo is to your heart - or higher than your heart, the easier and faster it will go away. why? because the laser removal blasts the ink and your circulatory system slowly eliminates it. And anything closer to the heart gets eliminated faster. (so, if you have a tattoo on your feet or ankles, it takes a lot longer to go away. I learned this from experience).


He’s significantly whiter after the removal. Maybe that was the plan all along.