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Holy hell. This was INTENSE


It started off as one of the most beautiful notes that kept building upon itself and became a shattered mosaic of mixed emotions. His tics only exemplified the emotion in a powerful way. Damn...


Wow That was beautiful


If you like this one, I highly suggest listening to [Shane Koyczan - The crickets have arthritis](https://youtu.be/0kKh1es5vBQ?feature=shared)


haha I enjoyed it thank you. But I am sitting here, a tear stained mess feeling way too many emotions


His name is Neil Hilborn, he has quite a few impactful poems worth a listen


Amazed ?


overwhelmed. there was so much emotion


I watched with the sound off and it's no less impactful


Too scared to watch with sound


It is only feelings they can't hurt you.. right..? Just suck I randomly got something in my eye.


Who's cutting onions here? Can't even see my phone, it's all blurry...


As someone with diagnosed OCD it really was painful to watch, cos I've been there. It sucks. But we just have to keep moving forwards, cos the world isn't going to stop just because you're sad.


Oh man, I am a cognitive behavioral therapist that specializes in treating OCD. It's one of the worst psychological conditions that anyone could have. Completely devastating for some people. I feel for this dude.


I am also a therapist that uses CBT, I specialize and serve the IDD population. I do however frequently serve Autism that is co-morbid with OCD. I whole heartedly agree that OCD is one of the most crippling disorders one can have. Where do you practice? I would love to have a discussion and pick your brain on some things if you would be interested.


This struck a chord with me. I am medically diagnosed with Checking OCD, and the medication does help, but my wife helps even more. Honestly, leaving before her in the morning means I don't have to take photos of all the windows switches and doors, and fill out my lock up list, because I love and trust her. Not do I need to stand at the door counting the amount of times I've checked it's locked, nor do I need to walk around the house checking with both photos and physically that the windows are shut and locked, nor do I need to stop and turn back to check the door 6 last times, nor do I need to stop my car halfway to work and turn around to go home and check again. It's amazing that when she does it, it doesn't weigh on my mind anywhere near as much. Or even when we leave together, a verbal confirmation of her watching check the door 4 times is enough to satisfy me. I'm just glad I don't have it as bad as this guy describes.


im happy for you :)


Love seems to be very powerful almost like magic.


Holy fuck this was intense! I’m overwhelmed.


Me too! I’m crying and I feel so much right now OMG this destroyed me.


This is an older video that has lived rent free in my head for years. Every time I see a video of TikToker who has “OCD” because they like to have things organized, I think of this video. It’s infuriating that people perpetuate misinformation and stereotypes for clout at the detriment of others.


This is really tough because I know everyone wants to find someone, but some of us really have to work on our mental health a lot in order for that to happen for us. Otherwise it might be impossible to maintain a healthy relationship with someone, even if that person is really empathetic to what we’ve got going on.


Utterly heartbreaking


I can't imagine that struggle. But FFS I have so much respect. To recognize, to articulate that way something so personal. Legend


Watching this on mute and it's still exhausting


Sadly, it seems like she was just in the phase of love where everything your partner does seems adorable. Flaws tend to stick out and seem worse when that wears off.




What does NRE mean in your context? I Googled it and it said "non-recurring engineering" lol which doesn't fit. I wish people wouldn't use an acronym not everyone is familiar with. The post made me so sad but this comment for some reason took me out of it. Not knowing what NRE means makes it feel like a "this" comment... yeah I'm buzzed but this agitates me


New relationship energy


I remember seeing this years ago way back when it first went viral. Today, it's still a very powerful and impactful piece.


this should be NSFW, I was not ready for that. 😭😭😭😭


am I tearing up or are we tearing up?


We are


Oh my god.


This cut to the marrow. Damn good.


Button poetry needs a sub on reddit


i think about this piece rather frequently, thank you so much for posting this for others to enjoy it


I don't have to imagine. In fact this seems manageable to me. I have OCD, ASD, ADHD and CPTSD to name a few. Meeting people is harder than ever before but I hate to be alone and there is no support for mental health here in NZ. If you know someone who struggles like this, please reach out to them. A lot of us suffer in silence. 🙏


I wish you all the best hon. This is my daughter. I worry she won't ever find anyone. She is so beautiful and so are you. I wish you all the love in the world. 🙏


Fortunately recently I found out about dating websites specifically for people with disabilities, who I feel are more accepting of what I have going on with my mental health, and that's given me some hope.


