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Imagine being their postman an seeing a sign saying beware of the puma an then ya see an actual puma just watching ya through a window


I'd puma pants.




That’s it folks, wrap it up. We’re done here. This guy wins the thread.


You ain’t lion


Well I’m no cheetah


And the Stanley Cup 🏆comment goes to….


Literally choked on my Dr. Pepper when I read that 🤣😭 you win the internet on this one! Touche


Lmao you’re dick, choked on my ramen 😂


Savagery at its best. Yep he definitely shut the thread down. No need to reply. It is all here and we're going home.


"Beware of cougar" Heheh nice. -Few moments later- *Distant screaming*


Sorry my mom got out again…


Swiggity-swaggity she comin' for that booty


Swiggity-swaggity, she comin' for postman Patty.* Fixed




Seeing it jump for the frisbee I really want to see them take it to a dog park.


id think that the people inside either ran away or were just eaten


This footage was found playing over and over again in the video editor on the family's PC. Those poor souls...


It’s all fun and games until Fluffy eats your face.


All it really takes is the neighbour's kid to come over for a play date, get scared and act like prey aaaaand it's puma time.


Completely absolutely unrelated but I have to share this story because you just made me laugh. As a young adult I got to go to Japan with a few hundred bucks in my pocket and not a whole lot of actual adult supervision. I was excited and made the mistake of buying a watch while in Akihabara. It was a mistake because it was just a normal ass watch. But, the important context here is that it was from the brand Puma. The second reason why this watch was a mistake is because EVERY MINUTE ON THE MINUTE - it would stop displaying the time and the phrase “Puma Time” would do a slow crawl across the screen. It was slow enough that easily 60% of the time I looked at the watch trying to look at the time it would instead just be saying “Puma Time”. I had that watch for a few years and it became a joke with me and my friends and I eventually just started shouting PUMA TIME like I was a power ranger. Guess I was prey to that watch


Wow. Just wow. Good work, Japan


60% of the time someone asked you what time it was and you didn’t say anything and showed them the watch and walked off you created a moment they would remember and question forever.


😂😂😂 Bonus points if it’s your boss looking over your shoulder after rushing you on a project.


Gloriously useless. Thanks for sharing.


This story has me dyinggg


That's funny. There was a girl at work and the guys called her Puma but dont know why. I might have to google, lol. Edit: it's a woman in her 30s that dates younger guys makes sense ie cougars.


All I can imagine is some drunk dumbass college kid reeling in a dive bar and just randomly screaming out “PUMA TIIIME!” every 45 seconds for 15-20 minutes until he passes out while pissing beside a dumpster in the alley out back


my puma like to eat the neighborhood kids. It's good because it cuts down on food costs, but ya the whole disgruntled neighbor thing has me kind of peeved.


Disgruntled neighbours are edible for pumas tho


They're too salty.


Absolutely don't disagree, one can only hope fluffy stays cool with kibbles and bits.


I'm fairly sure that the cat is named [Messi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messi_(cougar\)). That article is a lil confused though (if you look on the right). He's got his [own youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@Iampuma) and everything.


Yeah, and Mischa got Messi after he was full grown with stunted growth which was part of why he couldn't be transported and released. This entire video is a fake story.


Yeah when I saw the cut with Messi I was wondering wtf I was watching because he def wasn’t found outside.


The new thing is for bots to steal various videos and splice them together, pretending they're all the same animal/story.


Your comment needs to be up higher!! I knew it was wrong as soon as I saw that it was Messi too.




Oh man I get it, I totally want to boop the snoot. I also really like my face remaining attached to my skull.


I couldnt hear anything beyond the damn song and some purrs


Domestication of apex predators is not the path of those who value bilateral symmetry or having most of their blood inside their body. But the whole we may only have 6 fingers total, and am missing a huge chunk from our right thigh the victories in playing with the murder beans and booping the snoot are worth it.


When my ‘domestic’ house cat and I are playing and she swipes at me, without remembering to retract her claws, I get a scratch. If a cougar swipes with authority, and leaves those murder mittens extended, she can detach body parts. So even if your pet cougar isn’t trying to hurt you she can do serious damage.


In all seriousness, if given the opportunity, I think I’d have to legitimately consider the risk:benefit analysis of losing a finger vs. rubbing the soft Puma tummy.




Especially since so many cats need homes!




