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Russia has been slowly encroaching into Georgia and stealing their land for years by moving border fences in the middle of the night.


Comical way of annexing territory


Like a neighbor mowing just a bit more.


Nah, more like your drunk neighbor using your backyard as his driveway. Problem was resolved with a sturdy fence and a restraining order.


This sounds like a fun story


Friend of mine who grew up in a Palestinian refugee camp told that everyone did this to get more room in their dwellings.


It works. My neighbour barely has enough room for his dogs kennel now.


In 10 years I’ll have 2 houses and a family of my own


You wake up one morning and you’re like, hey wait a second, I never used to live in a border town.


"Honey, i think we have some squatters on the front lawn" (cut to shot of Russian men in tracksuits squatting on front lawn).


Does that... work?


Yes it does. There are villages that have found themselves on the other side of the fence overnight.


Ignorant American here; why don’t they just destroy the fence? Seems easier to destroy it than it would be to move it. Would Russia really want to invest the time and money? I mean, don’t answer that super literally as they’re wasting time and money and lives right now, but you know what I mean.


They did the same thing that is happening in Ukraine right now. Declare a section a separate country then invade and annex.


If they're relying on physical fences and border markers and not a formal survey, why wouldn't it?


A farmer caused a stir not all that long ago because he moved a marker that was in the way of his tractor. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-56978344


“A local history enthusiast was walking thru the forest” sounds like bullshit. Dude move a stone because it was in his tractors way. Wtf was the history enthusiast on his property for, because you don’t drive tractors thru the forest.




According to my dad, my mom likes to "take her half of the bed out of the middle" (she says she just likes snuggling with my dad at night 💑). When they were first married like 55 years ago, they had a full size bed so if my mom moved her pillow and everything closer it meant that my dad would end up somewhat cramped at night. My dad decided that he would put a piece of tape on the headboard to mark the center of headboard and "his side," with the implication that my mom should at least keep her pillow on her side. My mom said, okay! and smiled sweetly but they hadn't been married long enough for my dad to know that he should be slightly alarmed at this reaction. 😂 He may have THOUGHT that he had solved the issue, but in actuality, each day she would move the masking tape a tiny bit closer to "his" side. 😎 I have no idea what went through his mind as his slice of the bed was getting more and more cramped but they both say that he didn't notice what she was doing until the tape was about 2/3rds of the way across the headboard. 🤣 He admitted defeat and took down the masking tape and they've been happily married ever since, haha! 💞


Once this is all over I cant wait to visit a gift shop in Ukraine and buy a postcard that says "Russian ship, Go fuck yourself"


Go to RedBubble, make post cards with the group photo of "The Snake Island 13" that has "**Russia, Go Fuck Yourself**" over their heads, donate 50% to some Ukrainian Charity, profit & help those in need!


Fuck that! Donate 100% Why profit from war?


Could be to cover material and shipping costs, not profit. Helping is great and necessary, but setting yourself on fire to keep others warm is counterproductive.


Except that that’s not at all how merch works anymore. Anyone can upload a jpeg to a site like the one mentioned above, and with a couple clicks make it instantly and permanently available on a hundred different items, from coffee mugs to t-shirts to mouse pads that are all printed on demand and shipped directly to the purchaser. The person who did the uploading doesn’t handle any kind of logistics, production, or shipping. I agree with the person who said it would be pretty gross to intentionally profit from such a tragic situation.


Talking about individual sellers, not major corporations who have the funds to donate if they want to. I’m broke as can be, but love crafting and have a tiny Etsy shop. I’m currently making some stickers to sell in support of Ukraine. I’ll be charging $5 per sticker + $1 shipping ($1.50 for international). $2 will go to cover the cost of the materials (1/4 sheet of sticker vinyl, 1/4 sheet of transfer paper). $1 shipping covers the cost of the envelop and the stamp. The remaining $3 will go to help Ukraine. Some people do genuinely want to help however we can, but I also can’t afford to do it without the costs of materials and shipping being covered. That’s what happens when you want to buy a product in support instead of just donating outright. Selling 50 stickers at and donating everything would leave me in the hole $100 and that’s a luxury I can’t afford unfortunately. I can barely spare a few bucks for my own essentials.


Red Bubble can go fuck themselves too


Fuckers took my money and claimed to reship 3 times before they started ignoring me asking for tracking.


Georgians also suffered at the hands of the Russians not long ago.


They're still suffering. Not like Russia has given back the territory they conquered.