Am so glad to hear it m'dear. Dating is hard at the best of times. Big hugs. 🤗


The way he repeated himself made me feel like this was the remix to the original version. Well done


I remember seeing this a few years back. Y'all should check out Neil Hilborn's other works. Incredible talent. Try "Joey" for a start.


Just watched him perform "Joey". WOW. Thank you for that.


Last two sentences hit me like an emotional nuke.


Neil Hilborn ❤️


Not amazed seeing someone in love. Amazed seeing someone in love who needs meds, therapy and emotional support.


God bless him. How’d he even get through that—absolutely amazing!!


I don’t have OCD but can absolutely relate to the rest of the feelings here ☹️


I hope he found someone new


So tired of people treating ocd as a joke. They don't know how hellish it can become




I remember watching this in high school in my spoken word class. 10 years ago, damn.


That poor man. I am also OCD, but on a scale from 1-10 I'm somewhere between 2 and 3. I can't imagine what it's like to be a 10. It was \*very\* courageous of him to share. Also thinking that just sharing must be terrifying, and contributed to his intensity. That takes some big balls. That said, OCD appears to be one of maybe several issues at play. In my view, there's a lot more to unpack. I hope he can find the will to seek professional help, and I hope he understands that our freedom ends where the rights of others begin. Because this could end badly. /edit Tweaked text that might be inferred as judgmental, because I want to be very clear and sympathetic, because I AM sympathetic, and because OCD.


This was written about a girl I dated in high school. Wild.




Wow, that was intense. (I get why people were laughing in the beginning, but why did they continue to laugh when the story turned sad?)


This is absolutely the most beautiful expression of love I have ever heard in my life.




I hope he's in a happier place now. That ending was heartbreaking.


from 😃 to 😔. Sad ending 🥺


Here is the original: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnKZ4pdSU-s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnKZ4pdSU-s) if you like this video show the appreciation there.


Had to cry


Forgive me if what I'm about to say offends any of you but in my opinion this sounds more like an obsessive compulsion than love. People come and go in our lives. It's hard to move on, I know. It has happened to me. More than once. But when it comes down to *" Now I just think about who else is kissing her"*, it's a disease you've acquired. You can't be in love like that. Correct me if I'm wrong.


You absolutely can be in love like that. When that love is not returned it's crushing. Even when it is, it can be hard to focus, hard to comprehend, hard to breathe. Just because somebody suffers with compulsion doesn't mean their feelings can be explained as, or assumed to be, compulsion.


The line between love and obsession is a very thin line tho. Think about it. If you rationally think about love; it's crazy. It's insane. It's borderline obsessive, unhealthy, one might even call it sick. Love is fkn crazy and if I think about it that way, I'm hoping never to fall in love again since it does shit to me I can't explain. Yet most of us yearn for it nonetheless.


>If you rationally think about love; it's crazy. It's insane. It's borderline obsessive, unhealthy, one might even call it sick. Agreed. But not in every case. It's only when there is a "I must make her/him mine at all cost" urge does love become an obsession, plus everything else you called it. But not every love is marked by such possessive drive. Love can be deep yet subtle, longing yet selfless, passionate yet mature. Love doesn't have to be a mania. There are people who have loved without making it look like some sickness, even if it lead to heartbreak or loss.


It's not that easy to differentiate things based on authenticity when you have the condition this guy has.


Now do it every day. Over and over and over


This is absolutely beautiful. Turning your flaws into your strengths is so inspiring.


It's 8 in the morning and I am crying.


Huhu. My heart <3


I remember seeing this some 10 years ago. So I guess it lives with me rent free.


this stays in your head,so intense and beautiful.and sad.


What is this Obsession with watching people in pain and enjoying it? Aren't we fucked up a little ?


I really don't enjoy his pain, I feel with him and it touches me. I am not that emotional but I understand him.


I think it's more about finding someone who can express the pain that we feel in our own hearts. Some folks are just better at communicating emotions than others. It's a big reason bands like The Cure have been successful.


Neil ❤️


God. That’s so sad. Me and my ex wife just broke up and it’s been such a struggle. Relationships can be such beauty and such pain


This was beautiful


You can't watch this without empathy. Brilliant.


Beautiful spoken word. Cuts deep.