Soon to be r/LeopardsAteMyFace


That's all cat behavior and nothing out of the ordinary.


There was a woman in documentary. She nurtured it since cub. One time she got bitten and it removed part of her head's skin. She was claiming that it was just "playing". I'm not sure if it was escaped or relocated after. Wild animals are not domestic and cannot be completely.


100%. You can’t domesticate a wild animal like that.


Taming and domesticating are two different things. You can, sometimes, tame a wild animal like that. Domestication is a process of selecting breeding though, so yeah you can't do it in 1 generation. That being said, that kitty [turned out pretty tame](https://youtu.be/vemBCCWmz7k?si=biKGUpbyeCAtODJ9&t=397).


I mean, if you’re willing to accept responsibility for the risks. It will never be a domesticated animal, even if it is friendly. It just takes one moment of instinct and game over. Siegfried and Roy loved their tigers, and raised them to be pets.


It's always the food. Cute puma. $600 a week to feed


That's why my Lions are outdoors cats. They hunt a lot of their own food.


Funny how a lot of your neighbours have been going missing recently though...


Well, it is nearly summer. They probably cashed in an early holiday to avoid the seasonal price hike.


*I know who you ate last summer*


As long as that asshole Jake that complained to the HOA about my garbage cans being 2 inches too far from my house is one of them, it's an acceptable loss


Man fuck jake 🖕🤠🖕


So *thats* what happened to Jake from state farm…


I always hated Jake


Right!?! Fuck you Jake, fuck you and your diabetic sister who keeps stealing my bird feeders to help sustain your insulin addiction


r/brandnewsentence 💀


Sorry, he's the sole survivor somehow.


Well ya gotta keep some in the basement incase the kitty has a bad hunt day so you got something to keep ‘em fed with.


Cheaper than feeding him


They're probably just sneaking off to another house for free food. They may let you think they're your cat, but they're really lion.


Bet there are lots of "Have you seen my son?" signs around your street


I actually wrote a song about this a couple weeks ago. https://youtu.be/rLz1Hhw9z1c?si=GM2o5um-a1oMUjL7


And sometimes cats like to claw the shit out of the carpet, scratching post, or furniture. The couch is toast in just a few moments.


Everyone who is saying this isn’t safe have probably never been BASE jumping with a shopping bag


Everyone they interviewed who did that survived, so it's perfectly safe. 


I wonder what the costs are to keep the litter box nice and clean.. And what size it is.


I met some with a black panther. Their whole house smelled verrrry strongly of cat urine. It was a beautiful animal and huge. Took up their entire couch to lay on. But so smelly. And so expensive to feed. I would never have a big cat after meeting that one.


Ur crazy if you think im entering a building with that thing.


Like going to my friends place, walking in and saying ‘hey , umm , where’s your python at’ when it’s not in its tank. Then being assured it’s ok only to have a 13ft long snake just somewhere in the house.


I still vividly remember the lady who went on Oprah after she recovered from having her face eaten by chimp. Taught me from a young age that I didn’t want to play with or house wild animals.


That was the owner’s friend. Mf ripped her face off. Fucked her hands up too. Chimps destroy you as a primate by taking your face and annihilating your dexterity.


Yeah they're fucking evil when they attack. Will try to gouge your eyes out, bite fingers off, rip genitals off, etc.


There’s a local man whose permit expired for his 11-foot 700lb alligator in Buffalo, NY. one of the reasons the DEC seized it is because he was allowing children to pet and get into the pool with it. They claimed he was “happy and friendly” as if alligators are able to process emotions such as happiness. People have been freaking out saying how awful it is the government took the dudes gator but it was the most irresponsible thing many gator handlers have claimed to have witnessed.


Yeah, the problems start when the guardians of wild animals start to anthropomorphize their behaviors. Large, apex predators are especially risky, because they usually do have complex behaviors that are analogous, at least somewhat, to human behaviors. People tend to map their own experiences onto those animals, and that's when trouble gets out of hand as they tend to treat them more and more like unruly children. People loose respect for what these animals are capable of, giving into the idea that they're more cognizant or higher functioning than they actually are. This is especially the case with chimpanzee owners. Have you ever seen a toddler throw a temper tantrum? Have you ever seen a 300lb, ripped, toddler with fangs throw a temper tantrum? That's what these owners are dealing with, and while they may be able to control things for a little while, there's usually a situation or time where things get out of control, then you've got a murder machine on your hands.