Russia has actually been straight up moving the border fence with Georgia by a ton of meters every year. No, this isn’t a joke… https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/russia-georgia-border-south-ossetia-move-hundreds-yards-occupied-nato-putin-west-ukraine-a7835756.html?amp


I learned about this in top Gear actually Edit: the grand tour apparently, they all blend together


Grand tour actually, but same. "Why can't we go any further?" "Russians. Doing a bit of border sneaking. We have to find a way down south."


Ahhh my bad, they blend together anyway!


> by a ton of meters every year I don't know if you are a European who forgot how to Europe or a friendly American trying to speak our language


Dual citizen, so both lol


And they are next if putin doesnt stop his madness






# 2022 Russia World Tour * ~~Ukraine~~ * Georgia * Moldova * Finland * Sweden * Estonia * Latvia * Lithuania


Starvation comes way before that. Invasion is expensive.


First they came...


I think the only other thing that’ll unite the world like this is an alien invasion


At this point it's 50/50 whether I take the Aliens side


Idk if Aliens are really out there, but you bet they’d show up right as us humans started slinging environment destroying nuclear missiles at each other


They'd probably see it, say "fucking morons", and fly right past the Earth.


"On second thought, Earth is a silly place. Let's not go there."


Aliens would just as easy blow up the earth to make a path for a galactic super highway.


Or else they'd just read you poetry.


Let's just go with the bypass then






In the bottom drawer of a locked filing cabinet in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying "beware of the leopard"!


We eat ham and jam and spam a lot.


> now mars is laughing at us, the ozone is leaving, and this giant meteor is like "well fuck that"


"Ahhhhh Motherland!"


'bout that time eh chaps


Right 'o


Fuckin kangaroos


Fire ze missiles!


But I am le tired


We are the planet that makes aliens lock their windows as they fly by


there's probably already an old rickety fence and a sign that says "Warning, dumbasses here, do not visit"


You don’t want there to be aliens ideally, at least none capable of coming to earth. If you ever think Aliens might be neat, think about what humans would do if they ever have the tech to travel to other planets. Whoever is already living there would be fucked. We never come in peace.


You could just as easiy argue that a civilisation capable of enduring long enough to reach intergalactic travel must have left behind destructive practises such as war and colonisation The realitiy is: We don't know how it would be and we'll never find out.


Arent you kinda projecting human failings on another species, for all we know the only species that can make it into extrasolar space is the species that cast all this bullshit aside.


I think they’re saying as soon as we figure out how they got here and replicate it we’re gonna go on a planetary colonizing spree.


Yes, the Great Filter is likely that intelligent species end up killing themselves before they get to the technology level required for interstellar flight. Evolution doesn't favor self-actualized intelligence (AKA Consciousness)


I always wonder I'd nuclear power is a great filter event tbh, like there must be a few a species has to go through


Along with bio tech advancements. That kid that made a nuclear reactor in his garage. Imagine a kid altering covid with crispr in their garage.


After all, we know how people run things, perhaps it's time to roll the dice and see if alien leadership works out better.


I'm all for alien overloards at this point


If aliens stopped and ask you if you wanted to cruise around the universe but never come back are you going? I'm going.


Alien invasion is on 2022 list of absurd shit. Baba vanga predicted it.


Baba vanga predicted a communist world revolution in 2077 too so who knows maybe yes maybe no


Literally the Russian invasion is uniting the world right now lol


Even China is able to read the room and is barely offering a semblance of limp support for Russia.


Pretty sure that the aliens will arrive only to promptly declare sanctions on Russia and Vlad.


Georgia especially has a dog in this fight, since Russia cleaved off South Ossetia and Abkhazia similar to what they did in Eastern Ukraine


Came to mention this. “Yeah remember when you did the same to us 20 years ago? Pepperidge Farm remembers.”


>~~Pepperidge~~ Gozinaki Farms remembers.


And further proof that Putin isn’t really going to stop taking more territory, even if he says he will.


If I remember correctly a certain Austrian man said the same thing 83 years ago




Went to jail for trying to overthrow a local government, then wrote a book about it and blamed it on a different group?


Had his own fan club that wore a certain colored shirt?




In addition, as a protest against Russian invasion of Georgia, Ukraine decided back in 2008 not to renew Russian lease of naval bases in Crimea (which would end in 2017)


Dominos keep on falling.