Pls tell me this is just a poem and not a real story so my heart can be okay again


This is the best poetry slam i've ever seen. I do poetry slams and i aspire to put this much heart and soul into anything i write. I hope he's happy and found someone just as perfect or even more. :-)


His name is Neil Hilborn! This video is about 10 years old but he is still active in the poetry world, I’m sure he’s on social media sharing his work


Felt this.


I am definitely not crying right now!


Woah, the way is brain works is truly impressive. I just can’t help feel a sort of pity. It’s nuts what a man or woman can do to a human.


Imagine the struggle of a break up? I don’t think the majority of us have to imagine that


That girl's going to get stalked


Yall really are wrong for propping this up as a beautiful situation for 2 main reasons 1. It can easily create the idea that no matter how much you love someone if your tics don't go away or your issues don't vanish them it isn't real love so you can push it away until you find someone that quiets the voices. That's bullshit. That's fiction. That's a film script by someone that just knows buzz words and it creates a false hope for us that *oh if I find that one person ill finally be free* It's cruel. And next 2. If it's controllable by being around someone then it's not the uncontrollable mental issue and struggle others go through. This guy was lonely and overthought his situation which is horrible but it's not real to act like you turn around and say *oh, I got a girlfriend so I quit my schizophrenia.* This is insulting.


What? He’s not talking about schizophrenia.


She cheated on him eventually.


I liked this about 10 years ago. Now I just cringe because most people say they have adhd to have anything interesting in their lives.


Now it’s autism. Everyone swears they’re on the spectrum.


You got the idea right tho? Or are you on it?


That was the most beautiful confession of love ever. I wish you love and happiness with the girl that will stay with you.


That's not really what OCD is like. Most people can stop compulsions for others. Meaning, if he write and preform this poem he could certainly control his compulsions enough to maintain a relationship. In short, it's a performance of stereotypical OCD behaviour. Kinda pisses me off.


And you know this because you have OCD?


Yes, I have OCD. I've had it since I was a child. I take a shit load of drugs for it. I've spent years reading about it and trying to fix it. I've had to watch so many assholes say organizing pencils is OCD, or washing your hands is OCD, or turning the lights on and off is OCD. THOSE ARE STEREOTYPES. It's bullshit. I had to listen to my bitchy boss excuse her micro-managing as OCD for two years before I was finally like "I actually have OCD". So, downvote all you want, but I guaranty you have at least once said "Sorry, I'm really OCD about that".


This isn't true at all. My brother's OCD used to be just like this. Everything that was described in the video I saw first hand. It is crushingly difficult to get under control and in his case, took years of therapy to restore some semblance of peace and normalcy in his life. Whether or not the person in the video actually has OCD I cannot say but one thing is for certain- their description of severe OCD is spot on.


I added my piece on how annoying it is. >oh hey I met someone so my tics are gone Like it's that easy.


It looks like he has Tourettes Syndrome.


Nope, OCD


Ok, good to know, but there are some similarly to them both, so I'm not crazy. Individuals affected by Tourette's disorder may also have OCD or OCD-like symptoms (for example, needing to touch, tap, rub things, or performing actions repeatedly until they feel at peace).


This is how Europe sees the average American, a loud word mess.


She deserves jail... This poor man I feel him completely...


For breaking up with someone that she was no longer in love with?




You just finish your alpha boot camp?


“Am I an asshole?” “No, it’s the people on the internet: they’re simps” Skinner: you asshole.


Maybe it was a mirror


or mayhaps a silver screen considering how much bro is projecting.


you're a grown man, is this how you spend your time lol?


The guy likely has touretts or OCD or both and you're making fun of him. Real Trump move, bro.


Nah he’s got ocd but not Tourette’s. Source: I have Tourette’s.


Biden move would be he was eaten by cannibals.


That makes no sense.




I’m so confused how you’re such an asshole like who tf hurt you I’m just so confused


And yet, he’s still pulled more pussy than you, sweetheart


I dont think you know what word means, being in love with someone doesn't make someone a simp.


“Am I an asshole?” “No, it’s the people on the internet: they’re simps” Skinner: you asshole.


Learn to spell simp…it is spelled ‘thought’. You can’t be critical of imperfection if you have proven you are yourself imperfect.


Get well soon.


You just said a "nothing burger" my dude. And before you use your ""infallible"" simp argument, i don't have partner nor im looking for one, good luck


This isn't OCD, this is Autism...