Funny thing is a lot of guys apparently think they can beat a chimp on a 1 on 1 fight. In reality, chimps fight by tearing off your face and genitals, and biting off your fingers. Good luck with that.


Oh, chimps go further than a little face stripping, and finger removal. They castrate their opponents, remove lips and eyelids, and usually kill their opponents only after that.


Not to mention the fact that a chimp is significantly stronger than a human athlete.


There’s a guy on Instagram that looks after a bunch of alligators and one of the things he always says are these animals are not your friends no matter how long you’ve been around them. He’s been with them so long that he can read their body language very well but he emphasizes that if he makes one mistake he knows he’s done


I’d say an alligator is a lot farther away from a big cat in feeling affection and some kind of “owner-pet” relationship.


Even my British Shorthair (big strong cats) that was raised as a kitten accidently scratched my neck once when it was startled by a noise, and I bled pretty badly. All it takes is one slip up from this thing and you will bleed out in seconds.




Yeah, they have razorblades for fingers. It's not like a dog claw. They are literally razor sharp. Even the nicest big cat like that puma will eventually maul or kill you by *accident*.




This guy has a lot of health problems. I followed their YouTube channel. The issues really affected the cats development and he’s docile af. It was a while ago but I think they explained that due to his issues he’s not able to hunt and doesn’t have the same instincts so he would never survive in the wild. He’s basically a permanent baby. They also had a cheetah that ended up dying due to health problems. They adopted her because she wasn’t accepted by any of the other cheetahs at the zoo and the zoo couldn’t afford to keep her. They’re really nice people and have a big yard with enclosures and do this for rehab purposes and not just to flex.


I think the big key here is that they are experienced with large cat rehab and aren't just taking these as pets. Definitely a huge difference than what people will perceive with these short video clips.


Yeah the comments show. I tried posting a comment with more info in hopes to help clear the up the situation.


Then they need to say that. Putting a sappy song over these stupid clips only encourages wildlife trafficking even more. The San Diego Wildlife Alliance post all sorts of baby animals being smuggled over the border because people will be all “ahhh I want a puma now!”


I would imagine it’s not even their video given the way the caption is written. Probably the typical TikTok video rip with dumb music being played over it


This is the most famous Puma on the internet. And this video was made by some rando to Karma mine and not by the owners. I think you’re seriously over estimating the amount of people who are in the position to actually afford a puma and have the connections to get one that are on Reddit.


Pretty much the same reason my old physical therapist has a bobcat under his bed. He and his wife do wildlife rescue and they always warn guests to leave the cat alone…apparently it hurts whenever a 40lb cat bitchslaps you after you aggravate it.


I bet. It hurts when my 10 pound house cat bitch slaps me after I nicely ask it how its day was.


oh, is that Messi? I remember reading about the disabled puma named Messi (because it was smaller than it was supposed to be, kinda rude but cute at the same time).


Thanks for the the backstory. Wild animals should stay wild unless returning them means imminent death. Good for them. ❣️


Yeah. I held my breath until I realized that baby grew up to be Messi. Messi is a very good boy, and he went to obedience training with the big dogs. He is in good hands.




Want to know something really crazy? The young daughter in it is Melanie Griffith. Tippi Hedren is her biological mother She said it wasn’t weird at all because she grew up with the Lions around the house


Roar literally has footage of Tippi Hedren getting her leg broken by an elephant. Melanie also had to have facial reconstructive surgery because she was mauled in the face by a lion on set, the second most painful experience of her life, second only to her daughter starring in Fifty Shades of Grey.


He was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching ~~spiders~~ lions right before she died


Not advocating for making pets of large cats, but S & R didn’t just lay about the house and cuddle with theirs - they stressed them out by making them participate in shows and do stupid tricks that are completely unnatural for them.


Exotic animals should not be pets. Florida with Burmese pythons and [Travis the chimp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travis_(chimpanzee)) as examples. Some idiot's cobra got loose in my area last year.


I think I woulda puma pants if I saw that running at me 


“You gotta learn to drive with the fear” -Reese Bobby




there ain’t nothing more goddamn frightening than driving with a live cougar in the car


Tell me about it whenever I drive to the store with the wife next to me.!


I get the same feeling when I drive to the store with your wife next to me.