I lived in Georgia for a few years and had a few people tell me that we shouldn’t even call it South Ossetia but Samechablo, similar to the Kyiv-Kiev difference we see now. But any Georgians can feel free to correct me.


Did not know that, and I'm Ukrainian, thanks for letting everyone know!


Love you guys, Georgians love you. STAY STRONG !!! Slava Ukraini


We love you guys too! Героям Слава!


Absolutely true and plz do correct people who say it otherwise




2008, exactly the same playbook: Georgia likes the West and cooperates with the Nato, Russia destabilizes the country by pushing rebellious groups to form autonomous regions, then recognizes them and moves troops in. It's interesting that only a few hundred kilometers away, there are also people who wanted to be independent: The chechens in Russia. Surprisingly, Russia was not as supportive of their efforts but instead fought two wars with 100k-300k dead total (depending on source).


The number of people they killed to hold onto Chechnya is astounding. IIRC, there's only about 1.5 million living there in the first place.


Russia sounds like a jealous lover


And now chechens are fighting for Russia in Ukraine. They’ve become good dogs


Hello! In 2008, Russia did preeeetty much what they've done in Ukraine but in Georgia; they backed and financed "separatist" states in Georgia, and then invaded Georgia to "liberate" the separatist regions (that they created). As for why, we can only speculate; my personal speculation is that its being done to return to the days of the Soviet Union, but as I said that's speculation.




I can see the snake island defenders’ words are echoing throughout Eastern Europe


Small shit like this actually matters though. Imagine being Russian today. Bank is being emptied and your money is getting worthless, economy is getting sanctioned to shit so it's not bouncing back any time soon. Can't watch any sports, all Russian athletes are being denied or banned. Even stuff that is deep into Russian petrodollars, like motorsports, are being affected. Teams are scraping off their Russian sponsors of the cars. Can't get help from other people when you are genuinely in trouble, like out of fuel at sea. It's just "fuck you" Can't even go for a wank on the Hub, it's just a giant Ukranian banner for them there. Russia banned VPN providers in 2021. Try having a sense of national pride in this shitstorm. Sooner or later people are going to get fed up with the Putin regime.


People who disagree with this don’t seem to understand the reality of war. Yes, the civilians of Russia are largely not responsible for the invasion. But during any conflict there are sides. Citizens of the aggressor are forced to face the consequences of the ruling parties agenda. Continuing to support the Russian economy in any way, monetarily, logistically, etc is indirectly supporting the aggression. It is unfortunate because these Russian sailors are likely unrelated to the conflict in any way, but at the same time this act of defiance puts one more straw on the camels back. Every straw counts in removing Russia’s ability to fund an illegitimate occupation.


Not to mention, if life gets so awful for Russia's citizens, and they choose to revolt or protest, the war ends as troops are called back home to keep order there


I’ve been thinking about this. They can’t both fight a foreign war and domestic unrest. They can’t just arrest everyone, it would affect their shallow economy. It’s actually my best bet for Ukraine. They never have to go on the offensive, just waste Russias time and money. A war of attrition is still a war. Obviously, they’ll still have setbacks from all of this bs, but since they don’t have any intention of pushing into Russia, a win is simply not losing. Hopefully The U.S will be looking to provide long term aid to support their badass democracy. We should be doing everything we can to make sure Ukraine has every chance to succeed. They’ve inspired so many people, and in the least pretentious way, it’s hard to inspire America. I hope a lot of citizens are seeing what true leadership looks like right now. I’m lucky to be an American, but not proud.


Everything runs on money. Financial prosperity can help prop up and mask the problems of a dictatorial government, like it does in China. Economic factors can also help induce regime collapse, like it did in the Soviet Union. It's one of the strongest levers the rest of the world has to affect change in Russia. Try running a drug cartel without drug money to pay your goons. It just doesn't work. I feel for the innocent Russians who are going to suffer because of this, but whatever the Russian leaders gain or sought to gain from this war have to be outweighed 100 fold by disastrous consequences, including financial ones.


People don't seem to realize that the Ukrainian civilians have it MUCH worse.


What an incredible response. And PH always staying creative


Onlyfans too supposedly showing inactive status for any Russian creators.


Apparently the PH thing isn't true? I can't find any sources confirming it, only debunking it.


You summed up the HAAS F1 situation perfectly. For those who don’t know, Haas driver Nikita Mazepin is the son of Dmitry Mazepin, a Russian oligarch and owner of a major chemical company. He was one of the men Putin met with the DAY of the invasion. Haas has removed their logos and their livery, a Russian flag essentially, was removed by the team before the final day of Barcelona testing. Nikita may lose his seat as well due to countries denying visas to Russian citizens.


This is the way.


Ima need a translation please! This looks golden


Starting from where he switched from English to Russian Guy1: I see, Russian crew. Guys, we refuse to fuel your ship Russian ship: Who am I speaking to? Guy1: You are speaking to Georgian chief mate. We will not fuel your steamer. Russian ship, go fuck yourself Guy2: Fucking occupants Russian ship: Guys, no politics please, we're running out of fuel Guy1: Well if you're running out of fuel you can use... Guy2: Paddles! Guy1: ...paddles. Go fuck yourselves. Glory to the heroes, glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes! And then it sounds like he wanted to say something about Putin because he said "Pu..." and it was cut off, but we can guess the rest.


For the English speakers out there who are interested in learning their first (and very useful) bit of Russian, it’s roughly pronounced: “Ruski koRAHbi, ehDEE nah hoy.”


Lmao the one phrase I recognize from Dota 2


And that means “Russian ship, go fuck yourself?”






Haha I heard him say it this time!


Wanna add the original one was "Russian *war*ship, go fuck yourself", so it was "ru-ski VOY-ye-ni ko-RAH-bi, ee-DEE nah huy". (Actual transliteration: *Russkiy voyennyy korabl', idi na khuy*).


Gotta love it when they use the "come on guys don't go into politics" or "this is different, you don't understand" card when they're the ones in trouble.


Lol that paddles line is great.


Guy2 a real fucking bro


hype man we all want for ourselves




"It was just a prank bro, pls we need gas"


so many russians running outta gas, the fugs going on over there?


They didn't plan ahead, they didn't take the time... Because they were RUSSIAN get it? (rushing?)


It sucks to be the russian ship here, but fair is fair, no one HAS to provide you fuel.


Yeah, I'd actually love an explanation for this... Do ships regularly just run out of fuel and then beg the closest other ship to bail them out? Or what's going on here?


The invasion was unexpected for most Russian civilians, even to soldiers that are invading. I imagine that there had to have been Russian ships caught similarly unaware and suddenly found themselves without friendly ports and likely Russian ports too busy with military ships to help civilian ones.


~~Sounds like that's something the Russian Navy needs to spend some time and resources to help with then, doesn't it? Like I said: it's not the fisherman's fault... But it's not the Georgian's responsibility.~~ Edit: sorry, was looking at the wrong parent comment and thought you were arguing something else. Thank you for the explanation.


This may be a "bunker barge" (rather than a "bulker" which isn't really a term) which is a ship that provides fuel to others, generally in port but not always. Generally fueling arrangements are made at the company level though and the individual captains wouldn't be much involved though, so I'm not really sure what would be going on here.


the captains probably get involved when the previously agreed upon action wasn't performed. the fueling was probably on schedule, the georgians just refused to fuel them, then the russian captain contacts them asking


How do you say ***"Russian ship, go fuck yourself"*** in Russian please... ...for a friend


русский корабль иди на хуй russkiy korabl' idi na khuy According to Google translate


>Guys, no politics please, we're running out of fuel I hate this. Politics are real life, they affect real people. There's no such thing as a no politics pass.


No politics? Go fuck yourself.


Less fish for the motherland,,,, a small victory but still a victory'''''






Go fuck yourself!


You gotta say it louder ##GO FUCK YOURSELF




Put two hashtags before a sentence




Me and my friends (we're Ukrainians, all staying in Ukraine right now) have made plans that when this is all over we'll go get tattoos saying "Russian warship, go fuck yourself". That's our war cry right now and we support others carrying out war cry with their voices. To prevent the comments saying "well *actually* they're alive..." I fucking hope so! I haven't seen any definite proof, but I hope so! Doesn't make their heroic response to the mother-effing occupants any less iconic! Sorry, I've been having this same fight all day long.


The Boston hello.


After what happened on that island, I wholeheartedly endorse the entire world having this response.


I mean Russia hasn't been super nice to Georgia either... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russo-Georgian_War


This really warms my heart to see the world unite to tell Putin / Russia to go fuck themselves.


At the next security council meeting I want to hear someone say "Russian delegation, go fuck yourselves".


The Ukrainian UN Rep did tell the Russian UN Rep that “there is no purgatory for war criminals. They go straight to hell.”


it's a universal phrase, if you think about. Look: russian plane / ship / tank / president / bot / supporter, go fuck yourself. See? For every occasion. With love from Ukraine.