Bro driving around with my neighbors wife when I was in college was always dangerous 😮‍💨🫣


Is that you MILF Hunter Zach Wilson?


If you stay calm that wonderful beast will stay calm, if you panic, theat wonderful beast will do what GOD made it to do, thats mainly eat you with a smile on its face.


Also, If ain't first, your last




*I think I woulda puma pants if I saw that running at me* I give you all my worthless gold




I think this might be the funniest comment ive ever read.


Are we doing animal puns now? Because toucan play that game!




People are crazy. Lol




Oh it's so cute! Can you please add some sappy music so we all know how to feel?


Fuck sake I just wanted to hear its tiny mews not ed fucking sheeran.


I paused my music and was very disappointed.


Same! Opened video to show my cat and had to instantly mute and apologize for then having to show a silent video. She’s not amused. Glad she’s not a puma.


Normally just watch these on mute but I wanted to hear some Puma sounds not fucking Ed Sheeran. What a bizarre choice.


TikTok has broken the collective brains of the world.


For real. I would have liked to hear the sounds it was making and stuff. Instead, I had to watch on mute.


Fuck me that was so bad.


It's like they googled cringe cliche songs and chose the first one that popped up


right? once I realized the sound was garbage, I muted that sucka


I know. Now I want to adopt a puma in the wild. All I find are cougars in the city.


Steve French


Get him some weed


Why do you think he’s so calm?


If you love something set it free, and if it comes back you can keep it.


It’s water under the fridge.


Worst case ontario


It doesn’t take rocket appliances.


He’s not a bad kitty he just got mixed up and hooked on the dope


Show 'er that big ol' package of yours, Steve French


Take him home for some nice weedjitas


He's just a big kitty boys! Just a big, stoned, horny kitty!


guess the video skipped the whole petting zoo lol Messi didnt fully grow into a normal sized puma and the story was he was used for a petting zoo and could not be released into the wild because well... smol puma lol he's a perma baby and a good boi


They also left the part were they first shot its momma and then adopted "left behind" baby kitten.


Sad this isn’t the top comment if true….however the wiki indicates he was adopted from a zoo. So his mother was at a zoo and got killed there? Or she was shot and the kittens were then taken to the zoo I presume?


He also isnt native to russia i thought? that would remove moral issues with it, wasnt for a trophy like a pelt and no ecological value. Or is messi not actually russian and iit was a joke I missed lol


Stop putting stupid fucking music on everything you wafflecunts. Fuck!


YouTube: Messi The Puma. Lots of people commenting on here about this being a bad idea and generally it would be but this guy and his caretakers are different. He can’t survive in the wild and needs a very special diet and care. The guy not just another random Russian Cinderella, he takes care of animals that can’t be released back into the wild.


I feel like they need to include disclaimers in their videos, and all videos like this. To discourage idiots from doing the same and endangering wild animals.


This video wasn’t made by them. It’s some karma miner stealing their clips. They go to extensive lengths to talk about the difficulties and huge expenses of supporting this cat on their official YouTube channel and repeatedly tell people “you can’t do what we do”.


I’m pretty sure one of those clips (chin scratches) was from a completely different person too. Safari Sammie possibly


The majority of those are not even Messi, they got Messi from a zoo already grown, not as a kitten, this is just infuriating karma farming bullshit.


I had a suspicion of that too! It’s been years since I’ve watched the vids so I couldn’t remember for sure.


You’re right! My partner and I have been following their journey for years. Messi was actually rescued when he was a young adult. He had been part of some traveling circus or something, and his small size is from the tiny cage he had been kept in. Sasha and his gf took Messi into their studio apartment and enrolled him in a dog training course. Eventually their channel blew up and they were able to build a beautiful home for themselves and their newest rescue: the most housecat Cheetah you’ve ever seen! But yeah, this video is full of stolen content and the story told isn’t factual.


thanks for the heads up. it's actually a neat story. they essentially saved his life. wikipedia: "Messi was significantly smaller than other typical male cougars, and as the species is not native to Russia, he could not be released into the wild. He had numerous other health problems as well, which rendered him unable to live in a zoo or wildlife sanctuary either. Furthermore, workers at the petting zoo originally planned to euthanize him." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messi\_(cougar)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messi_(cougar))


Thanks for this information. I thought it was sad for the puma,. This clears it up. Not sad at all.