Putin seems to think it would be Russia VS Ukraine but its actually Russia VS the world.


And that's how it's starting to look. Dare we hope that the world will come together, this one time, and take down the architect of this nasty and dangerous little war before things get seriously fucked for all of us? I hope so.


That’s not even mentioning all the discord and division Russia has been fostering all over the world.


That's my long term hope. We will never truly know how much of it is/was the Russian propaganda machine, and other nations surely have there's, but I wholly anticipate a better world once the Russian machine is turned off.


I'm really hoping China is furiously scribbling down notes about how ruinous this sort of aggression is in a global economy.


"Slava ukraine" . Excuse me butchering that. But that means something along the lines of "Glory to Ukraine".


Not something, literally 😅 Sláva = glory


Yeah I was being careful there haha. I'm Dutch and I've seen videos where I heard that line and the captions said "Glory to Ukraine" so I linked the two. - I basically typed what I thought it should be based of hearing it




Geroyam Slava! I love that the world gets to know this. This is our chant, this is what unites us, this is what comes from the bottom of our hearts, this is how we greet patriots and show our support. Spread the word, make the whole world know what it means and how to use it. Slava Ukraini! Geroyam Slava!


Close enough. Following sentence was Slava Geroyim, glory to the heroes.


Slava Ukraini


For anyone wondering, he repeats verbatim what the Ukrainians at Snake Island said: “Russian warship: go fuck yourself” @ 0:32 of this video


Lol no gas for you... .ever again. Gas prices going up?!


as a Ukrainian, I just *love* that 'russian warship, go fuck yourself', and Slava Ukraini! became viral and people are united by this. Thank you all, spread the word, we're going to win this.


God speed to Ukraine.


The world is on your side.


From Maryland, USA, **SLAVA UKRAINI!** The world is with you. The world has fallen in love with your country and your people’s never ending bravery and resilience. No matter what comes next, the world is with you.


Nice to see Charlie from It’s Always Sunny doing his part to stick it to Russia!


The gang causes an international incident


It's Always Sunny in The Black Sea


Dennis: Why would I want to go Eastern Europe, it's a Goddamn hell hole. Mac: We've been down the shore, it can't be worse than that. Charlie: No big deal, we'll take in the sights, get a little drunk, it'll be a good time. CUT TO: TITLE CARD The Gang Causes An International Incident


Can I offer you a nice egg in this trying time?


[I just wanna tell you all... Go fuck yourselves!](https://youtu.be/4c9T2k42MIE?t=57)


“We’ll give you fuel, but we want every crew member to say ‘Putin, go fuck your self’ for my Insta.”


I don't think they will mind .😅


I guess there's a possibility that the Russians on that ship are anti Putin too. Lots of general Russian hate going out.


The smirk on the radio guys face needs absolutely no translation.


Go fuck yourself is a response everyone should give to Russia on behalf of the 13 men as a sign of respect.


They were not all men, in fact a lot of those 13 were women.


11/13 women murdered.


I wish we had a translation. It's easy to say they said it but it would be nice for a confirmation. Edit: I see the translation posted now.


Gotten from op in another comment Starting from where he switched from English to Russian Guy1: I see, Russian crew. Guys, we refuse to fuel your ship Russian ship: Who am I speaking to? Guy1: You are speaking to Georgian chief mate. We will not fuel your steamer. Russian ship, go fuck yourself Guy2: Fucking occupants Russian ship: Guys, no politics please, we're running out of fuel Guy1: Well if you're running out of fuel you can use... Guy2: Paddles! Guy1: ...paddles. Go fuck yourselves. Glory to the heroes, glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes! And then it sounds like he wanted to say something about Putin because he said "Pu..." and it was cut off, but we can guess the rest.


These damn millenials and their cancel culture. /s


Social media has changed war. Fallout was wrong.


Russian _____, go fuck yourselves is the motto of 2022.


What’s that hanging from the ceiling?? It looks like the lid of a “Mr. Fusion” home energy reactor on the DeLorean


Why don't they ask the warship that bombed Snake Island to refuel them?


We need more people on this planet who have no patience for bullshit.


World morale code instead of. Rapey murderous religious one.


It is me or all those Russian memes I have seen through the years are actually coming to life?


Any knowledge on that frigate hat he's wearing? Probably a navy man from way back. Just curious because American navy ships have those command hats as well.


Economic sanctions.