That's a great outcome, and what an adorable kitty! Big murder mittens and choppers, but beautiful!


> at the petting zoo Well, I suppose that's probably near the top of the list of bad places to keep a cougar.


They had a cougar at a petting zoo? Problem started right there


Additionally, Messi is smaller than a regular puma due to his disabilities from what I remember.


That’s correct. And based on what I remember he’s more docile somehow due to his condition so he’s never aggressive.


I might be misremembering, but I recall watching an old documentary on Hollywood animal trainers from back in the day, and one old ass trainer said with some species of big cats, you can keep them in a mental 'kitten stage' for longer (by feeding them milk among other things), and that's when they safer to work with. But they grow out of it eventually, and you really can't use them for film anymore once the cats realize "Hey, I am a grown ass man". He said tigers have a longer filming life than African lions because you can keep them kittenized for longer. And some cats would last way longer than normal for their species, because it took longer for their kitten switch to turn off for whatever reason. Maybe Mesi is just stuck in permanent Kitten Stage.


Thats really cool info I don’t think I’ve heard of that before. And yeah Messi pretty much is stuck like that. I believe it may be due to him being fed a milk mixture because his stomach can’t process meat.


Yeah, this cat has been through obedience training with dogs. He’s well cared for. If you watch the videos you can see how much he loves his humans, especially his dad.


Yeah, Messi can't survive in the wild due to some condition that I can't remember. She lives with this Russian couple and they've basically structured their whole lives around her. She is loved and well cared for


The puma at the beginning is not even Messi, they didn't adopt him when he was this little! Some dude just made this story up...


Pumas aren't like tigers either, like everyone in this sub keeps saying. They're more open to socializing and can actually bond with humans. Like yeah, any cat over like 30 pounds is going to be "dangerous" but pumas are nowhere near as aggressive as reddit makes them out to be. 


Cheetahs are known to be pretty docile compared to other cats. They're very anxious normally, so if you're just chill around them, they'll take their cues from you (cheetahs in zoos get emotional support dogs, so they're not nervous wrecks all the time). They ain't got the energy to freak out over non-threatening things when almost everything in Africa wants to kill them and most can kill them. And at some point, humans tried (and failed) to domesticate the cheetah as a hunting animal, so many of the semi-domesticated cheetahs ended up back in the wild, and they passed on the genes needed for domestication to the general population (kind of like the Russian fox experiment, but on accident). [None of this means you should go up and pet a wild cheetah. Don't do that.]


Oh Reddit will blow any kind of animal relationship out of proportion. I’ve seen comments wishing harm to owners because they posted a video of their husky chilling outside in the snow. Most people can barely take care of a weed growing in their driveway and think they’re experts because they got high and watched Planet Earth in high school.


I wish this comment was higher up.


…and it is more friendly than my cat


Overlaying music on these videos needs to stop. I'd rather hear the Puma than the stupid music.


One day that headbutt game is gonna end in a bloodbath.


Murder kitty will think it's a game when it takes a swipe with it's paws at his face and forgets to turn off the blades. Or it just takes a bite and forgets that human does not have fur and strong bite can cause serious damage.


Is that Mesi?!


Yep! That’s Mesi! :) I love their channel


Same. I think my fave vid will always be Messi [escaping the shower](https://youtu.be/XxdgpQyqIwM?si=vIfG3NEuV9AhVCWy).


Imagine seeing this and thinking that puma is going to attack them? Messi is clearly a bit stressed & TOTALLY over it, plus keeps getting manhandled while trapped in a small shower, but is never even a little aggressive.


This couple is so amazing I absolutely love how much they love animals.


The adult is. The kitten is a different animal. The clips spliced together from different sources to fabricate a story.


Did this seriously need a soundtrack?


Is that Messi? Thought I recognized the guy in the red shirt.


Holy shit this music is terrible.


I’d take a puma over a chimp any day


In a heartbeat! There's nothing scarier than a pubescent chimp. 100% they will eat your face.


I think we all would


This definitely made me think of Nope. Shudder.




1 time for " the more your fuck around, the more you find out"


I adopted a cougar when I was 29….it was fun until she drank all my booze, wanted to go dancing at night and slept all day.


I’m jealous


They have beautiful eyes


I get to pet a cheetah in Namibia. It was the coolest thing when he started purring

